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Catalogue of pennatulacean specimens preserved in the Department of Zoology, the University Museum, the University of Tokyo

Yukimitsu Imahara

Wakayama Laboratory, Biological Institute on Kuroshio (Kuroshio Biological Research Foundation), 300-11 Kire, Wakayama, 640-0351 Japan

Taxonomic List

Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 花虫綱

Subclass Octocorallia 八放サンゴ亜綱

Order Pennatulacea ウミエラ目

Suborder Sessiliflorae ウミサボテン亜目

Family Veretillidae ウミサボテン科

Cavernularia obesa Milne-Edwards et Haime ウミサボテン

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-1; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay off Koajiro, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Date: October, 1898.

Label data: “Cavernularia habereri, Pennatulacea, 小網代, Oct. 1898”.

Lituaria hicksoni Thomson et Simpson シロバナヒメウミサボテン

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-9; one colony.

Locality: Suruga Bay near Numazu city, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Date: 24 May 1905.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki

Label data: “Lituaria hicksoni”; “Loc. near Numazu, Prov. Suruga, Date. 24 May 1905, Coll. Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 119-120.

Family Renillidae ウミシイタケ科

Renilla cf. reniformis (Pallas)

ウミシイタケ属の一種 (和名未定種)

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-5; one colony.

Locality: Atlantic Ocean off Beaufort, North Carolina, U.S.A.

Label data: “RENILLA RENIFORMIS Lam., ウミシイタケ, Pennatulacea, Alcyonaria, Beaufort, N.C., U.S.A.”

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-6; two colonies.

Locality: Atlantic Ocean, off North Carolina, U.S.A.

Label data: “Renilla (North Carolina), presented by Dr. B. Dean, Colombia Univ., U.S.A., Apr. 1903”.

Family Kophobelemnidae コンボウウミサボテン科

Kophobelemnon stelliferum O. F. Muller

コンボウウミサボテン属の一種 (和名未定種)

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-2; two colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay off Oiso town, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Date: 5 August 1895.

Collector: Prof. Isao Ijima.

Label data: “Stat. 30, off Oiso, Sagami Sea, 5/8/95, Ijima coll.”

Remarks: These specimens are now somewhat disintegrated.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-62; three colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, inside Okinose Bank, 300-400 fathoms (i.e., 550-730 m) .

Date: January, 1890.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Kophobelemnon stelliferum O. F. Muller”; “Loc. Inside Okinose by Ena-line, 300-400 faths., Date. Jan 1890. coll. Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 122.

Remarks: “Okinose” in the label is a shallow bank located about 20 km south of the Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture. ”Ena-line” is a fishermen’s expression used to pinpoint a fishing ground. It is a line extending from Fujiyama Mountain (a rather low but certain landmark located south of Yokosuka city, Kanagawa Prefecture, and the older name of Togeyama Mountain) in the direction of Ena, a place in the south eastern part of Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-63; three colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Honba, 350-400 fathoms (i.e., 640-730 m).

Date: 7 December 1894.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Name. Kophobelemnon ferrugineum, Loc. Honba, southwest of Province Awa, 350-400 fms., Date. 7 Dec. 1894. Coll. Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 122.

Remarks: “Honba” is a fishing ground located between Suno-saki Cape, Chiba Prefecture, and Izu-oshima Island.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-64; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Yodomi

Date: 7 August 1897.

Collectors: Mikinosuke Miyashima and Toyozo Tsuchida.

Label data: “Kophobelemnon ferrugineum K. Loc. Yahagi-line by Mera 1., Date. 7 Aug. 1897, Coll. Myashima, Tsuchida”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 122.

Remarks: “Yodomi” is a fishing ground located about 10 km southwest of the Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture, at the ntersection point of the “Yahagi-line” and “Mera 1”. “Yahagi-line” in the label is a fishermen’s expression used to pinpoint a fishing ground. It is a line from Fujiyama Mountain (see the Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-62) in the direction of Yahagi, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture. “Mera 1” is a similar line extending from Mera, Tateyama city, Chiba Prefecture, in the direction of Oiso town, Kanagawa Prefecture, with “1” meaning “the first”. Thomson & Rennet (1927) mistook “Mera 1” for Mera Island in their article.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-65; two fragments probably belong to one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Yodomi (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-64), 400 fathoms (i.e., ca. 730 m).

Date: 12 December 1898.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Kophobelemnon stelliferum”; “Loc. Yodomi 400 faths., 12 Dec. 98, Coll. Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 122.

Sclerobelemnon burgeri (Herklots) アイオイウミサボテン

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-7; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Yodomi (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-64).

Date: 10 August 1895.

Collector: Prof. Ijima.

Label data: “Loc. Ena-line by Mera 2, Date. 10 Aug. 95, Coll. Prof. Ijima”; “Pennatula fimbriata Herk var sulcata”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 122-123.

Remarks: “Mera 2” is a fishermen’s expression used to pinpoint a fishing ground neighboring “Mera 1” (see the Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-64). The second label may have been placed together with this specimen by mistake.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-8; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Doketsuba.

Date: 11 November 1898.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Nam. Kophobelemnon sp, Loc. Doketsuba, west of Hojo, Prov. Awa, Date. 11 Nov. 1898, Coll. Aoki”; “Sclerobelemnon burgeri”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 122-123.

Remarks: “Doketsuba” is a fishing ground located about 7 km northwest of Suno-saki Cape, Chiba Prefecture.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-10; Number of specimens: one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay off Hojo, Tateyama city, Chiba Prefecture.

Label data: “Nam. Sclerobelemnon sp., Loc. off Hojo”; “Sclerobelemnon burgeri”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 122-123.

Remarks: This is probably the specimen that was reported from “Off Hojo, Province Awa” by Thomson & Rennet (1927).

Family Funiculinidae ムチウミサボテン科

Funiculina quadrangularis (Pallas) ムチウミサボテン

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-15; two fragments probably belonging to one colony.

Label data: “Funiculina quadrangularis”.

Remarks: Dry specimens. No label with collection data was found, although Thomson & Rennet (1927) reported one fragment of this species from Nakano-Yodomi (about 10 km west from Miura Peninsula), 70-100 fathoms, (i.e., ca. 130-180 m) collected on 2 April 1898. The present specimen or UMUTZ-Cnid-P-20 (q.v.) might be their reported specimen.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-17; 10 fragments probably belonging to one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay about 3 km west of the Misaki Marine Biological Laboratory, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Date: 6 April 1899.

Collector: Alan Owston.

Label data: “Nam. Funiculina quadrangularis (Pallas), Loc. about two miles west of Misaki Marine Laboratory, Date. 6 Apr. 1899, Coll. A. Owston, (O. C. 5668)”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 125.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-20; one fragment.

Label data: “Funiculina quadrangularis (Pallas)”.

Remarks: The label with the collection data has disintegrated, although Thomson & Rennet (1927) reported one fragment of this species from Nakano-Yodomi, 70-100 fathoms (i.e., ca. 130-180 m), collected on 2 April 1898. The present specimen or UMUTZ-Cnid-A-15 (q.v.) might be their reported specimen.

Family Stachyptilidae ツクシウミサボテン科

Stachyptilum superbum Studer ツクシウミサボテン

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-4; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Misaki, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture, 200 fathoms (i.e., ca. 360 m).

Date: May, 1895.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Loc. Misaki, 200 faths, Date. May, 95, Coll. Aoki”.

Remarks: This specimen had been kept in the same jar as specimen UMUTZ-Cnid-P-53.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-21; three colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay.

Date: June, 1898.

Collector: Alan Owston.

Label data: “Stachyptilum superbum Studer, Loc. Sagami Bay, Date. June 1898, Coll. Owston (O. C. 5449)”; “Loc. Okinose, 200 faths., Date. Oct. 1898, Coll. Owston”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 125-126.

Remarks: The collection data in the first label agree well with the cited reference. The second label may have been placed together with these specimens by mistake.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-24; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, west southwest of the Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture, 80-140 fathoms (i.e., ca. 150-260 m).

Date: 19 August 1893.

Collectors: Prof. Kakichi Mitsukuri and Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Name. Stachyptilum superbum, Loc. Kozuka-line, 80-140 faths. Date 19 Aug. 1893, Coll. Prof. Mitsukuri and Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 125-126.

Remarks: “Kozuka-line” is a fishermen’s expressions used to pinpoint a fishing ground. It is a line from Fujiyama Mountain (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-62) in the direction of the shore slightly south of Arazaki Cape, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture. This specimen is now somewhat disintegrated.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-33; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Doketsuba (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-8).

Date: 12 August 1895.

Collector: Prof. Isao Ijima.

Label data: “Stachyptilum superbum”; “Loc. Doketsuba, Date 12 Aug. 95, Coll. Prof. Ijima”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 125-126.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-53; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay off Misaki, 200 fathoms (i.e., ca. 360 m).

Date: May, 1895.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Loc. Misaki, 200 faths, Date. May, 95, Coll. Aoki”; “Scytarium martensii”.

Remarks: The second label seems to have been placed in this bottle by mistake.

Family Chunellidae フタゴウミサボテン科

Chunella indica (Thomson & Henderson) フタゴウミサボテン

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-3; two colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Nakano-yodomi, 70-100 fathoms (i.e., ca. 130-180 m) according to the reference.

Date: 2 April 1898.

Label data: “Calibelemnon indicum Thomson & Henderson”; “Loc. Nakano Yodomi, ○○○○ [illegible], Date. Apr. 1898”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 126.

Remarks: “Nakano-yodomi” is a fishing ground located about 10 km west of the Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture. The depth at the locality was taken from the cited reference, although the label data themselves are very difficult to read.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-23; three colonies.

Label data: None.

Family Umbellulidae フサウミサボテン科

Umbellula sp. フサウミサボテン属の一種

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-54; one colony.

Locality: Bering Sea, Cape Monati, 64 fathoms (i.e., 120 m).

Date: 14 June 1906.

Collector: United States Fisheries Steamer Albatross.

Label data: “Station 4790, Date June 14, Depth 64, Steamer Albatross”.

Remarks: This specimen is now considerably disintegrated, and it has not been reported previously in the literature.

Suborder Subselliflorae

Family Halipteridae オオヤナギウミエラ科

Halipteris willemoesi (Kolliker)

オオヤナギウミエラ属の一種 (和名未定種)

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-12; three fragments.

Label data: “Balticina willemoesi”.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-13; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Numa, 330 fathoms (i.e., ca. 600 m).

Date: 22 August 1903.

Collector: Prof. Mitsukuri and Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Balticina willemoesi (young form)”; “ Loc. Numa, westward of Prov. Awa, 330 faths., 22 Aug. 1903, Coll. Prof. Mitsukuri and Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 131.

Remarks: “Numa” is a fishing ground located about 10 km west of Daibo-zaki Cape, Chiba Prefecture.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-18; many fragments probably belonging to one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Merase, 400 fathoms (i.e., ca. 730 m).

Date: 7 April 1896.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Balticina willemoesi”; “Loc. Merase, south of Prov. Awa, ca. 400 faths. Date. 7 April ‘96, Coll. Aoki”; “Scytalium tentaculatum”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 129-131.

Remarks: “Merase” is a fishing ground located about 8 km southwest of Mera, Tateyama city, Chiba Prefecture. These specimens had been stored in formalin.

Family Virgulariidae ヤナギウミエラ科

Scytalium martensi Kolliker ホソウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-11; two colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Doketsuba (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-8).

Date: 11 November 1898.

Label data: “Name. Scytalium sp., Loc. Doketsuba, west of Prov. Awa, Date 11 Nov. 1898”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 136.

Remarks: This is probably a young colony of Scytalium martensi.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-19; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Misaki Harbor, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture, 200 fathoms (i.e., ca. 360 m).

Date: May, 1895.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Scytalium splendens”; “Loc. Vicinity of Misaki Harbor, 200 faths., Date. May 1895, Coll. Aoki”; “Funiculina quadrangularis”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 136.

Remarks: This specimen is a very young colony. Scytalium splendens may be a synonym of this species. The last label might have been placed in this bottle by mistake.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-31; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay.

Date: June, 1898.

Collector: Alan Owston

Label data: “Scytalium splendens”; “Name. Scytalium sp., Loc. Sagami Bay, Date. June 1898, Coll. A. Owston, (O. C. 5439)”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 137.

Virgularia halisceptrum (Broch) マダラヤナギウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-36; two colonies.

Locality: probably Okinawa Islands.

Label data: “Haliceptrum gustaviana var. magnifolia Kolliker”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 126-127.

Remarks: The putative locality is taken from the cited reference.

Virgularia juncea (Pallas) マヒルノヤナギウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-34; several fragments.

Locality: Iriomote-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture.

Collector: probably Hisatomo Nakagawa

Label data: “Loc: Toriomoteshima, ○○○ [illegible], Coll: Nakagawa”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 127; Imahara , 2006: 9-13.

Remarks: Dry specimens. “Toriomoteshima” on the label appears to be an error for “Iriomote-jima” Island. The first name of the collector was inferred based on a list of students of the University in those days (Isono, 1988).

Virgularia rubra Hickson

ヤナギウミエラ属の一種 (和名未定種)

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-35; four fragments and six colonies.

Locality: Okinawa Prefecture.

Label data: “Virgularia rubra”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 128.

Remarks: The locality was taken from the cited reference.

Virgularia sp. 1 ヤナギウミエラ属の一種

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-16; 28 colonies.

Date: 7 July 1914.

Label data: “50 % formalin, July 7 1914”.

Remarks: The slightly reddish color of these specimens resembles that of V. rubra Hickson. The number of autozooids is 12 per polyp leaf, however, while the number in V. rubra is 6-8; furthermore, the present specimens have a siphonozooid in the proximal part of each autozooid.

Virgularia sp. 2 ヤナギウミエラ属の一種

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-22; 17 colonies.

Date: 4 July 1919.

Label data: “Acetic sublimate July 4, 1919”.

Remarks: The number of autozooids is 12 in a large polyp leaf. No siphonozooids could be seen. The specimens had been stored in formalin.

Virgularia sp. 3 ヤナギウミエラ属の一種

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-38; part of one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay off Jogashima Island, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture, 30 fathoms (i.e., 55 m).

Date: 2 May 1925.

Label data: “VIRGULARIA sp. Pennatulacea Alcyonaria, Misaki, Jogashima 30 hiro, 2 / V ‘25”.

Remarks: Very large colony probably over 50 cm in total length.

Family Pennatulidae ウミエラ科

Leioptilus fimbriata (Herklots) フトウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-39; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Okinose Bank (see 7p), 150 fathoms (i.e., ca. 270 m).

Date: 25 November 1897.

Collector: Alan Owston.

Label data: “Pennatula fimbriata Herk. var. sulcata”; “Name. Pennatula acuta Miyashima, Loc. Okinose 150 fms, Date, 25 Nov., 1897, Coll. A. Owston”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 131-132.

Remarks: This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-42; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay about 24 km off Niijima Island.

Date: 10 August 1893.

Collector: Ohnoura-maru.

Label data: “Name. Pennatula sulcata, Loc. About 24 kilometer off Niijima, South of ○○○ [illegible], Idu, Date. 10 Aug. 1893, Coll by Onoura maru”; “No. 144, 新島沖二十町、二十六年八月十日、大の浦丸”.

References: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 131-132.

Remarks: This specimen had been stored in formalin.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-56; one colony.

Locality: (Tokyo Market).

Label data: “Pennatula sulcata”; “Loc. Tokyo Market”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 131-132.

Remarks: This specimen had once dried out.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-57; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Kishino-yodomi, 100 fathoms (i.e., ca. 180 m).

Date: 8 August 1905.

Collector: Probably Prof. Ijima and Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Loc. Kishino Yodomi, Sagami Bay, Date. 8 Aug. 1905, Coll. P. ○○○ [illegible] and Aoki”.

Remarks: “Kishino-yodomi” is probably located southwest of the Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture, near Yodomi (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-64). This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-42.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-58; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Doketsuba (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-8).

Date: August, 1895.

Collector: Prof. Isao Ijima.

Label data: “Loc. Doketsuba, Date 8 / 95, Coll. Prof. Ijima”; “Pennatula sulcata”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 131-132.

Remarks: This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-59; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Doketsuba (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-8).

Date: 14 [month illegible] 1896.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Name. variety of Pennatula sulcata, Loc. Doketsuba, Date 14 ○ [illegible] ‘96, Coll. Aoki”.

Remarks: This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-60; two colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Misaki, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Date: August, 1892.

Label data: “Name. Pennatula fimbriata Herkl., Loc. Vicinity of Misaki Harbor, Date, August 1892”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 131-132.

Remarks: This specimen had been kept in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-66; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Gokeba, 150-200 fathoms (i.e., 170-370 m).

Date: 18 June 1902.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Pennatula sulcata Koll., Loc. Onigase, Gokeba, south west of Province Awa, 150-200 faths., Date 18 June 1902, Coll. Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 131-132.

Remarks: “Onigase” is located about 3 km southwest of Mera, Tateyama city, Kanagawa Prefecture; the depth there is shallower than 60 m. “Gokeba” is located about 15 km southwest of Mera, and the depth there is greater than 100 m. This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-69; two colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Yodomi (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-64).

Date: 10 August 1895.

Collector: Prof. Isao Ijima.

Label data: “Name. Penn. acuta Myashima, Loc. Ena-line by Mera 2, 10 Aug. 1895, Coll. Prof. Ijima”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1921: 131-132

Remarks: “Ena-line” and “Mera 2” are fishermen’s expressions used to pinpoint fishing grounds (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-62 and UMUTZ-Cnid-P-64, respectively). Thomson & Rennet (1921) reported a specimen collected from the same locality in the same month, although the collecting date was the 8th. The present specimens had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

Leioptilus cf. fimbriata (Herklots) フトウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43; one colony.

Locality: Tokyo Bay, Uraga Channel, 31 fathoms (i.e., 57 m).

Date: June, 1899.

Collector: Alan Owston.

Label data: “Name. Pennatula sulcata, Koll. Loc. Uraga Channel 31 fath, Date. June 1899, Coll. Owston (O/C. 5428)”.

Remarks: The number of teeth on the calyx is two in many cases. In this respect, this colony resembles Ptilosarcus brevicaulis Nutting, which was considered to be a synonym of Leioptilus fimbriata by Deichmann (1941). The specimen had once dried out.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-46; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Yodomi (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-64).

Date: 5 June 1900.

Label data: “Pennatula sulcata, 淀 June 5 ‘00”.

Remarks: The number of teeth on the calyx is two in many cases, as in UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-61; three colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Misaki, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Date: May, 1895.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Name. Pennatula sulcata K., Loc. Vicinity of Misaki, Date, May 1895, Coll. Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 131-132.

Remarks: The number of teeth on the calyx is two in many cases, as in UMUTZ-Cnid-P- 43. This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-67; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay about 3 km west of the Misaki Marine Biological Laboratory, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture, 60 fathoms (i.e., ca. 110 m).

Date: 2 April 1899.

Label data: “Name. Pennatula sulcata K., Loc. About two miles west of Misaki Marine Laboratory, 60 fms., 2 Apr. 1899”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 131-132.

Remarks: The number of teeth on the calyx is two in many cases, as in UMUTZ-Cnid-P- 43. This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-68; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Okinose Bank (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-62), 200 fathoms (i.e., 360 m).

Date: October, 1898.

Collector: Alan Owston.

Label data: “Name. Pennatula acuta Miyashima., Loc. Okinose, 200 faths., Date. Oct. 1898, Coll. Owston (O. C. 5442)”.

Remarks: This specimen seemed to have been identified by Mikinosuke Miyashima. The number of teeth in the calyx is two in many cases, as in UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43. This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-43.

Pennatula aculeata Danielssen

ウミエラ属の一種 (和名未定種)

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-41; two colonies.

Locality: off Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, U.S.A, 200-300 fathoms (i.e., ca. 360-550 m).

Label data: “PENNATULA ACULEATA K&D, Pennatulacea, Alcyonaria, Off Martha’s Vineyard, Mass, 200-300 fms”.

Remarks: This specimen had been stored in formalin.

Pennatula murrayi Kolliker ムレイウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-26; two colonies.

Locality: Miyagi Prefecture, Namakusa-jima Island in Ishinomaki Bay.

Date: 26 July 1899.

Collector: Probably Akira Iizuka.

Label data: “Pennatula murrayi, Namakusa Shima, Prov. Rikuzen, 26 July 1899, Coll. Prof. Inuzauka.”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 133-134.

Remarks: The locality and collector’s name were taken from the cited reference, although the label data themselves are very difficult to read.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-27; 11 colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Okinose Bank (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-62), 250 fathoms (i.e., ca. 460 m).

Date: 2 April, 1894.

Label data: “Pennatula murrayi”; “Loc. Okinose, 250 faths., Date. 2 Apr. 1894, Coll. ○○○ [illegible]”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 133-134.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-29; six colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay south of Jogashima, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture, 97 fathoms (i.e., ca. 180 m).

Date: 4 April 1894.

Label data: “South of Jogashima, Misaki, 97 faths., Date. April 94, Coll. ○○○○ [illegible]”.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-30; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Nakano-yodomi (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-3), 70-100 fathoms (i.e., ca. 130-180 m).

Date: 3 April 1899.

Collector: Golden Hind Expedition (Alan Owston).

Label data: “Pennatula murrayi”, “Loc. Nakano-yodomi, west of Misaki Marine Laboratory, 70-100 faths, Date. 3 Apr., 1899, Coll. “Golden Hind”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 133-134.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-37; eight colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Misaki Harbor, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Date: Autumn, 1904.

Collector: Toyozo Tsuchida.

Label data: “Pennatula murrayi, Vicinity of Misaki Harbor, Coll. Tsuchida by Teguri-ami, a kind of trawl, Date. Autumn 1904”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 133-134.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-40; three colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Nakano-yodomi (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-3), 70-100 fathoms (i.e., ca.130-180 m).

Date: 3 April 1899.

Collector: Golden Hind Expedition (Alan Owston).

Label data: “Name. Pennatula murrayi, Loc. Nakano-yodomi, west of Misaki Marine Laboratory, 70 ? 100 faths. Date. 3 Apr., 1899, Coll. Golden Hind.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 133-134.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-45; four fragments belonging to two colonies.

Locality①: Sagami Bay about 3 km west of the Misaki Marine Biological Laboratory, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture, 60 fathoms (i.e., ca. 110 m).

Locality②: Sagami Bay about 5 km west of the Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa Prefecture, 80-130 fathoms (i.e., ca. 150-240 m).

Date①: 2 April 1899.

Date②: 9 August 1895.

Collector①: Alan Owston.

Collector②: Prof. Kakichi Mitsukuri and Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Name. Pennatula murrayi, Loc. about 2 miles west of Misaki Marine Laboratory, 60 faths., Date 2 Apr. 1899, Coll. Owston (O. C. 5452)”, “Loc: Kozuka-line, 80-130 faths., Date 9 Aug. 1895, Coll. Prof. Mitsukuri and Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 133-134.

Remarks: There are two labels in the jar, presenting the above-mentioned, quite different information. “Kozuka-line” is a fishermen’s expression used to pinpoint a fishing ground (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-24).

Pennatula naresi Kolliker

ウミエラ属の一種 (和名未定種)

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-14; seven large and several small fragments probably belonging to two colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay off Odaiba, Tokyo.

Date: 11 May 1899.

Collector: Alan Owston.

Label data: “Pennatula naresi”; “Name. Pennatula naresi Koll., Loc. Odaiba Sagami Bay, Date. 11 May 1899, Coll. A. Owston (O. C. 5498)”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 133-134.

Remarks: These specimens had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-28.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-28; several fragments probably belonging to one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Habu Harbor, Izu-oshima, Tokyo.

Date: 18 August 1895.

Label data: “Name. Pennatula naresi Ko○○○ [illegible], Ha○○ [illegible] Harbor, Oshima ○○ [illegible] Island , Date. 18 Aug. 1895”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 133-134.

Remarks: The locality name is taken from the cited reference, although the label data themselves are very difficult to read. This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-P-14.

Pennatula cf. naresi Kolliker

ウミエラ属の一種 (和名未定種)

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-44; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Yodomi (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-64), 100-200 fathoms (i.e., ca. 180-360 m).

Date: 26 May 1926.

Label data: “Misaki 100-200 fms., Yodomi, 26 May 1926”.

Remarks: This specimen had been stored in formalin and has become almost transparent.

Pennatula phosphorea Linnaeus ヒカリウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-52; two colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Doketsuba (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-P-8).

Date: 8 August 1895.

Collector: Prof. Isao Ijima.

Label data: “Pennatula phosphorea var. longispinosa”; “Loc. Doketsuba, 8/VIII/ 95, Coll. Prof. Ijima”.

Sarcoptilus bollonsi (Benham)

ウミエラ科の一種 (和名未定属)

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-25; two colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Enoshima, Fujisawa city, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Date: August, 1898.

Collector: Probably Alan Owston and Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Name. Sarcoptilus australe K., Loc. Yenoshima, Date. Aug. 1898, Coll. A. Owston”; “Sarcophyllum bollonsi Benh, Loc. ○○○○ [illegible], Date, Aug. 1898, Coll. Aoki”; “Sarcophyllum australe, K.Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 141-142.

Family Pteroeididae トゲウミエラ科

Pteroeides cf. breviradiatum Kolliker トゲウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-50; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Misaki, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Label data: “PTEROEIDES sp., Pennatulacea, Alcyonaria, Misaki”.

Pteroeides bankanense Bleeker フトトゲウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-47; one colony.

Label data: “Pteroeides chinense”.

Reference: probably Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 138

Remarks: The size of this specimen is the same as that of the described specimen reported by Thomson & Rennet (1927) as P. chinense, which is probably a synonym of P. bankanense.

Pteroeides dofleini Balss

トゲウミエラ属の一種 (和名未定種)

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-51; four colonies.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Misaki, Miura city, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Date: May, 1895.

Collector: Kumakichi Aoki.

Label data: “Pteroeides dofleini Bal.”; “Locality. Vicinity of Misaki, North ○○○ [illegible] Miura Peninsula, Date May 1895, Coll. Aoki”; “Name. Pteroeides griseum var. longispinosum K., Loc. Vicinity of Misaki, north end of Miura Peninsula, ○○○ [illegible], Date. May 1895, Coll. Aoki”.

Reference: Thomson & Rennet, 1927: 138-139.

Remarks: The species name on the second label is very doubtful.

Pteroeides sparmanni Kolliker トゲウミエラ

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-48; one colony.

Label data: “Pteroeides sparmanni”.

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-49; one colony.

Locality: Sagami Bay, Honmoku, Yokohama city, Kanagawa Prefecture, 35 fathoms (i.e., 65 m).

Date: May, 1923.

Label data: “横浜本牧 3.5 hiro, 10, 大正12年5月”.

Pteroeides sp. トゲウミエラ属の一種

UMUTZ-Cnid-P-55; one colony.

Locality: Okinawa Prefecture, 28°10’N?126°2’E to 28°20’N?126°11’E, 64 fathoms (i.e., ca. 120 m).

Date: 22 June 1913.

Collector: Naokatsu Yanagi.

Label data: “28°10’N ? 126°2’E to 28°20’N ? 126°11’E, 64 faths., June 22 1913, coll. N. Yanaghi”.

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