産地 |
Locality |
Siboga St. 145
保存状態 |
Condtion |
文献 |
Reference |
Ijima, 1927: p. 62, Pl. III, figs. 1, 2
Label Information |
“Siboga-Expeditie. Stat: 145. Geh?rt zu der Zwei H?lften der Spongie von St. 145.” “Prof. I. Ijima, Tokyo. Hyalonema topsenti n.sp. Root…[illegible] belonging to the type specimen. Stat. 145. No use keeping this in alcohol.” “Prof. I. Ijima, Tokyo. 2 St?cke. Hyalonema topsenti Ij. Specimen A. Hierzu geh?rt ein stiel. Siboga Stat. 145”
備考 |
Remarks |
Holotype (Ijima, 1927, p. 62: Pl. III, figs. 1, 2).