Hiroshi HARA Takayuki MIYOSHI Yoshihito IWASAKI Toru KASHIHARA Kotaro IMAI Hiroshi OTA Kazuhito FURUYA Tsuyoshi ARUGA ATELIER Φ One-person city, which is indeed a dwelling, is the basic concept of Discrete City.
The wall of One-person city. Shadow robot, which is my consciousness, controlls all the devices.
The floor of One-person city, named Aleph. Aleph, conceived by Jorge Luis Borges, reflects all phenomena. A mid air forest of the three dimentional Discrete City.
A mid air farmland of the three dimensional Discrete City.
Plan/elevation of Discrete City which consists of 100000 One-person city distributed in 500M×500M×500M cube.
The density, i.e. 4000 person/ha does not keep discreteness. Certain density arises.
The most remarkable aspect of the three dimensional city is its ease and speed of vertical movement.
In discrete space every dwelling is ideally equidistant. This results in equal acknowledgement of any group, even One-person city.But won't this bring about an ordinary neighbourhood?
How does the public space of three dimensional Discrete City developed? The sketch shows the system of public hung from above.
Discrete distribution is not always homogeneous distribution. Enviromentally suitable distribution of One-person city,which is called "burst", must be considered.
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