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Ando, H., 1984:
Paleontological significance of late Triassic bivalve Monotis. Part 2: In the case of materials from the southern Kitakami mountains, northeast Japan.
Fossils, no. 35, pp. 1–15, pls. 1–2. (in English with Japanese abstract)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 7.]Reference No. 506
Brauns, D., 1883:
Ueber japanische diluviale Säugethiere.
Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 35, H. 1, pp. 1–58, pl. 1.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 8.]Reference No. 507
Chinzei, K., 1968a:
Pliocene Mollusca from northern corner of the Kitakami massif, 1.
Atlas of Japanese fossils, no. 3, 4 pp., pl. N-2. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo. (in Japanese)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 8.]Reference No. 508
Chinzei, K., 1968b:
Pliocene Mollusca from northern corner of the Kitakami massif, 2.
Atlas of Japanese fossils, no. 4, 4 pp., pl. N-3. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo. (in Japanese)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 8.]Reference No. 509
Chinzei, K., 1986:
Shell structure, growth, and functional morphology of an elongate Cretaceous oyster.
Palaeontology, vol. 29, pt. 1, pp. 139–154, pl. 18.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 9.]Reference No. 510
Hamada, T., 1961:
The Middle Palaeozoic group of Japan and its bearing on her geological history.
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 13, pt. 1, pp. 1–79.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 10.]Reference No. 511
Hamada, T., 1964a:
Two Carboniferous brachiopods from Loei, Thailand. Contributions to geology and palaeontology of southeast Asia, 10.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 5–15, pl. 1.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 10.]Reference No. 512
Hamada, T., 1964b:
Some Middle Ordovician brachiopods from Satun, southern Thailand. Contributions to geology and palaeontology of southeastern Asia, 17.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 35, nos. 2–4, pp. 213–221, pl. 10.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 10.]Reference No. 513
Hanai, T., 1982:
A story of the belemnite — developmental approach to fossil morphology.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 128, pp. 421–432, pl. 66.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 11.]Reference No. 514
Hanai, T., 1983:
A story of the belemnite — an approach based on the method of inventing auxiliary assumptions in paleontology.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 131, pp. 125–134.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 11.]Reference No. 515
Hanai, T., Obata, I. and Hayami, I., 1968:
Notes on the Cretaceous Miyako group.
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, no. 1, pp. 20–28, pls. 1–4. (in Japanese with English summary)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 11.]Reference No. 516
Hayami, I., 1984:
Natural history and evolution of Cryptopecten (a Cenozoic–Recent pectinid genus).
The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Bulletin, no. 24, pp. i–ix + 1–149, pls. 1–13.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 12.]Reference No. 517
Hayami, I., 1985:
Systematics and evolution of Volachlamys from Japan (preliminary notes).
Venus, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 3–14, pl. 1. (in English with Japanese abstract)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 16.]Reference No. 518
Hayami, I. and Akahane, H., 1981:
A new species of Plagiostoma from the Kuruma group and Domerian transgression in the inner zone of southwest Japan.
Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum, no. 3, pp. 1–6, pl. 1.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 16.]Reference No. 519
Hayami, I. and Kanie, Y., 1980:
Mode of life of a giant capulid gastropod from the Upper Cretaceous of Saghalien and Japan.
Palaeontology, vol. 23, pt. 3, pp. 689–698, pl. 87.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 16.]Reference No. 520
Hayami, I. and Kase, T., 1977:
A systematic survey of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Gastropoda and Paleozoic Bivalvia from Japan.
The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Bulletin, no. 13, pp. i–vi + 1–156, pls. 1–11.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 16.]Reference No. 521
Hayami, I., Maeda, S. and Fuller, C. R., 1977:
Some Late Triassic Bivalvia and Gastropoda from the Domeyko range of north Chile.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 108, pp. 202–221, pls. 28–30.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 18.]Reference No. 522
Hayami, I. and Oji, T., 1980:
Early Cretaceous Bivalvia from the Choshi district, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.
Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no. 120, pp. 419–448, pls. 51–53.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 20.]Reference No. 523
Hirano, H., 1975a:
Ammonoid fossils of Japan, 5 (Jurassic ammonites, 9 — Toyora group, 3).
Atlas of Japanese fossils, no. 48-303, 4 pp., pl. J-10. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo. (in Japanese)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 23.]Reference No. 524
Hirano, H., 1975b:
Ammonoid fossils of Japan, 5 (Jurassic ammonites, 11 — Toyora group, 5).
Atlas of Japanese fossils, no. 48-305, 4 pp., pl. J-12. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo. (in Japanese)
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 15, p. 23.]Reference No. 525

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