
UMUT MM 05555

Paleontology Collections

Desmophyllites diphylloides (Forbes)


Desmophyllites diphylloides (Forbes)

Matsumoto, T. & Obata, I. 1955 p. 121

PreviousNo: I-1477

Condition: Present
Taxonomy:Mollusca: Cephalopoda:
Geologic Time:Mesozoic:
Matsumoto, T. and Obata, I., 1955: Some Upper Cretaceous desmoceratids from Hokkaido and Saghalien. Studies on the Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido and Saghalien 7. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series D, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 119–151, pls. 24–30. (Reference No. 0235)
UMUT Material Reports: Citation
Ichikawa, T. and Hayami, I., 1978, no. 2, p. 224.