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Name  of  objects. No. of Specim. Localities. 確認
112 Cup. 7 5 Kabutoyama
113 Fragments of vessels. 5 1 Kabutoyama
114 Bottoms of vessels. 4
115 Painted potteries and nozzels. 1
273 Kuwairaku ware (40 years before 12th year of Meiji). 1
274 Worked tile. (硯) 1 1  
275 Worked tile. (硯) 1 1   木製蓋付き。
277 Worked tile. (硯) (緑繞硯) 1 1   木製蓋付き。
279 Worked tile. (古瓦硯志のぶ草) 1 1   木製蓋付き。
280 Worked tile. (銅雀台瓦硯蘇軾題名) 1 1  
281 Worked tile. (金井硯) 1 1   木製蓋付き。
283 Worked tile. (青雀硯) 1
284 Worked tile. (壽蔵硯) 1 1   木製蓋付き。
286 Ancient tile. (古瓦) 1 1  
416 Shell bead (orig. No. 13301) from Peabody Museum. 1 1 A285
490 Picture of old bronze bell. 1
491 Picture of old bronze bell. 1
493 Picture of shell mounds of Omori. 1
494 Picture of shell mounds on the St. John river, Florida. 1
495 Picture of shell mounds at Crouchs Cave, Maine. 1
496 Picture of stone implements (fresh water shell mounds, Florida). 1
497 Picture of worked bones and flattened tibia (fresh water shell mounds, Florida). 1
498 Picture of bone and horn implements and fragments of potteries (New England). 1
499 Photograph of Kabutoyama Cave (Musashi). 2
500 Map of Tokio showing a distribution of shell mounds. 1
501 Photograph of ancient metallic implements (Yamato). 1
502 Photograph of various implements of bronze, stone, and of human models of clay (Gunbagori Musashi). 2
503 Bowls (probably Corean ware) (from C. Sasaki). 2
683 Kogo (Kiseto ware). 1
684 Cha-i-re (Seto ware). 1
685 Chawan (Seiji ware). 1 1
686 Chawan (Takatori ware). 1 1
687 Katakuchi. 1 1
688 Chawan (Shidoro ware). 1 1
689 Chawan (Karatsu ware). 1 1
690 Chawan (Soma ware). 1 1
691 Chawan. 1 1
692 Chawan (Karatsu ware). 1 1
693 Chawan (Kiseto ware). 1 1
694 Chawan (Soma ware). 1
695 Dobin (Satsuma ware). 1 1
696 Chawan (Ninsei). 1
697 Chawan. 1 1
698 Chawan. 1 1
699 Chawan (Seiji ware). 1 1
700 Chawan. 1 1
701 Chawan (Raku ware). 1 1
702 Chawan (Saikio ware). 1 1
703 Chawan. 1 1
704 Chawan (Tokoname ware). 1 1
705 Cha-i-re (Satsuma ware). 1 1
706 Kogo. 1 1
707 Chawan. 1 1
708 Dish (Kashima ware). 1 1
709 Chawan (Raku ware). 1 1
710 Chawan. 1 1
568 Vessel for sake (wine) (from K. Kato). 1 Akasaka, Fuwa Co., Mino.
200 Tiles. (秋田古城瓦) 2 Akita, Ugo. 2  
492 Picture of fragments of potteries. 1 Amazon Riv., Brazil.
423 Ancient Indian pottery. 1 America.
456 Flint flakes (from C. A. Barber). 2 America. 1 A274
457 Flint flakes (from C. A. Barber). 7 America. 1 A12
460 Fragment of pottery. 1 America. 1 A295
311 Flint arrow heads. 12 Antrim, Ireland. 6 A549
444 Fragment of pottery (orig. No. 10993) from Peabody Museum. 1 Arizona. 1 A281
446 Fragments of ancient potteries. 4 Arizona. 4 A282
450 Ancient potteries (from S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 6 Arizona. 5 A283
451 Fragment of pottery. 1 Bainbridge, Pa. 1 A275
402 Bone implements (orig. No. 5540). 2 Black Hammock, California. 1 A268
403 Bones of alligator (orig. No. 12641). 2 Black Hammock, California. 1 A228
429 Plain potteries (orig. No. 12642) from Peabody Museum. 2 Black Hammock, Florida. 2 A237
430 Stamped potteries (orig. No. 12644) from Peabody Museum. 2 Black Hammock, Florida. 2 A238
431 Plain potteries (orig. No. 12645) from Peabody Museum. 2 Black Hammock, Florida. 2 A239
70 Ornamental rims. 19 Botanical Garden, Tokio.
71 Cooking vessel. 1 Botanical Garden, Tokio.
72 Fragments of pots. 28 Botanical Garden, Tokio. 1 RS14-14
73 Ornamental ears of cooking vessels. 33 Botanical Garden, Tokio. 8 RS14-3~10
74 Rims of vessels. 13 Botanical Garden, Tokio. 1 RS14-11
75 Bottoms and nozzels. 11 Botanical Garden, Tokio. 2 RS14-12, 13
179 Stone implements. 5 Botanical Garden, Tokio. 2   RS14-101, 102
399 Cranium (orig. No. 9186). 1 California.
415 Shell ornament (orig. No. 2763) from Peabody Museum. 1 Cave East Tenn. 1 A225
308 Flint flakes (orig. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). 10 Caverns of Les Eygies, France. 7 A537, A540, A542
336 Axe of greenstone. 1 Chester Co., Pa U.S.
190 Tile. (太宰府都府楼缺瓦) 1 Chikuzen.
256 Taketori ware (270 years before 12th year of Meiji). 1 Chikuzen.
285 Worked tile. (都府楼硯) 1 Chikuzen. 1   木製蓋付き。
333 Net sinkers. 2 Cliff-house, San Francisco, Calf. 2 A265
341 Flint flake and arrow point. 2 Cliff-house, San Francisco. 2 A288
330 Flint spear head and chisels (orig. No. 38, 43, 44). 3 Denmark. 2 A22
331 Wedges and chisels (worked and unworked) (orig. No. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 45, 46). 8 Denmark. 2 A545
373 Flint knife (orig. No. 4242) from Peabody Museum. 1 Denmark. 1 A544
681 Vessel with wide mouth.* *No.681-No.710, presented by C. Sasaki of Agricultural College, Komaba. 1 Dolmen, Iga.
682 Vessel with a cover. 1 Dolmen, Iga.
367 Stone arrow heads. 15 East Tenn. 38 A202, A212, A213
408 Shell beads (orig. No. 4743). 30 East Tenn. 15 A224
314 Stone axes. 1 Egypt.
407 Shell beads (orig. No. 9737). 100 Ely mound Lee Co., Virginia.
437 Cord marked potteries (orig. No. 12764) from Peabody Museum. 2 Fernandiana, Florida. 2 A233
438 Stamped pottery (orig. No. 12765) from Peabody Museum. 1 Fernandiana, Florida. 1 A234
