
UMUT RA 28877

Paleontology Collections

Stenocypris tsukagoshii Smith & Kamiya, 2006


Stenocypris tsukagoshii Smith & Kamiya, 2006 Paratype

Smith, R. J. & Kamiya, T. 2006 p. 339, fig. 2k,l

Condition: Present
Taxonomy:Arthropoda: Ostracoda:
Geologic Time:Recent:
Smith, R. J. and Kamiya, T., 2006: Six new species of fresh and brackish water ostracods (Crustacea) from Yakushima, southern Japan. Hydrobiologia, vol. 559, no. 1, pp. 331–355. (Reference No. 0860)
UMUT Material Reports: Citation
Ito, Y. et al., 2009, no. 80, p. 57.