
→ 100 /page → 検索 ソート → 項目クリック(昇順/降順)   1番目   |   前の   |   397 - 421 of 821   |   次へ   |   最後の      
Name  of  objects. No. of Specim. Localities. 確認
397 Knives and spear points. 25 Valley of Potomac. 22 A270
398 Skull of a mound builder (orig. No. 14005) . 1 Stone grave Cumberland, Valley.
399 Cranium (orig. No. 9186). 1 California.
400 Under jaw (orig. No. 9209). 1 Lake dwelling at Concise, Lake New Chatel.
401 Bone implement (orig. No. 5525). 1 St. Aubin, Switzeland. 1 A548
402 Bone implements (orig. No. 5540). 2 Black Hammock, California. 1 A268
403 Bones of alligator (orig. No. 12641). 2 Black Hammock, California. 1 A228
404 Socket for an axe made of deer's horn (orig. No. 5816). 1 Graves, Santa Barbara. 1 A546
405 Piece of a sandal made from leaves of "cat tail rush" (orig. No. 8230). 1 Salt lake, Kentucky. 1 A34
406 Red pigments. 3 Graves Santa Island, Calif.
407 Shell beads (orig. No. 9737). 100 Ely mound Lee Co., Virginia.
408 Shell beads (orig. No. 4743). 30 East Tenn. 15 A224
409 Shells (orig. No. 13544). 3 San element Island, Calif. 1 A229
410 Shells (orig. No. 13543). 5 San element Island, Calif.
411 Shell ornaments (orig. No. 13181, 13182, 13183, 13184) 8 Graves Santa Catalina Island, California. 8 A267
412 Shell beads (orig. No. 13282) 100 Graves Santa Catalina Island, California.
413 Shell orament (orig. No. 13777) 1 Graves Santa Catalina Island, California.
414 Shell conglomerates (orig. No. 12616) from Peabody Museum. 4 Heap at horse landing, Fla.
415 Shell ornament (orig. No. 2763) from Peabody Museum. 1 Cave East Tenn. 1 A225
416 Shell bead (orig. No. 13301) from Peabody Museum. 1 1 A285
417 Wampum beads. 4 Mound in West Verginia. 4 A222
418 Bead (Bone of deer). 1 Mound in West Verginia. 1 A223
419 Shell beads or Wampums. 10 Graves, East Tenn. 6 A226
420 Stone bead. 1 Pennsylvania. 1 A278
421 European beads. 36 Indian Graves, Penn.
