Key to the Genera

Acrophorus Presl
Acrophorus stipellatus Moore, Gard. Chron. 1854: 135 (1854); Nayar & Kaur, Bull. Bot. Gard. Luckn. 81: 34 (1963); H. Ito (1966) 470; K. Iwats. (1975) 180.
Leucostegia nodosa (Presl) Bedd.; Bedd. (1883) 55, f. 26. ——— Davallia nodosa (Presl) Hook., Sp. Fil. 1: 157 (1846); Clarke (1880) 444.
TI 6805217~18, 771678, 8330159, 8331670, 8580695, Fleming 2542, Tabata et al. 19118.
On humus-rich floor of dense evergreen forests at 2000-3200 m alt.
N India, SW China, Thailand, Indochina, S Japan, Ryukyu, and Taiwan.
Diacaipe Blume
Diacaipe aspidioides Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 241 (1828); Clarke (1880) 434; Bedd. (1883) 18; H. Ito (1966) 473, (1971) 209; K. Iwats. (1975) 185. ——— Peranema aspidioides(Bl.) Mett., Fil. Lechl. 2: 33 (1859); Nayar & Kaur, Bull. Bot. Gard. Luckn. 81: 22 (1963).
TI 6305231~34, 725330, 771987.
On humus-rich floor of dense forests at 2000-3000 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, SW China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Hainan, and W Malesia. Var. hookeriana (Wall. ex Moore) Ching et S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 194 (1983) is recognized for Himalayan plants.
Peranema D. Don
Peranema cyathoides D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 12 (1825); Clarke (1880) 435; Bedd. (1883) 22, f. 11; Nayar & Kaur, Bull. Bot. Gard. Luckn. 81: 24 (1963); H. Ito (1966) 479, (1971) 211; K. Iwats. (1975) 189.
Sphaeropteris barbata Wall. ex Hope, 13: 28 (1900).
TI 6300811, 6305309~19, 725072, 725313, 725503, 725954, 771188, 773023, 8350207, 8580062, Kanai 670532, 670684, 673597, Suehiro 2490, Nishioka 1143,1152, Fleming 1673, Tabata et al. 14282, 21518.
On humus-rich floor of dense mountain forests at 2000-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, and Taiwan.
Lithostegia Ching
Lithostegia foeniculacea (Hook.) Ching, Sinensia 4: 5, t. 1 (1933); H. Ito (1971) 211; K. Iwats. (1975) 189. ——— Aspidium foeniculaceum Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 36, t. 237 (1862). ——— Lastrea foeniculacea (Hook.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. t. 36 (1865), (1892) 5. ——— Diacalpe foeniculacea (Hook.) Clarke (1880) 434; Bedd. (1883) 18.
TI 725359B.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in forests at 2000-2400 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and Yunnan.
Dryopteris Adans.
Key to the Species
Dryopteris scottii (Bedd.) Ching, Bull. Dept. Biol. Coll. Sci. Sun Yatsen Univ. 6: 3 (1933); H. Ito (1971) 210. ——— Polypodium scottii Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 345 (1870); Clarke (1880) 542. ——— Phegopteris scottii (Bedd.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 19 (1876), (1883) 289, f. 148.
Nephrodium hirtipes (Bl.) Baker sens. Clarke (1880) 513, p.p.
Dryopteris costalisora Tagawa sens. H. Ito (1966) 476.
TI 6305249.
On humus-rich floor of dense forests up to 2000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, N Thailand, Tonkin, and Taiwan.
Dryopteris atrata (Wall. ex Kunze) Ching, Sinensia 3: 326 (1933); H. Ito (1966) 475, (1971) 209; K. Iwats. (1975) 187. ——— Aspidium atratum Wall. ex Kunze, Linnaea 24: 279 (1851).
Nephrodium hirtipes (Bl.) Baker sens. Clarke (1880) 513, p.p.; Hope, 14: 721 (1903). ——— Lastrea hirtipes (Bl.) sens. Bedd. (1883) 232, f. 120. ——— Dryopteris hirtipes (Bl.) O. Ktze. sens. Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 5: 6 (1973).
TI 6305237~38, 725786, 771994, 8330209, 8350164, 8350178, Tabata et al. 21602.
On humus-rich mountain slopes usually in dense forests at 1700-2600 m alt.
Ceylon, India, China, Burma, Thailand, Japan, and Taiwan.
Dryopteris panda (Clarke) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. Suppl. 3: 94 (1934); H. Ito (1966) 478; K. Iwats. (1975) 188. ——— Nephrodium filix-mas (L.) Rich. var. pandum Clarke (1880) 519, pl. 68, f. 1. ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presi var. panda (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 251. ——— Nephrodium pandum (Clarke) Hope, 12: 623 (1899).
TI 6305287~92, 725078~79, 725404, 771612, 8330122bis, 8331360, 8350111, 8580819,8581011,8581376,8581530.
On rather dry mountain slopes on edges of or in forests, also often in muddy crevices of cliffs in shade at 1300-2100 m alt.
N India, China, and Korea.
Dryopteris paleacea (Sw.) C. Chr., Amer. Fern J. 1: 95 (1911); H. Ito (1966) 477, (1971) 210; K. Iwats. (1975) 188. ——— Aspidium paleaceum Sw., Syn. Fil. 52 (1806); D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 4 (1825).
Nephrodium filix-mas (L.) Rich. var. patentissima Clarke (1880) 520. ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presl var. patentissima (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 249. ——— Nephrodium parallelogramma Hope var. patentissima (Clarke) Hope, 14: 728 (1903).
Dryopteris wallichiana (Spr.) Hyl.; Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 5: 8 (1973). ——— Aspidium brunonianum Wall. ex Mett., Pheg. Aspid, 54 (1858). ——— Lastrea brunoniana (Wall. ex Mett.) Presl; Bedd. (1883) 246, (1892) 55. ——— Nephrodium bruno nianum (Wall. ex Mett.) Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 113, t. 251 (1862); Clarke (1880) 522; Hope, 14: 731 (1903).
TI 6300813, 6305270~86, 725071, 725311,725465, 725505, 725534,725945, 771974, 8331734, 8350177, 8580030, 8580169, 8580697, 8580740, 8580824, 8581311, 8581321, 8581387, 8581453, 8581519, Kanai 670753, 672138, 672363, 674825, 676112, Nishioka 626, Suehiro 948, 949, 960, 961, 994, 2496, 2534, Fleming 1556, Tabata et al. 12820, 13970, 13973, 14106, 14281, 18684, 19114, 19665, 19821, 20766, 20792, 20860, 21048, 21201, 21385, 21411, 21519, 21699, 24297.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in shade at 1700-3000 m alt.
Afghanistan, N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, and Taiwan.
Dryopteris sino-fibrillosa Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol 10: 180 (1940); K. Iwats. (1975) 188.
Dryopteris fibrillosa (Clarke) Hand.-Mzt., Akad. Anz, Akad. Wiss. Wiens 1922: 2 (1922), non C. Chr. (1905); Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 424 (1938). ——— Nephrodium filix-mas (L.) Rich. var. fibrillosum Clarke (1880) 520, pl. 70. ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presl var. parallelogramma subvar. fibrillosa (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 250. ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presl f. fibrillosa (Clarke) Hope, 14: 731 (1903).
TI 725213,725246, 8580178, 8580395, 8580396, 8581319, Suehiro 2444, 2447,2470, 2471, 2475, Namba 1031006, Kanai 672182, 672527, Polunin et al. 182, 3147, 17187, Fleming 1900, Tabata et al. 9119, 13112, 13332, 13355, 14098, 14108, 15078, 15125, 15167,15414,17555,17634, 17928, 19439, 19455,19505, 19722, 19820, 20807, 20808, 20859, 21110, 21169, 21202, 21225, 21345, 21387, 21450, 23000, 23346, 23394.
On humus-rich floor of dense forests or at foot of cliffs in deep shade at 3400-4100 m alt.
N India to SW China.
Dryopteris barbigera (Hook.) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 812 (1981); Tagawa (1955) 80; K. Iwats. (1975) 187. ——— Nephrodium barbigerum Hook., Sp. Fil. 4:113 (1862); Clarke (1880) 522; Hope, 14: 732 (1903). ——— Lastrea barbigera (Hook.) Bedd. (1883) 246, f. 127.
TI 725185, 725196, 725212, 725249, 725918, 772271, 8331690, 8331945, 8580179, Nishioka 1036, Kanai 672220, 672996, Suehiro 1249~50, 1294, 1313, 1315~16,1336, Nakao s.n., Polunin 1405, Polunin et al. 137, 3191, 3542, Lowndes 1170, 1445, Tabata et al. 16708,17585,19573,19666.
On humus-rich ground on edges of or in dense forests at 3200-4200 m alt.
Afghanistan, N India, Yunnan, and Taiwan.
Dryopteris subbarbigera Ching ex Ching et S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 260,f. 62-6 (1983).
TI 8310702,8310894,8330817, 8331045, 8343064, 8343066~67, 8530518, 8581139, Tabata et al. 18964.
At foot of cliffs in forests at 3600-4000 m in Central Nepal.
Dryopteris serrato-dentata (Bedd.) Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 4:179, f. 116 (1914); H. Ito (1966) 478; K. Iwats. (1975) 188. ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presl var. serrato-dentata Bedd. (1892) 55. ——— Nephrodium serrato-dentatum (Bedd.) Hope, 12: 622, pl. 10(1899).
TI 725191, 725193, 725201, 725228, 725233, 725262, 725268, 772214, 8580171, 8580199, 8580265, 8580269, 8580299bis, 8580319, 8580348bis, 8580398, 8580655, 8581056, 8581264, 8581280, 8581524, Polunin et al. 5491, Tabata et al. 19591.
On humus-rich slopes in dense forests at 3400-4200 m alt.
N India, SW China (Tibet and Yunnan), and Taiwan.
Dryopteris cochleata (D. Don) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 258 (1905); H. Ito (1966) 476, (1971) 209; K. Iwats. (1975) 187. ——— Nephrodium cochleatum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 6 (1825); Clarke (1880) 521; Hope, 14: 734, pl. 30 (1903). ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presl var. cochleata Bedd. (1883) 250, f. 130.
TI 6305239~48, 725406, 8332127, Tabata et al. 14416, 21963, 30059.
On mountain slopes in semi-shade or on edges of dense forests up to 2000 m alt.
N India to W Malesia.
Dryopteris odontoloma (Moore) C. Chr., Acta Hort. Gothob. 1: 59 (1924); K. Iwats. (1975) 187. ——— Lastrea odontoloma Moore, Ind. Fil. 90 (1858); Bedd. (1883) 248, f. 128, p.p. ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presl var. odontoloma (Moore) Bedd, (1892) 55, p.p. ——— Nephrodium odontolomum (Moore) Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 2nd ed. 498 (1874); Clarke (1880) 521; Hope, 14: 736, pl. 31 (1903).
Dryopteris hypophlebia Hayata sens. H. Ito (1966) 477.
Dryopteris lepidopoda Hayata sens. H. Ito (1966) 477, (1971) 210.
TI 6305257, 6305259, 6305261, 67-3155, 67-25653, 725537, 725013, 725537, 8331295, 8580731, 8581307, 8581481, Kanai 672720, Tabata et al. 14097, 16987, 21044, 21448.
On mountain slopes in dense mountain forests, or along edges of forest paths at 1600-3000 m alt.
Afghanistan, N India, W and SW China, and Indochina.
TI 6305251~53, and Namba 1110041 are a form named Dryopteris fructuosa (Christ.) C. Chr., which is discriminated by larger, crustaceous and convex indusia and by densely scaly stipes and rachis.
Dryopteris chrysocoma (Christ) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 257 (1905); H. Ito (1966) 476; K. Iwats. (1975) 187. ——— Aspidium chrysocomum Christ, Bull. Acad. Géogr. Bot. 11: 253 (1902).
Dryopteris barbigera (Moore) O. Ktze. sens. H. Ito (1966) 475.
Dryopteris marginata (Hope) Christ sens. H. Ito (1966) 477.
Dryopteris odontoloma (Moore) C. Chr, sens. H. Ito (1966) 477.
TI 6305262, 6305263, 6305266, 6305269, 725142, 725162, 725241, 725405, 725497, 771638, 773013, 8330122, 8331684, 8331773, 8351241, 8580005, 8580074, 8580082, 8580384, 8580804, 8580892, 8581013, 8581346, 8581515, K. Itoh 1182, Polunin 1402, Polunin et al. 188, Fleming 1378, Kanai 672623, Tabata et al. 13769, 17514, 19096, 19649, 21227, 23223, 23427, 24296.
On rather dry mountain slopes or in muddy crevices of cliffs in forests at 1600-3400 m alt.
N India and China.
Dryopteris blanfordii (Hope) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 254 (1905); Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 444 (1938). ——— Nephrodium blanfordii Hope, 12: 624, pl. 11 (1899); 14: 736 (1903).
Nephrodium remotum Clarke (1880) 523, non Hook. (1861). ——— Lastrea spinulosa (Müll.) Presl var. remota Bedd. (1883) 252, (1892) 59.
TI 8581313, 8581459, Tabata et al. 19817, 21224.
On mountain slopes in forests at 1800-2700 m alt.
N India.
Dryopteris juxtaposita Christ, Bull. Acad. Géogr. Bot. 1907: 138 (1907); Ching & S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 266 (1983).
Dryopteris odontoloma (Moore) C. Chr.; Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 447 (1938), p.p.
TI 6305258, 6305260, 67-310, 67-1009, 67-3155, 67-25653, 725075, 8580013, 8580036, 8580095, 8580833, 8581476, Suehiro 2279, Namba et al. 1017, Tabata et al. 19720, 20991, 21050, 21059, 21449, 23253.
On mountain slopes in forests at 1800-2400 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and SW Chinn.
Dryopteris splendens (Hook.) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 813 (1891); Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 452 (1938); K. Iwats. (1975) 188. ——— Nephrodium splendens Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 126 (1862); Clarke (1880) 527. ——— Lastrea splendens (Hook.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 42 (1865), (1883) 262.
Dryopteris reflexosquamata Hayata sens. H. Ito (1966) 478.
TI 6305293~95, 725357, 8330236, Tabata et al. 20848.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in forests at (1300-) 2300-3000 m alt.
N India and SW China.
Dryopteris squamiseta (Hook.) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 813 (1891); Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 456 (1938); H. Ito (1966) 479. ——— Nephrodium squamisetum Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 140, t. 268 (1862).
Lastrea buchanani (Baker) Bedd. (1883) 255.
No specimens from Nepal are available; along paths at edge of forests at 1900-2400 malt. in N India.
S Africa, Madagascar, N India, W China, and Taiwan.
Dryopteris angustifrons (Moore ex Bedd.) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 812 (1891); Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inat. Biol. 8: 459 (1938). ——— Lastrea angustifrons Moore ex Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 226 (1867), (1883) 262, non Moore (1858). ——— Nephrodium angustifrons (Moore ex Bedd.) Baker, Syn. Fil. 283 (1867); Clarke (1880) 527.
Recorded in Nepal on mountain, slopes in forests at middle elevations.
Yunnan and Burma.
Dryopteris marginata (Hope) Christ, Phil. J. Sci, 2: 212 (1907); K. Iwats. (1975) 187. ——— Nephrodium filix-mas (L.) Rich, var. marginatum Clarke (1880) 521, pl. 71. ——— Nephrodium niarginatun (Wall.) Hope, 14: 740, pl. 33 (1903).
TI 725437, 725438, 725536, 725888, 772135, 8350994, 8580009, 8580746, 8S80760, 8580785, 8580949, 8581488, Suehiro 2279, 2291, Fleming 1610, Shiraiwa 4401, 4406, Polunin et al. 3133, Tabata ct al. 16997, 21668, 21704, 21776, 21823, 21889, 21939, 21998, 30037, 30230.
On mountain slopes along paths in forests at 1000-2700 m alt.
Ceylon, N India, and Taiwan.
Dryopteris pulvinulifera (Bedd,) O. Ktze., Rev.Gen. Pl. 2: 213 (1891); Ching,
Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 466 (1938); K. Iwats. (1975) 188. ——— Lastrea pulvinulifera Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. t. 333 (1970), (1883) 255, (1892) 60. ——— Nephrodium pulvinuliferum (Bedd.) Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 2nd ed. 500 (1874); Clarke (1880) 525.
Nephrodium sparsum D. Don var. squamulosum Clarke (1880) 524.
Dryopteris harae H. Ito (1966) 476, pl. 26, (1975) 205.
Not actually recorded from Nepal; in N India on humus-rich mountain slopes in
dense forests at 1700-2600 m alt.
Ceylon, N India, and Bhutan.
Dryopteris sparsa (D. Don) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 813 (1891); H. Ito (1966) 478, (1971) 210; K. Iwats. (1975) 188. ——— Nephrodium sparsum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 6 (1825); Clarke (1880) 523; Hope, 14: 743 (1903). ——— Lastrea sparsa (D. Don) Moore, Ind. Fil. 87, 104 (1858); Bedd. (1883) 252, f. 131, cum vars. nitidula et obtusissima.
Nephrodium sparsum D. Don var. latisquamum Clarke (1880) 524.
Dryopteris hasseltii (Bl.) C. Chr. sens. H. Ito (1966) 477.
TI 6305250, 6305298~302, 725044, 725439, 771583, 772798, 773269, 8330024, Suehiro 158, 160, 467, 2029, 2031, 2039, Fleming 1271, 1646, Kondo 758502.
On rather dry mountain slopes or in muddy crevices of rocks in forests in lowlands, or up to 2600 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, China, S Japan, SE Asia to Malesia.
Dryopteris hendersonii (Bedd.) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 270 (1905); H. Ito (1971) 210. ——— Lastrea hendersonii Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 17, t. 377 (1876).
Nephrodium spectabile Clarke (1880) 526. ——— Lastrea spectabilis (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 257.
Reported from Nepal; on humus-rich mountain slopes in dense forests at 1600-1800 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, China, S Japan, and Taiwan.
Arachniodes Blume
Key to the Species

Arachniodes amabilis (Bl.) Tindale, Contr. NSW Nat. Herb. 3: 90 (1961); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 5: 39 (1973). ——— Aspidium amabile Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 165 (1828); Clarke (1880) 510. ——— Lastrea amabilis (Bl.) Moore; Bedd. (1883) 228.
Recorded from Nepal; on mountain slopes in dense forests at about 1200 m alt.
N India, China, Taiwan, Ryukyu, Japan, and Malesia.
Arachniodes coniifolia (Moore) Ching, Acta Bot. Sin. 10: 257 (1962). ——— Aspidium coniifolium. Wall. ex Mett., Pheg. Aspid. 157 (1858), non Presi (1822); Hope, 14: 720 (1903). ——— Lastrea coniifolia Moore, Ind. Fil. Ixxxviii (1857); Bedd. (1883) 230, f. 118. ——— Rumohra wallichii Ching, Sinensia 5: 59, pl. 9 (1934).
Aspidium aristatum Sw. sens. Clarke (1880) 511. ——— ? Nephrodium aristatum Sw. sens. Hope, 14: 720 (1903). ——— ? Arachniodes aristata (Forst. f.) Tindale sens. Banerji, Candollea 27: 274 (1972).
Aspidium mucronatum Hamilt. ex D). Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 5 (1825).
Aspidium cornu-cervi Hamilt. ex D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 5 (1825).
On dry mountain slopes in forests at 1800-2500 m alt.
N India and SW China.
Arachniodes speciosa (D. Don) Ching, Acta Bot. Sin. 10: 259 (1962); H. Ito (1971) 208. ——— Aspidium speciosum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 5 (1825).
Lastrea affinis (Wall. ex Mett.) Bedd. (1883) 230.
Recorded from Nepal.
N India, Bhutan, and SW China.
Arachniodes spectabilis (Ching) Ching, Acta Bot. Sin. 10: 259 (1962); H. Ito (1966) 471, (1971) 208; K. Iwats. (1975) 181. ——— Rumohra spectabilis Ching, Sinensia 5: 58, pl. 11 (1934).
TI 6305221-26, 725359, 770183, 771680, 8330196, 8580762.
On mountain slopes in dense forests at 1500-3300 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and Yunnan.
Polysticimm Roth
Nakaike, T. 1982. An enumeration of the ferns of Nepal I. Polystichum. Misc. Publ. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 135-158.
Key to the Species
Polystichum nepalense (Spr.) C. Chr., Ind, Fil. 84 (1905); Tagawa (1966) 480, (1971) 212; K. Iwats. (1975) 190. ——— Aspidium nepalense Spr., Syst. Veg. 4: 97 (1827).
Aspidium auriculatum (L.) Sw. sens, D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 3 (1825). ——— Polystichum auriculatum (L.) Presi sens. Banerji, Candollea 27: 275 (1972).
Aspidium marginatum Wall. ex Mett.; Hope, 14: 459, t. 17 (1902). ——— Polystichum auriculatum (L.) Presl var. marginatum (Wall. ex Mett.) Bedd. (1883) 204.
TI 6305467-72, 725052, 725069,725148, 8581027, 8581324, Kanai 670531, Suehiro 1003, 1049, 1086, 1088, 1093, Nishioka 814, Tabata et al. 19100.
On muddy crevices of cliffs or on mossy rocks in dense forests usually along paths at 2000-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, Taiwan, and Philippines.
var. subbipinnatum C. Chr., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 26: 284 (1931); Tagawa (1971) 212; K. Iwats. (1975) 190.
Polystichum falcatipinnum Hayata; Nishida, Ann. Rep. For. St. Coll. Chiba U. 3: 43 (1968).
Polystichum manmeiense (Christ) Nakaike, Misc. Publ. Nat. Sci, Mus. Tokyo 1982: 141 (1982).
TI 63-NOV.-14, 63-Dec.-3, 725149, 725157, 725159A, 725361, Kanai 670531bis.
The same habitat as the type variety.
N India, Bhutan, and Yunnan.
Polystichum obliquum (D. Don) Moore, Ind. Fil. 87 (1858). ——— Aspidium obliquum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 3 (1825); Hope, 14: 463, pl. 28C (1902). ——— Aspidium auriculatum Sw. var. caespitosa Clarke (1880) 507.
TI 8310213,8330290, 8330554, 8350163, 8580020, 8580888, 8581535, Suehiro 1426, Polunin et al. 512, 856, 3864, Lowndes 891, Tabata et al. 18699.
On muddy rocks or on vertical banks m deep shade at 2000-3200 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, and Taiwan.
Polystichum stenophyllum Christ, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 52 Mém. 1: 27 (1905); Tagawa (1966) 481, (1971) 212; K. Iwats. (1975) 191.
TI 6305483~84, 725144, 725190, 725289, 725291, 725474, 772187, 8330217, 8580708, Suehiro 2033, 2037~38, Nishioka 810.
On moist mossy cliffs in deep mountain forests at (2000-) 2500-3400 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, and Taiwan.
Polystichum lachenense (Hook.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 32 (1865), (1883) 203; Hope, 14: 458 (1902); Tagawa (1966) 480; K. Iwata. (1975) 190. ——— Aspidium lachenense Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 8, pl, 212 (1862); Clarke (1880) 506.
TI 725204, 725223,725275, 8331883, 8342035, 8580298, 8580306,8580326,8580456, 8581143, 8581148, 8581180, 8581188, 8581227, 8581228, Zimmermann 1449, Polunin et al. 2606, Lowndes 1336, Tabata et al. 17740, 17845.
On rocky ground or among rocks on open mountain slopes or in semi-shade at 3800-4700 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, China, Japan, and Taiwan.
Polystichum duthiei (Hope) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 581 (1906); K. Iwats. (1975) 190. ——— Aspidium duthiei Hope, 12: 532, pl. 6 (1899).
No Nepalese specimens have been examined.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, and Taiwan.
Polystichum acanthophyllum (Franch.) Christ, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 52 Mém. 1: 30 (1905); Tagawa (1966) 480, (1971) 211; K. Iwats. (1975) 189. ——— Aspidium
acanthophyllum Franch., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 32: 23 (1885); Hope, 14: 465, pl. 29 (1902). ——— Polystichum aculeatum var. acanthophyllum (Franch.) Bedd. (1892) 43.
TI 6305479~81, 6305485~86, 725292, 772173, 8580737, 8581317, Nakao s.n., Polunin et al. 769.
In muddy crevices of cliffs in dense forests at 2200-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, and Taiwan.
Polystichum stimulans (Kunze ex Mett.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 31 (1865); Tagawa (1955) 80, (1966) 481, (1971) 212; K. Iwats. (1975) 191. ——— Aspidium stimulans Kunze ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Ges. Frankf. 2: 327 (1858).
Aspidium ilicifolium D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 3 (1825); Clarke (1880) 508; Hope, 14: 464 (1902). ——— Polystichum ilicifolium (D. Don) Moore, Ind. Fil. 94 (1858), non Fée (1852); Bedd. (1883) 206, f. 103.
TI 6305485~87, 725290, 772672, 8310296, 8330287, 8580063, 8581299, Nishioka 815, Suehiro 972, 975, 982, 1444, Zimmermann 250,1666, Polunin et al. 5435, Fleming 1788, Kanai & Shakya 851282, Tabata et al. 14090, 18235, 24930.
On muddy rocks or in crevices of cliffs in moist dense forests at 2400-3500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and Yunnan.
Polystichum thomsonii (Hook. f.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 126 (1866), (1883) 206; Tagawa (1966) 481, (1971) 213; K. Iwats. (1975) 191. ——— Aspidium thomsonii Hook. f. in Hook., 2nd Cent. Ferns t. 25 (1860); Clarke (1880) 508; Hope, 14: 466 (1902).
TI 6305481~82, 67-1157, 67-3093, 69-30112, 69-30113, 725016, 725287, 725528, 8330279, 8330363, 8350215, Kanai 11330, 670449, Suehiro 1064~65,1068,1196,1435, 2480, Zimmermann 720, 1736, Polunin et al. 892,4465,5405, Tabata et al. 13838,13845, 15170, 15172, 15173, 19107, 24989.
On mountain slopes or at foot of cliffs in dense forests at 2200-4000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, China, and Taiwan.
Polystichum lentum (D. Don) Moore, Ind. Fil. 86 (1858); Tagawa (1966) 480; K. Iwats. (1975) 190. ——— Aspidium lentum D, Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 4 (1825); Hope, 14: 462, pl. 28B (1902). ——— Aspidium auriculatum. (L.) Sw. var. lentum (D. Don) Clarke (1880) 507. ——— Polystichum auriculatum (L.) Presl var. lentum (D. Don) Bedd. (1883) 204.
TI 6305489, 6305497~503, 725029, 725442, 771740, 8330124, 8350004, 8350108, Kanai 9890, 674457, Suehiro 2016~17, 2128~29, Tabata et al. 18023, 19169, 19170, 21868.
In muddy crevices of or at foot of cliffs in dense forests at 1000-2500 m alt.
N India and Bhutan.
Polystichum atkinsonii Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 14, pl. 362 (1876), (1883) 203; Tagawa (1971) 211; K. Iwats. (1975) 189. ——— Aspidium atkinsonii (Bedd.) Clarke (1880) 506.
TI 725188, 725288, 772670, 8581478.
In muddy crevices of cliffs in dense forests at 2600-3500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and SW China. Polystichum gracilipes var. gemmiferum Tagawa was reduced to this species by Nakaike (1982), thus C Japan was included in the area.
Polystichum discretum (D. Don) Diels in Engl. & Pranti, Nat. Pfl.-fam. 1 (4): 199 (1899); Tagawa (1971) 211; K. Iwats. (1975) 190. ——— Aspidium discretum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 4 (1825).
Polystichum setosum Schott, Gen. Fil. t. 9 (1834); Ching & S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl, Xizang. 1: 237 (1983). ——— Aspidium aculeatum (L.) Sw. var. setosum Clarke (1880) 510. ——— Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Schott var. setosum Bedd. (1883) 209; Banerji, Condollea 27: 274 (1972). ——— Aspidium setosum Wall. ex Hope, 14; 476 (1902).
TI 6310033~38, 725095, 725147, 725285, 771979, 771990, 8330195, 8330314, 8581301, Kanai 670534, Suehiro 928~29, 1105, 1482, 2164, Fleming 1764, Tabata et al. 21521, 21541, 21592, 21666, 21702, 21706, 21774, 21778.
On muddy cliffs or on mossy rocks in dense forests at 2200-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and Yunnan.
Polystichum bakerianum (Atkins. ex Baker) Diels in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pfl.-fam. 1 (4): 191 (1899); K. Iwats. (1975) 190. ——— Aspidium prescottianum Wall. ex Moore var. bakerianum Clarke (1880) 510, pl, 66. ——— Polystichum prescottianum (Wall. ex Mett.) Moore var. bakerianum. (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 210. ——— Aspidium bakerianum Atkins. ex Baker in Hook., Ic. Pl. t. 1656 (1886); Hope, 14: 479 (1902).
TI 725258, 8331744, 8331745, 8580677, 8581470, Suehiro 1151~52, 1350, Polunin et al. 233, 3071, 3192, Tabata et al. 15415, 15431, 16742, 17584, 19476, 19664, 22678, 22878.
On muddy rocks in dense forests at 3000-4400 m alt.
N India and SW China.
Polystichum prescottianum (Wall. ex Mett.) Moore, Ind. Fil. 101 (1858); Bedd. (1883) 210, f. 105; Tagawa (1966) 480, (1971) 212; K. Iwats. (1975) 190. ——— Aspidium prescottianum Wall. ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Frankf. 2: 48 (1858); Clarke (1880) 510; Hope, 14: 477 (1902).
Polystichum moupinense (Franch.) Bedd. (1892) 42.
TI 725184, 725192, 725214~15, 725245, 725274, 725286, 725916, 725919, 771021, 771023, 772575, 773766, 8331998, 8580182, 8580220, 8580267, 8580298bis, 8580335, 8580361, 8580379, 8580394, 8580406, 8581091, 8581116, 8581168, 8581274, 8581382, 8581394, Kanai 674817, Suehiro 1281, 1339~40, 2464, 2474, Tabata et al. 15430, 16665, 17635, 19509, 19590, 22994, 23067, 24225.
On mountain slopes or on muddy cliffs in dense forests at 3200-4200 m alt.
N India, SW China, and Taiwan.
Polystichum neolobatum Nakai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 39: 118 (1925); Tagawa (1966) 480, (1971)211.
TI 6310021, 6305477~78, 8580709, 8581318, Namba 1115043, Polunin 1658, Polunin et al. 3182, Suehiro 1106, Fleming 886, 1899, Tabata et al. 14091, 19643, 19651, 21157, 21414, 21447.
On mountain slopes or at foot of cliffs in dense forests at 2500-3400 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, Japan, and Taiwan.
Polystichum squarrosum (D. Don) Fée, Gen. Fil. 278 (1852); Tagawa (1966) 481, (1971) 212; K. Iwats. (1975) 191. ——— Aspidium squarrosum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 4 (1825); Hope, 14: 470 (1902).
TI 6305473~76, 6310010~11, 67-30152~54, 725360, 725407, 725531, 725875,
725899, 725903, 725946, 725960, 771488, 771685, 8330034, 8330154, 8350021, 8580004, 8580719, 8580765, 8580805, 8580809, 8580831, Kanai 16689, 670723, 671575, 571651, Suehiro 289, 312~16, 991~92, 1473, 2539~40, Polunin et al. 621, 5604, Shiraiwa 4463, Tabata et al. 16978, 18092, 18202, 19162, 21572, 21604, 21878, 21997, 23931, 30042, 30233.
On mountain slopes in dense forests at 1300-3200 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and China.
Polystichum brachypterum (Kunze) Ching may be a form of P. squarrosum.
Polystichum nigropaleaceum (Christ) Diels in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pfl.-fam. 1 (4): 191 (1899); K. Iwats. (1975) 190. ——— Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Schott var. nigropaleaceum Christ, Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 3: 26 (1893). ——— Polystichum setiferum (Forssk.) Moore ex Woynar var. nigropaleaceum (Christ) Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 5: 36 (1973).
Polystichum piceopaleaceum Tagawa; Nishida, Ann. Rep. For. St. Coll. Chiba. U. 3: 43 (1968).
Aspidium angulare Kit. ex Willd. sens. Hope, 14: 472 (1902).
Polystichum setiferum (Forsk.) Moore ex Woyner sens. Nishida, Ann, Rep. For. St.Coll. Chiba U. 3: 43 (1968).
TI 6310022~25, 725070, 725159B, 725473, 725533, 8330333, 8330367, 8350213, 8580733, 8580738, 8581300, 8581304, Suehiro 1087, 1089, 2276, 2531, Fleming 1559, Yoda s.n., Tabata et al. 19819, 21045, 21098, 21593, 21664, 21669, 21703, 21777, 21827, 24298, 24405, 30018.
On moist mountain slopes in dense forests at 2100-3100 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and China.
Polystichum kodamae Tagawa was recorded: Nishida, Ann. Rep. For. St. Coll. Chiba U. 3: 43 (1968); Nakaike, Misc. Publ. Nat. Sci, Mus. Tokyo 1982: 139 (1982).
Polystichum biaristatum (Bl.) Moore, Ind. Fil. 86 (1858); Tagawa (1971) 211.——— Aspidium biaristatum Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 164 (1828). ——— Aspidium aculeatum (L.) Sw. var. biaristatum (Bl.) Clarke (1880) 510. ——— Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Schott var. biaristatum (Bl.) Bedd. (1883) 209.
TI 6310008~09, 6310019~20.
On humus-rich mountain slopes and often at moist foot of cliffs in dense forests at about 1500 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, S China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Taiwan, Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi.
Polystichum punctiferum C. Chr., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 26: 288, pl. 17 (1931); Tagawa (1971) 212; K. Iwats. (1975) 191.
TI 6310012~14, 725104, 725362, 771711, 771728, 8580739, 8580796, Tabata et al. 21793, 21824.
On mountain slopes in dense forests at 2200-2600 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, and Upper Burma.
Polystichum semifertile (Clarke) Ching, Lingn. Sci. J. 15: 398 (1936); Tagawa (1971) 212; K. Iwats. (1975) 191. ——— Aspidium aculeatum (L.) Sw. var. semifertile Clarke (1880) 509.
TI 6310001~05, 6310020, 67-25647, 67-30116, 725008B, 725532, 772137, 8330197, Suehiro 734, 2522, 2541 Shiraiwa 4375, 4382, Tabata et al. 21663, 30014.
On rather dry mountain slopes in dense forests at 1600-2600 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, N Thailand, and Tonkin.
Polystichum speciosum (D. Don) J. Sm., J. Bot. 4: 195 (1841). ——— Aspidium speciosum D. Don, Prodr, Fl. Nepal. 5 (1825).
Aspidium affine Wall. ex Mett, Pheg. Aspid. n. 104 (1858), non Blume (1828). ——— Lastrea affinis (Wall. ex Mett.) Bedd. (1883) 230. ——— Polystichum affine (Wall.) Presl, Tent. Pterid. 83 (1836).
Polunin et al. 859.
On moist humus covered banks in deep shade in forests at about 2200 m alt.
N India.
Polystichum kathmanduense Nakaike (1982) may be referred to here.
Cyrtomium Presl
Key to the Species

Cyrtomium hookerianum (Presl) C. Chr., Ind. Fil, Suppl. 1: 101 (1913); Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 2: 91 (1936); H. Ito (1966) 473; K. Iwats. (1975) 185. ——— Lastrea hookeriana Presl, Tent. Pterid, 77 (1836).
Aspidium caducum (Preal ex Bedd.) Wall. ex Clarke (1880) 512; Bedd, (1883) 212.
TI 6305229.
On mountain slopes in dense forests at 1500-2300 m alt.
N India, W China, S Japan, Tonkin, and Taiwan.
Cyrtomium macrophyllum (Makino) Tagawa, Ada Phytotax. Geobot. 3: 62 (1934); H. Ito (1971) 209. ——— Aspidium falcatum (L. f.) Sw. var. macrophyllum Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 16: 90 (1902).
TI 8330307~08.
On humus-rich ground in dense forests at 2000-3400 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, China, and Japan.
Cyrtomium fortunei J. Sm., Ferns Br. For. 286 (1866); Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 2: 102 (1936).
Suehiro 1030~31.
Along paths in cultivated areas in light shade.
China, Korea, and Japan.
Cyrtomium caryotideum (Wall. ex Hook, et Grev.) Presl, Tent. Pterid. 86, pl. 2, f. 26 (1836); Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 2: 99 (1936); Tagawa (1955) 80. ——— Aspidium caryotideum Wall. ex Hook, et Grev., Ic, Fil. 1; t. 69 (1828). ——— Cyrtomium falcatum (L. f.) Presl var. caryotideum. (Wall. ex Hook. et Grev,) Bedd. (1883) 211,f. 106.
Aspidium falcatum (L. f.) Sw. sens. Clarke (1880) 512.
Kanai 11352, Polunin et al. 5239, Nakao s.n., Tabata et al. 16976.
On muddy limestone cliffs in mountain forests at 1800-2100 m alt.
India, China, Japan, Taiwan, and Hawaii.
Key to the Genera

Ctenitis (C. Chr.) C. Chr.
Key to the Species

Ctenitis apiciflora (Wall. ex Mett.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 284 (1938); K. Iwats. (1975) 184. ——— Aspidium apiciflorun Wall. ex Mett., Pheg. Aspid. 54, n. 128 (1858). ——— Lastrea apiciflora (Wall. ex Mett.) Presl, Tent. Pterid. 76 (1836); Bedd. (1883) 249. ——— Nephrodium apicifloum (Wall. ex Mett.) Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 112, pl. 248 (1862); Clarke (1880) 518. ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presl var. parallelogramma subvar. apiciflora (Wall. ex Mett.) Bedd. (1883) 249. ——— Dryopteris apiciflora (Wall. ex Mett) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 812 (1891); H. Ito (1966) 475.
TI 6305235~36, 725356, 771988, 772162, 8330336.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in light shade at 2000-2700 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and Taiwan.
Ctenitis clarkei (Baker) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 287 (1936); K. Iwats. (1975) 185. ——— Nephrodium clarkei Baker in Hook., Syn. Fil. 497 (1874); Clarke (1880) 518. ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presl var. parallelogramma Hook. subvar. clarkei (Baker) Bedd. (1883) 250.
Dryopteris kawakamii Hayata sens. H. Ito (1966) 477, (1971) 210.
TI 6305254~56, 725316A, 772178, 772692.
On mountain slopes in dense forests at 2600-3400 m alt.
N India and Bhutan.
Ctenitis nidus (Clarke) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 287 (1938); K. Iwats. (1975) 185. ——— Nephrodium nidus Clarke, J. Linn. Soc. 15: 156 (1876). ——— Nephrodium apiciflorum (Wall. ex Mett.) Hook. var. nidus (Clarke) Clarke (1880) 518. ——— Lastrea filix-mas (L.) Presl var. parallelogramma Hook. subvar. nidus (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 250.
TI 725146, 725229, 725263, 725316B, 772208, 8331872, 8580164, 8580168, 8580696, 8581314, 8581327, 8581334~35, Tabata et al. 26007.
On humus-rich slopes in dense mountain forests at 2600-3600 m alt.
N India and Yunnan.
Ctenitis manipurensis (Bedd.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8; 297 (1938). ——— Polypodium manipurensis Bedd., J. Bot. 1889: 235 (1889). ——— Phegopteris manipurensis Bedd. (1892) 83.
Wallich 322 pt.
On mountain slopes in forests.
N India.
Tectaria Cav.
Key to the Species

Tectaria coadunata (Wall. ex Hook. et Grev.) C. Chr., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 26: 331 (1931); H. Ito (1966) 481, (1971) 213; K. Iwats. (1975) 191. ——— Aspidium coadunatum Wall. ex Hook. et Grev., Ic. Fil. 2: 202 (1831). ——— Nephrodium cicutarium Hook. et Baker var. coadunatum (Wall. ex Hook. et Grev,) Clarke (1880) 540.
TI 6300814, 6305320~27, 725440~41, 725882, 771505, 8331391, 8331569, 8332171, 8580875, Suehiro 9~11. 43, 612, 2108~09, 2111, Namba et al. 161, 335, 927035, Kondo 758507, Kanai 670571, Shiraiwa 4334, Polunin et al. 5748, Tabata et al. 12335, 18562, 30134, 30232.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in dense forests up to 1600 m alt.
Tropical Africa, India, S China, Taiwan, continental SE Asia to Malesia.
Tectaria polymorpha (Wall. ex Hook.) Copel., Phil. J. Sci. 2: 413 (1907); H. Ito (1966) 481, (1971) 213. ——— Aspidium polymorphum Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 54 (1862); Bedd. (1883) 218. ——— Nephrodium polymorphum (Wall. ex Hook.) Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 297 (1865); Clarke (1880) 537.
TI 6305328~31, 771865, Suehiro 1546, Fleming 2033.
On mountain slopes usually in dense forests generally at lower elevations but up to 1800 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, Yunnan, Burma, Thailand, Malesia, and Micronesia.
Ching, R. C. 1963. A reclassification of the family Thelypteridaceae from the mainland of Asia. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 289-335.
Iwatsuki, K. 1964. Taxonomy of the Thelypteroid ferns, with special reference to the species of Japan and adjacent region III. Classification. Mem. Coll. Sci. Univ. Kyoto B 31: 12-40.
Holttum, R. E. 1971. Studies in the family Thelypteridaceae III. A new system of genera in the Old World. Blumea 19: 17-52.
There are three systems proposed in the above literature. In the following enumera
tion, Iwatsuki's system is adopted; Holttum's generic system is indicated in the key to the species in parenthesis.
Key to the Genera

Meniscium Schreber
Meniscium proliferum (Retz.) Sw., Syn. Fil. 19, 206 (1806); K. Iwats. (1966) 479, (1975) 189. ——— Hemionitis proliferum Retz., Obs. Bot. 6: 36 (1791). ——— Goniopteris prolifera (Retz.) Presl, Tent. Pterid. 183 (1836); Bedd. (1833) 296, f. 153. ——— Polypodium proliferum (Retz.) Roxb., Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 4: 489, t. 32 (1844); Clarke (1880) 548; Hope, 14: 82 (1903). ——— Ampelopteris prolifera (Retz.) Copel., Gen. Fil. 144 (1947); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 8: 14 (1981).
TI 63-Nov.-25, 26, 63-Dec.-13, 725451.
On wet ground usually along streamlets in open places at 800-1500 m alt.
Tropics and subtropics throughout the Old World.
Stegnogramma Blume
Iwatsuki, K. 1963. Taxonomic studies of Pteridophyta VII. A revision of the genus Stegnogramma emend. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 19: 112-126.
Stegnogramma pozoi (Lagasca) K. Iwats. ssp. mollissima (Fisch. ex Kunze) K. Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 19: 125 (1963). ——— Gymnogramma mollissima Fisch. ex Kunze, Linnaea 23: 255, 310 (1850).
Leptogramma totta (Willd.) J. Sm.; Bedd. (1883) 377, f. 215. ——— Gymnogramma totta (Willd.) Schlecht.; Clarke (1880) 567; Hope, 15: 98 (1903).
TI 8330292, 8350219, 8350241.
On humus-rich ground or on sandy slopes often along rivers in deep shade at about 1500 m alt.
N India, China, Japan, and Taiwan.
Thelypteris Schmidel
Holttum gave revisions to roost of the genera in this family during 1969-1981. Most of them are found in: Holttum, R. E. 1981. Thelypteridaceae, in Flora Malesiana II 1:331-560.
Key to the Species