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シーボルト 鉱物標本
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Important labels
129 328703 Chert Kamokawa, Miyakojima, Okinawa Pref. "??? Ishi, ????wa", "??? Steen ??n Kamokawa tu Miyako" on broken papers on the specimen 沖縄県宮古島
130 328704 220B Fluorite Okayama Pref. "Chiukouseki, Bityu, Flussspath" 岡山県
131 328705 Pebbles of quartzz, chert
132 328706 Calcite
133 328707 Calcite
134 328708 Calcite "?????ne" on broken papers on the specimen
135 328709 Chert in Limestone
136 328710 311 Amber with inclusion of spider Ohkawame, Iwate Pref. "Bernstein mit Einschluss einer Spinne aus Mutsu (Ohosju)", "Bernstein auf Nippon in der Landschaft Way(g)a?? Auf den ??????. Mit Steinkohlen aussengruben" Most prominent locality of amber in Japan. Handwriting of "Ohsju" by Siebold 岩手県久慈市大川目
137 328711 Amber Ohkawame, Iwate Pref. 岩手県久慈市大川目
138 328712 Massive quartz in mica schist "Quarzstücke wohl aus Glimmerschiefer" by Siebold
139 328713 48 Hyalite "Hialit, W." by Bürger
140 328714 Calcite
141 328715 Alunite Amakusa, Nagasaki Pref. "Alunn Urtefactum" by Siebold, "Tansenseki, Amakusa", "Steen" 長崎県天草
142 328716 39 Chalcedony Kumamoto Pref. "Agat, W." by Bürger, " uit Hiko(Higo?), Ruri" **大門浦 浅黄瑠璃 ** 俗名
143 328717 Concretion of agate in quartz porphyry "Achatkugel aus dem quarzführenden Porphyr"
144 328718 Agate Nagano Pref. or Yamagata Pref. "Feuerstein W." by Bürger, "Hoshikuso, Shinano. Kosugezuna, Dewa", "Kikuisi" ホシクソ:信濃、小菅砂:出羽
145 328719 Agate with quartz crystals inside "Achatkugel aus dem quarzführenden Porphyr. Chalzedon innen Bergkristalle" "Chalzedon innen Bergkristalle" may be by Siebold
146 328720 Agate in geode with quartz crystals inside
147 328721 Agate
148 328722 Gypsum "Gyps spathiger"
149 328723 Gypsum
150 328724 134 Gypsum, fiberous "Faser-gyps aus Japan",
151 328725 Gypsum, fibrous, Satinspar Oritoge, Yonezawa, Yamagata Pref. (Amakusa by Siebold label) "Fasergyps (Sekiko), vom Berge Oritoge bei Jonezawa in Dewa. Auch von der Insel Amakusa (38°6´ N.B)." "Auch von der Insel Amakusa (38°6´ N.B)." may be by Siebold おうり峠(?)、米沢
152 328726 Gypsum, fibrous, Satinspar "Ch. Sulf. fibreuse conjointe de Japon"
153 328727 31, 40 Agate
154 328728 Agate
155 328729 Chalcedony, stalactic chalcedony Ehime Pref. "Chalzedon, schönes Stück stalaktisch, aus Ijo auf Sikok" 愛媛県
156 328730 168 Agate "Chalzedonstücke 3" ,"Kametaka, Menoseki 亀玉、瑪瑙石"
157 328731 Chalcedony, pseudomorph after calcite "Chalzedon, ein zelliges Stück auf der Oberfläche in Kalkspath Rhomboedern"
158 328732 43, 61 Chalcedony "Stall Opal aus Japan", "Chalzedon", "Chalcedoine" by Temminck
159 328733 38 Chalcedony "Kalzedon, W." by Bürger
160 328734 68, 165 Chalcedony "Chalzedon, 2 Stücke ein braunes & ein blänlichgraunes", "Taka, ?" on the specimen
161 328735 52, 86, 172 Chalcedony Sado Island, Niigata Pref. "Chalzedon, 3 tafelförmige Stücke, aus Sado", "Sasyu, Senbeiseki" on the specimen, "Sasyu, Senbeiseki" 新潟県佐渡、煎餅石
162 328736 37 Pebbles of agate "Steen Menouseki"
163 328737 Sandstone
164 328738 137, 155 Chalcedony "Zelliger Quarz mit undrücken (San ro seki)", "Sanroseki" pseudomorph after calcite? 三瀧石(三滝は広島県の地名にある)
165 328739 46 Chalcedony, stalactic form
166 328740 Chalcedony, reniform "no? suka" on the specimen, "Chalzedon" by Siebold
167 328741 47, 170 Chalcedony "Chalzedonstücke, 6 kleine eckige Stücke", "????" on the specimen
168 328742 160 Breccia including chalcedony fragments Nikko, Tochigi Pref. "Eine Kapsel mit Chalzedon Geröllen", "dit is Steen van Kashimangataki te Nikko" on the specimen "Mt.Kashimangatake" can not be identified 日光山カ???、?瀧石
169 328743 43 Chalcedony, reniform
170 328744 35 Chalcedony, reniform "Chalzedon. W." by Bürger
171 328745 169 Chalcedony, reniform "Chalzedonstücke, ein Stück mit traubenförmiger Oberfläche", "Sumo"
172 328746 Chalcedony with a surface of fibrous texture "Chalzedon. W." by Bürger, "Kolonien"
173 328747 163 Chalcedony, pseudomorph after calcite "Chalzedon, in Rhomboedern", "Sumo"
174 328748 50, 167 Pebbles of agate and chalcedony "Grössere Chalzedon Gerölle"
175 328749 50 Chalcedony (Carnelian) "Karneol, W." by Bürger
176 328750 33 Chalcedony (Carnelian) "Karneol, W." by Bürger
177 328751 Pegmatite with biotite crystals
178 328752 76 Almandine from pegmatite Tohoku district "Granat, W. aus der Landschaft Oosjuu"" by Bürger
179 328753 3, 46, 219 Almandine in feldspar from pegmatite Aomori Pref. "Granat, Hemihexakisoklaeder. In Feldspath/Albit eingewachsen; aus Granit. Auch lose Kristalle. Aus d. Prov. Mutsu"
180 328754 Almandine in muscovite schist
181 328755 Chalcedony (green moss agate) Enoshima, Kanagawa Pref.(?) "Halbopal" by Siebold, "Enosima-ishi" "Enoshima" is located in Kanagawa Pref. but "Enoshima-Ishi(Stone)" may not be related to the locality. 江ノ嶌石
182 328756 15, 53 Chalcedony, cellular Sado Island, Niigata Pref. "??? Calcedoon", "producten van Saddo" 佐渡雲上(?)産、金后
183 328757 Pisolitic calcite Mt.Havuni, Hakone, Kanagawa Pref. "Erbssenstein, W. Aus der heissen Quelle an Havuni Gebirge" by Bürger From hot spring at Hakone
184 328758 38 Green Jasper Shimane Pref. "Aodama, Izumonokuni (青玉、出雲国大社ヨリ出ル。玉造トモ云。神玉トモ云 in Japanese)" on the specimen 青玉、出雲国大社産、別名「玉造」、「神玉」
185 328759 Green Jasper Shimane Pref. same with 328758
186 328760 39 Green Jasper Tokushima Pref. "Plasma, aus der Landschaft Awa (auf Sikok)"
187 328761 Banded chert "Ryokmeno, Zyumenoo" 緑馬脳
188 328762 Banded chert
189 328763 Chert
190 328764 Green Jasper Kumamoto-Castle, Kumamoto Pref. "Figo Kumamoto-Jotyu" on the small paper on the specimen 肥後、熊本城中
191 328765 69 Jasper
192 328766 Amphibolite
193 328767 Chert
194 328768 Hornblendite, bearing biotite
195 328769 51 Pitchstone "Pechstein, W." by Bürger
196 328770 47 Chert Shimane Pref.(?) "Plasma, W. ?" by Bürger, "Syutuunkwaseki-hiuchiishi" 青色、各色アリ、出雲火石
197 328771 Hornfels
198 328772 Jasper
199 328773 189 Chert
200 328774 Actinolite in schist
201 328775 Pegmnatite with muscovite Gifu Pref. "Unmoseki (Mica stone)", "Kinsuna (golden sand), Mino" 美濃、キンスナ、雲母石
202 328776 Pebbles of jasper
203 328777 quartzite
204 328778 Jasper with quartz in a cavity
205 328779 160 Jasper Osaka Pref. "Eisenkiesel, derbes Stück (Kon Ko Sja), aus Kawatsi", (Kon Ko Sja) by Siebold 河内、金剛砂
206 328780 Jasper Osaka Pref. same with 328779
207 328781 73 Petrified wood "Holzstein"
208 328782 72 Petrified wood "???? Ishi" on the specimen ?石
209 328783 23 Petrified wood
210 328784 4, 187 Petrified wood "Holzstein"
211 328785 196 Opaline petrified wood Gifu Pref. "Holzopal. Wahrscheinlich aus trachyt-Tuff wie am Siebengebirge. Aus der Prov. Mino"
212 328786 Petrified wood Kumamoto Pref. "Holzstein (Kusu-no-ki d.I.)", (Kusu-no-ki d.I.) by Siebold. "Versteinertes Kampferholz aus Figo" "Kusu-mo-ki d.i." by Siebold 木化石(楠)、肥後
213 328787 25, 79 Petrified wood
214 328788 27 Petrified wood "???kaseki" on the specimen 杉(?)化石
215 328789 22 Petrified wood
216 328790 77 Petrified wood
217 328791 76 Petrified wood "Mokukaseki (wooden fossil), ?ist is ?erSteen van ?out" 木化石
218 328792 26 Petrified wood "Mokukaseki (wooden fossil)” 木化石
219 328793 61 Petrified wood Sado Island, Niigata Pref. "Kin ro haku fu seki, Sado" by Siebold", "Sado?san, Kinrohakuseki" 新潟県佐渡?産金露白石
220 328794 Petrified wood
221 328795 67 Petrified wood "Kusunoki-ishi (camphor tree)" on the specimen 楠石
222 328796 86 Petrified wood
223 328797 83 Petrified wood
224 328798 63, 68, 69, 74, 99 Petrified wood
225 328799 80 Petrified wood Nagahama, Ehime Pref. "Holzstein aus Nagahama ise in der Prov. Ijo" maybe by Siebold, "uit Nagahama te Iyo" 愛媛県大洲市長浜町
226 328800 88 Petrified wood "Borax arte factum" by Siebold, "??, yaha" on the specimen 百?、ヤハ
227 328801 80, 81 Petrified wood
228 328802 26, 194 Petrified wood "Holzstein", "??" on the specimen 木?
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鉱物 / UMDB(東京大学総合研究博物館データベース)