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Niko, S., Sone, M. and Leman, M. S., 2007:
Two new species of orthocerid cephalopods from the Carboniferous Panching limestone, west Malaysia.
Paleontological Research, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 331–336.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 27.]Reference No. 821
Nishimura, T., Maeda, H. and Shigeta, Y., 2006:
Ontogenetic shell development of a Cretaceous desmoceratine ammonoid "Tragodesmoceroides subcostatus" Matsumoto, 1942 from Hokkaido, Japan.
Paleontological Research, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 11–28.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 27.]Reference No. 822
Nobuhara, T., Onda, D., Kikuchi, N., Kondo, Y., Matsubara, K., Amano, K., Jenkins, R. G., Hikida, Y. and Majima, R., 2008:
Lithofacies and fossil assemblages of the Upper Cretaceous Sada limestone, Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan.
Fossils, no. 84, pp. 47–60. (in English with Japanese abstract)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 27.]Reference No. 823
Nomura, S. and Maeda, H., 2008:
Significance of autochthonous fossil barnacles from the Miocene Natori group at the Moniwa-Goishi area, northeast Japan.
Paleontological Research, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 63–79.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 27.]Reference No. 824
Obata, I., Shibata, K., Matsukawa, M. and Unwin, D. M., 2007:
New record of a pterosaur from the Late Cretaceous Izumi group, Awaji island, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
Annual Report, Fukada Geological Institute, no. 8, pp. 149–162.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 28.]Reference No. 825
Oji, T. and Kitazawa, K., 2008:
Discovery of two rare species of stalked crinoids from Okinawa trough, southwestern Japan, and their systematic and biogeographic implications.
Zoological Science, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 115–121.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 28.]Reference No. 826
Okutani, T., Fujikura, K. and Sasaki, T., 2004:
Two new species of Bathymodiolus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from methane seeps on the Kuroshima knoll off the Yaeyama islands, southwestern Japan.
Venus, vol. 62, nos. 3–4, pp. 97–110.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 28.]Reference No. 827
Okutani, T., Fujiwara, Y., Sasaki, T., Kawato, M., Yamamoto, T. and Kubokawa, K., 2006:
Tanea magnifluctulata (Gastropoda: Naticidae) collected near whale carcasses dumped off the Satsuma peninsula, Kyushu.
Chiribotan, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 124–129. (in English with Japanese abstract)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 29.]Reference No. 828
Okutani, T., Hashimoto, J. and Sasaki, T., 2004:
New gastropod taxa from a hydrothermal vent (Kairei field) in the central Indian Ocean.
Venus, vol. 63, nos. 1–2, pp. 1–11.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 29.]Reference No. 829
Okutani, T. and Iwasaki, N., 2003:
Noteworthy abyssal mollusks (excluding vesicomyid bivalves) collected from the Nankai trough off Shikoku by the ROV Kaiko of the Japan Marine Science and Technology Center.
Venus, vol. 62, nos. 1–2, pp. 1–10.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 30.]Reference No. 830
Saito, M., 1996:
Early loop ontogeny of some Recent laqueid brachiopods.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 183, pp. 485–499.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 30.]Reference No. 831
Saito, M. and Endo, K., 2001:
Molecular phylogeny and morphological evolution of laqueoid brachiopods.
Paleontological Research, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 87–100.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 32.]Reference No. 832
Saito, M. and Tazawa, J., 2002:
Hemithiris woodwardi (A. Adams) (Rhynchonellida, Brachiopoda) from the Pleistocene Shichiba formation, Sado island, central Japan.
Science reports of Niigata University. Series E, (Geology), no. 17, pp. 7–15.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 32.]Reference No. 833
Sasaki, T., 2006a:
The protoconch and early teleoconch of Nipponacmea gloriosa (Patellogastropoda: Lottiidae).
Chiribotan, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 72–73. (in English with Japanese abstract)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 33.]Reference No. 834
Sasaki, T., 2006b:
The deepest depth record of the habitat of Niveotectura pallida (Patellogastropoda: Acmaeoidea).
Chiribotan, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 74–75. (in English with Japanese abstract)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 33.]Reference No. 835
Sasaki, T., 2006c:
A new record of Trituba tanseiae (Kosuge, 1967) and an allied species (Gastropoda: Triphoroidea).
Chiribotan, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 81–83. (in English with Japanese abstract)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 33.]Reference No. 836
Sasaki, T., 2007:
The protoconch of two scaphopod species from Japan.
Venus, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 319–323.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 34.]Reference No. 837
Sasaki, T., 2008:
Micromolluscs in Japan: taxonomic composition, habitats, and future topics.
Zoosymposia, vol. 1, pp. 147–232.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 34.]Reference No. 838
Sasaki, T. and Arima, Y., 2005:
The first record of Murex tenuirostrum Lamarck, 1822 (Neogastropoda: Muricidae) from Japan.
Venus, vol. 63, nos. 3–4, pp. 156–158.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 39.]Reference No. 839
Sasaki, T. and Haga, T., 2007:
Nipponolimopsis littoralis, a new species from intertidal boulder shores in Japan, with a systematic review of the genus (Bivalvia: Limopsoidea).
The Veliger, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 215–230.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 80, p. 39.]Reference No. 840

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