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- The Lower Cretaceous fauna from Hagino in southern Shikoku, Japan.
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- On the new species of Spondylus from the Cretaceous formation in Nagano Prefecture.
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- On the occurrence of Perisphinctes (s. s.) from the Ozika peninsula in the southern Kitakami mountainland.
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- Halysites kitakamiensis Sugiyama from the Gotlandian formation in the Kuraoka district, Kyushu, Japan.
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- On the septal projection of the Halysitidae.
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- Japanese Halysitidae.
- Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 11, pt. 2, pp. 91–114.
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- Corallum growth of the Halysitidae.
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- Discovery of a Devonian ostracod in the Fukuji district, Gifu Prefecture, west Japan.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 30, pp. 39–51.
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- Gotlandian shelly fauna from southwest Japan (1). Coronocephalus kabayashii, a new species from the Kuraoka district, Kyushu.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 30, pp. 71–88, pl. 6.
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- On the taxonomic position of Favosites hidensis and its Devonian age.
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- Some Permo-Carboniferous fossils from Thailand.
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- Cretaceous non-marine Ostracoda from the Sungari group in Manchuria.
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- Lower Cretaceous belemnites from Miyako district, Japan.
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- Liassic Bakevellia in Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 1.
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- PDF in prep.
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- Liassic Gervillia and Isognomon in Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 2.
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 28, nos. 1–3, pp. 95–106, pls. 6–7.
- PDF in prep.
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- On the occurrence of Cardinioides from the Liassic Kuruma group in central Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 3.
- Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 26, pp. 69–73, pl. 12.
- PDF in prep.
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- Radulonectites, a new pectinid genus, from the Liassic Kuruma group in central Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 4.
- Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 27, pp. 89–93, pl. 16.
- PDF in prep.
- Hayami, I., 1957e:
- Liassic Chlamys, "Camptonectes" and other pectinids from the Kuruma group in central Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 5.
- Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 28, pp. 119–127, pl. 20.
- PDF in prep.
- Hayami, I., 1958a:
- Liassic Volsella, Mytilus and some other dysodont species in Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 6.
- Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 29, pp. 155–165, pls. 23–24.
- PDF in prep.