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- A new genus of the Phillipsiidae from Thailand.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 1–4, pl. 1.
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- The Cambro-Ordovician formations and faunas of south Korea, Part 8. Palaeontology 7. Cambrian faunas of the Mun'gyong (Bunkei) district and the Samposan formation of the Yongwol (Neietsu) district.
- Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 13, pt. 2, pp. 181–241, pls. 9–13.
- On the classification of the fossil Conchostraca and the discovery of estheriids in the Cretaceous of Borneo. Contributions to the geology and palaeontology of southeast Asia, 130.
- Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, vol. 13, pp. 47–72, pl. 6.
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- A Norian conchostracan from the basal part of the Khorat group in central Thailand.
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 825–828.
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- Upper Triassic estheriids in Thailand and the conchostracan development in Asia in the Mesozoic era. Contributions to the geology and palaeontology of southeast Asia, 165.
- Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, vol. 16, pp. 57–90, pl. 7.
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- Selkirkoceras in south Korea and its bearing on the Cambro-Ordovician Chosen group.
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 90–94.
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- On the Pseudoquadratae trigonians, Steinmannella, in the Indo-Pacific province.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 26, nos. 3–4, pp. 193–208, pls. 13–15.
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- Halobiae in Nippon.
- Journal of the Sigenkagaku Kenkyusyo, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 241–255, pls. 24–25.
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- A new species of Ataxioceras in Nippon.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 20, nos. 2–4, pp. 45–48, pl. 11.
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- On the occurrence of Katroliceras in the Tetori series.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 20, nos. 2–4, pp. 49–53, pl. 12.
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- On the occurrence of Discosphinctes in the Kitakami mountains in Nippon.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 20, nos. 2–4, pp. 55–57, pl. 13.
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- On some naiads from the Upper Palaeozoic formations in eastern Asia.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 225–235, pls. 22–23.
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- Tosapecten gen. nov. and other Upper Triassic Pectinidae from the Sakawa basin in Shikoku, Japan.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 21, nos. 1–4, pp. 163–171, pl. 5.
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