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番号 pdf 種別 沖ノ鳥島 南鳥島 地学・地理 気象・海象 島の保全 港湾・利活用 資源 生物・水産 国際法 歴史・人文 一般・その他 著者 出版年 タイトル 誌・ 書籍名 ページ
95 論文 手塚 豊 1963 南鳥島先占前後の一考察 法學研究 36(1) 5-39 +図版4
96 論文 平岡昭利 2003 南鳥島の領有と経営—アホウドリから鳥糞,リン鉱採取へ— 歴史地理学 45(4) 1-14
97 論文 Konishi, M. 1955 Cossoninae of Marcus Island (Col., Curculionidae). Insecta matsumurana 19(1-2) p64
98 論文 Mori, Y. 1980 Spectrum of long-period fluctuations of surface wind at Marcus Island. Monthly Weather Review 108 (9) 1456-1461
99 論文 Mori, Y. 1984 Semidiurnal Tidal Wind Oscillation at Marcus Island Monthly Weather Review 112(4) 755-760
100 論文 Welsch, B. 2007 Was Marcus Island discovered by Bernardo de la Torre in 1543? J. Pacicif History 39(1) 109-122
101 論文 Wu, Chi-Hua; Chou,Ming-Dah; Kau,Wen-Shung 2011 Influence of Marcus convergence zone on western North Pacific summer monsoon Atmospheric Res. 101(4), 863-868
102 論文 Ueda, Y. 1988 Geophysical study of two seamounts near Minami-Tori sima (Marcus) Island, western Pacific. J.Geomagnet. Goeelectr 40(12),1481-1501
103 論文 Mori, Y. 1990 Evidence of inertial oscillations of the surface wind at Marcus Island. J. Goophys. Res, 95(D8), 11777-11783
104 論文 Konishi, K.; Tanaka, T.; Omura, A. 1985 Radiocarbon ages of "exposed reef" at Minamitori-shima (Marcus Island), central Pacific, Proc. Japan Academy 61 Ser. B, 284-287
105 論文 岡本 誠 2019 南鳥島北東方海域から得られたヤセムツ科魚類 Epigonus fragilis イブシギンヤセムツ(新称) 魚類学雑誌 66(1), 79-86
106 論文 Tsuda, R.T. 1968 Some marine benthic algae from Marcus Island, Bonin Islands. Micronesica 4(2), 207-212
107 論文 Novikov, G. V.; Bogdanova, O. Yu.; Melnikov, M. E.; Drozdova, A. N.; Lobus, N. V.; Shulga, N. A. 2017 Metal Cation Exchange Reactions of Ore Minerals in Fe-Mn Crusts of the Marcus Wake Rise (Pacific Ocean) in Aqueous-Salt Solutions Doklady Earth Sci. 477(2), 1414-1418
108 論文 Aftabuzzaman, Md.; Yomogida, Kazuki; Suzuki, Shota; Takayanagi, Hideko; Ishigaki, Akimasa; Machida, Shiki; Asahara, Yoshihiro; Yamamoto, Koshi; Hirano, Naoto; Sano, Shin-Ichi; Chiyonobu, Shun; Bassi, Davide; Iryu, Yasufumi 2021 Multi-approach characterization of shallow-water carbonates off Minamitorishima and their depositional settings/history Island Arc 30(1),e12400
109 論文 Hirano, Naoto; Machida, Shiki; Sumino, Hirochika; Shimizu, Kenji; Tamura, Akihiro; Morishita, Taisei; Iwano, Hideki; Sakata, Shuhei; Ishii, Teruaki; Arai, Shoji; Yoneda, Shigekazu; Danhara, Tohru; Hirata, Takafumi 2019 Petit-spot volcanoes on the oldest portion of the Pacific plate Deep-Sea Res. 154103142
110 論文 Yamamoto, J.; Kawano, T.; Takahata, N.; Sano, Y. 2018 Noble gas and carbon isotopic compositions of petit-spot lavas from southeast of Marcus Island Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 497, 139-148
111 論文 Hashimoto, Y; Konosu, S; Shibota, M; Watanabe, K. 1970 Toxicity of a turban-shell in the Pacific. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 36(11),1163-1171
112 論文 Yamazaki, Tetsuo; Nakatani, Naoki; Arai, Rei; Sekimoto, Tsunehiro; Katayama, Hiroyuki 2021 Combined mining and pulp-lifting of ferromanganese nodules and rare-earth element-rich mud around Minamitorishima Island in the western north Pacific: a prefeasibility study Minerals 11(3), 310
113 論文 Yamazaki, T; Kuboki, E; Matsui, T 2001 DIETS: A new benthic impact experiment on a seamount. Proceedings of the Fourth (2001) Ocean Mining Symposium 69-76, ISOPE-M-01-012
114 論文 Tanaka, Erika; Nakamura, Kentaro; Yasukawa, Kazutaka; Mimura, Kazuhide; Fujinaga, Koichiro; Ohta, Junichiro; Iijima, Koichi; Nozaki, Tatsuo; Machida, Shiki; Kato, Yasuhiro 2020 Chemostratigraphic correlations of deep-sea sediments in the western north Pacific Ocean: a new constraint on the distribution of mud highly enriched in rare-earth elements. Minerals 10(6), 575
