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Amano, M., 1955:
Occurrence of a new species of Pleuronectites in the Triassic of Japan.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 17, pp. 23–28, pl. 5.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 7.]Reference No. 1
Amano, M., 1957:
The Lower Cretaceous fauna from Hagino in southern Shikoku, Japan.
Kumamoto Journal of Science, Series B, Section 1, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 77–121, pls. 1–2.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 7.]Reference No. 2
Amano, M. and Marui, N., 1958:
On the new species of Spondylus from the Cretaceous formation in Nagano Prefecture.
Kumamoto Journal of Science, Series B, Section 1, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 27–30, pl. 2.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 8.]Reference No. 3
Fukada, A., 1950:
On the occurrence of Perisphinctes (s. s.) from the Ozika peninsula in the southern Kitakami mountainland.
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 211–216, pl. 1.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 8.]Reference No. 4
Hamada, T., 1956:
Halysites kitakamiensis Sugiyama from the Gotlandian formation in the Kuraoka district, Kyushu, Japan.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 27, nos. 2–4, pp. 133–141, pl. 9.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 9.]Reference No. 5
Hamada, T., 1957:
On the septal projection of the Halysitidae.
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 10, pt. 3, pp. 383–391, pl. 6.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 9.]Reference No. 6
Hamada, T., 1958:
Japanese Halysitidae.
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 11, pt. 2, pp. 91–114.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 9.]Reference No. 7
Hamada, T., 1959a:
Corallum growth of the Halysitidae.
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 11, pt. 3, pp. 273–289, pls. 12–15.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 10.]Reference No. 8
Hamada, T., 1959d:
Discovery of a Devonian ostracod in the Fukuji district, Gifu Prefecture, west Japan.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 30, pp. 39–51.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 10.]Reference No. 9
Hamada, T., 1959b:
Gotlandian shelly fauna from southwest Japan (1). Coronocephalus kabayashii, a new species from the Kuraoka district, Kyushu.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 30, pp. 71–88, pl. 6.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 11.]Reference No. 10
Hamada, T., 1959c:
On the taxonomic position of Favosites hidensis and its Devonian age.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 30, pp. 201–213, pl. 16.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 11.]Reference No. 11
Hamada, T., 1960:
Some Permo-Carboniferous fossils from Thailand.
Scientific Papers of the College of General Education, University of Tokyo, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 337–361, pls. 1–2.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 11.]Reference No. 12
Hanai, T., 1951:
Cretaceous non-marine Ostracoda from the Sungari group in Manchuria.
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 7, pts. 6–10, pp. 403–430, pls. 1–2.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 13.]Reference No. 13
Hanai, T., 1953:
Lower Cretaceous belemnites from Miyako district, Japan.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 23, pp. 63–80, pls. 5–7.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 14.]Reference No. 14
Hayami, I., 1957a:
Liassic Bakevellia in Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 1.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 28, nos. 1–3, pp. 47–59, pls. 2–3.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 15.]Reference No. 15
Hayami, I., 1957b:
Liassic Gervillia and Isognomon in Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 2.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 28, nos. 1–3, pp. 95–106, pls. 6–7.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 15.]Reference No. 16
Hayami, I., 1957c:
On the occurrence of Cardinioides from the Liassic Kuruma group in central Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 3.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 26, pp. 69–73, pl. 12.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 16.]Reference No. 17
Hayami, I., 1957d:
Radulonectites, a new pectinid genus, from the Liassic Kuruma group in central Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 4.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 27, pp. 89–93, pl. 16.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 17.]Reference No. 18
Hayami, I., 1957e:
Liassic Chlamys, "Camptonectes" and other pectinids from the Kuruma group in central Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 5.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 28, pp. 119–127, pl. 20.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 17.]Reference No. 19
Hayami, I., 1958a:
Liassic Volsella, Mytilus and some other dysodont species in Japan. Studies on the Liassic pelecypods in Japan, 6.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 29, pp. 155–165, pls. 23–24.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 18.]Reference No. 20

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