Ladies and gentleman.
I am very much helped by the preceding talk, because I can skip some of the topics in my talk.
Neutrino Astrophysics
M. Koshiba
December 2002
For more details, see my review article;
"Observational Neutrino Astrophysics"; Physics Report, 220
(1992) Nos. 5&6, pp.229-482.
Now, the title of my talk is "Birth of neutnno Astrophysics" . Since the time is limited, if you want further information, please refer to this article "Observational neutrino Astrophysics" which was printed in Physics Report some years ago.
(May I have the next one?)
さあ、これから「ニュートリノ天体物理学の誕生」という題で話しましょう。時間が限られていますので、さらに詳しく知りたい方は、数年前に「Physics Report」誌に掲載された論文「Observational Neutrino Astrophysics (観測ニュートリノ天体物理学)」を参考にしてください。
There was a very important prenatal event.
That was the radiochemical work of R.Davis using the
reaction νe + Cl37 to e- + Ar37. The conclusion was that the
solar neutrinos are only about 1/3 of what you expect from
the Standard Solar Model of J.Bahcall.
This could be considered as the conception of the Neutrino
Astrophysics and was the impetus for us to begin seriously
working on the solar neutrinos
Now, I am to talk about the birth of the Neutrino astrophysics. But before the birth, there was a very great event which was just described by Professor Davis. It is the radiochemical work of Raimond Davis using the reaction as given there. This could be considered as the conception of the neutrino astrophysics and was the impetus for us to begin seriously working on the solar neutrinos.
(Next one ! )
The experiments
1) KamiokaNDE; Imaging Water Cerenkov,
20% PMT coverage, 3,000tons,
ca. 3 MUS$
Feasibility experiment
2) Super-KamiokaNDE; the same as above,
40% PMT coverage, 50,000tons,
ca. 100 MUS$.
Full scale solar neutrino observatory.
(Both 1,000m underground in Kamioka Mine)
(NDE for Nucleon Decay Experiment/
Neutrino Detection Experiment))
Now, here are the experiments I'm going to talk about.
The first one is original Kamiokande which is, what might be called, imaging water Cherenkov detector with their surface coverage of photomultiplier tubes 20% coverage and total mass of the water inside this detector is 3000 tons. It cost about 3 million US dollars. This, remind you, is the feasibility experiment on the solar neutrino detection. And the second experiment I'm going to talk about is called Super-Karniokande and the same type of the detector but with the better light sensitivity, that is 40% surface coverage by the photocastle and total mass of the water is 50,000 tons. It cost about 100 million US dollars. And this is considered to be the full scale solar neutrino observatory. And both experiments are situated about 1,000 m underground in Kamioka Mine. The capital NDE at the end of the two experiments originally implied Nucleon Decay Experiment, however because of our detection of various neutrinos by these detectors people started calling that Neutrino Detection Experiment.
I don't care which but may I have the next slide.
カミオカンデもスーパーカミオカンデも、神岡鉱山中の地下1000mの場所にあります。カミオカンデ(KAMIOKANDE)の「NDE」は、初めは「核子崩壊実験(Nucleon Decay Experiment)」の頭文字でしたが、私たちがニュートリノの検出ばかりしているので、最近は「ニュートリノ検出実験(Neutrino Detection Experiment)」の略だと言われています。
Fish-eye View of KamiokaNDE's Interior
This is the bird's eye view of the Kamiokande detector. You can see allays of the photomultipliers on the walls and top lid and also we have photomultiplier at the bottom.
50cmΦ PMT
which made the two
detectors precision devices
And when we were preparing for this Kamiokande experiment, we heard that much bigger similar type experiment is being planed in the United States. We had to think very seriously about the competition with this bigger detector. Both experiments aimed for detection a certain type of proton decay. If we were aiming only for the detection of such particular type of proton decays, certainly much bigger US experiment will find it first. Then what can we do with smaller detectors We thought very seriously about this competition and we came to the conclusion the only possible way to compete with this bigger detector is to make our detector much more sensitive than US competitor's. So that we can not only the easiest to detect proton decay mode but also we can measure other types of proton decays. So that eventually we can say proton decays into this mode with this branching ratio and to this mode with this branching ratio and so forth. So that our experiment will be able to point the way to the possible future what is called grand unified theory which is a new type of theory combining strong forces, weak forces and electromagnetic forces. We don't know this type of theory yet.
Now thanks to the cooperation of Hamamatsu Photonics, we jointly developed this very large photomultiplier tube. I was so happy that this was successfully developed.
Fish-Eye View of Super-
KamiokaNDE's Interior
Now, this is a Super-Kamiokande detector. Inside of this detector is shown here. You can see many more phototubes, total of about 11000 big phototubes.
Detector Performances
1) |
Through μ in S-KamiokaNDE |
2) |
Shots at 50 nanosecond intervals
3) |
2) Discrimination between electron and muon |
Now, since not many people here are familiar with this type of detectors, I want to show you the perfomance of Super-Kamiokande.
First example is the very slow motion picture whencosmic ray muon enters the detector and passes through to the bottom. As you know, special relativity prohibit any particle to move faster than the velocity of light in vacuum. However, in a media like water, light velocity itself is reduced to its 3/4 of its value in vacuum. Therefore, it is possible when a particle energy is very high, its velocity can exceed the velocity of light in the water because light velocity in the water is reduced. Then what happens is that such high energy high velocity particle in water will generate, what might be called, shock-wave of light, which is called Cherenkov light. It is emitted in a corn-shape with axis equal to the projectory of the moving electrically charged particle.
(Next one)
The μ has
just entered
the detector.
Here it is a expanded view of a Super-Kamiokande detector. Side is cut open and extended like that and upper lid is opened like that and the bottom is like this. It is like tin-can open. OK? And each dot here represents the photomuliplier. Red light shows it received large number of photoelectrons. The different color indicates different number of received photoelectrons. And this is time profile of the total number of photons received. OK?
(Next one, please)
Now you can see particles moving in this way and Cherenkov light wave front is right here. OK?
(Next one)
The μ has
reached to
the bottom
of the
while the
light in
water is still
on its way.
Now, 50 nanosecond later, Cherenkov light traversed to this point, while the particle itself with much higher velocity already reached the bottom. You can see that particle is travelling faster than the light velocity in water.
(Next one please)
Now the Cherenkov light developed proceeded further and you can see more at the bottom.
(Next one)
It is fully developed now.
(Next one)
The data of
the outer
counter are
while the
inner data
are moved
to the top
Now, The inner detector is shown here. This is the result of outer detector anticoincidence layer. And you can see some signal at the exit and also at the entrance in the outer anticoincidense layer.
The top e-event has a blurred
radial distribution of Cerenkov
photons, while the bottom μ-event
has a crisp ring image. The
discrimination between e and μ is
accomplished with an error
probability of less than 1 %.
The μ-event has the decay
electron later.
Now these two examples are one by electron and the other by muon. You can see the difference in the distribution of detected photons, especially in the radial distribution of photons. You see, electron and muon are very similar particles. The only difference is that this particle has much more rest mass about 200 times heavier than this electron. It means that in traversing water this particle suffers much less scattering, while this one get scattered very much not only that it emits gamma rays, gamma rays converted into electron and positron, those low energy electrons get scattered. Therefore, the Cherenkov light emitted by those low energy particles is distributed randomly like this. By making a quantitative measurement of the radial distribution of those photons you can make very good distinction between muon event and electron event with the mistaking probability of less than 1 %. This was the nice feature of a detector and this feature lead us to discover what is called atmospheric neutrino anomaly. I will discuss it later.
4 Accomplishments of KamiokaNDE
1) |
The astrophysical,i.e., withD, T and E, observation of
solar neutrinos by means of νe-e scattering.
2) |
The observation of the neutrino burst from Supernova
1987A by means of anti-νe on p producing e+ plus
3) |
The discovery at more than 4σ of the anomaly in the
atmospheric νμ / νe ratio. Neutrino oscillation. Non-zero
masses of ν's.
4) |
4) Killed SU(5) byproton decay hfetime and
SUSYSU(5) also by non-zero masses of ν's.
Now, I'm going to talk about 4 accomplishments of old Kamiokande.
The first one is this. That is astrophysical observation of solar neutrino by means of electron neutrino and electron scattering in water. By astrophysical observation we mean information on the arrival direction of the neutrino and the arrival time of the neutrino and also spectral information on the neutrino. Those three as requirements to the observation to the astrophysical. Now in the case of ne-electron scattering since electron rest mass is only 0.5 Mev. The incoming neutrino of say 10 Mev neutrino would kick electron almost in the dead forward direction. That is, by observing this recoil electron you can infer the arrival direction of neutrino. OK?. And also the energy spectrum of recoil neutrino has one-to-one relation to the original neutrino energy spectrum. And the timing is accurate to better than 10 nanosecond. OK.?
Second achievement is observation of supernova neutrino by means of antielectron neutrino on proton in water. And this produces e+ and neutron. And this e+ is observed by the Cherenkov light. I will show it to you later.
The third accomplishment is discovery of what is called atmospheric neutrino anomaly. That is, as I say, since we can definitely separate muon event and electron even. OK? We could measure atmospheric number ratio of νμ / νe very accurately by observing muon event and electron event separately. And it was discovery at more than 4s but this result was later firmly confirmed by the much better statistics data of Super-Kamiokande, I will show it later.
(Thank you)
And not many people are interested in proton decay any more but non observation of proton decay by this Kamiokande experiment killed well-known grand unified theory based on what is called SU(5) but we go on to the next.
By this diagram was shown by the previous speaker, and I will not go in the details here.
Now this is the result to show the feasibility experiment by Kamiokande of observing solar neutrino with its directional information. You can see above the isotropic background. You can see accumulation of event in the direction from the sun to the earth.
(Next one)
This is the information on the energy spectrum of solar neutrino the expected solar standard model should lie here. So you can see all those shape is not very much different from expected theoretical anticipation but the intensities one half.
The detector performance at the beginning of 1987.
Now I go on to the observation of supernovaneutrinos since we prepared thanks to the collaboration of Pennsylvania State University lead by Professor Mann we could improve the performance of our detector very much by reducing background and so forth. And the very beginning of 1987 our detector was calm enough to start taking data on solar neutrino. Two months later we heard there was a supernova explosion in the southern sky. So we immediately look at our data and then we found supernova neutrino signal very easily because our detector was already capable of taking solar neutrino data which are much more difficult than observing supernova neutrinos because supernovaneutrino has considerably higher average energy than solar neutrino and not only that those supernovaneutrinos are bunched time width.
The observed signal of the supernova neutrino burst. It was
immediately confirmed by IMB experiment in USA. The
combined results, Tν of 4.5MeV and the totalν energy output of
3x1053erg gave strong support to the theoretical model.

It is shown here. This is the background and this is a signal of supernovaneutrino. So it was very easy to detect the signal. And this observation not only gave a confirmation of the theoretical ideas on the supernova explosion, that is gravitational collapse, for instance, not only the average energy of the signals total number but also time duration of about 10 seconds implies those neutrinos are emitted from a very very dense matter like nucleus. because if they were emitted from a celestial body the time duration of the signal would have been less than one millisecond but those neutrinos had to get diffuse out of a very dense nucleus-like matter. So that it took seconds to get out of this surface which make pulse length something like 10 seconds rather than 1 millisecond.
νμ/νe has to be 2 or larger
Now I come to the discussion of atmospheric neutrino anomaly.
You see, when cosmic ray particle hits atmosphere, it produces π ons and K ons. Those mesons decay in air into muon and muonneutrino. So you get one muonnutrino there. If the secondary muons also decay, then you get additional nm and ne. So if everything proceded this way, you get two nm against one ne. So the number ratio is two to one. When you go to higher energy, muons of longer lifetime than pion can not decay. In these, some muon do reach our detector as you have seen before. In this case you don't get additional νμ and νe. So at high energy this ratio is definitely larger than two. OK
This is the result on νm / νe number ratio observed by various experiment. And you can see the old Kamiokande result and Super-Kamiokande with much better statistics and its all around 0.5
The Neutrlno Oscillation
Consider 2 neutrino case for simplicity.
The weak eigenstatΨμ is a superposition of
Ψm1 and Ψm2,; namely Ψμ = Ψm1 cos θ + Ψm2 sin θ with a
parameter θ, the angle between Ψμ and Ψm1.
The two states, Ψm1 and Ψm2, make beat with the frequency
proportional to E1-E2 = m12-m22 = Δm2, since
E~p+(m2/2p), thereby changing the relative intensity of Ψm1
and Ψm2.
This causes a partial transformation of Ψμ to Ψτ.
The neutrino oscillation, this is maybe difficult part of my talk. I try to make it understandable to the first year undergraduate student but this part may be little bit more difficult. For the sake of simplicity, we consider there are only two kinds of neutrino in nature. Then for instance, wave function discribing state of a neutrino can be discribed by two indipendent base function. For instance, you can take the mass matrix to be diagonal and then choose the basic vector of mass m1 and mass m2. So any neutrino state can be discribed by combination of Ψm1 and Ψm2. It is like a two dimensional geometry a vector can be discribed by x-component and y-component. OK. So, this muon state muoneutrino state is a linear combination of m1 state and m2 state with a parameter theta. And two states Ψm1 and Ψm2 have each characteristic frequency. OK. This frequency is proportional to total energy of this state and total energy of this state. If m1 and m2 is small, then you can make this approximation. OK. So E1-E2 Which is proportional to the frequency difference of these two states is equal to using this equation is proportional to this and you can call it Δm2 , that is m2 difference between the two states. OK. Now, you have one parameter here and another parameter here. By using these two parameters you can discribe the oscillation of neutrino from one type to the other type.
This is a result of obtained by Kamiokande on atmospheric neutrino oscillation. This is allowed region.
(Next one)
A ccomplished
Three things so far.
1) |
Established the solar neutrino observation with
much better statistics.
2) |
Firmly established, at more than 9σ, the non-
zero masses of ν's and their osciuations.
3) |
3) Non-observation of nucleon decays is giving more
stringent restriction on the possibie type of future grand
unified theory.
Much bigger Super-Kamiokande accomplished. Establish the solar neutrino observation with much better statistics. I will show it to you later. Firmly established at more than 9σ the non-zero masses of neutrino's and their oscillations by observing atmospheric neutrinos. You can forget about this.
Now you can see the directional observation much better than in the case of old Kamiokande. It is isotropic background. You can see clearly the solar neutrino arrival direction. OK.
The Sun as seen by ν's
and its orbit in the
Galactic coordinate.
You have to excuse the
poor angular resolution
because the neutrino
astrophysics is still in
its infantile stage.
Since neutrino is much more penetrating than any radiation you can think of. When you have some trouble with your hand, one of your bone may be broken, you go to the doctor and get X-ray picture. And you can see inside of your hand which bone is broken and so far. When you use neutrinos with much larger penetrability, you can see inside of the sun. OK. This is the first neutrinograph rather than photograph of the sun. Ok
This is an orbital sun in the galactic coordinate. That sun is very nice but if you look at this thing carefully the size of the sun is much bigger than the size of the sun as you see by your own telescope. The reason is of course the neutrino angular directional accuracy is much worse than that of visible light. But you have to be patient. This neutrinoastrophysics is just born. It is still in its infantile stage.
Now, this is an observation of the solar neutrino energy spectrum as compared to the theoretically expected. The detail comparison of this observed energy spectrum with the theoretical expectation gives us better information on the solar neutrino oscillation.
This, by the way, is the observation of atmospheric neutrino by Super-Kamiokande. If that anomaly in the νμ / νe number ratio is indeed due to the neutrino oscillation, then the amount of oscillated neutrino would be different depending on the pass length of neutrino from its generation to our detector. When it comes from top, it is only 20 km. If it comes horizontally, it is although 1,000 km. If it comes from the bottom, it travels around 13,000km. So there is big difference in the pass length. You can see the one coming from bottom it is much less than the expected for non-oscillation case, while in the case of electron event you don't see the difference. Only in the case of muon you see this deficiency in the large distance direction.
これは、スーパーカミオカンデで観測した大気ニュートリノです。もし、νμ/νe の数の比の異常がニュートリノ振動によるものならば、ニュートリノの生成から検出されるまでに通った距離によって、ミューニュートリノの量が変化するはずです。もし、上から検出装置に入れば、その距離はたった20kmです。水平に入ったら1000kmに達します。底から入れば、距離は13000kmになります。通過距離は入る方向によって、これほど違うのです。電子ニュートリノでは期待値との違いが見られないのに対して、底から来たミューニュートリノは期待値よりずっと小さくなっています。長距離方向のミューニュートリノの場合のみ、このような減少が見られます。
This is the allowed region by Super-Kamiokande combined with the data of American-Canadian joint experiment in Canada SNO data. It leaves only two regions for the solar neutrino oscillation.
Now next one shows only one possible oscillation region when you combine not only SNO and Supet-Kamiokande but also other radiochemical results. Then left only one possible solution for the oscillation.
Implications of Non-zero
Neutrino Masses
1) |
The right handed neutrinos have to exist.
2) |
Standard Theory has to be modified and SU(5)
3) |
is discarded as possible GUT.
4) |
2) Very low energy neutrinos will make the
5) |
total reflection at very low temperature. Very
6) |
nice for the future possibility of observing the
7) |
1.9K Cosmic Neutrino Background.
Now, well, we can skip this.
For the sake of giving proper credit, shown here Is the author list of the supernova neutrino observation.
Now, for the sake of giving proper credit, I show this author list of supernova neutrino detection. You can see not only Japanese group but also Pensylvania group collaborated on at Kamiokande II.
Here is the
author list of
the oscillation
And this is the author list of atmospheric neutrino paper and you can see many American collaborators.
And this I show you is the newest result from Kamioka. Now in Kamioka there is the third generation experiment now working. This Kamland experiment is installed in the same cave as original Kamiokande and this one experiment uses liquid scintillator to measure antineutrinos, electron neutrinos, from the reactor about 200 km away. And this experiment published the first result on the two days ago. And I got this by e-mail. Now, it is measuring antineutrino flux and energy spectrum and at the distance here. And their result is shown here. And this is the region as I indicated for the solar neutrino oscillation in the previous slide. It fits very nice there. So this is a confirmation of neutrino oscillation not for the electron neutrino but for antielectronneutrino. The fact that it is giving the same oscillation parameters implied that the CPT theorem is not vaiorated. And these are the parameter numbers obtained from this point.
Now this is the author of this new result. The interesting thing is about two third of the collaborators are from the United States. Now you can see The Kamioka is now considered as a Mekka for neutrino research which pleases me very much.
For fun :
From the Δm2's obtained, we can get a possible
mass spectra of elementary particles using the
See-Saw mechanism. And if we consider a small
electromagnetic mass shift occurred in one of the
phase changes in the very early Universe, we get
the nice regularity as seen in the last slide.
Anyone of you challenge to explain this
Well, since there is still four minutes left, I tell you this. Just for fun of your people.
From the Δm2 obtained as I have shown you, we can get a possible mass spectra of elementary particles using thatis called see-saw mechanism. Which is to explain the smallness of neutrino as compared with other elementary particles.
(Can I have next one)
You get this mass spectrum, this is a logarismic mass value, then, you can see the first family, second family and third family. When I get this, being experiment test, I want to have simpler scheme. I Iike to have the straight line. So, I change a mass level little bit only this much difference for the electrically charged particle make this straight line automatically neutrinos and heavy neutrinos become straight line. Now I am happy with this. So, somebody who are very good at mathematics may start THINKING ABOUT mathematical operator which convert from first family to second family and same operator changes second family to the third family and the the same operator changes third family back to the first one. That will be nice. But don't ask me the answer because I don't know.
Thank you very much for your patient.
Thank you for your patience
M. Koshiba
和訳 橘由里香

Nobel Foundation (
