- シーボルト 肖像 -
Japanese mineral specimens which were collected by a German medical doctor, Philipp Franz von Siebold during the first half of the nineteenth century, are stored in the National Natural History Museum, Leiden, the Netherlands. Siebold was born in Wuerzburg, Germany, in 1796 and studied medical science in the University of Wuerzburg. He was much interested in natural history and he went to Indonesia as a member of Dutch East India Company to carry out investigations on the natural history of eastern Asia. The director of the Company sent him to Japan for comprehensive studies of Japanese history, social system, geography, natural products, etc. from the view point of natural history. Siebold was sent as a Dutch army surgeon. He stayed in Japan from 1823 to 1829. In those 7 years, he produced enormous collections, such as botanical, zoological, mineralogical and ethnographical collections. The whole collections of Siebold were sent to the Netherlands and the mineralogical specimens are in the National Natural History Museum, Leiden. This database was completed by the cooperation between the National Natural History Museum, Leiden and the University Museum, the University of Tokyo.