







Obviously, as a non-Japanese person with virtually no command of the language, I was helped by Japanese colleagues and friends. Foremost among these is Yoshihiro Nishiaki, who in fact came up with the idea for this catalogue. He has been a tremendous help in putting the book together and he carefully edited it. Toshio Matsutani provided information about his slides, for which I am grateful. Hiroko Mikuni retrieved the photos and negatives from the archives, not an easy task, and made the initial selection; without her help this catalogue would not have seen the light. Kazuya Shimogama produced the site map and provided information with regard to a number of sites. Furthermore, I wish to thank Yasuhisa Kondo and my wife Sofie Debruyne for their help in various respects.

Marc Verhoeven
December 12, 2005


This catalogue is a sequel to the catalogue of archaeological objects (mostly pottery sherds and stone tools) of Iraqi sites kept in the University Museum (Tani'ichi and Matsutani, 1981). Instead of objects, the sites themselves are shown. Represented is a selection of the thousands of archived black-and-white photographs and colour slides in the museum. Given that this catalogue is published by a scientific museum, it is intended for both the 'general public' and professional archaeologists. The aim is to provide 'pictorial context' to the archaeological objects. Due to highly unfavourable political circumstances, it is at the moment, and in the foreseeable future, not possible to visit or explore archaeological sites in Iraq. Moreover, sadly, many sites are now heavily damaged and/or looted (Foster et al., 2005). Therefore, in many instances the pictures in the University Museum are an important testimony to major elements of cultural heritage in Iraq. Furthermore, they provide a historical record of early Japanese expeditions to Mesopotamia.

The first of these archaeological explorations, under the direction of Namio Egami, took place in 1956-1957. In these 'grand journeys' almost all of Western Asia (also commonly known as the Near East) was covered, from eastern and northern Iran to Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt (Anatolia was largely left aside). Many sites, as reported here, were surveyed and photographed, and three important prehistoric sites, i.e. Bakun A, Bakun B and Telul eth-Thalathat, were excavated. Of these various expeditions two books of photographs were published in Japanese, both featuring unique representations of objects, people, sites and landscapes (Egami, ed., 1958, 1965). In the present catalogue other pictures of these expeditions, and pictures taken in 1956, 1957, 1964, 1965 and 1976 are published for the first time. The photos were taken by Asashiro Sayegusa, Shinji Fukai and Toshihiko Sono, the official expedition photographers. Apart from these black-and-white photos, colour slides taken by Toshio Matsutani on his archaeological expeditions in 1964, 1966, 1971 and 1975 are reproduced in the present catalogue. As already mentioned, the University Museum keeps huge numbers of photographs and slides of various archaeological sites in the Near East; this catalogue presents a selection (of Iraq) only. For further detailed information on the photographic database of archaeological sites in Western Asia the reader is referred to Nishiaki 2000b, and the website of the so-called Digital Museum of the Tokyo University Museum (

Due to the general explorative character of these expeditions, the sites in this catalogue have a huge range in both time and space, ranging from prehistoric to historic periods (i.e. from the Paleolithic to the Islamic period), in an area stretching from southern to northern Iraq (see tables 1, 2, and figure 1). With regard to geography, however, there was a clear focus on Mesopotamia: the land between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in eastern Iraq. More in particular, explicit attention was paid to the archaeologically rich area around the city of Mosul in northern Iraq (figure 1).

The photographs provide a unique record of early archaeological explorations, many of which took place at world-famous sites, such as Assur, Khorsabad, Nineveh, Kish, Uruk, Ur and Babylon. The majority of these sites are tells (in Mesopotamia also known as telul, or tepe), which are artificial mounds resulting from the accumulation of settlement debris over long periods of time. These sites, which can represent small farming villages as well as huge cities, are typical of West Asian archaeology.


Archaeology in Iraq is marked by a large number of professional terms, which may easily lead to confusion. Given the general aims of this catalogue, it is proper to describe some of the most important and popular terms. Sollberger (1971:7-8) has provided a particularly lucid account in this regard: "What we call Babylonia is the country covering roughly the southern half of Iraq from Baghdad to the Persian, or Basra, Gulf. Its capital city, from about the XIXth century B.C. to Alexander's conquest, was Babylon. The southern part of Babylon is usually referred to as Sumer, her northern part as Akkad. The words Sumerian and Akkadian designate two peoples and two languages, whereas Babylonian is used to mean either both peoples and their common civilization (Sumero-Akkadian is also sometimes used in that sense), or the southern dialect of the Akkadian language. Its northern dialect would be Assyrian, spoken by the Assyrians in Assyria, the country which corresponds to Iraq north of Baghdad and is the real Mesopotamia (a term often misleadingly applied to the whole of Iraq)."