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シーボルト 鉱物標本
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Important labels
329 328903 61 Chert Hyogo Pref. "Enikikwaseki (hackberry fossil) from the boader of Setsyu, Tanba, Bansyu" 摂州、丹波、播州の境 榎化石
330 328904 Clay stone Saga or Nagasaki Pref. "Thon durch Eisenhydrat gefärbt wird zu Topferarbeit verwenden, Fizen" by Siebold, "Iwatama" イワタマ
331 328905 Claystone "Manupites ?ovnatus, Chalk -Danes Dike-"
332 328906 73 Claystone
333 328907 113 Altered porphyry "Thonstein, dichter, von hellgrüner Farbe", "Shitatsukiishi" 舌付石
334 328908 Soil (from trachyt) "Thon gek(?)annter aus Trachyt hervorgegangen" by Siebold
335 328909 Shale with leaf-imprint
336 328910 Claystone with engravement
337 328911 Porous Limestone
338 328912 Soil Ureshino, Fujitu-Gun, Saga Pref. "Thonerde der Theeplantagen von Uresino" by Siebold "Kyoto Pref." on the label is not correct. 嬉野(佐賀県藤津郡嬉野町)
339 328913 262 Soil Kurusumi, Matsuyama, Ehime Pref. (?) "kaelaesami motieawa" クルズミ モチアワ(愛媛県松山市来住町か)
340 328914 A10 Clay stone "Grünerde aus dem Mandelsteingebirge", "Deiryoku (green mud), Graene kleiaerde" 0n the specimen 泥緑
341 328915 62 Kaolinite Kinhama, Miyazaki Pref. (?)
342 328916 Kaolinite Kinhama, Miyazaki Pref. (?)
343 328917 105 Magnesite "Talkerde, W." by Bürger, "Magnesit aus Japan",
344 328918 Claystone with leaf imprint Coast near Miyazu, Kyoto Pref. 丹??宮津浜、木葉石
345 328919 Claystone Hachijo Island, Tokyo Pref. "Syakushiseki" 赤脂石
346 328920 96 Siltstone covered by oolitic aggregate of lime
347 328921 Chlorite schist Nagasaki Pref.
348 328922 Chert
349 328923 B10 Solfatara (sublimation product) Mt.Unzen, Shimabara Peninsula, Nagasaki Pref. "Alaunthon durch schwefelige saure verandert Trachyt. Simabara (vom Vulk. Wunzen)" by Siebold 雲仙火山噴気物
350 328924 A98 Claystone including vivianite "Klebschifer mit erdigem Eisenblau Roboko", "Konsyou" コンショウ(坤城)
351 328925 Claystone including vivianite "Kouseki Sekitanyu" コウセキ(空青)、セキタンユ(石炭油)
352 328926 Claystone Isen, Kagoshima Pref. "kommt uit landschap isen-seki" 鹿児島県大島郡伊仙(?)
353 328927 66 Altered trachytic tuff "Trachyt-Tuff (Kenkwa) sehr feinerdig, blassrothlich", "Thon feiner blas rosenrother" by Siebold 'Kenkwa' by Siebold
354 328928 Soil
355 328929 89 Shale with leaf-imprint Munakata, Fukuoka Pref. "Schieferthon mit Pflanzenabdrücken aus dem Braumkohlengebirge (naranoha isi d.I. Stein mit dem Blatte des nara (Quereus ait), Fundort: Die Kamihalle Munagatanajasiro beim Dorfs Dasima in Tsikuzen (etwa auf 33°46´NB. 5°12´WL)", "Chikuzen uit Naranohaishi, Fundort Landschaft Tsikuzen", "Chikuzen Unakata Naranohaishi" "(naranoha isi d.I. Stein mit dem Blatte des nara (Quereus ait)" by Siebold 福岡県宗像市田島か? 楢の木の化石、単瓢紋
356 328930 93 Shale with leaf-imprint "Klebschiefer mit Blätterabdrücken"
357 328931 Siliceous stone some concretion inspite of its shape similar to some botanical object
358 328932 Siliceous stone
359 328933 Siliceous stone
360 328934 Sandstone
361 328935 Marl in mudstone
362 328936 Limestone
363 328937 Siliceous stone
364 328938 Limestone
365 328939 Siliceous stone
366 328940 Siliceous stone
367 328941 Siliceous stone
368 328942 Chert (pebble)
369 328943 Chalcedony
370 328944 Siliceous stone including limestone (?)
371 328945 Siliceous stone
372 328946 Porphyrytic stone Futamigawa River, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Pref. "Vom Flusse Ftamigawa, Thonmugel, Knauer, Figo" by Siebold. "Kikouseki (turtle-shell stone)" on the specimen 熊本県八代市二見川
373 328947 Pebble Kochi Pref. "landschap Tosa (Kochi Pref.), Steen Uyoryo" on the specimen 土佐産禹餘糧
374 328948 Conglomerate
375 328949 Pebble of limestone
376 328950 129, 139 Calc-tufa "Kalksinter"
377 328951 A55 Limestone Aichi Pref. "Kalkstein, grauer dicht mit zelliger Fläche aus Owari", "uit Owari" on the specimen
378 328952 Limestone Ohsu, Ehime Pref. "Körniger Kalkstein von Ohsu in Ijo auf Sikok, noch einem beilieg. Blättchen auch Zidoriseki aus Tosa & Oshu" 愛媛県大洲市
379 328953 Limestone (stalactic)
380 328954 139 Limestone "Dichter Kalkstein licht gelblich weiss", "Seisekkai" on the specimen 生石灰
381 328955 100 Limestone "Kalkmergel"
382 328956 137 Limestone (stalactic) "Tropfstein röhrenförmige Stücke"
383 328957 Steatite
384 328958 Limestone
385 328959 A60 Shale Nagahama, Ehime Pref. "Kalkstein, schieferiger, rother, mit Zwischenlagen von rothem Hornstein", "Bei Nagahama, Ijo" by Siebold 愛媛県長浜
386 328960 A59 Calcite "Kalkspath auch in Skalenoeder"
387 328961 128, 186, 187 Calcite Odakunimori-rengeji, Kagoshima Pref. "Meiseki", "Odakunimori Rengeji, Suisyoseki", "Kalkspath (Kanseki) aus Satsuma" by Siebold, "Steen uit noordland tc Japan, Meiseki" 薩摩小田国森蓮華寺、名跡、水晶石
388 328962 118 Calcite "Kalkspath mit deutlicher Theilbarkeit zum Theil durchsichtig (Doppelte Strahlenbrechung)" , (Doppelte Strahlenbrechung) by Siebold
389 328963 Calcite
390 328964 130 Calc-tufa Wakayama, Aichi Pref. "Kalktuff, 3 Stücke wovon eines an ein Stück grünlichen Feldsteins angewachsen (Midorimosu) aus der Prov. Mikawa", "Sansyu Wakayama Midorimosu Tae", "Kosyoisi, Kalkspath von Ko???", "Landschap Sansyu Steen Midorimosu", 三州和カ山 ミドリモス タエ、古處石
391 328965 Aggregate of calcite crystals Shizuoka Pref. (?) "Kalkspath von körniger Zusammensetzung" by Siebold, "Kosyoseki" on the specimen The locality is not identified 古處石
392 328966 125 Calc-tufa Nagasaki Pref. "Kalksinter aus der Gegend von Nagasaki in Fizen", "Konpeito" on the specimen
393 328967 133, 194 Calc-tufa Ohmachi, Nagano Pref. "Erbsenstein", "Shinano (Nagano Pref.) Nishina (Ohmachi-Shi) Arareishi" 信濃仁科(長野県大町市)、アラレイシ
394 328968 70, 137 Talc schist Shizuoka Pref. "Talkschiefer aus Tohotomi"
395 328969 A72 Pebble of siltstone Kumanoura, Kochi Pref. "Thonstein, schwarzgrauer mit Quarzadern Gerölle v. Kumanoura", "uit Kumanoura ryumonseki" on the specimen クマノウラ(高知県幡多郡佐賀町熊ノ浦)、野浦柳紋石
396 328970 A4 Calcaceous shale "Kalkstein, dichter von röthlichgrauer Farbe, dem Gaggenauer ählich"
397 328971 177 Limestone (stalactic)
398 328972 Pebble of limestone Kochi Pref. "Tosa Ryumonseki" on the specimen 土佐産柳紋石
399 328973 77 Aggregate of calcite crystals "Kalkspath"
400 328974 Limestone including fossils "Mimizuisi d.I. Wurm Stein" by Siebold, "Mimizuisi" on the specimen ミミズイシ
401 328975 Limestone
402 328976 A39 Calcite Higosan, Nagasaki Pref. "Kalkspath vom Higosan bei Nagasaki, Fizen" by Siebold, "Nagasaki Kalkspath" 長崎市彦山
403 328977 A65 Limestone including chert "Kalk grauer bituminöser mit verkieselten (Chalzedon) Muscheln"
404 328978 Calc-tufa (?) Osaka Pref. "Kalksinter körniger aus Sets"
405 328979 Calcite in schist
406 328980 Claystone Chirifu, Aichi Pref. "von Tsifuri, Tokaito" by Siebold "Tsifuri" is not correct. The correct locality is Chirifu. 愛知県池鯉鮒
407 328981 29, 49, 69, 89, 110, 149 Limestone including fossils
408 328982 Amygdaloidal basalt Tokushima Pref. "Dichter Kalkstein mit Kalmandeln (Bai Kun seki), Aha" by Siebold, "Awa bairinseki, Mino hougeseki", "Mino hougeseki" The label of "uit Mino, Hogeseki" may not belong to the specimen. 阿波 梅林石、美濃 方解石
409 328983 Mylonite
410 328984 Aggregate of quartz crystals in schist
411 328985 Calcite "Kalkspath" by Siebold
412 328986 Talc Kumamoto Pref. "Spekstein, W. aus der Landschaft Higo" by Bürger,
413 328987 Crustal aggregate of calcite crystals
414 328988 Gypsum
415 328989 Siliceous stone "Matsukawaisi" 松皮石
416 328990 Stalactic calcite
417 328991 Siliceous claystone Ishikari River, Hokkaido Pref. "Brauner okeriger Thon aus dem Flussbette des Isikari, Jezo" by Siebold. "Ishikari sinsyo yori izuru sina 8 syu (8 specimens from Ishikari Sinsyo)" on the specimen エソ(蝦夷)、石カリ神所ヨリ出ル品八種
418 328992 Fossil (Gastropoda)
419 328993 Limestone including fossils of bivalvia
420 328994 A30 Limestone including fossils of bivalvia, bryozoa etc "Muschelconglomerat"
421 328995 Magnetite in Chrolite-schist Okushi, Nishisonogi, Nagasaki Pref. "Okushi" is a famous locality of octahedral magnetite in chlorite schist 長崎県西彼杵郡大串
422 328996 Wollastonite
423 328997 50 Trachytic tuff including fossil "Trachyt-Tuff, mit aufsitzenden Balanen & Austern"
424 328998 Sericite schist
425 328999 56 Chalcedony Niigata Pref. "Echigosan Doukwaseki" 越後国産 導火石
426 329000 Orpiment "Sekiou" 石黄
427 329001 "Limonite" Shindachi, Sennan-Shi, Osaka Pref. "Okriger Brauneisenstein, W." by Bürger. "Izumino? Shindachi, ?????? Itimei ??rinnseki" on the specimen. "Okriger Brauneisen Stein W." by Temminck 泉(あるいは白水)乃? 信達 ???? 一名 龍鱗石
428 329002 219, 276 "Limonite" Shindachi, Sennan-Shi, Osaka Pref. "Thoneisenstein schaliger aus dem Diluvium", "???seki" on the specimen ?灰(?)石
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鉱物 / UMDB(東京大学総合研究博物館データベース)