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Name  of  objects. No. of Specim. Localities. 確認
101 Knobs. 17 Okadaira, Hitachi 11 BQ04-18~24, 27, 29,
37, 140
102 Ears. 11 Okadaira, Hitachi 10 BQ04-36, 43, 48~50,
51, 53~55, 142
103 Handles. 3 Okadaira, Hitachi 3 BQ04-41, 42, 44
104 Fragments of vessels. 56 Okadaira, Hitachi 41 BQ04-32, 34, 35, 38,
45, 46, 58, 61~63,
65~68, 70~74,
76~82, 85, 86, 88, 90,
91, 93~95, 97, 99,
100, 102~104, 137
105 Fragments of vessels. 2 Okadaira, Hitachi 1 BQ04-52
106 Worked stone. 1 Okadaira, Hitachi 1 BQ04-119
107 Pieces of potteries havinga notch on opposite sides. 4 Okadaira, Hitachi 3 BQ04-106, 108, 109
108 Crusts of red oxide of iron. 2 Okadaira, Hitachi
109 Pots. 2 Okadaira, Hitachi 2 BQ04-9, 11
110 Cup with a handle. 1 Okadaira, Hitachi 1 BQ04-10
111 Bases with mat impression. 2 Okadaira, Hitachi 1 BQ04-12
112 Cup. 7 5 Kabutoyama
113 Fragments of vessels. 5 1 Kabutoyama
114 Bottoms of vessels. 4
115 Painted potteries and nozzels. 1
116 Pot. 1 Higo 1 AID14-1
117 Bases (1300 years before 12th year of Meiji). 2 Miwa, Shiki-no-kami Co., Yamato 1 AYM14-1
118 Fragments of potteries (2000 years before 12th year of Meiji). 1 Yamato. 展示板あり。
119 Corean pottery (1000 years before 12th year of Meiji). 1 Shigadera, Omi. 1 AOS14-1
120 Vessels with covers. 8 Kinshiozan, Fuwa Co., Mino. 2 AMK14-1, 2
121 Earliest lathe-turned potteries. 2 Japan. 2 UK14-3, 4
122 Vessel for sake (wine) (1000 years before 12th year of Meiji). 1 Yamato.
123 Vessel for sake (wine). 1 Japan.
124 Vessel. 1 Japan. 1 UK14-5
125 Vessel for sake (wine). 3 Higo 2 AID14-2, 3
126 Vessel (900 years before 12th year of Meiji). 1 Tanbaichi, Yamabe Co., Yamato.
127 Vessel for sake (wine) (1000 years before 12th year of Meiji). 1 Yamato. 1 UK14-6
128 Vessels for sake (wine). 4 Japan. 1   UK14-8
129 Bowl (Kubote). 1 Japan.
130 Vessel for sake (wine). 1 Japan.
131 Vessels with a round hole on the body wall. 3 Japan.
132 Cup. 1 Japan.
133 Vessels with long support. 2 Kinshiozan, Fuwa Co., Mino. 1 AMK14-3
134 Vessels with long support. Kinshiozan, Fuwa Co., Mino. 1 ラベルあり。AMK14-4
135 Vessel for sake (wine). 1 Tamura, Onuma Co., Iwashiro.
136 Bowl. 1 Iga
137 Fragments of vessels. 6 Iga 3 UK14-8~10
138 Pot. 1 Nanban.
139 Pot. 1 Japan.
140 Pot (Kamesuyegame). 1 Japan. 1   UK14-9
141 Femora of man. 8 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 6 BD04-1092~1094,
142 Fibula of man. 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 1 BD04-1102
143 Metatarsus of man. 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 1 BD04-1103
144 Human bone (flattened or platyenemic tibia.) 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi.
145 Flattened human tibia (one of the flattest ever recorded) Index.50 2/10. 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi.
146 Flattened human tibia. 5 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi.
147 Human bones (humerous, radius and ulna). 6 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 3 BD04-1091, 1096, 1098
148 Human bones (lower maxillary and parietal). 2 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 1 BD04-1105
149 Human bones (lower maxillary and frontal). 3 Higo
150 Fragments of human bones showing cannibalism. 12 Higo
151 Fimora of man. 1 Okadaira, Hitachi
152 Worked antler of deer. 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi.
153 Worked bones (metatarsals of deer and other bones). 9 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 4 BD04-1149~1152
154 Implements of horn, born, tooth, &c. 23 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 9 BD04-1028, 1029,
1031, 1032, 1035~
1037, 1039, 1040
155 Charred bones. 2 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 2 BD04-1147, 1148
156 Tool handle of deer's antler with a tooth inserted. 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 1 BD04-1024
157 Antlers of deer, showing marks of cutting. 7 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 7 BD04-1022, 1025,
1071, 1072, 1080~
158 Prongs of deer's antlers used as implements. 8 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 6 BD04-1021, 1023,
1074, 1076,~1078
159 Worked horns of deer. 9 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 7 BD04-1116~1122
160 Antlers of deer. 9 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 6 BD04-1123~1128
161 Fragments of skull, jaws and teeth of wild boar. 12 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 10 BD04-1055, 1056,
1058~1062, 1064~
162 Lower jaw bones of deer. 5 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 4 BD04-1130~1133
163 Heel bones (os calcis) of deer. 18 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 13 BD04-1067~1070,
1083, 1134~ 1141
164 Bones (Plastron of turtle). 5 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 5 BD04-1142~1146
165 Bones of whale. 4 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 3 BD04-1044~1046
166 bones of various birds. 8 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 8 BD04-1047~1054
167 Radius and ulna (amalgamated) of ox. 1 Okadaira, Hitachi
168 Humerous of ox. 1 Okadaira, Hitachi
169 Antlers of deer. 7 Okadaira, Hitachi 5 BQ04-313, 314, 328,
333, 334
170 Charred bones. 2 Okadaira, Hitachi 2 BQ04-331, 332
171 Heel bones (os calcis) of deer. 5 Okadaira, Hitachi 3 BQ04-318, 329, 330
172 Antlers of deer (worked). 3 Okadaira, Hitachi 2 BQ04-311, 315
173 Fragments of bones. 3 Okadaira, Hitachi 2 BQ04-316, 319
174 Stone mortar. 1 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 1 BD04-1019
175 Round stones. 2 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi.
176 Stones with drilled holes. 2 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 1 BD04-1020
177 Stone implements. 8 Omori, Yebara Co., Musashi. 6 BD04-1011, 1013~
1016, 1018
178 Stone implements. 5 Oji, Kita-Toshima Co., Musashi. 4 BB14-101~104
179 Stone implements. 5 Botanical Garden, Tokio. 2   RS14-101, 102
180 Stone implements. 4 Higo 2 ID14-101, 102
181 Bones of birds. 4 Okadaira, Hitachi
182 Stone implements. 6 Okadaira, Hitachi 6 BQ04-303~308
183 Worked pumice. 1 Okadaira, Hitachi
184 Worked stone. 1 Okadaira, Hitachi 1 BQ04-302
185 Vessels for sake (wine). 2 Japan. 2  
186 Clay bell. 1 Japan. 1   A144
187 Various models of ancient clay work. 10 Japan. 5 他1 A147
188 Vessels. 5 Japan.
189 Tile. (足利學校鬼瓦) 1 Kodzuke.
190 Tile. (太宰府都府楼缺瓦) 1 Chikuzen.
191 Ancient tile. (御室古瓦) 1 Kioto.
192 Ancient tile. (鎌倉北条邸古瓦) 1 Sagami. 1  
193 Tile. 1 Japan. 1  
194 Tile. (國分寺瓦) 1 Fuchiu, Suruga. 1  
195 Ancient tile. (八坂塔古瓦) 1 Japan. 1  
196 Tile. (國分寺瓦) 1 Fuchiu, Suruga. 1  
197 Tile. 1 Japan. 1  
198 Tile. (薬師寺瓦) 1 Shimotsuke.
199 Tile. (弘福寺瓦時代白鳳) 1 Nara, Yamato. 1  
200 Tiles. (秋田古城瓦) 2 Akita, Ugo. 2  
