Halobia styriaca (Mojsisovics)
1970. | Halobia styriaca (Mojsisovics) Kobayashi, T. & Ishibashi, T. 1970 p. 244, pl. 26, text-fig. a |
Condition: | Present |
Taxonomy: | Mollusca: Bivalvia: Posidoniidae: |
Geologic Time: | Mesozoic: |
Kobayashi, T. and Ishibashi, T., 1970: Halobia styriaca, Upper Triassic pelecypod, discovered in Okinawa-jima, the Ryukyu islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 77, pp. 243–248, pl. 26. (Reference No. 0567) |
Ichikawa, T., 1988, no. 15, p. 87. |