M 1092 |
Turrilites costatus, Lame. |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1093 |
Turilites Bergeri. |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1094 |
Scaphites aequalis. |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1095 |
Scaphites aequalis. |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1096 |
Edaphodon Sedgwickii |
Fishes |
Cretaceous |
M 1097 |
Ptyehodus decurrens. |
Fishes |
Cretaceous |
M 1098 |
Otodus obliquus |
Fishes |
Cretaceous |
M 1099 |
Polyptychodon interruptus. |
Fishes |
Cretaceous |
M 1100 |
Polyptychodon (vertebra). |
Fishes |
Cretaceous |
M 1101 |
Plettiodus expansus. |
Fishes |
Cretaceous |
M 1102 |
Ichthyosaurus campylodon. |
Reptilia |
Cretaceous |
M 1103 |
Ichthyosaurus vertebra |
Reptilia |
Cretaceous |
M 1104 |
Vertebra of a cetacea |
Reptilia |
Cretaceous |
M 1105 |
Vertebra of a cetacea |
Reptilia |
Cretaceous |
M 1106 |
Thamnastrea exaltata. |
Actinozoa |
Cretaceous |
M 1107 |
Columnastrea striata. |
Actinozoa |
Cretaceous |
M 1108 |
Astrocoenia tuberculata. |
Actinozoa |
Cretaceous |
M 1109 |
Plesiosmilia cuneiformis. |
Actinozoa |
Cretaceous |
M 1110 |
Cyclolites ellipticus. |
Actinozoa |
Cretaceous |
M 1111 |
Cyclolites secutellum |
Actinozoa |
Cretaceous |
M 1112 |
Cyclolites hemisphaerica |
Actinozoa |
Cretaceous |
M 1113 |
Pygorhyncus. |
Echirodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1114 |
Gryphaea vesicularis, Lam. |
Conchifera |
Cretaceous |
M 1115 |
Limopsis calvus Sow. |
Conchifera |
Cretaceous |
M 1116 |
Gyprena solitaria, Zittel. |
Conchifera |
Cretaceous |
M 1117 |
Janira quadricostata. |
Conchifera |
Cretaceous |
M 1118 |
Janira quadricostata. |
Conchifera |
Cretaceous |
M 1119 |
Natica bulbiformis, Sow. |
Gasteropoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1120 |
Cerithium Muensteri, Keferst. |
Gasteropoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1121 |
Cerithium speciosun, Zekeli. |
Gasteropoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1122 |
Omphalia Kefersteini, Zekeli. |
Gasteropoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1123 |
Omphalia Coquandana, Zeheli. |
Gasteropoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1124 |
Turob spiniger, Zeheli. |
Gasteropoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1125 |
Actaeonella gigantea, D'orb. |
Gasteropoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1126 |
Actaeonella conica |
Gasteropoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1127 |
Nerinea bisimota |
Gasteropoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1128 |
Ammonites varians |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1129 |
Ammonites Kothmagensis. |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1130 |
Nautilus. |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1131 |
Actoeosaurus Tommasini. |
Reptilia |
Cretaceous |
M 1132 |
Coprolites. |
Reptilia |
Cretaceous |
M 1133 |
Red chalk. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1134 |
Chalk marl. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1135 |
Chalk marl. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1136 |
Chalk marl. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1137 |
Serpula antiquata. |
Annelida |
Cretaceous |
M 1138 |
Enoploclytia Sussexiensis. |
Crustacea |
Cretaceous |
M 1139 |
Rhynchonella Mantelli. |
Brachiopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1140 |
Rhynchonella compressa, Lam. |
Brachiopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1141 |
Pecten Beaveri. |
Conchifera |
Cretaceous |
M 1142 |
Lima laticosta, Roem. |
Conchifera |
Cretaceous |
M 1143 |
Lima globosa. |
Conchifera |
Cretaceous |
M 1144 |
Lucina occidentalis. |
Conchifera |
Cretaceous |
M 1145 |
Nautilus Sowerbyi. |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1146 |
Ammonites Mantellii. |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1147 |
Belenemeus plana. |
Cephalopoda |
Cretaceous |
M 1148 |
Otodns appendiculata, Ag. |
Fishes |
Cretaceous |
M 1149 |
Kreide (upper chalk, partly covered by teriary formation). |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1150 |
Kreide. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1151 |
Oberer-quadersandstein. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1152 |
Quadersandstein. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1153 |
Oberer-quadersandstein. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1154 |
Green sand. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1155 |
Oberer-quadersandstein. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1156 |
Oberer-quadersandstein. |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1157 |
Feuerstein (Fint). |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1158 |
Feuerstein (Fint). |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1159 |
Upper cretaceous strata (Obere kreide Schichten) |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1160 |
Silicifieds wood |
Rocks |
Cretaceous |
M 1161 |
Cycadopsis aquisgranensis, goppert. |
Plants |
Cretaceous |
M 1162 |
Sequoja (Pinites) aquisgranensis. goppert. |
Plants |
Cretaceous |
M 1163 |
Spiphonia ficus. Goldf. |
Spongida |
Cretaceous |
M 1164 |
Siphonia sp. |
Spongida |
Cretaceous |
M 1165 |
Venticulites simplex. Smith. |
Spongida |
Cretaceous |
M 1166 |
Polyierca punctata. |
Spongida |
Cretaceous |
M 1167 |
Choanites |
Spongida |
Cretaceous |
M 1168 |
Coscinopora cribrosa. |
Spongida |
Cretaceous |
M 1169 |
Cephalites gutatus |
Spongida |
Cretaceous |
M 1170 |
Stephanophyllia radiata. |
Spongida |
Cretaceous |
M 1171 |
Leiospongia deformis. |
Spongida |
Cretaceous |
M 1172 |
Turbinolia rudis, Mich. |
Actinozoa |
Cretaceous |
M 1173 |
Micraster cor-testitudinartum |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1174 |
Micraster |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1175 |
Mocraster cor-anguinum, Ag. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1176 |
Mocraster cor-anguinum, Ag. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1177 |
Mocraster cor-anguinum, Lam. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1178 |
Mocraster cor-anguinum, |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1179 |
Holaster sp. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1180 |
Ananchytes ovata. Lam. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1181 |
Toxaster Texanus. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1182 |
Cidaris cretosa, Mantell. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1183 |
Cidaris lavigera, Koen. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1184 |
Cyphosoma Koenigii. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1185 |
Goniaster uncatus. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1186 |
Marsupita millei, Mantell. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1187 |
Marsupita laevigatus, Dixon. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1188 |
Bourgueticrinus ellipticus, D'Orb. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1189 |
Cardiaster sp. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1190 |
Cardiaster ananchytis. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |
M 1191 |
Caratomus lens. |
Echinodermata |
Cretaceous |