Cheilanthes Sw.
Aleuritopteris F é e is included here.
Key to the Species

Cheilanthes chrysophylla Hook., Icon. Pl. 2: 113 (1852); H. Ito (1966) 460; K. Iwats. (1975) 173. ——— Cheilanthes farinosa (Forsk.) Kaulf. var. chrysophylla (Hook.) Clarke (1880) 458; Bedd. (1883) 93.
TI 6305016~18, 725151.
On grassy slopes or in crevices of rocks on edges of forests in semi-shade at 2300- 3000 m alt.
N India and Yunnan.
Cheilanthes albomarginata Clarke, Trans. Linn. Soc. II 1: 456 (1880); Clarke (1880) 456, pl. 52; Bedd, (1883) 94; Hope, 13: 245 (1900); H. Ito (1966) 459; K. Iwats. (1975) 173. ——— Cheilanthes farinosa (Forsk.) Kaulf. var. albomarginat.a Bedd. (1892) 122.
TI 6300808, 6305019~21, 725373, 725542, 8330025, 8331608, 8350017, 8580008, 8580656, 8580715, 8580770, 8580854, 8580855, 8580899, 8580962, 8581475, Namba et al. 238, 347, Tabata et al. 20365, 24783, 30102, 30321, 30477.
On mountain slopes on edges of forests or on muddy rocks in shade at lower than 2500 m alt.
N India and SW China (Tibet and Yunnan).
Cheilanthes anceps Blanford, Simla Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 (1886); Bedd. (1892) 21; Hope, 13: 249 (1900); K, Iwats. (1975) 173.
TI 6305013~15, 725014, 725024, 725036, 725067, 725384, 8580022, 8580041, 8580771~72, 8580820, 8581355, Namba et al. 594, Tabata et al. 12514, 14162, 16857, 16964, 21307, 24781, 24818.
On muddy rocks in dense forests at middle elevations.
N India and SW China.
Cheilanthes duthiei Baker, Ann. Bot. 5: 210 (1891); Bedd. (1892) 20; Hope, 13: 242 (1900); K. Iwats. (1975) 173.
TI 725236, 8531210, 8580662, 8581169.
On clayey slopes along rivers in open places at 3400 m alt.
N India.
Cheilanthes rufa D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 16 (1825); Clarke (1880) 457; Bedd. (1883) 94; Hope, 13: 247 (1900); H. Ito (1966) 460.
TI 6305029, 8330079, 8580963, 8580966, 8581533, Suehiro 80~81, Tabata et al. 19133.
On muddy crevices of cliffs in shade at middle elevations.
N India and N Thailand.
Cheilanthes farinosa (Forsk.) Kaulf., Enum. Fil. 202 (1824); Clarke (1880) 457; Bedd. (1883) 92; Hope, 13: 248 (1900); H. Ito (1966) 460, (1971) 204; K. Iwats. (1975) 173. ——— Pteris farinosa Forsk., Fl. Aeg.-Arab. 187 (1775).
Cheilanthes dealbata D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 16 (1825), non Pursh (1814).
Cheilanthes grisea Blanford, Simla Nat. Hist. Soc. 25-6 (1886); Hope, 13: 250 (1900). ——— Aleuritopteris grisea (Blanford) Panigr., Bull. Bot. Surv. India 2: 321 (1961); Ching & S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 83 (1983).
TI 771519, 771550, 8330130, Suehiro 77-79, 145, Namba et al. 65, 152, Tabata et al.13116,14436.
On clayey slopes, on muddy rocks, or on basal tree-trunks in light shade or in forests at lower to middle elevations.
Tropical regions of the world.
Cheilanthes dalhousiae Hook., Sp. Fil. 2: 80, t. 78B (1852); Hope, 13: 243 (1900); Banerji, Candollea 27: 270 (1972). ——— Cheilanthes farinosa Kaulf. var. dalhousiae (Hook.) Clarke (1880) 457, pl. 51. ——— Leptolepidium dalhousiae (Hook.) Hsing et S.-K. Wu; Ching & S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 86 (1983).
No specimen from Nepal has actually been examined.
On muddy rocks or in muddy crevices of cliffs in forests at 1800-3000 m alt. in N India.
N India.
Cheilanthes tamburii (Hook.) Moore, Ind. Fil. 254 (1861); Alston et Bonner, Candollea 15: 204 (1956). ——— Pellaea tamburii Hook., Sp. Fil. 2: 134, t. 129 A (1858); Clarke (1880) 460; Bedd. (1883) 101.
No specimens are actually examined; Alston et Bonner (1956) cite Zimmermann 1086A.
On muddy rocks in forests at middle elevations.
Cheilanthes subvillosa Hook., Sp. Fil. 2: 87, t. 98B (1852); Clarke (1880) 456; Bedd. (1883) 93; Hope, 13: 243 (1900); K. Iwats. (1975) 173. ——— Aleuritopteris subvillosa (Hook.) Ching, Hongk. Nat. 10: 203 (1941); Tagawa (1955) 78.
Nakao 53-July-23, Tabata et al. 15412, 20568.
On slopes or on rocks in forests at 2800-3300 m alt.
N India and SW China.
Cheilanthes tenuifolia (Burm. f.) Sw., Syn. Fil. 129, 332 (1806); Clarke (1880)
455; Bedd. (1883) 92; H. Ito (1966) 460; K. Iwats. (1975) 173. ——— Trichomanes tenuifolium Burm. f., Fl. Ind. 237 (1768).
TI 6305030~31, 725510, 725872, 771540, Tabata et al. 162.
On clayey slopes or rarely on muddy rocks on edges of forests at elevations lower than 1300m alt.
Widely distributed in the Palaeotropics.
Notholaena R. Br.
Notholaena marantae (L.) R. Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 146 (1810); Clarke (1880) 567; Bedd. (1883) 373, f. 213; Hope, 15: 98 (1903); H. Ito (1966) 464, (1971) 205; K. Iwats. (1975) 176. ——— Acrostichwn marantae L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1071 (1753).
TI 6305093, 725907, 8331733, 8580663, Kanai & Shakya 672631, Zimmermann 1713, Polunin et al. 202, 3132, Tabata et al. 12547, 14715, 17427, 20809, 23255.
On rocks or in crevices of cliffs in semi-shade at 1500-4000 m alt.
Mediterranean regions, NE Africa (Ethiopia), Caucasus, N India, Bhutan, SW China (Sichuan and Yunnan), and Macaronesia.
Mildella Trev.
Mildella nitidula (Wall. ex Hook.) Hall et Lell., Amer. Fern J. 57: 127 (1967). ——— Cheilanthes nitidula Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 2: 112 (1852). ——— Pellaea nitidula (Wall. .ex Hook.) Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 149 (1867); Clarke (1880) 460; Bedd. (1883) 101.
Tabata et al. 14161, 14164, 16886, 17109, 17195, 21306, 23154, 23708, 23778.
On muddy cliffs or terrestrial on rocky slopes in shade at 1700-2200 m alt. in the west.
Pakistan and India.
Gymnopteris Bernh.
Gymnopteris vestita (Bedd.) Underw., Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 29: 627 (1902); Tagawa (1955) 79; H. Ito (1971) 205. ——— Syngramma vestita Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. t. 154 (1866), (1883) 386, f. 223, based on Grammitis vestita Wall. n.n. ——— Gymnogramma vestita (Bedd.) Hook.; Clarke (1880) 568.
TI 8350455, Nakao s.n., Polunin et al. 3292, 3435, 4029, Tabata et al. 2886, 12492, 13632, 17089, 23221.
In muddy crevices in semi-shade at 2100-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, N Thailand, Indochina, and Taiwan.
Doryopteris J. Sm.
Doryopteris concolor (Langsd, et Fisch.) Kuhn in v. Deck., Reis. Ostafr. 3 (3): Bot. 19 (1879); H. Ito (1966) 462. ——— Pteris concolor Langsd. et Fisch., Icon. Fil. 19, t. 21 (1810). ——— Pellaea concolor (Langsd. et Fisch.) Baker, Fl. Brasil. 1 (2): 396 (1870); Bedd. (1883) 100, f. 52.
TI 6305066~67.
On rather dry rocky slopes on edges of forests at 15 00-25 00 m. alt.
Ceylon, India, China, Taiwan, and Malesia.
Doryopteris ludens was recorded by Hope, 13: 456 (1901), instead of D. concolor. Our specimens have broader lobes and are more or less different from the deeply dis-sected typical form of D. concolor.
Pityrogramma Link
Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link, Handb, Gew. 3: 20 (1833); H. Ito (1966) 464, (1971) 206; K. Iwats. (1975) 176. ——— Acrostichum calomelanos L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1072 (1753). ——— Pellaea calomelanos (L.) Link, Fil. Sp. 61 (1841); Clarke (1880) 462; Bedd. (1883) 104; Hope, 13: 448 (1901).
TI 6305109~14, 725500, 725871, 771579, 8351036, 8580856, Tabata et al. 18003.
On dry clayey slopes in open places up to 2000 m alt.
Pantropics; probably naturalized from tropical America.
Cryptogramma R. Br.
Key to the Species

Cryptogramma brunoniana Wall. ex Hook. et Grev., Icon. Fil. t. 158 (1829); Tagawa (1955) 79; H. Ito (1966) 461; K. Iwats. (1975) 174.
Cryptogramma crispa (L.) R. Br. in Richards. in Frankl., Narr. Journey 767 (1823) p.p.; Clarke (1880) 459; Bedd. (1883) 98, f. 50, p.p.; Hope, 13: 446 (1901).
TI 725194, 725168, 725218, 725247, 725254, 725910, 725915, 775197, 8331839, 8331910, 8341202, 8580246, 8580370, 8581230, 8581391, Kanai et al.672263, 674804, 674923, Polunin et al. 317, 5492, Zimmermann 1562, Nakao s.n., Tabata etal. 17614, 17731.
On rocky ground in open places or in semi-shade at elevations higher than 3400 m.
N India, China, and Taiwan.
Cryptogramma stelleri (Gmel.) Prantl, Bot. Jahrb. 3: 413 (1882); H. Ito (1971) 204; K. Iwats. (1975) 174. ——— Pteris stelleri Gmel., Nov. Comm. Petr. 12: 519, t. 12, f. 1 (1768), ——— Pellaea stelleri (Gmel.) Bedd. (1883) 100, f. 51.
Pellaea gracilis Hook., Sp. Fil. 2: 138, t. 133B (1858); Clarke (1880) 460; Hope, 13: 447 (1901).
TI 725225, 8342045, 8531174, 8581117, Tabata et al. 15025.
On rather dry rocky ground in open places along paths at 3400-4000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, N China, Japan, Taiwan, Siberia, and N America.
Anogramma Link
Anogramma microphylla (Hook.) Diels in Engl. et Prantl, Nat. Pfl.-fam. 1 (4): 259 (1899); H. Ito (1966) 459; K. Iwats. (1975) 172. ——— Gymnogramma micro-phylla Hook., Icon. Pl. t. 916 (1854); Clarke (1880) 569; Bedd. (1883) 384, f. 221.
TI 725158.
On wet muddy rocks in deep shade in forests at 2500-3000 m alt.
N India and China.
Adiantum L.
Ching, R.-C. 1957. On the genus Adiantum L. of China with notes on some related species from neighbouring regions. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 6: 301-354.
Key to the Species

Adiantum soboliferum, A. capillus-junoris, and A. diaphanum have not been actually recorded from Nepal but are probably there; hence they are included in the key to the species.
Adiantum caudatum L., Mant. Pl. 308 (1771); Clarke (1880) 453; Bedd, (1883) 83, f. 44; Hope, 13: 237 (1900); Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 6: 313 (1957); H. Ito (1966) 458, (1971) 203; K. Iwats. (1975) 172.
Adiantum incisun Forsk., Fl. Aegypt. 187 (1775); Alston & Bonner, Candollea 15: 201 (1956).
TI 6304994~95, 725002, 725019, 725415, 8310060, 8350061, 8580964, Tabataetal., 2737, 18057, 18515, 23588, 24679, Namba et al. 83, Shiraiwa 4347.
On rather dry slopes or on muddy rocks in thickets or in shade at low to middle elevations.
Old World tropics, Africa to New Guinea.
Adiantum edgeworthii Hook., Sp. Fil, 2: 14, t. 81B (1851); Bedd. (1892) 17; Hope, 13: 237 (1900); Ching, l.c. 315 (1957); H. Ito (1966) 459, (1971) 204. ——— Adiantum caiidatum L. var. edgeworthii (Hook.) Bedd. (1883) 84.
Adiantum. caudatum L. var. rhizophorum Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 2: 12, t. 80A (1851); Clarke (1880)453.
TI 6304996~97, 8580850, 8581517, Tabata et al. 16915, 16963.
On muddy rocks in rather dry forests at 1500-2000 m alt.
N India, Upper Burma, N Thailand, Tonkin, China, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, and Timor.
Adiantum philippense L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1094 (1753); Tagawa (1955) 79; Ching, l.c. 318 (1957); H. Ito (1966) 459, (1971) 204; K. Iwats. (1975) 172.
Adiantum lunulatum Burm. f., Fl. Ind. 235 (1768); D. Don, Prodr. Fl, Nepal. 16 (1825); Clarke (1880) 452; Bedd. (1883) 82; Hope, 13: 236 (1900).
TI 6304999, 6305000, 771563, 8580886, Namba et al. 230, Polunin et al. 583, Nakao s.n., Kondo 758503, Tabata et al. 11008, 12325, 18529, 30476.
On muddy crevices of rocks or on clayey slopes in light shade up to 2000 m alt.
Throughout tropics and subtropics of the Old World.
Adiantum venustum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 17 (1825); Clarke (1880) 453; Bedd. (1883) 86, f. 45; Hope, 13: 241 (1900); Tagawa (1955) 79; Ching, l.c. 334 (1957); H. Ito (1966) 459; K. Iwats. (1975) 172.
TI 6305006, 725001, 8330339, 8330510, 8331164, 8331613bis, 8331093, 8342015, 8350285, Namba et al. 865, Suehiro 2505, Polunin et al. 193, 1888, 3360, Fleming 1756, Nakao s.n., Tabata et al. 12437, 13667, 14095, 15422, 17389, 18146, 18685, 19721, 19823, 21412, 21415, 21452, 21783, 23455, 24935.
On mountain slopes in shade or semi-open places at 1000-3300 m alt.
Afghanistan, N India, and SW China.
Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1096 (1753); Clarke (1880) 453; Bedd. (1883) 84; Hope, 13: 239 (1900); Tagawa (1955) 79; Ching, l.c. 341 (1957); H. Ito (1966) 458, (1971) 203; K. Iwats. (1975) 172.
TI 6304993, 67-25982, 725048, 8330018, 8331613, Kanai & Bista 12211, Nakao s.n., Polunin et al. 720, 3789, Zimmermann 917, 2107, Tabata et al. 16918, 17139, 17300, 24795.
In muddy crevices of cliffs, on mossy rocks, or on rather dry mountain slopes in light shade at elevations usually lower than 1800 m alt. or occasionally up to 2300 m alt.
Tropics, subtropics, and warm temperate regions throughout the world.
Adiantum flabellulatum L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1095 (1753); Clarke (1880) 454; Bedd. (1883) 88; Ching, l.c. 326 (1957); H. Ito (1966) 459.
TI 6304998.
On humus-rich slopes in semi-shade at middle elevation.
Ceylon, India, S China, SE Asia to Malesia.
Adiantum pedatum L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1095 (1753); Clarke (1880) 453; Bedd. (1883) 86; Hope, 13: 24 (1900); Ching, l.c. 322 (1957); H. Ito (1971) 204.
TI 725280, 8330337, 8350284, Suehiro 1386~89, Zimmermann 1779, Polunin et al. 431, 847, 5539, Tabata et al. 14107, 19102.
On mountain slopes on edges of or in forests at 2600-3600 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, China, Japan, Siberia, and N America.
Key to the Genera
Antrophyum Kaulf.
Key to the Species

Antrophyum obovatum Baker, Kew Bull. 1898: 233; H. Ito (1966) 499, (1971) 220.
TI 771955.
On moist muddy rocks in dense forests at 1500-2000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, China, N Thailand, Indochina, Taiwan, and Japan.
Antrophyum reticulatum (Forst.) Kaulf., Enum. Fil. 198 (1824); Clarke (1880) 573; Bedd. (1883) 401, f. 235; H. Ito (1966) 499, (1971) 220.
? Hemionitis coriacea D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 13 (1825). ——— Antrophyum coriaceum (D. Don) Wall. ex Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 393 (1868); Clarke (1880) 572. TI
6305388~90, 67-25057, Fleming 1512, Kanai 9725.
On tree-trunks or on moist cliffs in dense forests at 1300-2000 m alt.
Palaeotropics, Madagascar to Polynesia.
Vittaria Smith
Key to the Species

Vittaria elongata Sw., Syn. Fil. 109, 302 (1806); Clarke (1880) 573; Bedd. (1883) 404, f.238;H. Ito (1966) 499.
No Nepalese specimens have actually been examined.
On tree-trunks in dense forests at elevations lower than 500 m alt. in N India.
Tropics of the Old World.
Vittaria sikkimensis Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 66 (1869); Bedd. (1883) 406, f. 239.
Vittaria modesta Hand.-Mazzt. sens. H. Ito (1966) 500.
No specimens from Nepal have actually been examined.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy rocks in lower montane forests at 1500-2000 m alt. in Sikkim.
N India, Yunnan, N Thailand, and Tonkin.
Vittaria flexuosa Fee, 3e Mem. 16 (1852); Clarke (1880) 574; H. Ito (1966) 499, (1971) 220; K. Iwats. (1975) 204.
Vittaria lineata Sw. sens. Bedd. (1883) 407; Hope, 15: 103 (1903).
Vittaria himalayensis Ching sens. H. Ito (1966) 500, (1971) 220, p.p.
TI 6305384~88, 67-3156, 67-25210, 725385, 725597A, 725900, 771977, Kanai & Chuma s.n., Suchiro 154, 534, Tabata et al. 18062, 23928, 24120.
On tree-trunks or on moist rocks in dense mountain forests at elevations up to 2500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, S and SW China, Thailand, Indochina, Malaya, and Japan.
Vittaria taeniophylla Copel., Phil. J. Sci. 1 Suppl. 2: 157 (1906); H. Ito (1966) 500.
? Vittaria revoluta D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 15 (1825), non Willd. ex Kaulf. (1824).
Vittaria himalayensis Ching sens. Tagawa (1955) 81; H. Ito (1971) 220, p.p.
Vittaria mediosora Hayata sens. H, Ito (1966) 500, (1971) 220.
TI 6305391~407, 63-Nov-10, 20, 63-Dec.-2, 67-1062, 69-June-3,725081, 725106, 725145,725165,725173,725181, 725261,725308A, B, 725471, 725554, 725928, 725939, 725959, 772076, 8310106, 8330119, 8330216, 8350106, 8350253, 8580120, 8580161, 8580323, 8580352, 8580754, 8580806, 8580946, 8581498, Kanai 11370, 672364B, 673072, S. Hojo 60, Nakao s.n., Zimmermann 1748, Polunin et al, 5554, Tabata et al. 12698, 19101, 21670.
On tree-trunks in dense forests at 2000-3500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Burma, N Thailand, Yunnan, Taiwan, and Philippines.
Vittaria forrestiana Ching, Sinensia 1: 191, p1. 6 (1941); H. Ito (1966) 499.
Vittaria scolodendrina (Bory) Thwaitcs et Hook. sens. Bedd. (1883) 408, f. 241.
No Nepalese specimens have actually been examined.
On mossy tree-trunks in evergreen forests at 2000-2500 m alt, in Sikkim.
N India, Yunnan, Indochina, and S Japan.
Pteris L.
Key to the Species
Pteris vittata L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1074 (1753); H. Ito (1966) 467, (1971) 207; K. Iwats. (1975) 178.
Pteris longifolia Retz. sens. D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 15 (1825); Clarke (1880) 461; Bedd. (1883) 106, f. 55; Hope, 13: 148 (1901).
TI 6305167~70, 725047, 8350005, 8350018, 8350189, Nambaetal. 96, 487, Suehiro 31~37, 90, Polunin et al. 3274, 5613, Zimmermann 2083, Tabata et al. 14415, 18055, 18542, 23830, 24590, 24799.
On rather wet sandy ground or on muddy rocks usually along rivers in shade usually at lower elevations, but up to 2000 m alt.
Tropics and subtropics of the Old World.
Pteris ensiformis Burm. f., Fl. Ind. 230 (1768); Clarke (1880) 463; Bedd. (1883) 107 ;H. Ito (1966) 465.
TI 6305142.
On mountain slopes on edges of forests at about 1600 m alt. Tropics of the Old World.
Pteris longipes D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 15 (1825); Clarke (1880) 468; Bedd. (1883) 115; H. Ito (1966) 466, (1971) 207.
TI 6305144.
On mountain slopes usually in dense forests at 1100-2000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, S China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Taiwan, and Malesia east to New Guinea.
Pteris wallichiana Ag., Rec. Sp. Gen. Pter. 69 (1839); Clarke (1880) 469; Hope, 13: 456 (1901); H. Ito (1966) 467, (1971) 207; K. Iwats. (1975) 178. ——— Camptera wallichiana (Ag.) Moore, Ind. Fil. 221 (1861); Bedd. (1883) 118.
TI 6305171~77, 725099, 725487, 725541, 725641, 771601, 8332083, 8350123, 8580049, Kanai 9886, 670536, Namba et al. 597, 923049, 930068, Suehiro 50, 123, 172, 2213, Fleming 1352, Polunin et al. 502, 5527, Nishioka 130, 624, 800, Tabata et al. 14272, 18067, 21571.
Terrestrial in semi-shade or in dense forests at 900-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, S China, Thailand, Indochina, S Japan to Taiwan, Malesia, and Samoa.
Pteris biaurita L., Sp. Pl, 2: 1076 (1753); Clarke (1880) 469; Hope, 13: 455 (1901); H. Ito (1966) 465, (1971) 206; K. Iwats. (1975) 177. ——— Camptera biaurita (L.) Hook., Gen. Fil. t. 65A (1841); Bedd. (1883) 116.
Pteris pectinata D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 15 (1825).
Pteris normalis D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 15 (1825).
Pteris nemoralis Willd.; Alston & Bonner, Candollea 15: 202 (1956).
TI 6305120~30, 725022, 725412, 725963, 771589, 8331388, 8350067, 8580956, Namba et al. 239, 486, Suehiro 1~6, 42, 51~53, 97~98, 131, 173, 178, 185, 206, 216-17, 416~17, 2140, Polunin et al. 5717, Tabata et al. 18042, 26285, 30244.
On mountain slopes in semi-shade or on edges of forests usually at low elevations, but up to 2000 m alt.
Pteris dactylina Hook., Sp. Fil. 2: 160, t. 130A (1858); Clarke (1880) 463; Bedd. (1883) 107, f. 56; Hope, 13: 451 (1901); H. Ito (1966) 465, (1971) 206.
TI 3605140~41, 67-4012, 67-4013, 771462, Suehiro 1100~01, Zimmermann 1737, Polunin et al. 5411, Tabata et al. 24983.
On mountain slopes in dense forests at 2300-3500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, and Taiwan.
Pteris subquinata Wall. ex Ag., Rec. Sp. Gen. Pter. 21 (1839); Hope, 13: 453, pl. 17 (1901); H. Ito (1966) 467, ——— Pteris quadriaurita Retz. var. subqidnata (Wall. ex Ag.) Bedd. (1892) 23.
TI 6305163.
On mountain slopes in forests in calcareous areas at 1700-2100 m alt.
N India, N Thailand, and Tonkin.
Pteris quadriaurita Retz., Obs. Bot. 6: 38 (1791); Clarke (1880) 465; Bedd. (1883) 110; Hope, 13: 452 (1901); H. Ito (1966) 466, (1971) 207; K. Iwats. (1975) 177.
TI 6305153, 6305157, 6305160, 67-25017, 67-25453, 725056, 725383, 725543, Suehiro 2102~03, Fleming 2115, Shiraiwa 4342, Tabata et al. 18172, 21533, 21876, 21929, 21999, 30239.
On mountain slopes usually in dense forests at 1300-2200 m alt.
Tropics and subtropics throughout the world; the definition of species is not clear, especially in relation to P. setuloso-costulata and P. aspericaulis in this paper.
Pteris setuloso-costulata Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 4: 241, f. 168 (1914); H. Ito (1966) 467, (1971) 207; K. Iwats. (1975) 177.
TI 771677, 771704, 771976, 8330187, Suehiro 2530.
On mountain slopes usually in dense forests at 1700-2500 m alt.
N India, S Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines.
Pteris puberula Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 11: 52 (1941); Ching & S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 71, pl. 18, f. 5-8 (1983).
Pteris nepalensis H. Ito (1966) 466, pl. 26; K. Iwats. (1975) 177.
TI 6305145~50, 725260, 725305, 725337, 725460, 725464, 725631, 725678, 725704, 725932, 773007, 8330229, 8330400, 8332028, 8332097, 8330482, 8351478, 8580084, 8580101, 8580707, 8580922, 8580988, 8581340, 8581520, Kanai 670031, 670530, Namba et al. 593, Suehiro 99, 100, Zimmermann 1826, Polunin et al. 5543, Fleming 1584, 1626, 1732, Tabata et al. 18656.
Terrestrial on humus-rich ground in semi-shade or in forests at 200-3500 m alt.
N India, SW China, and N Thailand.
Pteris aspericaulis Wall. ex Ag., Rec. Sp. Gen. Pter. 22 (1839); K. Iwats. (1975) 176. ——— Pteris quadriaurita Retz. var. aspericaulis (Wall. ex Ag.) Bedd. (1883) 111.
TI 6305154~56, 6305158~62, 725074, 725113, 725479, 8331600, 8580079, 8580729, 8580745, 8580758, 8581343, 8581489, Kanai & Shakya 670027, Suehiro 327, 379, 380, 407, 886, 887, 915, 2524, 2542, Polunin et al. 5688, Fleming 1320, 2118, Shiraiwa 4407, Tabata et al. 14166, 14190, 14203, 14284, 21594, 21605, 21667, 21708, 21780, 21812, 23873, 24355, 30038.
On humus-rich floor of dense evergreen forests at 1400-2500 m alt.
N India, Yunnan, Upper Burma, and N Thailand.
Pteris excelsa Gaud. in Freyc., Voy. Bot. 388 (1827); Clarke (1880) 467; Bedd. (1883) 114; Hope, 13: 454 (1901); H. Ito (1966), (1971) 206; K. Iwats. (1975) 177.
TI 6305143, 725339, 725906, 8330251, 8350400, 8580723, 8581297~98, Suehiro 1001, 1002, Tabata et al. 18676, 21790, 23847.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in dense forests at 1500-2500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, S and C China, S Korea, Japan to Taiwan, Malesia, and Hawaii.
Pteris stenophylla Wall. ex Hook. et Grev,, Ic. Fil. t.130 (1829). ——— Pteris pellucida Presl var. stenophylla (Wall. ex Hook. et Grev.) Clarke (1880)463; Bcdd. (1883) 107.
Pteris digitata Wall. ex Hope, 13: 450 (1901).
Reported from Nepal; on rather dry mountain slopes in forests at about 1000 m alt.
N India, N Thailand, and Laos.
Pteris pellucida Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 55 (1825); Clarke (1880) 462; Bedd. (1883) 106 ;H. Ito (1966)466.
TI 630817, 6305151, 63-Dec-l.
On mountain slopes in dense forests or in semi-shade at 2200-2700 m alt.
N India, Burma, Taiwan, and Malesia.
Pteris venusta Kunze, Bot. Zeit. 6: 195 (1848); H. Ito (1966) 467; K. Iwats. (1975) 177.
TI 6305164~66, 725023.
On rather dry mountain slopes in forests at low altitudes.
N India, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Taiwan, and Malesia.
Pteris cretica L., Mant. Pl. 130 (1767); D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 15 (1825); Clarke (1880) 462; Bedd. (1883) 106; Hope, 13: 449 (1901); Tagawa (1955) 78; H. Ito (1966) 465, (1971) 206; K. Iwats, (1975) 177.
Pteris nervosa Thunb., Fl. Jap. 332 (1784); Ching & S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 68(1983).
TI 6305131~39, 725114, 725382, 725703, 725909, 771985, 8330021, 8330202, 8330401, 8350313, 8350867, 8580763, Kanai & Shresta 760030, Namba et al. 595, 1016, 1006042, Suehiro 977, 981, 2274, 2295, 2301, Nakao s.n., Polunin et al. 5586, Tabata et al. 14186, 16914, 18173, 18204, 18686, 21591, 21758, 21785, 21801, 23938, 30044.
On rather dry mountain slopes in semi-shade or in forests at 1400-2800 m alt.
Tropics and subtropics throughout the world. Var. laeta Tard. & C. Chr. is recog-nized by Ching & S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 68 (1983).
Asplenium L.
Key to the Species
Asplenium nidus L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1079 (1753); Clarke (1880) 475; Hope, 13: 459 (1901); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 3: 242 (1965); H. Ito (1966) 488. ——— Thamno-pteris nidus (L.) Presl, Epim. Bot. 68 (1849); Bedd. (1883) 137.
Recorded from Nepal by Clarke (1880).
On tree-trunks or on muddy cliffs in moist forests at elevations lower than 1000 m alt. in Himalayan areas.
Widely distributed in tropics and subtropics throughout the Old World.
Asplenium phyllitidis D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 7 (1825); H. Ito (1966) 488, (1971) 215. ——— Thamnopteris nidus (L.) Presl var. phyllitidis (D. Don) Bedd. (1883)139.
TI 6305371 ~72.
On tree-trunks or on muddy cliffs in dense forests at 700-1800 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and N Thailand. Malesian form is distinct and is distinguished as a subspecies or a species.
Asplenium unilaterale Lam., Encyc. Méth. 2: 305 (1786); Clarke (1880) 481; Bedd. (1883) 152; Hope, 13: 658 (1901); Sledge, l.c. 245 (1965); H. Ito (1966) 489, (1971)215; K. Iwats. (1975) 195.
TI 6305376~78, 6305380, 6305382, 725329, 725748, 8332109, 8580777, 8580789, 8580840, 8581528, Polunin et al. 5611, Tabata et al. 21534, 21769.
Terrestrial on wet sandy ground or on muddy rocks along streams in dense forests at 1000-2600 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, S Japan, and tropics of the Old World throughout. A composite species whose structure is only partly elucidated, though the Nepalese plants form a single taxon; cf. K. Iwatsuki, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 27: 39-55 (1975).
Asplenium obliquissimum (Hayata) Sugimoto et Kurata, J. Geobot. 8: 27 (1959).
Asplenium unilaterale Lam. var. udum Atkin. ex Bedd. (1883) 152; K. Iwats. (1975) 195.
TI 6305381.
In constantly spraying stream-side in shade.
N India, Tonkin, Taiwan, and S Japan.
Asplenium excisum Presl, Epim. Bot. 74 (1851); K. Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 27: 49 (1975).
Fleming 2258.
Between rocks at about 1000 m alt.
Tropics in the Old World.
Asplenium cheilosorum Kunze ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Nat. Ges. 3: 177, t, 5, f. 12-13 (1859); Sledge, l.c. 245 (1965); H. Ito (1966) 486, (1971) 214; K. Iwats. (1975) 194.
Asplenium heterocarpum Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 3: 132, t. 175 (1860); Clarke (1880) 481; Bedd. (1883) 153, f. 77.
TI 6305337~38, 725854, 771715.
On muddy rocks along streamlets in dense forests at 800-2400 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, S Japan to Taiwan, and Malesia.
Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm., Deutchl. Fl. 2: 12 (1795); Bedd. (1883) 145.
Tabata et al. 17613.
In dry rocky places at about 3500 m alt.
Europe, W North America, N India, N China, and Taiwan.
Asplenium dalhousiae Hook., Icon. Fil. t. 105 (1837); H. Ito (1966) 487, (1971) 214; K. Iwats. (1975) 194. ——— Ceterach dalhousiae (Hook.) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 170 (1905).
Asplenium alternans Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 3: 92 (1860); Clarke (1880) 476; Bedd. (1883) 142, f. 72; Hope, 13: 460 (1901).
TI 6300820, 6305339~41, 725655, 8330280, 8581463, Kanai 674442, Tabata etal. 14215, 16911, 16999, 19134, 23570, 23762, 23861.
On mossy rocks in dense forests at 1700-3000 m alt.
Ethiopia, Afghanistan, N India, and Bhutan.
Asplenium griffithianum Hook., Ic. Pl. t. 928 (1854); Bedd. (1883) 142.
Nepalese specimens have not actually been examined.
On moist rocks often along streams in dense forests in N India.
N India, S China, and S Japan.
Asplenium ensiforme Wall. ex Hook. et Grev., Icon. Fil. 1: t. 71 (1828); Clarke (1880) 476; Bedd. (1883) 141, f. 71; Hope, 13: 460 (1901); Sledge, l.c. 242 (1965); H. Ito (1966) 487, (1971) 214; K. Iwats. (1975) 194.
TI 6305342~56, 67-2691, 69-.May-29, 69-June-10, 725015, 725103, 725123, 725167, 725486, 725530, 725927, 725943, 725953, 771995, 772711, 773061, 773497,
8315204, 8322099, 8343007~09, 8350145, 8350290, 8531286, 8580056, 8581316, 8581323bis, Suehiro 933~34, 2535, Polunin et al. 3927, Stainton et al. 2702, 4324, Tabata et al. 14105, 18132, 19105, 21709.
On mossy tree-trunks or on muddy cliffs in dense mountain forests at 1700-2900 m alt.
Africa, Ceylon, India, Bhutan, SW China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, S Japan, and Taiwan.
Var. stenophyllum (Bedd.) Ching is recognized in Ching & S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 178 (1983).
Asplenium trichomanes L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1080 (1753); Clarke (1880) 477; Bedd. (1883) 143; Hope, 13: 657 (1901).
TI 8331275, Tabata et al. 12436, 13517, 14163, 14216, 16910, 17312, 17390, 17615, 22078, 23862, 23927, 24480.
On muddy roadsides in light shade at 1800-3500 m alt.; rather common in West but rare in Napal.
Asplenium normale D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 7 (1825); Clarke (1880) 477; Bedd. (1883) 144; Sledge, l.c. 243 (1965); H. Ito (1966) 488.
TI 771953, 774521.
On muddy cliffs or terrestrial at foot of cliffs in forests at 1400-1700 m alt.
Tropics of the Old World.
Asplenium finlaysonianum Wall. ex Hook., Ic. Pl. t. 937 (1854); Clarke (1880) 504; K. Iwats. (1975) 194. ——— Hemidictyum finlaysonianum (Wall. ex Hook) Moore, Ind. Fil. L (1857); Bedd. (1883) 195, f. 96.
Asplenium macrophyllum Sw. sens. H. Ito (1966) 488.
TI 6305368~70, Fleming 2304.
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at elevations lower than 1000 m alt.
N India and Yunnan.
Asplenium yoshinagae Makino, Phan. Pter. Jap. Ic. Ill. 1: pl. 64 (1900); K. Iwats. (1975) 195.
Asplenium planicaule Wall. ex Mett., Aspl. 157 (1859), non Lowe (1858); Hope, 13: 659 (1901). ——— Asplenium indicum Sledge, l.c. 264 (1965); H. Ito (1966) 487, (1971) 214. ——— Asplenium laciniatum D. Don var. planicaule Bedd. (1883) 482.
TI 6305357~66, 67-1026, 67-25024, 69-June-6, 725126, 725552, 725884, 725950, 771689, 771744, 773323, 8330126, 8330204, 8350102, 8580764, 8580937, Namba et al. 390,482, 592, Suehiro 2018, 2027, Kanai42, 673204, Tabata et al. 19157, 23763, 23875, 23926.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy or muddy cliffs in dense forests at 1000-2700 m alt.
Madagascar, Ceylon, India, Bhutan, China to continental SE Asia, S Japan to Taiwan, and Philippines.
Asplenium laciniatum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 8 (1825); Clarke (1880) 481; Bedd. (1883) 154, p.p.; H. Ito (1966) 488, (1971) 215; K. Iwats. (1975) 194.
TI 6305367, 725328, 771737, 8330204, Fleming 2197.
On mossy tree-trunks and mossy rocks in mountain forests at 1600-2200 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, and Taiwan.
Asplenium varians Wall. ex Hook. et Grev., Icon. Fil. t. 172 (1829); Clarke (1880) 485; Bedd. (1883) 158; Hope, 13: 667, pl. 20 (1901); Sledge, l.c. 272 (1965); H. Ito (1966) 489, (1971) 215; K. Iwats. (1975) 195.
TI 6305383, 725529, Kanai 674445, Polunin et al. 3905, Tabata et al. 15171, 17062, 17170,17193, 23876, 24677.
On moist mossy rocks in dense forests at 1300-4000 m alt.
Ceylon, India, China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Philippines.
Asplenium capillipes Maldno, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 17: 77 (1903); H. Ito (1971) 214.
Asplenium varians Wall. ex Hook. et Grev. sens. K. Iwats. (1975) 195, p.p.
TI 725304, Kanai 673413.
On mossy limestone rocks in forests at 2500-3000 m alt.
SW China and Japan.
Asplenium exiguum Bedd., Ferns S Ind. 49, t. 146 (1863); Hope, 13: 663 (1901).
? Asplenium fontanum Benth., Bedd. (1883) 158; Hope, 13: 662 (1901), as to the records from Nepal.
Polunin et al. 3239, 5171, Tabata et al. 17061.
On moist mossy limestone cliffs in forests at 2000-3000 m alt.
India, SW China, N Thailand, N Vietnam, Taiwan, and Philippines.
Asplenium nitidum Sw., Syn. Fil. 84, 280 (1806); Clarke (1880) 483; Bedd. (1883) 157; Sledge, l.c. 265 (1965).
TI 8330258, 8330278, 8330279, 8331307.
On muddy rocks in mountain forests.
Ceylon, India, and W Malesia.
Asplenium tenuifolium D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 8 (1825); Clarke (1880) 485; Bedd. (1883) 159, f. 78; Hope, 13: 667 (1901); Sledge, l.c. 275 (1965); H. Ito (1966) 488, (1971) 215; K. Iwats. (1975) 195.
TI 6305374~75, 8350175, Kanai 670535, Fleming 2042.
On mossy tree-trunks or on muddy rocks in mountain forests at 1600-2600 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, China, Burma, Indochina, Malaya, and Taiwan.
Asplenium bullatum Wall. ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Nat. Gea. 3: 150(1859); K. Iwats. (1975) 194.
Asplenium laserpitiifolium Lam. sens. D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 9 (1825).
Asplenium bulbiferum Forst. sens. Clarke (1880) 485; Bedd. (1883) 159, p.p.
Asplenium pseudo-laserpitiifoliun. Ching ex Tard. et Ching sens. H. Ito (1966) 488, (1971)215.
TI 6305373, 725011, 725838, Shiraiwa 4388.
On mossy tree-trunks or on muddy cliffs in dense forests at (600-) 1500-2500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, Tonkin, and Taiwan.
Asplenium ruta-muraria L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1081 (1753); Bedd. (1883) 156; Hope, 13: 660 (1901); Tagawa (1955) 80.
Nakao s.n.
In muddy crevices of limestone cliffs in semi-shade.
Throughout the temperate zones of N Hemisphere.
Asplenium viride Huds., Fl. Ang, 385 (1762); Bedd. (1883) 143; Tagawa (1955) 80.
Nakao s.n.
In crevices of cliffs in shade at about 3600 m alt.
Temperate zones of N Hemisphere.
Key to the Genera and Species

Blechnum L.
Blechnum orientale L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1077 (1753); Clarke (1880) 470; Bedd. (1883) 132, f. 66; Hope, 13: 459 (1901); H. Ito (1971) 214.
Namba et al. 305, Fleming 1874, Kondo 758505, Tabata et al. 18553.
Terrestrial in open roadside or in ditch at 700-2000 m alt.
Old World tropics.
Woodwardia Sm.
Woodwardia unigemmata (Makino) Nakai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 39: 103 (1925); Tagawa (1955) 80; H. Ito (1966) 486, (1971) 214; K. Iwats. (1975) 194. ——— Wood wardia radicans (L.) Sm. var. unigemmata Makino, J. Jap. Bot. 2: 7 (1918).
Woodwardia radicans Sw. sens. D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 12 (1825); Clarke (1880) 475; Bedd. (1883) 135, f. 68; Hope, 13: 459 (1901).
Woodwardia himalaica Ching et S.-K. Wu in C.-Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 191 (1983).
TI 6300815, 6305332~36, 725009, 725379, 772035, 8330248, 8331609, 8580834, Kanai 673115, Fleming 1622, Polunin et al. 860, 5612, Nakao s.n., Tabata et al. 16979, 18155, 18677.
Terrestrial on moist slopes at 1500-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, China, Tonkin, S Japan, Taiwan, and Philippines.
Key to the Genera

Lomariopsis Fée
Lomariopsis cochinchinensis Fée, Hist. Acrost. 66, t. 26 (1845); H. Ito (1966) 479.
Collected in Darjeeling but not in Nepal.
N India, Indochina, and throughout Malesia.
Bolbitis Schott
Hennipman, E. 1977. A monograph of the fern genus Bolbitis (Lomariopsidaceae). Leiden Bot. Ser. Vol. 2.
Key to the Species

Bolbitis appendiculata (Willd.) K. Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 18: 48 (1959), (1975) 184; Hennipman, Leid. Bot. Ser. 2: 185, f. 49-51 (1977). ——— Acrostichum appendiculaturn Willd., Sp. Pl. 5: 114 (1810); Clarke (1880) 577. ——— Polybotrya appendiculata. (Willd.) J. Sm., J. Bot. 4: 150 (1841); Bedd. (1883) 424. ——— Egenolfia appendiculata (Willd.) J. Sm., Ferns Br. For. 111, f. (1866).
Collected in Darjeeling and possibly in Nepal.
On rocks or on wet ground in moist places usually along streams in, forests at lower elevations in Darjeeling.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, S China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Ryukyu, Taiwan, and W Malesia.
Bolbitis sinensis (Baker) K. Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 18: 49 (1959); Tagawa (1966) 472; Hennipman, l.c. 202, f. 53, 54 (1977). ——— Acrostichum sinense Baker, Kew Bull. 1906: 14 (1906). ——— Egenolfia sinensis (Baker) Maxon, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 36: 173 (1923).
Acrostichum appendiculatum Willd. var. ludens Baker in Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 415 (1868). ——— Polybotrya appendiculata (Willd.) J. Sm. var. ludens Bedd., Ferns Brit. Ind. Suppl. 26 (1876).
TI 63-Dec.-8, Fleming 2328.
Terrestrial on humus-rich floor of forests or climbing on rocks or on the base of tree-trunks in forests up to 1000 m alt.
N India, Yunnan, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Java, and Lesser Sunda Islands.
Bolbitis angustipinna (Hayata) H. Ito, J. Jap. Bot. 14: 443 (1938); Hennipman, l.c. 152, f. 40a~f (1977). ——— Leptochilus angustipinnus Hayata, Ic. Pl. Formos. 5: 297, f. 119 (1915).
Acrostichum crispatulum Clarke var. contaminans Clarke (1880) 580, pl. 84, f. 2, a, c. ——— Gymnopteris contaminans (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 435, f. 264 ——— Bolbitis contaminans (Clarke) Ching in C. Chr., Ind. Fil, Suppl. 3: 47 (1934); K. Iwats. (1975) 184.
TI 725035.
Usually on muddy rocks in dense forests at lower elevations.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, Yunnan, Burma, N Thailand, and Taiwan.
Bolbitis costata (Presl) Ching in C. Chr., Ind. Fil. Suppl. 3: 47 (1934); Tagawa (1966) 472; Hennipman, l.c. 155, f. 41 (1977). ——— Campium costatum Presi, Tent. Pterid. 239, pl. 10, f. 23 (1836). ——— Gymnopteris costata (Presl) Bedd., Ferns Br.
Ind. Suppl. 27 (1876), (1883) 438, f. 266. Acrostichum costatum Wall. ex Hook.; Clarke (1880) 581.
TI 63-Dec-10, Fleming 2335.
Terrestrial on humus-rich floor of dense forests up to 2100 m alt.
N India, Burma, and N Thailand.
Bolbitis virens (Wall. ex Hook. et Grev.) Schott, Gen. Fil. ad t. 13 (1834); Tagawa (1966) 473; Hennipman, l.c. 180, f. 47, 48 (1977). ——— Acrostichum virens Wall. ex Hook. et Grev., Ic. Fil. t. 221 (1831); Clarke (1880) 581; Hope, 15: 103 (1903).
Two varieties are distinguished:
Fertile pinnae fully acrostichoid, the length more than 15 times the breadth
var. virens |
Fertil pinnae either gymnogrammoid or with irregular patches of sporangia, the length about 3-5 times the breadth
var. deltigera |
var. virens
TI 6305228.
On muddy rocks or on clayey ground usually along streams in dense forests at lower elevations.
N India, Yunnan, Burma, and Thailand.
var. deltigera (Bedd.) Hennipman, Blumea 18: 149 (1970), Leid. Bot. Ser. 2: 184, f. 47, 48k-m (1977). ——— Poecilopteris costata (Presi) Moore var. deltigera Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. 114, pl. 114 (1865). ——— Meniscium deltigerum (Bedd.) Clarke (1880) 572.
Wallich 59 (type).
Terrestial usually near streams in forests at lower elevations.
India, Bhutan, Burma, and N Thailand.
Bolbitis heteroclita (Presl) Ching in C. Chr., Ind. Fil. Suppl. 3: 48 (1934); Tagawa (1966) 472; Hennipman, l.c. 221, f. 60 (1977). ——— Acrostichum heteroclitum Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 15, pl. 2, f. 2 (1825).
Acrostichum flagelliferum Wall. ex Hook. et Grev., Ic. Fil. t. 23 (1827). ——— Gymnopteris flagellifera. (Wall. ex Hook. et Grev.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 27 (1876), (1883) 433.
TI 6305227.
On muddy rocks, terrestrial, or on basal tree-trunks in moist dense forests at lower elevations.
N India, S China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Ryukyu, Taiwan, throughout Malesia, Solomon Islands, and Micronesia.
Elaphoglossum J. Sm. (nom. cons.)
Key to the Species

Elaphoglossum stelligerum (Wall. ex Baker) Moore ex Alston et Bonner, Candollea 15: 216 (1956); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 4: 92 (1967); K. Iwats. (1975) 189. ——— Acrostichum stelligerum Wall. ex Baker in Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 2nd ed. 521 (1874).
Elaphoglossum yunnanense (Baker) C. Chr., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 26: 327 (1931); H. Ito (1966) 479. ——— Acrostichum yunnanense Baker, Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew 1898: 233 (1898).
Acrostichum viscosum Sw. sens. Clarke (1880) 577. ——— Elaphoglossum viscosum (Sw.) J. Sm. sens. Bedd. (1883) 420, f. 250.
TI 6310026~30, 725053, 771681, 771809.
On muddy rocks or on mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at middle elevations.
N India, SW China, Burma, N Thailand, and Annam.
Elaphoglossum. marginatum (Wall. ex Fée) Moore, Ind. Fil. 8, 11 (1857), 361 (1862); Sledge, l.c. 89 (1967); K. Iwats. (1975) 189. ——— Acrostichum marginatum Wall. ex Fée, Hist. Acroat. 31 (1845).
Acrostichum conforme Sw. sens. Clarke (1880) 576. ——— Elaphoglossum conforms (Sw.) Schott sens. Bedd. (1883) 416, f. 247; H. Ito (1966) 479, (1971) 210.
TI 6310031, 6305306~08, 725358, 8580808, 8581503, Wallich 17 (type).
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 1800-2600 m alt.
N India, Yunnan, Thailand, Indochina, and Taiwan.