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標本番号 画像 名称 年代 形態 法量 記載事項・備考
IMTM_AB0000882_G-1082 CLOUD PHOTO No.365(立体) 2594(1934)年6月10日9時55分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦110 横152、写真B 縦115 横152、台紙縦385 横265 PLATE No.A 65b B 65i, Film No.142e , Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 722.54, Temperature 23.0, Humidity 50%, Wind Direction ENE, Wind Velocity 2.4/0-4, Camera direction: V 13.0 H. N66W, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7, Remarks: 10h日暈出ヅ。{E 2.6m/s (9h50m)
IMTM_AB0000883_G-1083 CLOUD PHOTO No.366 2594(1934)年6月10日10時05分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦110 横151、スケッチ縦115 横152、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.65c, Film No.142e (9h55), Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 722.54, Temperature 23.0, Humidity 50%, Wind Direction ENE, Wind Velocity 2.4/0-4, Camera direction: V 13.0 H. N66W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7 10h, Remarks: A:-II B:-III C:-I 10h Ci (W), {NE 2.7m/s (10h10m)、「pilot No.123 (10h20)」
IMTM_AB0000884_G-1084 CLOUD PHOTO No.367 2594(1934)年6月11日10時14分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦110 横151、スケッチ縦115 横152、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.65d (65j), Film No.143a (10h16), Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 721.97, Temperature 19.3, Humidity 61%, Wind Direction NE, Wind Velocity 5.3/2-7.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N75.0W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (10 10h) 10, Remarks: A:-II Film少し不鮮明 10h Cu (NNE8), {NNE 4.8m/s (10h10m)
IMTM_AB0000885_G-1085 CLOUD PHOTO No.367(立体) 2594(1934)年6月11日10時14分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦110 横151、写真B 縦107 横152、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 65d B 65j, Film No.143a (10h16), Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 721.97, Temperature 19.3, Humidity 61%, Wind Direction NE, Wind Velocity 5.3/2-7.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N76.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10, Remarks: 10h Cu (NNE8), {NNE 4.8m/s (10h10m)
IMTM_AB0000886_G-1086 CLOUD PHOTO No.368 2594(1934)年6月11日10時16分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦110 横151、スケッチ縦115 横152、台紙縦382 横265 PLATE No.65e (65k), Film No.143a, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 721.97, Temperature 19.3, Humidity 61%, Wind Direction NE, Wind Velocity 5.3/2-7.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N75.0W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (10 10h) 10, Remarks: 10h Cu (NNE8), {NE 4.3m/s (10h20m)
IMTM_AB0000887_G-1087 CLOUD PHOTO No.368(立体) 2594(1934)年6月11日10時16分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦110 横155、写真B 縦112 横152、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 65e B 65k, Film No.143a, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 721.97, Temperature 19.3, Humidity 61%, Wind Direction NE, Wind Velocity 5.3/2-7.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N76.5W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10, Remarks: 10h Cu (NNE8), {NE 4.3m/s (10h20m)
IMTM_AB0000888_G-1088 CLOUD PHOTO No.369 2594(1934)年6月11日10時36分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦110 横155、スケッチ縦115 横152、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.65l, Film No.143a (10h16m), Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 721.97, Temperature 19.3, Humidity 61%, Wind Direction NE, Wind Velocity 5.3/2-7.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N75.0W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (10 10h) 10, Remarks: 10h Cu (NNE8), {NE 4.5m/s (10h40m)
IMTM_AB0000889_G-1089 CLOUD PHOTO No.370 2594(1934)年6月11日18時45分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦110 横152、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.65f, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 721.39, Temperature 21.0/15.4, Humidity 51%, Wind Direction NNE, Wind Velocity 4.7/0.5-6, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/15, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10, Remarks: 16h Fr-Cu (NE7), {NE 3.7m/s (18h50m)
IMTM_AB0000890_G-1090 CLOUD PHOTO No.371 2594(1934)年6月14日13時30分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦111 横152、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.66a, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 720.34, Temperature 23.4/17.8, Humidity 53%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.5/0-7.5, Camera direction: V. 20° H. Nヨリ右30°, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 4, Remarks: 13h Ci-Cu (W), S 6.4m/s
IMTM_AB0000891_G-1091 CLOUD PHOTO No.372 2594(1934)年6月14日13時57分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦111 横152、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.66g, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 720.34, Temperature 23.4/17.8, Humidity 53%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.5/0-7.5, Camera direction: V. 20 H. Nヨリ右ヘ20°, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/45, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 4, Remarks: 13h Ci-Cu (W) S 5.8m/s (14h00)
IMTM_AB0000892_G-1092 CLOUD PHOTO No.373 2594(1934)年6月18日16時50分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦111 横152、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.66b, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 722.98, Temperature 21.6/16.0, Humidity 51%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 4.1/0.6-5.1, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/18, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, {S 5.5m/s、「26 曇り後晴 27 晴天後曇り、夜晴、昼小雨 28 曇り □良キモ後曇ル」
IMTM_AB0000893_G-1093 CLOUD PHOTO No.374 2594(1934)年6月27日7時37分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横152、スケッチ縦115 横150、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.66c (66h), Film No.143b, Weather Conditions (7h50m): Pressure 715.17, Temperature 24.6, Humidity 72%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 4.0/1-6, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (1 7h50m) 1, Remarks: A:-II B:-I Bノ左方ニII雲アリ、7h50m Fr-Cu (W), {SSW 4.2m/s (7h40m)
IMTM_AB0000894_G-1094 CLOUD PHOTO No.374(立体) 2594(1934)年6月27日7時37分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦110 横160、写真B 縦111 横157、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 66c B 66h, Film No.143b, Weather Conditions (7h50m): Pressure 715.17, Temperature 24.6, Humidity 72%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 4.0/1-6, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 1 7h50m, Remarks: 7h50m Fr-Cu (W), {SSW 4.2m/s (7h40m)
IMTM_AB0000895_G-1095 CLOUD PHOTO No.375 2594(1934)年7月8日10時19分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦110 横160、スケッチ縦113 横152、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.66d (66i), Film No.143c, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 720.60, Temperature 26.3, Humidity 60%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 1.2/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7, Remarks: 10h Al-Cu (WNW4), {SSW 1.3m/s (10h20m)、「(不連続面ノ雲)」「ステレオTest ピロツト参考」「上早 下遅ナラザルカ?」
IMTM_AB0000896_G-1096 CLOUD PHOTO No.375(立体) 2594(1934)年7月8日10時19分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦112 横160、写真B 縦110 横158、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 66d B 66i, Film No.143c, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 720.60, Temperature 26.3, Humidity 60%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 1.2/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7 (7 10h), Remarks: 10h Al-Cu (WNW4), {SSW 1.3m/s (10h20m)
IMTM_AB0000897_G-1097 CLOUD PHOTO No.376 2594(1934)年7月10日8時43分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦112 横152、スケッチ縦110 横150、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.66j, Film No.143d (8h55m), Weather Conditions (9h10m): Pressure 714.41, Temperature 25.1, Humidity 77%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.3/1-8.5, Camera direction: V. 19.0 H. N57.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 9 9h10m, Remarks: A:-II B:-II 運動不定, {S 5.4m/s (8h40m)、「pilot 127 (9h54m)」「ステレオTest」「山頂辺18m風速、風向W」「Bハ回転性アルラシク見ラル」
IMTM_AB0000898_G-1098 CLOUD PHOTO No.377 2594(1934)年7月10日8時55分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦114 横160、スケッチ縦116 横153、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.66e (66k), Film No.143d, Weather Conditions (9h10m): Pressure 714.41, Temperature 25.1, Humidity 77%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.3/1-8.5, Camera direction: V. 19.0 H. N57.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (9 9h10m) 9, Remarks: A:-II B:-II 運動不定 S 5.3m/s (8h50m)、「十米より二十米ノ風速ノ気層中ニ在る吊し雲 三百米ノ間ニ十米以上ノ風速増加アリ」「弱風帯ヨリ風速急昇ノ気層中」「山頂附近18m風速」「pilot 9h54m 3888m迄」
IMTM_AB0000899_G-1099 CLOUD PHOTO No.377(立体) 2594(1934)年7月10日8時55分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦113 横154、写真B 縦119 横154、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 66e B 66k, Film No.143d, Weather Conditions (9h10m): Pressure 714.41, Temperature 25.1, Humidity 77%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.3/1-8.5, Camera direction: V. 19.0 H. N57.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 9, {S 5.3m/s (8h50m)
IMTM_AB0000900_G-1100 CLOUD PHOTO No.378 2594(1934)年7月10日18時45分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦112 横154、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.66f, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (21h): Pressure 713.98, Temperature 22.4, Humidity 88%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 3.3/0-5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N60.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 2秒、Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (3 21h) 8, Remarks: 18h F. WNW10m〔霧〕2デ気温5°、研究所S 7.8m、24°雲、{S 7.1m/s (18h40m)
IMTM_AB0000901_G-1101 CLOUD PHOTO No.379 2594(1934)年7月19日午前6時19分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦112 横154、台紙縦383 横264 PLATE No.66l, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 718.48, Temperature 23.4/21.9, Humidity 85%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 7.9, Camera direction: V. 16.0, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 5, Remarks: 7h F前方につるしA.F.K.H.Cu状、Fog(北走)、 600以上、各所にLen散在す。AにCrrest Cloudあるらしくちらちら見ゆ。{S 8.2m/s (6h20m)
IMTM_AB0000902_G-1102 CLOUD PHOTO No.380 2594(1934)年7月19日6時35分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦114 横154、スケッチ縦116 横153、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.67a, Film No.144a (6h36m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 718.48, Temperature 23.4, Humidity 85%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 7.9/3-10.4, Camera direction: V13.0 H. N51.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (5 7h) 6, Remarks: A:-I B:-IIつるし 7h Al-Cu (W)〔露〕, {S 8.5m/s (6h30m)
IMTM_AB0000903_G-1103 CLOUD PHOTO No.381 2594(1934)年7月19日8時40分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦107 横153、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.67g, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 719.32, Temperature 25.4/23.1, Humidity 79%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 6.1/1.5-11, Camera direction: V.16.0 H. N51.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 3, Remarks: 10h A Crest Cloud F.前方Cuアリテ2000以上見エズ。Fr-Cu (SSW) Fヨリ来ルFr-CuハWSW, {S 8.5m/s
IMTM_AB0000904_G-1104 CLOUD PHOTO No.382 2594(1934)年7月19日10時11分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦110 横150、スケッチ縦116 横155、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.67b, Film No.144b (10h25m), Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 719.32, Temperature 25.4, Humidity 79%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 6.1/1.5-11, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. Nヨリ左へ70°、Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (3 10h) 3, Remarks: A:-I Cu B:-II Lent. 10h Fr-Cu (SSW), Fヨリ来タルFr-CuハWSW, {S 6.4m/s (10h10m)
IMTM_AB0000905_G-1105 CLOUD PHOTO No.383 2594(1934)年7月21日16時25分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦105 横150、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.67h, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 718.45, Temperature 23.7/22.2, Humidity 85%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 4.7/0.4-5.8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. S60°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, {S 5.5m/s (16h20m)
IMTM_AB0000906_G-1106 CLOUD PHOTO No.384 2594(1934)年7月21日16時36分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦105 横149、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.67c, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 718.45, Temperature 23.7/22.2, Humidity 85%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 4.7/0.4-5.8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Remarks: 14h38m 〔雨〕015h40m止、16h F.濃霧ニ包マル、Cu A1100, H1000, {St. F2000, K700以上、{S 4.9m/s (16h40m)
IMTM_AB0000907_G-1107 CLOUD PHOTO No.385 2594(1934)年7月21日16時40分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦105 横149、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.67i, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 718.45, Temperature 23.7/22.2, Humidity 85%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 4.7/0.4-5.8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. Nヨリ右330°, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10, Remarks: 14h38m 〔雨〕015h40m止、16h F.濃霧ニ包マル、Cu A1100, H1000, {St F2000, K700以上, {S 4.9m/s
IMTM_AB0000908_G-1108 CLOUD PHOTO No.386 2594(1934)年7月24日19時00分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦105 横149、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.67d, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (21h): Pressure 718.33, Temperature 22.8/22.6, Humidity 98%, Wind Direction SW, Wind Velocity 1.5/0-1, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/4.5, Time 1秒半, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10, Remarks: 17h45m〔雷鳴〕1、17h53m〔雨〕-18h30m頃、21h 霧雨、{WSW 1.9m/s
IMTM_AB0000909_G-1109 CLOUD PHOTO No.387 2594(1934)年7月29日7時15分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦105 横149、スケッチ縦116 横155、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.67e, Film No.144c (7h27m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 24.5, Humidity 84%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 0.9/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (1 7h) 1, Remarks: A:-III B:-II Lent C:-II Lent 7h〔露〕、{SSW 1.2m/s (7h10m)
IMTM_AB0000910_G-1110 CLOUD PHOTO No.388 2594(1934)年7月29日7時27分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦108 横155、スケッチ縦116 横155、台紙縦382 横265 PLATE No.67f (67j), Film No.144c, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 24.5, Humidity 84%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 0.9/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (1 7h) 1, Remarks: A:-III B:C:-II Lent D:- IID 7h〔露〕, {SSW 1.6m/s (7h30m)
IMTM_AB0000911_G-1111 CLOUD PHOTO No.388(立体) 2594(1934)年7月29日7時27分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦108 横155、写真B 縦110 横152、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 67f B 67j, Film No.144c, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 24.5, Humidity 84%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 0.9/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 1 (1 7h), Remarks: 7h〔露〕, {SSW 1.6m/s (7h30m)
IMTM_AB0000912_G-1112 CLOUD PHOTO No.389 2594(1934)年7月29日7時40分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦115 横158、スケッチ縦116 横155、台紙縦382 横264 PLATE No.68a (67k), Film No.144c, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 24.5, Humidity 84%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 0.9/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amouhnt (1 7h) 1, Remarks: A:-III B:C:-II Lent D:-IID, {SSW 1.6m/s、「pilot 128 (8h25)」「Screen測定スルコト」「pilot 8h25m 2088m迄」
IMTM_AB0000913_G-1113 CLOUD PHOTO No.389(立体) 2594(1934)年7月29日7時40分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦115 横158、写真B 縦110 横155、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 68a B 67k, Film No.144c (7h27m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 24.5, Humidity 84%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 0.9/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 1 (1 7h), Remarks: 7h〔露〕, {SSW 1.6m/s
IMTM_AB0000914_G-1114 CLOUD PHOTO No.390 2594(1934)年7月29日8時12分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦109 横154、スケッチ縦115 横154、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.67l, Film No.144c (7h27m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 24.5, Humidity 84%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 0.9/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (1 7h) 1, Remarks: 7h〔露〕, {SSW 1.6m/s (8h10m)、「28 曇り 29 快晴 午後小雨後恢復快晴 30 曇リ夕方カラ降雨」「pilot 2000m程度迄ナレド此高サハ2又3米程度ノ風速ナルニヨリ雲ハ無風帯ニ在ルナラント思フ」
IMTM_AB0000915_G-1115 CLOUD PHOTO No.391 2594(1934)年8月3日17時45分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横156、スケッチ縦115 横154、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.68b (68g), Film No.144d, Weather Conditions (18h): Pressure 719.90, Temperature 22.3, Humidity 93%, Wind Direction -, Wind Velocity 0.2/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (10 18h) 10, Remarks: A:-III B:-II Lent C:-I, {SSE 1.2m/s (17h40m)、「pilot 129 (18h29)」「海面上3138m迄ハ1m乃至5m迄ノ風」
IMTM_AB0000916_G-1116 CLOUD PHOTO No.391(立体) 2594(1934)年8月3日17時45分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦110 横156、写真B 縦113 横157、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 68b B 68g, Film No.144d, Weather Conditions (18h): Pressure 719.90, Temperature 22.3, Humidity 93%, Wind Velocity 0.2/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10, {SSE 1.2m/s (17h40m)
IMTM_AB0000917_G-1117 CLOUD PHOTO No.392 2594(1934)年8月6日9時31分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦112 横155、スケッチ縦115 横154、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.68h, Film No.145a (9h45m) ste, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 722.03, Temperature 27.4, Humidity 70%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 3.7/0-4.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 1 10h, Remarks: A:-II B:-II C:-I, {SSW 2.9m/s (9h30m)、「393に同じ」「ステレオ参照 ピロツト参照」「山頂近くの風向注意」
IMTM_AB0000918_G-1118 CLOUD PHOTO No.393 2594(1934)年8月6日9時45分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横157、スケッチ縦115 横154、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.68c (68i), Film No.145a, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 722.03, Temperature 27.4, Humidity 70%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 3.7/0-4.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 1 10h, Remarks: A:-II B:-II C:-I, {SSW 3.5m/s (9h40m)、「8 晴後曇り小雨雷光 9 曇り午後降雨」「無風帯と其上部の有風帯両層に在る雲、日射による、無風帯雲」「ピロット及ステレオ参照」「pilot No.130 (10h27m)」
IMTM_AB0000919_G-1119 CLOUD PHOTO No.393(立体) 2594(1934)年8月6日9時45分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦111 横157、写真B 縦112 横155、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 68c B 68i, Film No.145a, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 722.03, Temperature 27.4, Humidity 70%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 3.7/0-4.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 1 (1 10h), {SSW 3.5m/s (9h40m)
IMTM_AB0000920_G-1120 CLOUD PHOTO No.394 2594(1934)年8月8日8時41分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横157、スケッチ縦112 横155、台紙縦384 横264 PLATE No68d, Film No.145b (8h41m), Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 724.41, Temperature 26.8, Humidity 72%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 6.8/2-10, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N47.0W, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 6, Remarks: A:-I B:-II Lent 10h Ci-Cu (SW4) Ci (W2) Fr-Cu (S8), {S 7.5m/s (8h40m)
IMTM_AB0000921_G-1121 CLOUD PHOTO No.395 2594(1934)年8月8日9時07分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦110 横149、スケッチ縦115 横152、台紙縦384 横264 PLATE No.68j, Film No.145b (8h41m), Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 724.41, Temperature 26.8, Humidity 72%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 6.8/2-10, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N47.0W, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 6, Remarks: A:-I B:-II Lent 10h Ci-Cu (SW4) Ci (W2) Fr-Cu (S8), {S 5.7m/s (9h00)
IMTM_AB0000922_G-1122 CLOUD PHOTO No.396 2594(1934)年8月8日10時39分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦110 横149、台紙縦385 横264 PLATE No.68e, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 724.41, Temperature 26.8/23.6, Humidity 72%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 6.8/2-10, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. Nヨリ右へ94°, Photo. Exposure: F/12, Time 1/60, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7, Remarks: 10h Ci-Cu (SW4) Ci (W2) Fr-Cu (S8) Cu A1400以上、K1100, H1000 H方面Len多し、Fハ前方Cu走リテ不明, {S 7.2m/s (10h40m)
IMTM_AB0000923_G-1123 CLOUD PHOTO No.397 2594(1934)年9月8日7時51分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横150、スケッチ縦112 横155、台紙縦384 横264 PLATE No.68k, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 720.98, Temperature 20.0, Humidity 93%, Wind Direction NNE, Wind Velocity 1.5/0-0.8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (10 7h) 9, Remarks: 7h〔露〕霞ム。{NE 1.4m/s (7h50m)
IMTM_AB0000924_G-1124 CLOUD PHOTO No.398 2594(1934)年9月8日7時58分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横150、スケッチ縦111 横155、台紙縦385 横265 PLATE No.68f, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 720.98, Temperature 20.0, Humidity 93%, Wind Direction NNE, Wind Velocity 1.5/0-0.8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N51.5°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/45, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (10 7h) 9, Remarks: 7h〔露〕霞ム。{ENE 1.3m/s (8h00)
IMTM_AB0000925_G-1125 CLOUD PHOTO No.399 2594(1934)年9月10日7時28分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦113 横150、スケッチ縦115 横155、台紙縦385 横265 PLATE No.68l, Film No.145c (8h14m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 717.16, Temperature 21.7, Humidity 93%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.5/1.5-7, Camera direction: V. 13.0, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/45, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (9 7h) 6, Remarks: A:-II Lent 7h Al-Cu (SSW), {S 5.8m/s (7h30m)
IMTM_AB0000926_G-1126 CLOUD PHOTO No.400 2594(1934)年9月10日7時33分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦117 横160、スケッチ縦114 横149、台紙縦384 横266 PLATE No.69a, Film No.145c (8h14m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 717.16, Temperature 21.7, Humidity 93%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.5/1.5-7, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (9 7h) 6, Remarks: 7h Al-Cu (SSW), {S 5.8m/s (7h30m)
IMTM_AB0000927_G-1127 CLOUD PHOTO No.401 2594(1934)年9月10日7時45分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦113 横155、スケッチ縦115 横147、台紙縦384 横266 PLATE No.69g, Film No.145c (8h14m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 717.16, Temperature 21.7, Humidity 93%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.5/1.5-7, Camera direction: V. 13.0, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/45, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (9 7h) 6, Remarks: A:-II Lent B: C:-I 7h Al-Cu (SSW), {S 5.8m/s (7h40m)
IMTM_AB0000928_G-1128 CLOUD PHOTO No.402 2594(1934)年9月10日8時25分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦110 横156、スケッチ縦115 横147、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.69b, Film No.145d (8h26m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 717.16, Temperature 21.7, Humidity 93%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.5/1.5-7, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/45, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (9 7h) 7, Remarks: A:-II Cap B:-I C:- 7h Al-Cu (SSW), {S 5.6m/s (8h20m)
IMTM_AB0000929_G-1129 CLOUD PHOTO No.403 2594(1934)年9月11日13時13分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦115 横153、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.69h, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 716.56, Temperature 23.9/20.1, Humidity 66%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 6.7/1-5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/45, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 4, {SSW 6.3m/s (13h10m)
IMTM_AB0000930_G-1130 CLOUD PHOTO No.404 2594(1934)年9月20日7時20分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦114 横156、台紙縦381 横266 PLATE No.69c, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 718.85, Temperature 20.9/20.0, Humidity 91%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 4.7/1.5-6.5, Camera direction: V. 25.0, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10, {SSW 4.0m/s
IMTM_AB0000931_G-1131 CLOUD PHOTO No.405 2594(1934)年9月21日13時45分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横152、スケッチ縦115 横147、台紙縦382 横267 PLATE No.69i, Film No.146a (14h25m), Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 707.10, Temperature 22.1, Humidity 86%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 11.8/5.3-16.8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10 13h, Remarks: 13h Nb (SW8) Cu (SW8), {SSW 13.1m/s (13h40m)
IMTM_AB0000932_G-1132 CLOUD PHOTO No.406 2594(1934)年9月21日14時25分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦110 横153、スケッチ縦116 横151、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.69d (69j), Film No.146a, Weather Conditions (14h45m): Pressure 708.34, Temperature 20.9, Humidity 78%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 10.5/4-13.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10 14h45, Remarks: A:-II cap B:-II 14h45m Cu (SSW8), {SSW 12.6m/s (14h20m)、「風速急昇ノ気層」「pilot 131 (15h21m, 38m)」「雲ノ高サハ地上」
IMTM_AB0000933_G-1133 CLOUD PHOTO No.406(立体) 2594(1934)年9月21日14時25分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦110 横155、写真B 縦110 横150、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 69d B 69j, Film No.146a, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 720.54, Temperature 26.5, Humidity 59%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 5.3/2-6, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10 (1 13h), {SSW 12.6m/s (14h20m)
IMTM_AB0000934_G-1134 CLOUD PHOTO No.407 2594(1934)年10月1日7時27分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦114 横152、スケッチ縦115 横148、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.69e, Film No.146b (7h29m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 717.00, Temperature 20.1, Humidity 90%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 4.1/0-7, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/4.5, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 8 7h, Remarks: A:-II B:-III 7h Al-Cu (W5), Fr-Cu 上SSW8 下WNW8, {SSW 3.6m/s (7h30m)
IMTM_AB0000935_G-1135 CLOUD PHOTO No.408 2594(1934)年10月1日7時29分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横154、スケッチ縦115 横147、台紙縦383 横267 PLATE No.69f (69k), Film No.146b, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 717.00, Temperature 20.1, Humidity 90%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 4.1/0-7, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/4.5, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 8 7h, Remarks: A:-II B:-III 7h Al-Cu (W5), Fr-Cu 上SSW8 下WNW8, {SSW 3.6m/s (7h30m)、「弱風帯積雲」「下層風SWニヨリ山腹ニ吹上リテ生じタ積雲が弱風帯ニ入リ上層風ノ影響ヲ多少受ケタ形」
IMTM_AB0000936_G-1136 CLOUD PHOTO No.408(立体) 2594(1934)年10月1日7時29分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦111 横155、写真B 縦111 横156、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 69f B 69k, Film No.146b, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 717.00, Temperature 20.1, Humidity 90%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 4.1/0-7, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/4.5, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 8 (8 7h), Remarks: 7h Al-Cu (W5) Fr-Cu (上SSW8 下WNW8), {SSW 3.6m/s (7h30m)
IMTM_AB0000937_G-1137 CLOUD PHOTO No.409 2594(1934)年10月14日17時05分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦115 横154、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.69l, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 729.08, Temperature 19.0/14.3, Humidity 55%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 2.5/0-3.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. S60°W, Photo. Exposure: F/4.5, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, Remarks: 16h50m頃ヨリA=Cap生ズ。 S 1.9m/s (17h00)
IMTM_AB0000938_G-1138 CLOUD PHOTO No.410 2594(1934)年10月25日14時55分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦112 横155、スケッチ縦115 横147、台紙縦382 横265 PLATE No.70a, Film No.146c (15h21m), Weather Conditions (15h40m): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 19.4, Humidity 74%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 3.6/0-3.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7 15h40m, Remarks: A:II B:I 15h40m Al-Cu (SW4), {SSW 3.3m/s (15h00)
IMTM_AB0000939_G-1139 CLOUD PHOTO No.411 2594(1934)年10月25日15時04分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦114 横154、スケッチ縦115 横146、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.70b, Film No.146c (15h21m), Weather Conditions (15h40m): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 19.4, Humidity 74%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 3.6/0-3.5, Camera direction: H. Nより右へ33.5°(磁石)、Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7 15h40m, Remarks: 15h40m Al-Cu (SW4), {SSW 3.3m/s (15h00)
IMTM_AB0000940_G-1140 CLOUD PHOTO No.412 2594(1934)年10月25日15時21分 台紙にスケッチ貼付 スケッチ縦116 横146、台紙縦382 横265 写真なし、PLATE No.70c (70g), Film No.146c, Weather Conditions (15h40m): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 19.4, Humidity 74%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 3.6/0-3.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7 15h40m, Remarks: A:II B:I 15h40m Al-Cu (SW4), {SSW 3.3m/s (15h20m)、「弱風帯ノ積雲(1.0)」「(pilot 16h25m)」「stereo latice 利用」
IMTM_AB0000941_G-1141 CLOUD PHOTO No.412(立体) 2594(1934)年10月25日15時21分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦109 横157、写真B 縦118 横156、台紙縦382 横265 PLATE No.A 70c B 70g, Film No.146c, Weather Conditions (15h40m): Pressure 718.43, Temperature 19.4, Humidity 74%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 3.6/0-3.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 4 (7 15h40m), Remarks: 15h40m Al-Cu (SW4), {SSW 3.3m/s (15h20m)、「注 鱗雲上下層二段」
IMTM_AB0000942_G-1142 CLOUD PHOTO No.412(立体) (1934年10月25日15時21分か) 台紙 台紙縦390 横265 写真なし、PLATE No.A 70h B 70
IMTM_AB0000943_G-1143 CLOUD PHOTO No.413 2594(1934)年10月28日7時03分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦110 横156、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.70d, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 720.66, Temperature 5.4/5.2, Humidity 97%, Wind Direction ENE, Wind Velocity 1.5/0.5-1.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 1, {ENE 1.5m/s (7h00)
IMTM_AB0000944_G-1144 CLOUD PHOTO No.414 2594(1934)年10月28日13時26分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横156、スケッチ縦115 横147、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.70e (70j), Film No.146d, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 720.57, Temperature 14.2, Humidity 57%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 4.7/1-6, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7 13h, Remarks: A: III B: II C: II D: II, 13h Cu1 (NW7), {S 5.3m/s 13h30m、「無風帯よりの雲 上層風の影響を受く」「pilot 14h02m」「stereo利用」
IMTM_AB0000945_G-1145 CLOUD PHOTO No.414(立体) 2594(1934)年10月28日13時26分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦110 横157、写真B 縦111 横155、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 70e B 70j, Film No.146d, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 720.57, Temperature 14.2, Humidity 57%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 4.7/1-6, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 2 (7 13h), Remarks: 13h Cu (NW7), {S 5.3m/s (13h30m)
IMTM_AB0000946_G-1146 CLOUD PHOTO No.415 2594(1934)年10月29日16時19分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦108 横150、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.70f, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 728.92, Temperature 11.6/7.8, Humidity 55%, Wind Direction NNE, Wind Velocity 2.8/0.4-3.5, Camera direction: V. 22.0 H. 10.8°Nヨリ右へ磁石、Photo. Exposure: F/4.5, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 8, Remarks: 16h Al-Cu (SW5) Ci (W1)(16h30mSW2) F. St-Cu 左1600 右1700, {N 2.7m/s (16h20m)
IMTM_AB0000947_G-1147 CLOUD PHOTO No.416 2594(1934)年10月30日7時16分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦110 横153、台紙縦384 横266 PLATE No.70k, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 731.55, Temperature 4.6/4.4, Humidity 96%, Wind Direction ENE, Wind Velocity 2.0/0.6-2, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, {ENE 2.0m/s (7h20m)
IMTM_AB0000948_G-1148 CLOUD PHOTO No.417 2594(1934)年11月2日13時17分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦112 横151、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.70l, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 714.17, Temperature 17.6/16.2, Humidity 85%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 8.3/2-10, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. Nより右へ10°(磁石)、Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7, Remarks: 13h Ci (W2), Ci-Cu (SW2) Fr-Cu (WSW8) Fr-St (SSW9) A. F. Cu 1000, H. 800以上左右共ニFr-St走ル, {SSW 9.7m/s (13h20m)
IMTM_AB0000949_G-1149 CLOUD PHOTO No.418 2594(1934)年11月2日15時15分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦113 横157、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.71a, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 716.15, Temperature 14.3/9.0, Humidity 45%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 7.0/1.5-10, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7, Remarks: 16h Ci (SW2) H方面大きなLen横にのぶ。{SSW 9.3m/s (15h10m)
IMTM_AB0000950_G-1150 CLOUD PHOTO No.419 2594(1934)年11月2日15時49分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦113 横156、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.71b, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 716.15, Temperature 14.3/9.0, Humidity 45%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 7.0/1.5-10, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. Nヨリ右へ79°(磁石), Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7, Remarks: 16h Ci (SW2) F. 大体1800辺山腹霧状雲あり、右へ移動。{SSW 6.9m/s (15h50m)
IMTM_AB0000951_G-1151 CLOUD PHOTO No.420 2594(1934)年11月6日14時08分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦113 横153、スケッチ縦114 横148、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.71g, Film No.147b, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 724.71, Temperature 12.8, Humidity 67%, Wind Direction N, Wind Velocity 4.2/2-5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/50, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (10 13h) 10, Remarks: A:-II B:-I, {NNE 3.4m/s (14h10m)
IMTM_AB0000952_G-1152 CLOUD PHOTO No.421 2594(1934)年11月7日14時15分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦109 横151、スケッチ縦115 横154、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.71h, Film No.147c (14h17m), Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 711.77, Temperature 15.4, Humidity 86%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 6.7/2-8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/45, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (8 13h) 10, Remarks: A:-II B:-II 13h Fr-st (SSW8) Cu(SW8) Ci-Cu (SW5), {S 5.5m/s (14h10m)
IMTM_AB0000953_G-1153 CLOUD PHOTO No.422 2594(1934)年11月7日14時16分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦109 横152、スケッチ縦115 横154、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.71i, Film No.147c (14h17m), Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 711.77, Temperature 15.4, Humidity 86%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 6.7/2-8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (8 13h) 10, Remarks: 13h Fr-st (SSW8) Cu (SW8) Ci-Cu (SW5), {SSW 5.5m/s (14h20m)
IMTM_AB0000954_G-1154 CLOUD PHOTO No.423 2594(1934)年11月7日14時49分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦112 横147、スケッチ縦114 横154、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.71c, Film No.147c (14h17m), Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 710.08, Temperature 14.7, Humidity 72%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 5.5/1-8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (10 10h) 10, Remarks: 正午730mmノ低気圧(126.44)ウラヂオノ東ニアリ、NEヘ進行、コノタメ進路附近は風雨トナツテオリマス。16h Ci-Cu (SSW5), {SSW 5.5m/s (14h50m)
IMTM_AB0000955_G-1155 CLOUD PHOTO No.424 2594(1934)年11月8日7時10分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦112 横157、台紙縦383 横267 PLATE No.71d, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 715.30, Temperature 1.9/1.5, Humidity 93%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 1.3/0-1.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, Remarks: 初霜あり、{SSW 1.3m/s
IMTM_AB0000956_G-1156 CLOUD PHOTO No.425 2594(1934)年11月8日12時51分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦112 横157、スケッチ縦113 横154、台紙縦382 横267 PLATE No.71j, Film No.147d, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 713.43, Temperature 11.9, Humidity 42%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 7.5/3-8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (0 13h) 0, Remarks: A:-III 426ト同様 上下層気流ノ衝突ト思ハル、{SSW 6.5m/s (12h50m)
IMTM_AB0000957_G-1157 CLOUD PHOTO No.426 2594(1934)年11月8日14時13分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横156、スケッチ縦113 横153、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.71e, Film No.147e, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 713.43, Temperature 11.9, Humidity 42%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 7.5/3-8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0 13h 0, Remarks: A:II B:III, {SSW 6.5m/s (14h10m)、「7 曇リ 夜快晴 8 風ヤヽ強ク快晴 9 快晴 時々積雲浮ブ」「pilot 無し」「上下層気流の衝突」
IMTM_AB0000958_G-1158 CLOUD PHOTO No.428 2594(1934)年11月10日6時55分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦114 横157、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.71k, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 719.57, Temperature 0.5/-0.7, Humidity 77%, Wind Direction NNE, Wind Velocity 0.8/0-1, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, Remarks: 7h Fニ煙ノ如キ雲アリ、左ニ進ムタメ撮影, {NNE 0.8m/s (7h00)、赤鉛筆書「注 No.427ハ番号ヲヌカセリ」
IMTM_AB0000959_G-1159 CLOUD PHOTO No.429 2594(1934)年11月10日12時58分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦117 横121、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.71f, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 717.76, Temperature 12.6/7.6, Humidity 45%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 4.5/1-5.4, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, {S 4.5m/s (13h00)
IMTM_AB0000960_G-1160 CLOUD PHOTO No.430 2594(1934)年11月11日6時57分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦112 横160、スケッチ縦113 横154、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.71l, Film No.148a, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 719.08, Temperature 0.2, Humidity 94%, Wind Direction ENE, Wind Velocity 1.5/0-2, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0 7h 0, Remarks:7h〔霜〕, {ENE 1.5m/s (7h00)、「実験」
IMTM_AB0000961_G-1161 CLOUD PHOTO No.431 2594(1934)年11月11日10時27分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦115 横152、スケッチ縦112 横152、台紙縦384 横267 PLATE No.72a, Film No.148a (6h57m)参考、Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 718.12, Temperature 12.4/7.2, Humidity 43%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 4.8/1-8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, {S、「12 日中快晴 夕方カラ天気悪クナル 曇リ」
IMTM_AB0000962_G-1162 CLOUD PHOTO No.432 2594(1934)年11月13日7時55分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦114 横161、スケッチ縦112 横151、台紙縦382 横267 PLATE No.72g, Film No.148b (8h03m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 729.07, Temperature 4.6/3.5, Humidity 82%, Wind Direction ENE, Wind Velocity 1.8/0.5-2, Camera direction: V. (4.0) 22.00° H. (16.0) N47°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (9 7h) 3, Remarks: 7h. H. 出 A St-Cu base 1300 F. St-Cu. 左ヨリFノ前方ニ延ブタメ1200ト1400、山頂カクサル。{ENE 1.2m/s (8h00)
IMTM_AB0000963_G-1163 CLOUD PHOTO No.433 2594(1934)年11月13日7時58分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦116 横158、スケッチ縦108 横153、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.72b, Film No.148b, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 729.07, Temperature 4.6, Humidity 82%, Wind Direction ENE, Wind Velocity 1.8/0.5-2, Camera direction: V. (4.0) H. (16.0), Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10h 9 3, {ENE 1.2m/s (8h00)
IMTM_AB0000964_G-1164 CLOUD PHOTO No.434 2594(1934)年11月13日10時09分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦116 横158、スケッチ縦113 横154、台紙縦382 横265 PLATE No.72h, Film No.148c, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 727.82, Temperature 12.5, Humidity 55%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 1.5/0-1.8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (3 10h) 3, Remarks: A:-II B:-II C:-III D:-II E:-II 10h F. Cap アルモSt-Cuノタメカクサル, {W 1.3m/s (10h10m)、「Film148b挿入」
IMTM_AB0000965_G-1165 CLOUD PHOTO No.435 2594(1934)年11月13日10時35分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦113 横160、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.72c, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 727.82, Temperature 12.5, Humidity 55%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 1.5/0-1.8, Camera direction: V. (4.5) H. (16.0), Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (3 10h) 3, Remarks: 10h F. Cap アルモSt-Cuノタメカクサル。{SSW 3.0m/s (10h40m)
IMTM_AB0000966_G-1166 CLOUD PHOTO No.436 2594(1934)年11月15日15時50分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦117 横159、スケッチ縦110 横153、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.72i, Film No.148d (16h16m), Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 721.32, Temperature 8.7/6.5, Humidity 69%, Wind Direction SE, Wind Velocity 1.8/0-2.3, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/20, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 7, Remarks: 16h 天頂に煙状雲あり、時々雨を降らす。A+B:-III, {E 1.3m/s
IMTM_AB0000967_G-1167 CLOUD PHOTO No.437 2594(1934)年11月18日10時11分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦112 横157、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.72d, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 728.93, Temperature 13.2/9.6, Humidity 59%, Wind Direction ENE, Wind Velocity 1.6/0-1.8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/9, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, Remarks: NE 1.5m/s (10h10m)
IMTM_AB0000968_G-1168 CLOUD PHOTO No.438 2594(1934)年11月18日15時54分 台紙 台紙縦382 横266 写真なし、PLATE No.72j, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 725.62, Temperature 15.2/11.6, Humidity 61%, Wind Direction SW, Wind Velocity 2.2/0-3, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/4.5, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 8, Remarks: WSW 2.4m/s (15h50m)、「17 天気良好 18 日中快晴、夕刻前曇リ 19 薄雲 段々本曇リ」
IMTM_AB0000969_G-1169 CLOUD PHOTO No.439 2594(1934)年11月19日8時35分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦115 横158、台紙縦382 横265 PLATE No.72e, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 717.40, Temperature 14.3/11.9, Humidity 72%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 9.0/3.5-12, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/4.5, Time 1/30, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 10, {S 5.5m/s (8h40m)
IMTM_AB0000970_G-1170 CLOUD PHOTO No.440 2594(1934)年11月21日8時58分 台紙にスケッチ貼付 スケッチ縦114 横154、台紙縦382 横265 写真なし、PLATE No.72k (72f), Film No.148e, Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 724.87, Temperature 12.6, Humidity 55%, Wind Direction SSW, Wind Velocity 1.5/0-2, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (7 10h) 1, Remarks: A:-II B:-II C: -I (?), {NE 1.5m/s (9h00)、「雲速測定必要」「弱風帯より生じた雲」「風速2.5以下pilot 9h46m」「雲底1.3km」
IMTM_AB0000971_G-1171 CLOUD PHOTO No.440(立体) 2594(1934)年11月21日8時58分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真A 縦117 横160、写真B 縦115 横158、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.A 72k B 72f, Film No.148e, Weather Conditions (9h15m): Pressure 724.95, Temperature 10.4, Humidity 64%, Wind Direction NE, Wind Velocity 0.8/0-1.0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N57.5W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 1 (2 9h15m), Remarks: 9h15m Al-Cu (W4) Cu...殆ド動カズ。{NE 1.5m/s (9h00)
IMTM_AB0000972_G-1172 CLOUD PHOTO No.441 2594(1934)年11月22日7時09分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦115 横160、台紙縦382 横265 PLATE No.72l, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 727.16, Temperature 1.7/1.5, Humidity 96%, Wind Direction ENE, Wind Velocity 2.0/0.6-1.8, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. NヨリEヘ45°, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 3, Remarks: 7h露, {ENE 2.0m/s (7h10m)
IMTM_AB0000973_G-1173 CLOUD PHOTO No.442 2594(1934)年11月23日7時07分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦113 横160、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.73a, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 725.78, Temperature 0.9/0.8, Humidity 98%, Wind Direction NE, Wind Velocity 2.0/0.5-2, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 1, Remarks: NE 2.0m/s (7h10m)
IMTM_AB0000974_G-1174 CLOUD PHOTO No.443 2594(1934)年11月28日7時14分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦113 横158、台紙縦383 横266 PLATE No.73g, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 715.34, Temperature 7.5/5.5, Humidity 71%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 8.1/3-10, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, {S 8.2m/s (7h20m)
IMTM_AB0000975_G-1175 CLOUD PHOTO No.444 2594(1934)年11月28日7時48分 台紙に密着プリント挿入 写真縦117 横160、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.73b, Film No.-, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 715.34, Temperature 7.5/5.5, Humidity 71%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 8.1/3-10, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, {S 7.0m/s (7h50m)、「27 霧雨 終日 28 快晴(凍露) 29 午前快晴 午後雲出ルモ晴天ナリ」
IMTM_AB0000976_G-1176 CLOUD PHOTO No.445 2594(1934)年11月28日8時13分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦115 横156、スケッチ縦112 横152、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.73h, Film No.149a (8h13m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 715.34/716.0, Temperature 7.5, Humidity 71%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 8.1/3-10, Camera direction: V. 13°00 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, {S 2.5m/s (15h50m)
IMTM_AB0000977_G-1177 CLOUD PHOTO No.446 2594(1934)年11月28日8時27分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦111 横160、スケッチ縦107 横153、台紙縦383 横265 PLATE No.73c, Film No.149a (8h13m), Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 715.34, Temperature 7.5/5.5, Humidity 71%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 8.1/3-10, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, Remarks: A:III, {S 7.5m/s (8h30m)
IMTM_AB0000978_G-1178 CLOUD PHOTO No.447 2594(1934)年11月28日12時20分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦118 横157、スケッチ縦113 横152、台紙縦382 横265 PLATE No.73i, Film No.149b, Weather Conditions (13h): Pressure 716.98, Temperature 11.8/6.4, Humidity 40%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 6.2/2-7.5, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, Remarks: A:-II B:-III, {S 5.8m/s、「27 霧雨 28 快晴 29 午前快晴 午後雲出ズルモ晴天」
IMTM_AB0000979_G-1179 CLOUD PHOTO No.448 2594(1934)年11月30日16時14分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦116 横159、スケッチ縦109 横152、台紙縦382 横265 PLATE No.73d, Film No.149c, Weather Conditions (16h): Pressure 724.94, Temperature 6.8/3.7, Humidity 56%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 1.8/0-3, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/4.5, Time 1/35, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (3 16h) 2, Remarks: 16h Fr-Cu (SW7) A:-III, {SSE 1.2m/s (16h10m)、「29 快晴 晴天 30 日中雲出ズルモ朝晩晴 1 快晴(夕刻ヨリ雲増ス)」
IMTM_AB0000980_G-1180 CLOUD PHOTO No.449 2594(1934)年12月1日7時22分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦113 横156、スケッチ縦115 横154、台紙縦382 横266 PLATE No.73j, Film No.149a, Weather Conditions (7h): Pressure 722.90, Temperature 2.0, Humidity 68%, Wind Direction NE, Wind Velocity 0.8/0, Camera direction: V. 13.0 H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 1/25, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount (0 7h) 1, Remarks: A: -III、{風向不明 0.6m/s (7h20m)
IMTM_AB0000981_G-1181 CLOUD PHOTO No.450 2594(1934)年12月1日11時35分 台紙に密着プリント挿入、スケッチ貼付 写真縦115 横159、スケッチ縦113 横152、台紙縦388 横268 PLATE No.73e, Film No.150a (11h35m), Weather Conditions (10h): Pressure 723.05/723.7, Temperature 10.0, Humidity 45%, Wind Direction S, Wind Velocity 4.4/1-7.0, Camera direction: V. 13.00° H. N66°W, Photo. Exposure: F/6.3, Time 40, Filter 5, Cloud Conditions: Amount 0, Remarks: A:風下雲 B: C: 両側 roll Cu, {S 6.1m/s (11h40m)、「研」「pilotナシ」
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