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検索結果一覧 |
Registration No.
Another No.
Important labels
Japanese comments
429 |
329003 |
18 |
Conglomerate |
"Eisenniere, W." by Bürger |
with limonite |
430 |
329004 |
"Limonite" |
431 |
329005 |
Conglomerate |
"Conglomerat" may be by Temminck |
with limonite |
432 |
329006 |
217, 279 |
Conglomerate |
"Thoniger Brauneisenstein" |
with limonite |
433 |
329007 |
219, 272 |
"Limonite" |
"Thoniger Brauneisenstein nach der Beschaffenheit der sog. Eisenniere aus d. Diluvium" |
434 |
329008 |
255, 279 |
Conglomerate |
"Thoniger Brauneisenstein" |
with limonite |
百九十三 |
435 |
329009 |
256 |
"Limonite" |
436 |
329010 |
"Limonite" |
437 |
329011 |
Hematite-sericite-schist |
"Thonschiefer, W." by Bürger, "Schieferiger Eisenthon", "Schieferiger Eisenthon" by Temminck |
438 |
329012 |
Ferruginous siltstone |
Yamaguchi Pref. |
"Komt uit landschap Nagato, maent Sizanseki" on the specimen |
439 |
329013 |
205 |
Goethite |
440 |
329014 |
218 |
Conglomerate |
with limonite |
441 |
329015 |
A19 |
Sandstone including limonite |
"Eisenthonglomerat" |
442 |
329016 |
"Limonite" |
443 |
329017 |
Globular aggregate of limonite |
"Fer oxide geodique" by Temminck |
444 |
329018 |
Globular aggregate of limonite |
445 |
329019 |
"Limonite" |
446 |
329020 |
"Limonite" |
447 |
329021 |
"Limonite" |
448 |
329022 |
"Limonite" |
449 |
329023 |
"Limonite" |
450 |
329024 |
"Limonite" |
451 |
329025 |
"Limonite" |
452 |
329026 |
"Limonite" |
453 |
329027 |
"Limonite" |
454 |
329028 |
"Limonite" with malachite |
455 |
329029 |
274 |
"Limonite" |
Kumamoto Pref. |
"Thoniger Brauneisenstein. Die Jap. Halten ihm für gifthaltig aus d. prov. Fizen od. Figo (Fiuga)", (Fiuga) by Siebold |
"Fiuga" by Siebold |
肥州所産 鉱石薬用外ニ記 毒石也。 肥州芦??? 鉱石薬用外ニ記 毒石也。 |
456 |
329030 |
"Limonite" |
"Eisenocker" by Siebold |
457 |
329031 |
23 |
"Limonite" including hematite |
"Rotheisenstein, w" by Bürger. "Fer oxidé rouge compact de Japon" |
458 |
329032 |
22, 78, 160, 248, 269, 271 |
"Limonite" including hematite |
Tokyo Pref. |
"Fasriger Rotheisenstein, W" by Bürger. "Roteisenstein". "Rotheisenstein (Dasjoseki) aus den Umgebungen von Jedo". |
“Dasjoseki”by Siebold |
代赭(赤)石、江戸野散、六合三匁、「石黄(セキオー)、定石(テンセキ)、代赭石(タイシャセキ)」 |
459 |
329033 |
216, 252, 277 |
"Limonite" |
"Thoniger Brauneisenstein röhrenförmiger (Wumi teppo d.I. See Freuerröhre) |
"Wumi teppo d.I. See Freuerröhre" by Siebold. In Japan this specimen is usually called as "Takashikozo" |
所謂、「高師小僧」 |
460 |
329034 |
"Limonite" |
"Brauneisenoker, W." by Bürger. "Bruneisenoker Fer oxide pulverulente Japan" by Temminck |
In Japan this specimen is usually called as "Takashikozo" |
461 |
329035 |
"Limonite" |
In Japan this specimen is usually called as "Takashikozo" |
462 |
329036 |
249, 278 |
"Limonite" |
"Brauneisenoker, W." |
In Japan this specimen is usually called as "Takashikozo" |
土イン穴 |
463 |
329037 |
"Limonite" in spherical shape |
Nefukugawa River, Osaka Pref. |
"vom Flusse Nefuku gawa, Kawatsi" by Siebold. "klitte zand komt uit landschap fisiu(?)" |
"Nefuku"-river can not be identified, but Nefuku is located in Osaka Pref. |
根福川(根福:大阪府貝塚市) |
464 |
329038 |
188, A25 |
"Limonite" in spherical shape |
"Sandkugeln durch Rost verkittet" |
465 |
329039 |
Claystone, ferrugenous |
"Eisenschüssiger Thon, Bruchstücke von Kugeln" by Siebold |
466 |
329040 |
"Limonite" in spherical shape |
467 |
329041 |
2878 |
"Limonite" in spherical shape |
Kumamoto Pref. |
"Binärkies aus Figo" |
468 |
329042 |
243, 282 |
"Limonite" in spherical shape |
"In Brauneisenstein umgewandelter Schwefelkies, und zwar Binärkies kugelig" |
469 |
329043 |
29 |
Lava |
Mt.Aso, Kumamoto Pref. |
"Tit is Steen van Aso te landschap Figo" on the specimen. "Fiko (Kumamoto Pref.) Asonoisi (stone from Aso)". "Augitisches Gestein polarisch magnetisch vom Vulkan Aso in der Prov. Higo" |
"in der prov. Higo" by Siebold |
熊本県阿蘇山の溶岩 |
470 |
329044 |
174 |
Siliceous sinter with leaf imprint |
"Kieselsinter mit Blätterabdrücken" |
471 |
329045 |
A105 |
Phonolite |
Nara Pref. |
"Lydischer Stein L. nenntiker Kli?gstein aus Yamato" |
472 |
329046 |
276 |
Mica schist |
"Thoneisenstein schaliger" by Siebold |
473 |
329047 |
Pebble of sericite-andalusite-quartzite |
474 |
329048 |
Pebble of schist |
475 |
329049 |
Phonolite |
476 |
329050 |
73 |
Mica schist |
"Glimmerschiefer wie durch Feuer verändert" |
477 |
329051 |
72 |
Sericite-quartzite |
"Glimmerschiefer quarziger" by Siebold |
478 |
329052 |
87 |
Gneiss |
Takamatsu, Kagawa Pref. |
"Saugschiefer mit einem Blattabdrucke". "Ginseki (silver stone)" |
讃州高松銀岩、キンセキ(銀石) |
479 |
329053 |
71 |
Chlorite-sericite schist |
"Glimmerschiefer" |
480 |
329054 |
26, 76 |
Gneiss |
"Gneis, etwas glimmerreicher". "Gneis Ginseki" by Siebold |
銀石 |
481 |
329055 |
75 |
Gneiss |
"Gneis, dickschieferiger, quarziger" |
482 |
329056 |
Actinolite schist |
Kumamoto Pref. |
"Matsuhaseki .I. Tannennadel Baum, Figo" by Siebold. "Chloritschiefer, quarziger, gelblichgrüner". "landschap Figo, Steen Matsubaseki" on the specimen |
肥後 松葉石 |
483 |
329057 |
Actinolite |
Mie Pref. |
"Strahlenstein, Ise" by Siebold |
484 |
329058 |
206 |
Actinolite |
Sado, Niigata Pref. |
"Asbest (Sekima I.e. Stein?anf) by Siebold. "Asbestartiger Strahlstein von der Insel Sado". "Sekima" |
佐渡、石麻 |
485 |
329059 |
211 |
Mica schist |
"Glimmer silberweisser, 4 Stückchen" |
486 |
329060 |
213 |
Mica |
"Glimmer tombakbrauner". "Unmoseki (Mica stone)" on the specimen |
雲母石 |
487 |
329061 |
164 |
Chlorite schist |
"Chloritschiefer" by Siebold |
488 |
329062 |
Mica schist |
489 |
329063 |
71 |
Mica schist |
Mogi, Nagasaki Pref. |
"Glimmerschiefer auf dem Wege nach Mogi und auf dem Tsitsi jama bei Nagasaki" by Siebold |
"Mt.Chichiyama" can not be identified |
長崎県長崎市茂木町 、千々山 |
490 |
329064 |
Actinolite-sericite-quartz schist |
491 |
329065 |
Pebble of andalusite schist |
492 |
329066 |
Hornblendite |
"Hornblende" by Siebold |
493 |
329067 |
Actinolite schist including pyrite |
494 |
329068 |
58, 89 |
Mica schist |
Nara Pref. |
"Kalkstoff Distr. Jamato aus Japan" |
495 |
329069 |
Talc schist |
"Talkschiefer". "Gemeiner Talk, W. Aus der Landschaft Higo" by Bürger |
496 |
329070 |
69 |
Talc schist |
"Talkschiefer, ähnlich demjenigen der Alpen" |
497 |
329071 |
Chlorite schist including magnetite |
Okushi, Nishisonogi, Nagasaki Pref. |
"Chloriteschiefer mit oktaedrischen Krystallen von magneteisen dem Tyrolen Chloritschiefer sehr uahnlich" by Siebold |
"Okushi" is a famous locality of octahedral magnetite in chlorite schist |
多分、長崎県西彼杵郡大串 |
498 |
329072 |
Tremolite (asbestos) |
"Asbest, W" by Bürger |
499 |
329073 |
Actinolite |
500 |
329074 |
36 |
Tremolite (asbestos) |
"Asbestartiger Tremolit, W." by Bürger. "Grammatite fibreuse" by Temminck |
501 |
329075 |
Amphibolite |
502 |
329076 |
Serpentinite |
503 |
329077 |
Serpentinite |
504 |
329078 |
Serpentinite |
505 |
329079 |
Greenstone |
506 |
329080 |
Serpentinite |
507 |
329081 |
160 |
Serpentinite |
"Serpentin (Sjabamiisi) das grössere Stück wirkt auf die Magnetnadel" |
(Sjabamiisi) by Siebold |
シャバミイシ |
508 |
329082 |
Serpentinite |
Shizuoka Pref. |
"Serpentin (Zjabamiisi), Totomi" by Siebold |
シャバミイシ |
509 |
329083 |
Chert (?) |
Furuya, Wakayama Pref. |
"Kieselschiefer (Lydischer Stein)" by Siebold. "Kisyu (Wakayama Pref.) Furuyaisi" on the specimen |
Two possible localities for "Furuya" in Wakayama Pref. |
紀州古屋谷石(和歌山県日高郡印南町古屋、または和歌山県西牟婁郡大塔村古屋) |
510 |
329084 |
Stone implement |
511 |
329085 |
Stone implement |
512 |
329086 |
Stone implement |
513 |
329087 |
Stone implement(?) |
Hyogo Pref. |
"Kuzjakseki (malachite) is naher zu untersuchen, Dewa" by Siebold, "Aoniisi (malachite green stone) from Tanba (Hyogo pref.)" on the specimen |
"Dewa (Akita Pref.)" by the Siebold's description is not correct. |
丹波国産、青丹石、シーボルトの「孔雀石」は「青丹(あおに)よし」のmalachiteに関連する |
514 |
329088 |
Serpentine |
Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Pref. |
"Serpentin von Simonoseki, Nagato" by Siebold |
515 |
329089 |
83 |
Conglomerate |
"Conglomerat ähnlich No(89) aber grobkörniger |
516 |
329090 |
Vermiculite |
Mibari (?), Yamanashi Pref. Or Tohoku District |
"(Firuseki) aus Mibari an Oosju und Kahi (nippon). Firuseki d.I. Blutiger Stein man nnent ihn so, weil sich die Stuuckchen, wemm man sie auf Feuer oder heisse Platten legt, aus dehnen ? Wie Blutigel winden. Auch nennt man Wothenstein" by Siebold. "Steen Hiruseki uit Miharu tc landschap Oosyu" |
The locality of Mibari can not be identified |
水蛭石、または蛇石 |
517 |
329091 |
Vermiculite |
"Mt.Kodaisan, Hakuseki" |
小代山(熊本県玉名市小岱山)、箔石 |
518 |
329092 |
147, 215, 217 |
Mica |
Aichi Pref. (?) |
"Glimmer, kleine tombakbraune Flächen", "Glimmer silberweisser viele kleine Stückchen" |
The locality of Aichi Pref. can not be identified |
雲母 |
519 |
329093 |
212 |
Mica |
Kira, Aichi Pref. |
"Mikawa Kira, Unmo, Glimmer aus Landschaft Mikawa" |
三河吉良産雲母、( 愛知県幡豆郡吉良町) |
520 |
329094 |
42 |
Chalcedony |
521 |
329095 |
Graphite |
NM-coast near Fukuoka, Fukuoka Pref. |
"Graphit, Kai, Sinano" by Siebold. "Graphit fundort Landschaft Tsikuzen an der NW Küste bey Fukuoka nach Hakosaki. Japanische name Gosume" |
According to the Siebold's description the locality is either Yamanashi Pref. or Nagano Pref., but on the paper pouch which contained specimens, the locality is the northwest coast along the way from Fukuoka to Hakozaki. |
甲州産、信州産、藝州石英。試料の包みには福岡から箱崎への途中の海岸とある。 |
522 |
329096 |
Graphite |
523 |
329097 |
38 |
Actinolite (?) |
Kumamoto Pref. |
"Hornblende (Strahlstein), Figo" by Siebold |
524 |
329098 |
Pebble of sandstone |
Izu, Shizuoka Pref. |
"Zusyu, Izu" on the specimen |
豆州、イズ(静岡県伊豆) |
525 |
329099 |
Petrified wood |
526 |
329100 |
Ferruginous limestone |
527 |
329101 |
A48 |
Conglomerate |
"Conglomerat mit Bruchstück von Quarz, Sandstein, Chloritischen Schiefer" |
528 |
329102 |
Limestone (sandy) |
Nagahama, Ehime Pref. |
"uit Nagahama Iyo", "?syu Nagahama" on the specimen |
?州長濱、ナガハマ イヨ(愛媛県長浜) |