A virtual story is inspired by our perceptions of a real object; this is Art. Beyond our senses is the generative process of the object; this is Science.
The existence of the sand dune is a vehicle which allows the imagination to soar. The Dune Museum is a trigger for the imagination which mediates between us and nature.
Nature projects its secrets onto the screen, and we cast our thoughts back at the same screen.
Perhaps it resembles Marcel Duchamp's "L'inframince".
At the place where greenery and sand clash, a space where people interact is born.It is a zone where people and nature may meet.
People have always drawn from the wells of nature's wisdom, perfecting the techniques of dwelling, and sculpting the landscape.
The interaction between the workings of nature and the workings of humanity leaves its strongest impressions in the environment of sand.
Sand is in itself a boundary, because it challenges to our ability to imagine a means of traverse and communication.
DESERT-LETTER-TRACE | A place belonging to nowhere. | GARDEN-WORD-PRESENCE "Gardens are words and deserts are letters"
This is a quotation from a poem by Edmund Jab峻 quoted by Jaques Derrida in L'残riture et la diff屍ence.
Words are a voice before us, a present presence.
Letters are traces and histoire: history, tale, event.
The meeting point of greenery and desert is also the meeting point of humanity and nature, of present and past, of sound and silence.
"Take a little sand in your hand, and you'll understand the deception of words."
The silence of the sand conceals its histoire, which exists as a text to be read.
The Dune Museum creates a stage for the invitation to such a world-between sound and silence.
The surface of the sand is peeled away and caused to float. This hovering surface will reflect the sky and also echo the rhythms of the earth. Holes perforating the surface will breathe light and wind and sand.Transparent walls will reveal the breathing of sand blown by the wind. Architecture becomes an observatory of sky and earth.