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検索結果一覧 |
Registration No.
Another No.
Important labels
Japanese comments
329 |
328903 |
61 |
Chert |
Hyogo Pref. |
"Enikikwaseki (hackberry fossil) from the boader of Setsyu, Tanba, Bansyu" |
摂州、丹波、播州の境 榎化石 |
330 |
328904 |
Clay stone |
Saga or Nagasaki Pref. |
"Thon durch Eisenhydrat gefärbt wird zu Topferarbeit verwenden, Fizen" by Siebold, "Iwatama" |
イワタマ |
331 |
328905 |
Claystone |
"Manupites ?ovnatus, Chalk -Danes Dike-" |
332 |
328906 |
73 |
Claystone |
333 |
328907 |
113 |
Altered porphyry |
"Thonstein, dichter, von hellgrüner Farbe", "Shitatsukiishi" |
舌付石 |
334 |
328908 |
Soil (from trachyt) |
"Thon gek(?)annter aus Trachyt hervorgegangen" by Siebold |
335 |
328909 |
Shale with leaf-imprint |
336 |
328910 |
Claystone with engravement |
337 |
328911 |
Porous Limestone |
338 |
328912 |
Soil |
Ureshino, Fujitu-Gun, Saga Pref. |
"Thonerde der Theeplantagen von Uresino" by Siebold |
"Kyoto Pref." on the label is not correct. |
嬉野(佐賀県藤津郡嬉野町) |
339 |
328913 |
262 |
Soil |
Kurusumi, Matsuyama, Ehime Pref. (?) |
"kaelaesami motieawa" |
クルズミ モチアワ(愛媛県松山市来住町か) |
340 |
328914 |
A10 |
Clay stone |
"Grünerde aus dem Mandelsteingebirge", "Deiryoku (green mud), Graene kleiaerde" 0n the specimen |
泥緑 |
341 |
328915 |
62 |
Kaolinite |
Kinhama, Miyazaki Pref. (?) |
342 |
328916 |
Kaolinite |
Kinhama, Miyazaki Pref. (?) |
343 |
328917 |
105 |
Magnesite |
"Talkerde, W." by Bürger, "Magnesit aus Japan", |
344 |
328918 |
Claystone with leaf imprint |
Coast near Miyazu, Kyoto Pref. |
丹??宮津浜、木葉石 |
345 |
328919 |
Claystone |
Hachijo Island, Tokyo Pref. |
"Syakushiseki" |
赤脂石 |
346 |
328920 |
96 |
Siltstone covered by oolitic aggregate of lime |
347 |
328921 |
Chlorite schist |
Nagasaki Pref. |
348 |
328922 |
Chert |
349 |
328923 |
B10 |
Solfatara (sublimation product) |
Mt.Unzen, Shimabara Peninsula, Nagasaki Pref. |
"Alaunthon durch schwefelige saure verandert Trachyt. Simabara (vom Vulk. Wunzen)" by Siebold |
雲仙火山噴気物 |
350 |
328924 |
A98 |
Claystone including vivianite |
"Klebschifer mit erdigem Eisenblau Roboko", "Konsyou" |
コンショウ(坤城) |
351 |
328925 |
Claystone including vivianite |
"Kouseki Sekitanyu" |
コウセキ(空青)、セキタンユ(石炭油) |
352 |
328926 |
Claystone |
Isen, Kagoshima Pref. |
"kommt uit landschap isen-seki" |
鹿児島県大島郡伊仙(?) |
353 |
328927 |
66 |
Altered trachytic tuff |
"Trachyt-Tuff (Kenkwa) sehr feinerdig, blassrothlich", "Thon feiner blas rosenrother" by Siebold |
'Kenkwa' by Siebold |
354 |
328928 |
Soil |
355 |
328929 |
89 |
Shale with leaf-imprint |
Munakata, Fukuoka Pref. |
"Schieferthon mit Pflanzenabdrücken aus dem Braumkohlengebirge (naranoha isi d.I. Stein mit dem Blatte des nara (Quereus ait), Fundort: Die Kamihalle Munagatanajasiro beim Dorfs Dasima in Tsikuzen (etwa auf 33°46´NB. 5°12´WL)", "Chikuzen uit Naranohaishi, Fundort Landschaft Tsikuzen", "Chikuzen Unakata Naranohaishi" |
"(naranoha isi d.I. Stein mit dem Blatte des nara (Quereus ait)" by Siebold |
福岡県宗像市田島か? 楢の木の化石、単瓢紋 |
356 |
328930 |
93 |
Shale with leaf-imprint |
"Klebschiefer mit Blätterabdrücken" |
357 |
328931 |
Siliceous stone |
some concretion inspite of its shape similar to some botanical object |
358 |
328932 |
Siliceous stone |
359 |
328933 |
Siliceous stone |
360 |
328934 |
Sandstone |
361 |
328935 |
Marl in mudstone |
362 |
328936 |
Limestone |
363 |
328937 |
Siliceous stone |
364 |
328938 |
Limestone |
365 |
328939 |
Siliceous stone |
366 |
328940 |
Siliceous stone |
367 |
328941 |
Siliceous stone |
368 |
328942 |
Chert (pebble) |
369 |
328943 |
Chalcedony |
370 |
328944 |
Siliceous stone including limestone (?) |
371 |
328945 |
Siliceous stone |
372 |
328946 |
Porphyrytic stone |
Futamigawa River, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Pref. |
"Vom Flusse Ftamigawa, Thonmugel, Knauer, Figo" by Siebold. "Kikouseki (turtle-shell stone)" on the specimen |
熊本県八代市二見川 |
373 |
328947 |
Pebble |
Kochi Pref. |
"landschap Tosa (Kochi Pref.), Steen Uyoryo" on the specimen |
土佐産禹餘糧 |
374 |
328948 |
Conglomerate |
375 |
328949 |
Pebble of limestone |
376 |
328950 |
129, 139 |
Calc-tufa |
"Kalksinter" |
377 |
328951 |
A55 |
Limestone |
Aichi Pref. |
"Kalkstein, grauer dicht mit zelliger Fläche aus Owari", "uit Owari" on the specimen |
378 |
328952 |
Limestone |
Ohsu, Ehime Pref. |
"Körniger Kalkstein von Ohsu in Ijo auf Sikok, noch einem beilieg. Blättchen auch Zidoriseki aus Tosa & Oshu" |
愛媛県大洲市 |
379 |
328953 |
Limestone (stalactic) |
380 |
328954 |
139 |
Limestone |
"Dichter Kalkstein licht gelblich weiss", "Seisekkai" on the specimen |
生石灰 |
381 |
328955 |
100 |
Limestone |
"Kalkmergel" |
382 |
328956 |
137 |
Limestone (stalactic) |
"Tropfstein röhrenförmige Stücke" |
383 |
328957 |
Steatite |
384 |
328958 |
Limestone |
385 |
328959 |
A60 |
Shale |
Nagahama, Ehime Pref. |
"Kalkstein, schieferiger, rother, mit Zwischenlagen von rothem Hornstein", "Bei Nagahama, Ijo" by Siebold |
愛媛県長浜 |
386 |
328960 |
A59 |
Calcite |
"Kalkspath auch in Skalenoeder" |
387 |
328961 |
128, 186, 187 |
Calcite |
Odakunimori-rengeji, Kagoshima Pref. |
"Meiseki", "Odakunimori Rengeji, Suisyoseki", "Kalkspath (Kanseki) aus Satsuma" by Siebold, "Steen uit noordland tc Japan, Meiseki" |
薩摩小田国森蓮華寺、名跡、水晶石 |
388 |
328962 |
118 |
Calcite |
"Kalkspath mit deutlicher Theilbarkeit zum Theil durchsichtig (Doppelte Strahlenbrechung)" , (Doppelte Strahlenbrechung) by Siebold |
389 |
328963 |
Calcite |
390 |
328964 |
130 |
Calc-tufa |
Wakayama, Aichi Pref. |
"Kalktuff, 3 Stücke wovon eines an ein Stück grünlichen Feldsteins angewachsen (Midorimosu) aus der Prov. Mikawa", "Sansyu Wakayama Midorimosu Tae", "Kosyoisi, Kalkspath von Ko???", "Landschap Sansyu Steen Midorimosu", |
三州和カ山 ミドリモス タエ、古處石 |
391 |
328965 |
Aggregate of calcite crystals |
Shizuoka Pref. (?) |
"Kalkspath von körniger Zusammensetzung" by Siebold, "Kosyoseki" on the specimen |
The locality is not identified |
古處石 |
392 |
328966 |
125 |
Calc-tufa |
Nagasaki Pref. |
"Kalksinter aus der Gegend von Nagasaki in Fizen", "Konpeito" on the specimen |
393 |
328967 |
133, 194 |
Calc-tufa |
Ohmachi, Nagano Pref. |
"Erbsenstein", "Shinano (Nagano Pref.) Nishina (Ohmachi-Shi) Arareishi" |
信濃仁科(長野県大町市)、アラレイシ |
394 |
328968 |
70, 137 |
Talc schist |
Shizuoka Pref. |
"Talkschiefer aus Tohotomi" |
395 |
328969 |
A72 |
Pebble of siltstone |
Kumanoura, Kochi Pref. |
"Thonstein, schwarzgrauer mit Quarzadern Gerölle v. Kumanoura", "uit Kumanoura ryumonseki" on the specimen |
クマノウラ(高知県幡多郡佐賀町熊ノ浦)、野浦柳紋石 |
396 |
328970 |
A4 |
Calcaceous shale |
"Kalkstein, dichter von röthlichgrauer Farbe, dem Gaggenauer ählich" |
397 |
328971 |
177 |
Limestone (stalactic) |
398 |
328972 |
Pebble of limestone |
Kochi Pref. |
"Tosa Ryumonseki" on the specimen |
土佐産柳紋石 |
399 |
328973 |
77 |
Aggregate of calcite crystals |
"Kalkspath" |
400 |
328974 |
Limestone including fossils |
"Mimizuisi d.I. Wurm Stein" by Siebold, "Mimizuisi" on the specimen |
ミミズイシ |
401 |
328975 |
Limestone |
402 |
328976 |
A39 |
Calcite |
Higosan, Nagasaki Pref. |
"Kalkspath vom Higosan bei Nagasaki, Fizen" by Siebold, "Nagasaki Kalkspath" |
長崎市彦山 |
403 |
328977 |
A65 |
Limestone including chert |
"Kalk grauer bituminöser mit verkieselten (Chalzedon) Muscheln" |
404 |
328978 |
Calc-tufa (?) |
Osaka Pref. |
"Kalksinter körniger aus Sets" |
405 |
328979 |
Calcite in schist |
406 |
328980 |
Claystone |
Chirifu, Aichi Pref. |
"von Tsifuri, Tokaito" by Siebold |
"Tsifuri" is not correct. The correct locality is Chirifu. |
愛知県池鯉鮒 |
407 |
328981 |
29, 49, 69, 89, 110, 149 |
Limestone including fossils |
408 |
328982 |
Amygdaloidal basalt |
Tokushima Pref. |
"Dichter Kalkstein mit Kalmandeln (Bai Kun seki), Aha" by Siebold, "Awa bairinseki, Mino hougeseki", "Mino hougeseki" |
The label of "uit Mino, Hogeseki" may not belong to the specimen. |
阿波 梅林石、美濃 方解石 |
409 |
328983 |
Mylonite |
410 |
328984 |
Aggregate of quartz crystals in schist |
411 |
328985 |
Calcite |
"Kalkspath" by Siebold |
412 |
328986 |
Talc |
Kumamoto Pref. |
"Spekstein, W. aus der Landschaft Higo" by Bürger, |
413 |
328987 |
Crustal aggregate of calcite crystals |
414 |
328988 |
Gypsum |
415 |
328989 |
Siliceous stone |
"Matsukawaisi" |
松皮石 |
416 |
328990 |
Stalactic calcite |
417 |
328991 |
Siliceous claystone |
Ishikari River, Hokkaido Pref. |
"Brauner okeriger Thon aus dem Flussbette des Isikari, Jezo" by Siebold. "Ishikari sinsyo yori izuru sina 8 syu (8 specimens from Ishikari Sinsyo)" on the specimen |
エソ(蝦夷)、石カリ神所ヨリ出ル品八種 |
418 |
328992 |
Fossil (Gastropoda) |
419 |
328993 |
Limestone including fossils of bivalvia |
420 |
328994 |
A30 |
Limestone including fossils of bivalvia, bryozoa etc |
"Muschelconglomerat" |
421 |
328995 |
Magnetite in Chrolite-schist |
Okushi, Nishisonogi, Nagasaki Pref. |
"Okushi" is a famous locality of octahedral magnetite in chlorite schist |
長崎県西彼杵郡大串 |
422 |
328996 |
Wollastonite |
423 |
328997 |
50 |
Trachytic tuff including fossil |
"Trachyt-Tuff, mit aufsitzenden Balanen & Austern" |
424 |
328998 |
Sericite schist |
425 |
328999 |
56 |
Chalcedony |
Niigata Pref. |
"Echigosan Doukwaseki" |
越後国産 導火石 |
426 |
329000 |
Orpiment |
"Sekiou" |
石黄 |
427 |
329001 |
"Limonite" |
Shindachi, Sennan-Shi, Osaka Pref. |
"Okriger Brauneisenstein, W." by Bürger. "Izumino? Shindachi, ?????? Itimei ??rinnseki" on the specimen. "Okriger Brauneisen Stein W." by Temminck |
泉(あるいは白水)乃? 信達 ???? 一名 龍鱗石 |
428 |
329002 |
219, 276 |
"Limonite" |
Shindachi, Sennan-Shi, Osaka Pref. |
"Thoneisenstein schaliger aus dem Diluvium", "???seki" on the specimen |
?灰(?)石 |