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シーボルト 鉱物標本
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Important labels
801 411056 82 Petrified wood
802 411057 84 Petrified wood "Fuhaiimokuseki" on the specimen" "Fuhai" means uninflammable. 不灰木石
803 411058 120, 210 Mica "Glimmer 5 Zoll langes Blatt, grünlichschwarz ein axig"
804 411059 72, 84 Serpentinite Kumamoto Pref. "Nephrit, W. ? Aus der Landschaft Higo" by Bürger, "72 Serpentin". "Jade nephritique. Distr. Higo du Japon"
805 411060 49, 114 Talc "gemi??? Talk aus Japan"
806 411061 117 Talc Shiga Pref. "Spekstein, W (corrected to '71 Serpentin') Aus der Landschaft Oomi" by Bürger. "Talc stéatite vertolivatre. Distr:Oomi du Japon"
807 411062 94 Serpentinite and talc (mixed) Tohoku district "Bildstein, W. (corrected to Speckstein) Budooseki, Aus der Landschaft Oosjuu" by Bürger. "uit Oosjuu 73 Budouseki". "Talc graphique/speckstein Landschaft Oosjuu" by Temminck. Two different kinds of specimens 奥州産ぶどう石
808 411063 Kaolinite
809 411064 A 18 Clay "Thon Stangeliger am Seestrande gebildet". "am Seestrande gebildet" by Siebold
810 411065 Clay
811 411066 Kaolinite with quartz Feldspar parts were weathered to kaolinite
812 411067 Pebble of porphyry
813 411068 15 Pebble of sandstone
814 411069 35 Obsidian "Holzstein (Sukikwaseki ie Cryptomesi ae ?ignum fossile) Aus Ja,asiro (usi?)" may be by Siebold The label is not for this specimen but to a petrified wood.
815 411070 59 Pitchstone "Obsidian (Kurajakuseki)". "Kurajakuseki" may be by Siebold 黒やく石
816 411071 Actinolite Shizuoka Pref. "Chrorit (Kintokiseki) Totomi" by Siebold.
817 411072 6, 14 Amber Okawame, Iwate Pref. "Bernstein" コハク
818 411073 16A Orpiment China
819 411074 16 Orpiment China
820 411075 60 Slag 華庄(かさん)、赤石脂(しゃくせきし)、毒石
821 411076 Vesicular basalt
822 411077 Bauxite not from Japan Bauxite is not found in Japan. It may be from Indonesia.
823 411078 036, 64 Mixture of stones
824 416477 Spongia (fossil)
825 500000 Chrolite schist "Chlorit (Fukwaimok)" by Siebold. "Chlorit mit vielen weissen Quarzkörnern". not yet registered 青石(いしへん)蒙石(せいもうせき)
826 500001 Feldspar crystal "Bernstein ? " by Siebold not yet registered
827 500002 CHalcopyrite with malachite not yet registered ?青石
828 500003 73, 85, 89 Petrified wood "Sakura (cherry tree) kaseki (fossil)" on the specimen not yet registered さくら化石
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鉱物 / UMDB(東京大学総合研究博物館データベース)