
→ 100 /page → 検索 ソート → 項目クリック(昇順/降順)   1番目   |   前の   |   447 - 471 of 821   |   次へ   |   最後の      
Name  of  objects. No. of Specim. Localities. 確認
447 Fragment of pottery. 1 Penn., U.S. 1 A413
448 Fragment of pottery. 1 Florida. 1 A241
449 Ancient potteries (from S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 8 Pennsylvania. 8 A255
450 Ancient potteries (from S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 6 Arizona. 5 A283
451 Fragment of pottery. 1 Bainbridge, Pa. 1 A275
452 Ancient potteries (from S. S. Haldeman, 1880). 12 Pennsylvania. 12 A253
453 Bronze celts and spear heads (from C. A. Barber). 7 Ireland.
454 Clipped stones (from C. A. Barber). 3 New Jersey, U.S. 2 A272
455 Artificial stone ball (from C. A. Barber). 1 Montgomery Co., Pa. 1 A13
456 Flint flakes (from C. A. Barber). 2 America. 1 A274
457 Flint flakes (from C. A. Barber). 7 America. 1 A12
458 Arrow heads (from C. A. Barber). 17 New Jersey, U.S. 17 A254
459 Fragments of potteries. 2 Watmer's farm near Washington. 2 A252
460 Fragment of pottery. 1 America. 1 A295
461 Prehistoric potteries from ancient ruins (from C. A. Barber). 6 Utah, U.S. 5 A297
462 Ancient potteries of the Delaware Indians (from C. A. Barber). 12 New Jersey, U.S. 12 A294
463 Ancient pottery of the Delaware Indians (from C. A. Barber). 1 Lancaster Co., Penn. 1 A276
464 Ancient Pueblo potteries (from C. A. Barber). 16 New Mexico. 19 A251
465 Propitiatory offerings of the Pueblo Indians (from C. A. Barber). 2 Languna, New Mexico.
466 Minute artificial beads. 8 San Miquel Island, Calif.
467 Shell beads from ancient graves (from C. A. Barber). 4 San Miquel Island, Calif.
468 Handles (loop shaped). 14 Italy. 14 他2 A107, A114, A117
469 Various forms of knobs and handles. 8 Italy. 13 他1 A110, A111
470 Handles. 13 Italy. 8   A113
471 Nozzle. 1 Italy.
