
UMUT MM 05283

Paleontology Collections

Monotis ochotica ochotica (Keyserling)


Monotis ochotica ochotica (Keyserling)

Ando, H. 1987 p. 87


Monotis ochotica densistriata (Teller)

Ando, H. 1987


Entomonotis ochotica (Keyserling) var. densistriata Teller

Kobayashi, T. & Ichikawa, K. 1949c p. 253, pl. 9, fig. 15

Condition: Present
Taxonomy:Mollusca: Bivalvia: Monotidae:
Geologic Time:Mesozoic:
Ando, H., 1987: Paleobiological study of the Late Triassic bivalve Monotis from Japan. The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Bulletin, no. 30, pp. i–ix + 1–110, pls. 1–14. (Reference No. 0642)
Kobayashi, T. and Ichikawa, K., 1949c: Late Triassic "Pseudomonotis" from the Sakawa basin in Shikoku, Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 21, nos. 1–4, pp. 245–262, pls. 9–10. (Reference No. 0182)
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UMUT Material Reports: Citation
Ichikawa, T., 1995, no. 33, p. 13. 
Ichikawa, T., 1995, no. 33, p. 14. 
Ichikawa, T. and Hayami, I., 1978, no. 2, p. 182.