
UMUT PM 01471

Paleontology Collections

Scenella clotho Walcott


Scenella clotho Walcott

Saito, K. 1936 p. 359, pl. 3, fig. 18

Condition: Missing
Taxonomy:Mollusca: Gastropoda: Palaeacmaeidae:
Geologic Time:Paleozoic:
Saito, K., 1936: Older Cambrian Brachiopoda, Gastropoda, etc. from north-western Korea. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 4, pt. 3, pp. 345–367, pls. 1–3. (Reference No. 0262)
UMUT Material Reports: Citation
Ichikawa, T. and Hayami, I., 1978, no. 2, p. 246.