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Name  of  objects. No. of Specim. Localities. 確認
744 Ai (arrow plastered with poison). アイ(毒矢) 1 Sapporoken.
293 Aino arrows. 3 Hokkaido.
287 Aino basket. 1 Hokkaido.
288 Aino basket. 1 Hokkaido.
290 Aino charcoal basket. 1 Hokkaido.
296 Aino dish. 1 Hokkaido.
295 Aino ladle. 1 Hokkaido.
291 Aino lunch basket. 1 Hokkaido.
292 Aino pouch for poison.. 1 Hokkaido.
294 Aino tobacco case and pipe. 2 Hokkaido.
289 Aino water basket. 1 Hokkaido.
711 Akatori (a vessel for bailing a boat). 淦取 1 Nemuroken.
264 Akatsu ware (100 years before 12th year of Meiji). 1 Owari. 1
423 Ancient Indian pottery. 1 America.
346 Ancient knife. 1 Pennsylvania. 1 A263
449 Ancient potteries (from S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 8 Pennsylvania. 8 A255
450 Ancient potteries (from S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 6 Arizona. 5 A283
452 Ancient potteries (from S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 12 Pennsylvania. 12 A253
462 Ancient potteries of the Delaware Indians (from C. A. Barber). 12 New Jersey, U.S. 12 A294
463 Ancient pottery of the Delaware Indians (from C. A. Barber). 1 Lancaster Co., Penn. 1 A276
464 Ancient Pueblo potteries (from C. A. Barber). 16 New Mexico. 19 A251
485 Ancient tile (from I. Hattori). 1 Kawachi. 1  
192 Ancient tile. (鎌倉北条邸古瓦) 1 Sagami. 1  
286 Ancient tile. (古瓦) 1 1  
191 Ancient tile. (御室古瓦) 1 Kioto.
195 Ancient tile. (八坂塔古瓦) 1 Japan. 1  
655 Antler of deer (worked). 7 Soka, Musashi. 4   A149
172 Antlers of deer (worked). 3 Okadaira, Hitachi 2 BQ04-311, 315
157 Antlers of deer, showing marks of cutting. 7 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 7 BD04-1022, 1025,
1071, 1072, 1080~
160 Antlers of deer. 9 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 6 BD04-1123~1128
169 Antlers of deer. 7 Okadaira, Hitachi 5 BQ04-313, 314, 328,
333, 334
580 Arca granosa. 4 Shinzaka, Uyeno, Tokio.
598 Arca granosa. 3 Soka, Musashi.
603 Arca granosa. 5 Musashi. (武蔵小豆澤)
618 Arca granosa. 2 Shimousa. (下総小作村)
636 Arca granosa. 5 Mukogaoka, Tokio.
580 Arca subcrenata. 1 Shinzaka, Uyeno, Tokio.
613 Arca subcrenata. 1 Shimousa. (下総小作村)
627 Arca subcrenata. 2 Shimousa. (下総曽谷)
630 Arca subcrenata. 1 Shimousa. (下総曽谷)
668 Arca. 3 Nishigaharamura, Tokio.
670 Arca. 1 Mukogaoka, Tokio.
355 Arrow heads (collected by S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 17 Pennsylvania. 59 A188, A191, A215, A248, A535
358 Arrow heads (collected by S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 11 Pennsylvania. 9 A209
368 Arrow heads (collected by S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 10 Maryland, U.S. 21 A201, A216
369 Arrow heads (collected by S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 10 Florida. 28 A211, A292, A293
458 Arrow heads (from C. A. Barber). 17 New Jersey, U.S. 17 A254
297 Arrow heads (obscidian). 32 Otaru. 1  
386 Arrow heads of jasper and quartz (orig. No. 14606, 14609, 14617, 16134, 16288, 16291, 16292) from Peabody Museum. 14 Trenton, New Jersey. 13 A246
248 Arrow heads. 4 Japan.
334 Arrow heads. 4 United States.
371 Arrow heads. 10 U.S.A. 30 A245, A299, A300
376 Arrow points, knives, spear points (orig. No. 15740, 15741, 15754, 15759) from Peabody Museum. 10 Lansville, Indiana. 9 A8, A196
455 Artificial stone ball (from C. A. Barber). 1 Montgomery Co., Pa. 1 A13
257 Awata ware (200 years before 12th year of Meiji). 1 Kioto. 1
336 Axe of greenstone. 1 Chester Co., Pa U.S.
350 Axe. 1 Vicinity of Columbia, Pa. 1 A259
505 Axes (from K. Kato). 3 Sakaomura, Chiba Co., Chiba.
328 Axes and gouges. 14 Scandinavia. 11 A7, A128
624 Axes. 3 Shimousa. (下総曽谷) 2  
516 Base of jar (from K. Kato). 1 Kamisakaomura, Chiba Co., Chiba.
517 Base of vessel with support (from K. Kato). 3 Kamisakaomura, Chiba Co., Chiba. 1  
117 Bases (1300 years before 12th year of Meiji). 2 Miwa, Shiki-no-kami Co., Yamato 1 AYM14-1
527 Bases (from K. Kato). 2 Kamisakaomura, Chiba Co., Chiba. 1  
528 Bases (from K. Kato). 4 Kamisakaomura, Chiba Co., Chiba.
529 Bases (from K. Kato). 2 Kamisakaomura, Chiba Co., Chiba. 1  
675 Bases (smooth). 2 Mukogaoka, Tokio. 2  
44 Bases of jars. 2 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 1 BD04-266
590 Bases of potteries. 8 Soka, Musashi. 2 他1
50 Bases of vessel. 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi.
538 Bases of vessels. 4 Hachikanseki, Higo.
477 Bases with glaring wall. 3 Italy. 3   A120
111 Bases with mat impression. 2 Okadaira, Hitachi 1 BQ04-12
547 Bases with mat impression. 1 Okadaira, Hitachi.
665 Bases with mat impressions. 2 Nishigaharamura, Tokio.
476 Bases. 4 Italy. 4   A118
600 Bases. 3 Musashi. (武蔵小豆澤) 1   A146
664 Bases. 2 Nishigaharamura, Tokio. 2 他1
418 Bead (Bone of deer). 1 Mound in West Verginia. 1 A223
733 Beads of necklace. 襟飾ノ玉 1 Nemuroken.
401 Bone implement (orig. No. 5525). 1 St. Aubin, Switzeland. 1 A548
402 Bone implements (orig. No. 5540). 2 Black Hammock, California. 1 A268
524 Bone of animal (from K. Kato). 1 Kamisakaomura, Chiba Co., Chiba. 1   イルカ上腕骨。
164 Bones (Plastron of turtle). 5 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 5 BD04-1142~1146
403 Bones of alligator (orig. No. 12641). 2 Black Hammock, California. 1 A228
181 Bones of birds. 4 Okadaira, Hitachi
645 Bones of deer. 3 Soka, Musashi. 3 他1 A2217
166 bones of various birds. 8 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 8 BD04-1047~1054
165 Bones of whale. 4 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 3 BD04-1044~1046
38 Bottom of cooking pot with broken edges ground smooth for use again. 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 1 BD04-50
75 Bottoms and nozzels. 11 Botanical Garden, Tokio. 2 RS14-12, 13
6 Bottoms of ornamental vessels painted with sulphide of mercury. 2 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi.
19 Bottoms of vessels with matting impressions. 4 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 2 BD04-48, 49
7 Bottoms of vessels. 3 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 1 BD04-256
80 Bottoms of vessels. 6 Oji, Kita-Toshima Co., Musashi. 1 BB14-39
87 Bottoms of vessels. 9 Otaru Co., Shiribeshi. 5 ZL14-15~19
114 Bottoms of vessels. 4
526 Bottoms with carbonized remains of food (from K. Kato). 4 Kamisakaomura, Chiba Co., Chiba.
129 Bowl (Kubote). 1 Japan.
12 Bowl. 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi.
