
UMUT MM 06583


Ryugasella ryugasensis Wright & Matsumoto



Ryugasella ryugasensis Wright & Matsumoto

Matsumoto, T. 1959b p. 169

PreviousNo: I-2862


Ryugasella ryugasensis Wright & Matsumoto Holotype

Wright, C. W. & Matsumoto, T. 1954 p. 122, pl. 7, fig. 4a-d, text-fig. 13a-e

PreviousNo: I-2862

Condition: Present
Taxonomy:Mollusca: Cephalopoda: Ammonitida: Ancyloceratina: Turrilitoidea: Diplomoceratidae:
Geologic Time:Mesozoic: Cretaceous: Late Cretaceous:
Horizon:Ryugase Group ?:
Locality:Russia: Sakhalin: Naibuchi (=Naiba): Loc. N18f, the Naibuchi Valley:
Matsumoto, T., 1959b: Upper Cretaceous ammonites of California. Part 2. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series D, Special Volume 1, pp. i–iii + 1–172, pls. 1–41. (Reference No. 0225)
Tanabe, K., Ito, Y., Moriya, K. and Sasaki, T., 2000: Database of Cretaceous ammonite specimens registered in the Department of Historical Geology and Paleontology of the University Museum, University of Tokyo. The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Material Reports, no. 37, pp. i–iv + 1–509. (Reference No. 0879)
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Wright, C. W. and Matsumoto, T., 1954: Some doubtful Cretaceous ammonite gerera from Japan and Saghalien. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series D, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 107–134, pls. 7–8. (Reference No. 0319)