島津武1) ・ 荒木潤2)
1)長野県立短期大学 ・ 2)目黒寄生虫館
Kamegai, S. and Araki, J. (2000): Re-examination of Diphyllobothrium latum of Iijima, 1888. Parasitology International, 49 (Suppl.), 41. (Abstract in Japanese.)
Shimazu, T., Araki, J., and Kamegai, S. (1996): Further notes on the platyhelminth parasites reported by Yoshimasa Ozaki, 1923-1966, with a list of helminth parasite specimens deposited in the Department of Zoology, University Museum, University of Tokyo, Tokyo. Journal of Nagano Prefectural College, No. 51, 11-15.