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(some Japanese references are translated in English)

Bastida-Zavala, J. R. and ten Hove H. A. 2003. Revision of Hydroides Gunnerus, 1768 (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from the Eastern Pacific region and Hawaii. Beaufortia, 53: 67-110.

Bleidorn C, Eeckhaut I, Podsiadlowski L, Schult N, McHugh D, Halanych KM, Milinkovitch MC, and Tiedemann, R., 2007. Mitochondrial genome and nuclear sequence data support Myzostomida as part of the annelid radiation. Mol. Biol. Evol., 24: 1690–1701.

Böggemann, M. 2002. Revision of the Glyceridae Grube 1850 (Annelida: Polychaeta). Abh. Senckenberg. Natufforsch. Ges., 555: 1-249.

Boggemann, M. 2005. Revision of the Goniadidae (Annelida, Polychaeta). Abh. Natur. Ver. Hamburg, (NF), 39: 1-354.

Breton, S., F. Dufresne, G. Desrosiers, and P. Blier. 2003. Population structure of two northern hemisphere polychaetes, Neanthes virensn and Hediste diversicolor (Nereididae), with differerent life history traits. Mar. Biol, 142: 707-715.

Breton, S. F. Dufresne, G. Desrosiers, and P. Blier. 2004. Morphological variation in Nereis (Neanthes) virens (Polychaeta: Nnereididae) populations. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K., 84: 983-985.

Buzhinskaja, G. N. 1967. On the ecology of the polychaetous annelids of the Possjet Bay (Sea of Japan) I. Akad. Nauk SSSR Zool. Inst. Explor. Fauna Seas, 5(13): 78-124.

Fauvel, P. 1936. Annélides Polychètes du Japon. Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University, Ser. B, 12: 41-92.

Fiege, D. & R. Barnich 1998. Redescription of Eupolyodontes gulo (Grube, 1855) and partial revision of the genus Eupolyodontes Buchanan, 1894 (Polychaeta: Acoetidae). Ophelia, 48 (2): 83-92.

Grube, A. E. 1870. Neue Anneliden aus Japan [North Japan Sea]. Jahresber. Schle. Gesell. Vaterl. Kultur, 55: 104-106.

Grygier, M. J. 2000. Class Myzostomida. In: Polychaetes and Allies: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia, Vol. 4A Polychaeta, Myzostomida, Pogonophora, Echiura, Sipuncula. Beesley PL, Ross GJB, & Glasby CJ, eds., pp. 297–330. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia.

Hara, J. and Okada, Y. 1921. Two new species of Myzostomida. Annot. Zool. Japon., 10: 33-39.

Hartman-Schröder, G. 1998. Remarks on Tibiana and description of species of Eunice with zigzag-shaped tubes (Polychaeta: Eunicidae). Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst., 95: 45-58.

ten Hove, H. A. 2003. Hydroides elegans. http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/annelida/ 2003-May/002108.html

Imajima, M. and O. Hartman. 1964. The polychaetous annelids of Japan. Occ. Pap. Allan Hancock Found., 26: 1-452.

Imajima, M. 1972. Review of the annelid worms of the family Nereidae of Japan, with descriptions of five new species or subspecies. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, 15: 37-153.

Imajima, M. 1997. Polychaetous annelids from Sagami Bay and Sagami Sea collected by the Emperor Showa of Japan and deposited at the Showa Memorial Institute, National Science Museum, Tokyo. Natl. Sci. Mus. Monog., 13: 1-131.

Izuka, A. 1896a. Preliminary report of Polychaete collected at Misaki. Dobutsugaku- Zasshi, 8(98):463-464. [三崎産多毛類(Polychaeta)豫報]

Izuka, A. 1896b. Collection at Sumida River and Shinagawa Bay. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 8(98):465-468. [隅田川及品川灣採集雑記]

Izuka, A. 1897a. On luminescence of polychaetous annelids. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 9(100):63. [Polychaetous Annelidsの發光]

Izuka, A. 1897b. Field colletion at Matsushima Bay. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 9(108):394-397. [松島灣環蟲類採集日記]

Izuka, A. 1898. On Nereis diversicolor. Dobutsugku-Zasshi, 10(122):417-424. [沙蠶(ゴカイ)(Nereis iversicolor. OF.Mu.)ニ就テ]

Izuka, A. 1899a. Intriduction to Polychaetous annelids. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 11(125):88-91. [環蟲類概説(未定稿)一]

Izuka, A. 1899b. Introduction to Polychaete annelids. II. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 11(126):119-122. [環蟲類概説二]

Izuka, 1899c. Archiannelids. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 11(128):191-195. [始原毛足類]

Izuka Akira. 1902a. On two new species of the family Maldanidae from Sagami Bay. Annot. Zool. Japon., 4(4), 109-114.

Izuka, A, 1902b. Japanese Maldanidae. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 14(164):203-208. [日本産Maldanidae科]

Izuka A. 1903a. Observations on the Japanese palolo, Ceratocephale osawai n. sp. J. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 17: 1-37.

Izuka A. 1903b. On a new Polygordius from Misaki. Annot. Zool. Japon., 4 :137-139.

Izuka, A. 1903c. On Nereis mictodonta Marenzeller. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 15(182): 427-431. [イソゴカイ(Nereis mictodonta Marenzに就いて)

Izuka A. 1904a. On a new species of deep-sea Polychaeta (Panthalis mitsukurii). Annot. Zool. Japon., 5: 23-29.

Izuka A. 1904b. On a case of collateral budding in Syllid annelid. Annot. Zool. Japon., 5: 283-287.

Izuka A. 1904c. On some points in the organization of Ceratocephale osawai Iz. Annot. Zool. Japon., 5: 239-252.

Izuka, A. 1904. Polchaetes collected by the Polar research Vessel “Southern Cross”. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 16(185): 93-95. [南極地方探檢船”Southern Cross"ノ採集セシ環蟲類]

Izuka, A. 1904e. Polychaetes from the Zabzibar and Eastern Africa. Terebellids of Marseille. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 16(185): 277-278.

  [ザンヂバル及び英領東部阿弗利加の環虫類. マルセール湾のテレベラ類]

Izuka, A. 1905a. On body structure of Ceratocephale osawai. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 17(204): 301-308. [イトメの構造に就て]

Izuka, A. 1905b. Palolo worm in foreign countries and Japanese Ceratocephale. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 17(195): 1-11. [外國のパロロと日本のイトメ]

Izuka, A. 1906. Budding in a new polychaete Trypanosyllis misakiensis s. sp. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 18(207): 1-5. [環虫類の一新種に於ける群生出芽に就て:Trypanosyllis misakiensis n. sp.]

Izuka, A. 1906. Developmental Zoology, Hakubunkan, Tokyo, 350pp.


Izuka, A. 1907. Marine Zoology, Hakubunkan, Tokyo, 608 pp.


Izuka, A. 1907a. [On two new species of annelids belonging to the Euncidae]. Zool. Mag. (Dobutsugasku zasshi), Tokyo, 19: 139-143.


Izuka, A. 1907b. Collection site of Ceratocephale osawai. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 19(224): 176-177. [イトメの産地]

Izuka, A. 1908d. Tube-cap of spirorbid polychaete. Dobutsugaku-zasshi, 233:83-84.[すぴろるびすの”えい“

Izuka, A. 1908a On the breeding habit and development of Nereis japonica n. sp. Annot. Zool. Japon., 6(4): 295-305.

Izuka, A. 1908b. Reproduction of Nereidae polychaete (Development). Dobutsugaku- Zasshi, 20(239): 389-390. [ゴカイの生殖(発生學)]

Izuka, A. 1908c. Reproductive swarming and development of Kojima Bay “Umi-biiru”. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 20(239): 390.[兒島灣の「海ビール」の


Izuka, A. 1909. Polychaetous anelids from the Ambon (Taxonomy). Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 21(243): 15-16.[アニボイナ産の多毛環蟲類(分類學)]

Izuka, A. 1910a. [On Notopygos mitsurkurii, a new species of the Amphinomidae]. Zool. Mag. (Dobutsugasku zasshi), Tokyo, 22: 45-47. [ウミケムシ科の一新種(Notopygos mitsukurii)に就て]

Izuka, A. 1910b. Polychaetous annelids of Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand (Biogeography). Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 22(261): 400-401. [Subantarctic Islands of New Zealandの多毛環蟲類(動物地理學)].

Izuka, A. 1910c. Arenicola of United Kingdom. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 22(261) :401. [英国産Arenicola]

Izuka, A. 1911. On Japanese Chaetopterus. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 23(274): 431-435. [日本産「ケートプテルス」(Chaetopterus)属に就いて]

Izuka, A. 1912a. Arenicola of United States of America. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 24(281): 174-175. [米大陸の「アレニコラ」]

Izuka Akira 1912b The errantiate polychaeta of Japan. J. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 30: 1-262.

Izuka, A. 1913. Polychaetous annelids of Southern California. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 298: 418.

Izuka, Akira 1914. On the pelagic annelids of Japan. J. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 36(5): 1-14.

Izuka, A. 1915. On Polyophthalmus australis Gr., recorded from Misaki. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 27(319): 290. [Polyophthalmus australis Gr. 三崎に産す]

Izuka, A. 1915b. Polychaetous anelids of Enoura Bay. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 27(318): 216-217. [江の浦灣の環形動物]

Izuka, A. 1919a. Pelagic Polychaete Family Tomopteridae. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 31(365): 71-73. [ 浮遊性環形動物「トモプテリ」科]

Izuka, 1919b. Neanthes ijimai in Leiden Museum. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 31(368): 198-199. [ライデン博物館の飯島沙蠶]

Izuka, A. 1919c. Sternaspis scutata recorded from Misaki. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 31(372) :333. [三崎産ダルマゴカイ]

Izuka, A. 1927. Polychaetous anenlids of Mutsu Bay. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 39(469/470): 469-470. [陸奥湾の環形動物]

Izuka, A. 1930. Hermaphroditism in a new species of Syllid polychaete. Dobutsugaku- Zasshi, 42(506): 493-494. [雌雄同体體なるシリイス科環形動物の一新種]

Izuka, A. 1931. Izuka Developmental Zoology, Hakubunkan, Tokyo, 714pp. [飯塚動物発生学、博文館、東京].

Khlebovich, V. V. 1996. Polychaetes of the family Nereididae of the Russian seas and the adjacent waters. Fauna of Russia and neighbouring countries. Polychaetous annlids Volume III, New series No 140, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, 224 pp, St. Petersbourg, Nauka Publishing House (in Russian)

Lanterbecq D., G. W. Rouse and I. Eeckhaut. 2009. Bodyplan diversification in crinoid-associated myzostomes (Myzostomida, Protostomia). Invert. Biol., 129: 290-301.

Loi, T.-N. 1980. Catalogue of the types of polychaete species erected by J. Percy Moore. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 132: 121-149.

Marenzeller, E. 1879. Sudjapanische Anneliden. I. Denkschr. Akd. Wess. Wien, math. Naturwiss. Kl., 41(2): 109-54.

Marenzeller, E. 1884. Sudjapanische Anneliden. II. Denksch. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.- Naturwiss. Kl., 49(2): 197-224.

Marenzeller, E. 1902a. Sujapanische Anneliden. III. Denskschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-Naturwiss.L., 72: 563-582.

Marenzeller, E. 1902b. Sudjapanische Anneliden. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 39: 86-88.

Masterson, J. 2007. Hydroides elegans. October 5, 2007 http://www.sms.si.edu/irlspec/ hydroides_elegans.htm

McIntosh, W. C. 1885. Report on the Annelida collected by H.M.S. "Challenger" during the years 1873-1876, Rep. Sci. Results voyage H. M. S. Challenger, 12: 1-554.

Miura, T. 1986. Japanese polychaetes of the genera Eunice and Euniphysa: Taxonomy and branchial distribution patterns. Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ., 31(3/6): 269-325.

Moore, J. P. 1903. Polychaeta from the coastal slope of Japan and from Kamchatka and Bering Sea. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 55: 401-490.

Mukai, H. 1985. Akira Izuka (1868-1938), a prominenmt zoologist from Gunma Prefecture. Sci. Rep. Fac. Edu., Gunma Univ., 34: 21-31. (in Japanese)[向井秀夫、1985、飯塚啓(明治元年–昭和13年)—群馬県出身の動物学者—、群馬大学教育学部紀要、自然科学編]

Nedved, B. T. & M. G. Hadfield. 2009. Hydroides elegans (Annelida: Polychaeta): A model for biofouling research. Mar.Industr. Biofoul., 4: 203-217.

Nishi, E. 1996. Supplementary description of Eupolyodontes mitsukurii (Izuka, 1904) (Annelida: Polychaeta: Acoetidae) based on the discovery of types in the University Museum and Misaki Marine Biological station of the University of Tokyo. Spec. Diversity, 1: 31-38.

Nishi, E. & E. K. Kupriyanova. 2011. Boso Polychaete fauna of Boso Peninsula coasts, with an apendix on polychaete type specimens deposited in Chiba Prefectural Museums. J. Nat. Hist. Mus. Inst., Chiba, Special Issue, 9: 45-60.

Nishi, E. and Tanaka, K. 2008. Serpulid polychaetes deposited in the Seto Marine Biological laboratory, Kyoto University. Nanki-seibutsu, 50: 155-157 (in Japanese)

Nishi, E., K. Tanaka, Y. Fujiwara & M. Sato. 2007. Reinstatement of Sigambra hanaokai (Kitamori, 1960) (Polychaeta, Pilargiidae), withy an overview of the literarture on the genus. Zootaxa, 1635: 57-68.

Nishikawa, T. & R. Ueshima, 2006. A list of the sipunculan collection of the Department of Zoology, the University Museum, the University of Tokyo. Univ. Mus., Univ. Tokyo Material Rep., 80: 1-14.

Ogawa, K., W. Abe and R. Ueshima. 2010. Report on the poriferan specimens deposited in the Department of Zoology, the University Museum, the University of Tokyo (I) Hexactinellida. Univ. Mus., Univ. Tokyo Material Rep., 81: 1-149.[東京大学総合研究博物館動物部門所蔵の海綿標本(I)六放海綿綱.] 

Oka, A. 1895. Über die Knospungsweise der Syllis ramosa. Zool. Mag., 7: 117-120.

Okuda, S. 1937. Polychaetous annelids from the Palau Islands and adjacent waters, the South Sea Islands. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan, 7: 257-315.

Paiva, P. C. and E. F. Nonato. 1991. On the genus Iphitime (Polychaeta: Iphitimidae) and description of Iphitime sartorae sp. nov. a commensal of brachyura crabs. Ophelia, 34(3): 209-215.

Paxton, H. 1998. The Diopatra chiliensis confusion – redescription of D. chiliensis (Polychaeta, Onuphidae) and implicated species. Zool. Scr., 27: 31-48.

Pettengill, J. B., D. E. Wendt, M. D. Schug, and M. G. Hadfield. 2007. Biofouling likely serves as a major mode of dispersal for the polychaete tubeworm Hydroides elegans as inferred from microsatellite loci. Biofouling 23: 161 - 169.

Pettibone, M.H. 1989. Revision of the Aphroditoid Polychaetes of the Family Acoetidae Kinberg (=Polyodontidae Augener) and Reestablishment of Acoetes Audouin and Milne-Edwards, 1832, and Euarche Ehlers, 1887. Smithsonian Cont. Zool., 464: 1-138.

Rota, E. and G. Carchini. 1999. A new species of Polygordius (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctic. Polar Biol., 21: 201-213.

Sato, M. and A. Nakashima, 2003. A review of Asian Hediste species complex (Nereididae, Polychaeta) with descriptions of two new species and a redescription of Hediste japonica (Izuka, 1908). Zool. J. Linnean Soc., 137: 403-445.

Speers, L. and J. L. Edwards, 2008. International infrastructure for enabling the new taxonomy. The role of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). In “The New Taxonomy” Wheeler, Q. D. ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton. 87-94 pp.

Sato, M., H. Kato, and H. Nakashima. 2006. Distribution and life history of Tylorrhynchus osawai (Izuka, 1903)(Polychaeta, Nereididae). 68p., Proc. Ann. Meet. Jap. Benthos Soc. Jap. Soc. Plankton Biol. (in Japanese)[佐藤正典,加藤寛人,中嶋秀利(2006)イトメTylorrhynchus osawai(Izuka, 1903)


Uchida, H. 1939. Dr. Akira Izuka (orbituary). Doubutsugaku-zasshi, 51:133.[内田一、昭和14年、飯塚啓博士。動物学雑誌、51:133.(追悼文)]

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