Hideaki Ohba, Shinobu Akiyama and Gerard Thijsse
Miquel wrote the collector of the holotype “Siebold”. But the only specimen with the handwritten “Trichosanthes? multiloba” by Miquel was collected by Buerger. We regarded this as the holotype.
All of the authentic specimens were identified as “L. epilobioides Maxim.” by Raven in 1961.
Most of the authentic specimens have large leaflets with grayish white lower surface and fewer spines. These are thought to be collected from populations around Nagasaki.
Hara (Enum. Sperm. Jap. 3: 296, 1954) treated a part of Angelica sieboldii Miq. as Angelia japonica A. Gray.
Pipenov identified this as Angelica miqueliana Maxim, in 1997.
Though the specimen, Keiske no. 35 [902. 337-494] (L 0171008), has no label indicating the locality, we regard this as one of the syntypes and select here lectotype.