A study of Discrete City

Hiroshi Hara

Hiroshi HARA
Takayuki MIYOSHI
Yoshihito IWASAKI
Kotaro IMAI
Hiroshi OTA
Kazuhito FURUYA
Tsuyoshi ARUGA
a drawing

One-person city, which is indeed a dwelling, is the basic concept of Discrete City.

The wall of One-person city. Shadow robot, which is my consciousness, controlls all the devices.

a drawing

The floor of One-person city, named Aleph. Aleph, conceived by Jorge Luis Borges, reflects all phenomena. A mid air forest of the three dimentional Discrete City.

a drawing
A mid air farmland of the three dimensional Discrete City. a drawing

Plan/elevation of Discrete City which consists of 100000 One-person city distributed in 500M×500M×500M cube.

a drawing

a drawinga drawing
a drawinga drawing
a drawing
The density, i.e. 4000 person/ha does not keep discreteness. Certain density arises.

The most remarkable aspect of the three dimensional city is its ease and speed of vertical movement. a drawing

In discrete space every dwelling is ideally equidistant. This results in equal acknowledgement of any group, even One-person city.But won't this bring about an ordinary neighbourhood? a drawing

How does the public space of three dimensional Discrete City developed? The sketch shows the system of public hung from above. a drawing

Discrete distribution is not always homogeneous distribution. Enviromentally suitable distribution of One-person city,which is called "burst", must be considered. a drawing

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