
Damnacanthus macrophyllus Siebold ex Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 110 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 274 (1867).
Present treatment. Damnacanthus macrophyllus Siebold ex Miq.: Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 224 (1993).
Type materials. Buerger s.n. [908. 213-1142] (L 0104451), lectotype (here chosen).
Siebold s.n. [908. 213-1153] (L 0171237), syntype.
Galium jesoense Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 112 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 276 (1867).
Present treatment. Rubia jesoensis (Miq.) Miyabe & Miyake: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 30 (1952). Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 232 (1993).
Type material. In insula jeso leit botanicus iaponicus, probabiliter Sugerok s.n. [908. 213-876] (L 0001315), holotype.
Galium trachyspermum A. Gray forma teneriima Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 112 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 276 (1867).
Present treatment. Galium gracilens (A. Gray) Makino: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 6 (1952).
Type materials. Siebold s.n. [908. 213-496] (L 0327915), lectotype. Keiske s.n. [not found].
Lasianthus japonicus Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 110 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 274 (1867).
Present treatment. Lasianthus japonicus Miq.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 20 (1952). Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 223 (1993).
Type materials. Siebold s.n. [908. 218-511] (L 0310511), lectotype (here chosen). Buerger s.n. [908. 218-522] (L 0310486), syntype; [908. 218-533] (L 0310484), syntype; [908. 218-541] (L 0310489), syntype; [908. 218-542] (L 0310488), syntype; [908. 218-553] (L 0310487), syntype; [952. 54-837] (L 0310485), syntype. Mohnike s.n. [908. 218-513] (L 0310492), syntype. Prope Nangasaki, Oldham no. 518, syntype [not found].
Mussaenda parviflora Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 110 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 274 (1867).
Present treatment. Mussaenda parviflora Miq.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 23 (1952). Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 209 (1993).
Type material. Prostat in herbario Sieboldiano, sine loci adnotatione, Siebold s.n. [908. 218-1023] (L 0104433), holotype.
Nauclea (Uncaria)? rhynchophylla Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 108 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 272 (1867).
Present treatment. Uncaria rhynchophylla (Miq.) Miq.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 33 (1952). Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 208 (1993).
Type materials. Siebold s.n. [908. 221-771] (L 0104407), lectotype (here chosen); [908. 221-770] (L 0104404), syntype; [908. 221-772] (L 0104403), syntype. Buerger s.n. [908. 221-776] (L 0104406), syntype; [908. 221-769] (L 0104405), syntype.
Oldenlandia angustifolia Benth. var. pedicellata Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 108 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 272 (1867).
Oldenlandia diffusa Roxb.: Koidz., Symb. Fl. Orient.-Asiat.: 19 (1930).
Present treatment. Hedyotis diffusa Willd.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 18 (1952).
Type materials. Keiske, syntype [not found]. Siebold, syntype [not found]. Buerger, syntype [not found].
Oldenlandia heterophylla Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 109 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 273 (1867).
Present treatment. Pseudopyxis heterophylla (Miq.) Maxim.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 26 (1952). Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 229 (1993).
Type material. Keiske s.n. [908. 219-1049] (L 0367398), holotype.
Oldenlandia japonica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 109 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 273 (1867).
Present treatment. Hedyotis lindleyana Hook, ex Wight & Arn. var. hirsuta (L. f.) H. Hara: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 19 (1952).
Type materials. Buerger s.n. [908. 217-713] (L 0000857), lectotype (here chosen); [908. 217-699] (L 0000859), syntype; [908. 217-715] (L 0000856), syntype. Keiske s.n. [908. 217-702] (L 0000855), syntype.
Other materials. Siebold s.n. [908. 217-700] (L 0000854). Unknown coll. s.n. [908. 217-716] (L 0000858); [without registered no.] (L 0421977).
Pseudopyxis depressa Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 189 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 353 (1867).
Present treatment. Pseudopyxis depressa Miq.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 23 (1952). Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 229 (1993).
Type materials. In montibus Iwaja, Buerger [908. 220-29] (L 0063268), lectotype (here chosen). In Higo, Siebold s.n. [908. 220-19] (L 0063275), syntype.

 The lectotype specimen, [908. 220-29] (L 0063268), has a label with a note “In montibus Hakone, in vulcano Fuzi, Wudagawa Joan, prope Mia, Mizutani Sugerok.”

Rubia? gracilis Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 111 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 275 (1867).
Present treatment. Asperula maximowiczii Kom.: W. T. Lee, Lineam. Fl. Korea. 1: 893 (1996).
Type material. In Archipelago Coreano, Oldham no. 523, holotype [not found].
Rubia? mitis Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat 3: 112 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 276 (1867).
Present treatment. Rubia chinensis Regel & Maack ex Regel: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 29 (1952), as 'Regel & Maack in Regel'. Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 231 (1993).
Type material. Siebold s.n. [908. 220-170] (L 0001313), holotype.


Calystegia soldanella (L.) Roem. & Schult. [var.] β major Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 94 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 26 (1865), as “Calystegia soldanella R. Br.”
Present treatment. Calystegia soldanella (L.) Roem. & Schult.
Type material. In regionibus arenosis littoralibus inter oppida Simonosaki & Miwaru ins. Nippon, Pierot [no. 582] [901. 138-299] (L 0104874), holotype.
Other material. Buerger s.n. [901. 138-300] (L 0104873).


Bothriospermum perenne Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 95 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 27 (1865).
Present treatment. Bothriospermum tenellum (Hornem.) Fisch. & C. A. Mey.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 171 (1949).
Type materials. Siebold s.n. [without collector name on the sheet] [898. 271-109] (L 0175512), lectotype (here chosen); [898. 271-112] (L 0175513), syntype; [898. 271-113] (L 0175515), syntype.
Eritrichium japonicum Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 96 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 28 (1865).
Present treatment. Trigonotis peduncularis (Trev.) Benth. ex Baker & Moore: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 181 (1949).
Type materials. Keiske, syntype [not found]. Textor, syntype [not found].
Lithospermum? confertiflorum Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 95 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 27 (1865).
Present treatment. Lithospermum zollingeri A. DC.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 176 (1949).
Type material. In horto bot. Desimae culta, probabiliter e Iaponia introducta, a Buergero exsiccata [not found].
Lithospermum officinale L. var. japonica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 95 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 26 (1865), 360 (1867).
Present treatment. Lithospermum erythrorhizon Siebold & Zucc.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 176 (1949).
Type materials. In montibus circa[ad] Nangasaki[Nagasaki], Siebold s.n. [898. 274-333] (L 0175523), lectotype (here chosen); [898. 274-329] (L 0175520), syntype; [898. 274-331] (L 0175521), syntype. In prov. Awa, culta ad coloreum radicis purpureum [Herb. Siebold s.n.] [898. 274-332] (L 0175522), syntype. [Hakone, Tsumino-kawara] Keiske s.n. [898. 274-328] (L 0171057), syntype.
Other materials. Oldham s.n. [898. 274-330]. Maximowicz s.n. [898. 274-324].


Premna japonica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 97 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 29, 361 (1865). Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 189 (1949).
Present treatment. Premna microphylla Turcz.: Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 263 (1993).
Type materials. Siebold s.n. [908. 266-924] (L 0170426), lectotype (here chosen); [908. 266-944] (L 0170428), syntype. Buerger s.n. [908. 266-925] (L 0170427), syntype; [908. 266-945] (L 0171062), syntype; [908. 266-965] (L 0170423), syntype; [908. 266-975] (L 0170419), syntype; [908. 266-985] (L 0170425), syntype. Prope pagum Fimi, ad littus sinus maris Sima Bara [ins Kiu Siu], Pierot [no. 1001] [908. 266-934] (L 0328898), syntype; [908. 266-974] (L 0328899), isosyntype. In montis Kawara Jama vallibus ins. Kiusiu [Kiu Siu], Pierot [no. 407] [908. 266-954] (L 0170424), syntype.
Other materials. Mohnike s.n. [908. 266-933] (L 0170418); [908. 266-953] (L 1070424). Textor s.n. [908. 266-963] (L 0170420); [908. 266-973] (L 0170421). Keiske s.n. [908. 266-964] (L 0171061).
Vitex cannabifolia Siebold & Zucc. [var.] β latifolia Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 100 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 32 (1865).
Present treatment. Vitex cannabifolia Siebold & Zucc.
Type materials. Culta in Horto Caesareo [H. Caesar.], Siebold s.n. [908. 267-201] (L 0171225), holotype; [908. 267-211] (L 0328910), isotype; [908. 267-221] (L 0328910), isotype; [908. 267-231] (L 0328906), isotype; [908. 267-241] (L 0328909), isotype.
Other materials. Buerger s.n. [908. 267-251] (L 0328908); [908. 267-261] (L 0328907).


Ajuga humilis Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 114 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 46 (1865).
Present treatment. Lamium humile (Miq.) Maxim.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 210 (1949). Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 294 (1993).
Type material. Keiske s.n. [Siebold] [904. 350-160], (lower one: L 0422805), holotype.

 Miquel cited only Keiske's collection. The specimen, [904. 350-160], consists of three collections. The lower and the upper left collections were identified as A. humilis by Miquel. The upper right lacks Miquel's annotation. Accordineg to the mounted paper and the handwritings on the label the collector of the lower and the upper right is Siebold, but the upper left is Buerger. It might be possible that the Siebold specimens were originally collected by Keiske and then handed to Siebold.

Other material. Unknown coll. s.n. [904. 350-161] (L 0422803), det. Ajuga humilis.
Ajuga japonica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 114 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 46 (1865).
Present treatment. Ajuga japonica Miq.: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 274 (1993).
Type materials. Prope Jedo, Siebold in May 1826 [904. 350-187] (L 0327823), lectotype (here chosen), In ruderatis circa [In ruderibus & saxetis prope vicum] Jagami insulae Kiusiu[Kiu Siu], Pierot [no. 303] [904. 350-190] (L 0327819), syntype.
Other materials. Siebold s.n. [904. 350-186] (L 0327822); [904. 350-189] (L 0327820); [904. 350-192] (L 0327817). Buerger s.n. [904. 350-188] (L 0327821); [904. 350-191] (L 0327818).
Calamintha umbrosa Benth. forma incisa Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 107 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 39 (1865).
Present treatment. Clinopodium micranthum (Regel) H. Hara.
Type materials. [Siebold s.n.] [904. 351-188] (L 0326112), lectotype (here chosen). Unknown collector [Siebold] s.n. [904. 351-187] (L 0326113), syntype.
Calamintha umbrosa Benth. forma laxa Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 107 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 39 (1865).
Present treatment. Calamintha gracile (Benth.) Kuntze.
Type materials. [Siebold s.n.] [904. 351-189] (L 0326110), lectotype; [904. 351-190] (L 0326111), syntype. [Textor s.n.] [904. 351-191] (L 0328096), syntype.
Calamintha umbrosa Benth. forma robustior Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 106 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 38 (1865).
Present treatment. Clinopodium micranthum (Regel) H. Hara: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 198 (1949).
Type materials. [Buerger s.n.] [904. 351-194] (L 0326109), lectotype; [904. 351-192] (L 0326107), syntype; [904. 351-195] (L 0326105), syntype. [In locis arenosis saxosis prope pagum Tomida ins Nippon, Pierot no. 719] [904. 351-193] (L 0326108), syntype. [Siebold s.n.] [904. 351-196] (L 0326106), syntype.
Calamintha umbrosa Benth. forma tenera Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 107 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 39 (1865).
Present treatment. Calamintha gracile (Benth.) Kuntze.
Type materials. [Siebold s.n.] [904. 351-197] (L 0326103), lectotype (here chosen). [Buerger s.n.] [904. 351-198] (L 0326104), syntype.
Chelonopsis moschata Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 111 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 43 (1865).
Present treatment. Chelonopsis moschata Miq.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 196 (1949). Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 292 (1993).
Type materials. In monte Kiso, Itoo Keiske s.n. [904. 351-238] (L 0003685), lectotype (chosen by Hara in J. Jap. Bot. 33: 148, 1954). In locis depressis udis prope oppidum Jidsuka insulae[ins.] Kiusiu[Kiu Siu], Pierot [no. 298] [904. 351-231] (L 0422258), syntype.
Other materials. Buerger s.n. [904. 351-233] (L 0327838)*; [904. 351-240] (L 0327837)*; (L 0423434); [952. 54-689] (L 0327839)*. Buerger or Siebold s.n. [904. 351-228] (L 0422257)*. Siebold s.n. [904. 351-230] (a: L 0327836)* (b: L 0327835)**; [904. 351-237] (L 0327840)*; [904. 351-239] (a: L 0327841)* (b: L 0327842)**. [Textor s.n.] [904. 351-232] (L 0327834)*, syntype.

 Hara (1949) treated a part of Chelonopsis moschata Miq. as a different species.

 The specimen, Keiske s.n. [904. 351-238] (L 0003685), which was chosen as the lectotype by Hara is Chelonopsis moshata, s.s. Miquel did not distinguish Chelonopsis longipes Makino and C. yagiharana Hisauti & Matsuno from C. moshata Miq.

 Koidzumi (1930) regarded C. moshata Miq. as an amalgamate taxon. The major part is considered as C. longipes Makino represented well by Pierrot [no. 298] and Keiske's collection from Kiso, which Hara chose as the lectotype was identifies as C. yagiharana Hisauti & Matsuno. The specimens with an asterisk are C. longipes and with two asterisks C. yagiharana.

Chelonopsis moschata Miq. [var.] β subglabra Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 111 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 43 (1865).
Present treatment. Chelonopsis moschata Miq.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 196 (1949).
Type materials. [Hakusan], [Siebold s.n.] [904. 351-241] (L 0327833), holotype, det. as “Chelonopsis suglabra (Miq.) Koidz.” by Koidzumi. This specimen has a label with the handwritten “S”. It means that Siebold collected it. But the original label made of Japanese paper indicates that it was collected in Hakusan by Keiske (no.27).
Dracocephalum urticaefolium Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 109 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 41 (1865).
Present treatment. Meehania urticifolia (Miq.) Makino: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 213 (1949). Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 289 (1993).
Type material. Keiske s.n. [Siebold] [904. 351-556] (L 0327775), holotype.
Dysophylla japonica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 102 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 34 (1865).
Present treatment. Dysophylla verticillata (Roxb.) Benth.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 202 (1949).
Type materials. [Siebold s.n.] [904. 351-611] (L 0326132), lectotype (here chosen). [Buerger s.n.] [904. 351-609] (L 0326131), syntype; [904. 351-612] (L 0326133), syntype. [In monte Kawara Jama ins. Kiu Siu, Pierot no. 711] [904. 351-610] (L 0326134), syntype. [Keiske no. 584] (not included in the database), syntype.
Elsholtzia barbinervis Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 104 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 36 (1865).
Comanthosphace barbinervis (Miq.) Moore: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 200 (1949).
Present treatment. Leucosceptrum japonicum (Miq.) Kitam. & Murata var. barbinerve (Miq.) Kitam. & Murata: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 301 (1993)..
Type material. Probabiliter in urbe Jedo a medico japonico lecta [In Jedo?, Dr. Waenasar] [904. 351-349] (L 0003686), holotype.
Elsholtzia cristata Willd. forma pygmaea Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 104 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 36 (1865).
Present treatment. Elsholtzia cristata Willd.
Type material. Siebold s.n. [904. 351-689] (L 0326126), holotype.
Elsholtzia japonica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 103 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 35 (1865).
Comanthosphace japonica (Miq.) Moore: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 200 (1949).
Present treatment. Leucosceptrum japonicum (Miq.) Kitam. & Murata: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 300 (1993).
Type materials. Buerger s.n. [904. 351-354] (L 0328937), lectotype (here chosen); [904. 351-355] (L 0328941), syntype; [904. 351-357] (L 0328938), syntype; [904. 351-358] (L 0328936), syntype; [952. 54-624, duplicate of 904. 351-355] (L 0328942), isosyntype. Siebold s.n. [904. 351-353] (L 0328935), syntype; [904. 351-356] (L 0328939), syntype.
Other materials. Mohnike s.n. [904. 351-350] (L 0423449). In locis umbrosis humidis prope Simonoseky ins Nippon, Pierot no. 317 [904. 351-351] (L 0328940). In monte Kawara Jama ins. Kiusiu, Pierot, syntype [not found].
Elsholtzia stellipila Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 103 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 35(1865).
Comanthosphace stellipila (Miq.) Moore: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 200 (1949).
Present treatment. Leucosceptrum stellipilum (Miq.) Kitam. & Murata: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 301 (1993).
Type materials. Prope pagum Sju Matsi in ripa fluminis Usitsu Gawa insulae[ins.] Kiusiu[Kiu Siu], Pierot [no. 666] [904. 351-368] (L 0328928), lectotype (here chosen). Siebold s.n. [904. 351-363] (L 0328930), syntype; [904. 351-369] (L 0328933), syntype. Buerger s.n. [904. 351-366] (L 0328932), syntype; [904. 351-367] (L 0328931), syntype; [952. 54-610] (L 0328929), syntype.
Elsholtzia stellipila Miq. [var.] β minor Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 103 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 35 (1865).
Present treatment. Elsholtzia stellipila Miq.
Type material. [Siebold s.n.] [904. 351-370] (L 0328934), holotype.
Elsholtzia sublanceolata Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 103 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 35.
Comanthosphace sublanceolata (Miq.) Moore: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 200 (1949).
Present treatment. Leucosceptrum japonicum (Miq.) Kitam. & Murata: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 300 (1993).
Type materials. Buerger s.n. [904. 351-371] (L 0003688), holotype; [904. 351-372] (L 0327816), isotype.
Keiskea japonica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 105 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 37 (1865).
Present treatment. Keiskea japonica Miq.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 209 (1949). Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 301 (1993).
Type materials. Culta in horto botanico ins. Desima, probabiliter e Iaponiaintroducta, Siebold s.n. [904. 354-458] (L 0327807), lectotype (here chosen). Buerger s.n. [904. 354-459] (L 0327810), syntype; [904. 354-460] (L 0327809), syntype; [904. 354-462] (L 0327811), syntype.
Other materials. Siebold s.n. [904. 354-461] (L 0327806); [904. 354-457] (L 0327808), the left one is noted by Kato that it was collected by Sugerok.
Leonurus japonicus Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 112 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 44(1865).
Leonurus macranthus Maxim.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 210 (1949).
Present treatment. Leonurus japonicus Houtt.: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 293 (1993).
Type materials. Siebold s.n. [904. 356-43] (L 0327795), lectotype (here chosen); [904. 356-42] (L 0327796), syntype; [904. 356-44] (L 0327798), syntype; [904. 356-47] (L 0327794), syntype, det. as “var. folius ternata” by Miquel. Keiske, syntype [not found].
Other material. Buerger s.n. [904. 356-46] (L 0327797).
Lycopus europaeus L. var. vel forma parvifolia Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 105 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 37 (1865).
Present treatment. Lycopus lucidus Turcz. var. hirtus Regel: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 212 (1949).
Type materials. Buerger s.n. [904. 355-587] (L 0328914), lectotype (here chosen); [904. 355-589] (L 0328916), isolectotype; [904. 355-588] (L 0328912), syntype. Siebold s.n. [904. 355-591] (L 0328915), syntype.
Other material. Pierot no. 416 [904. 355-590] (L 0328913).
Lycopus lucidus Turcz. forma angustifolius? Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 105 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 37 (1865).
Present treatment. Lycopus maackianus (Maxim, ex Heder) Makino: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 212 (1949). Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 281 (1993).
Type material. Siebold s.n. [904. 355-596] (L 0003717), holotype, the left one is collected from Yonezawa in Yamagata Prefecture, northern Honshu.
Micromeria japonica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 106 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 38 (1865).
Present treatment. Mentha japonica (Miq.) Makino: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 214 (1949). Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 280 (1993).
Type materials. In Horto Caesareo, Siebold s.n. [905. 105-87] (L 0171227), lectotype (here chosen), In declivibus[declivitate] rimos[a]is montis Fuzi Jama insulae [ins.] Nippon, Pierot [no. 657] [905. 105-84] (L 0326114), syntype.
Other materials. Siebold s.n. [905. 105-85] (L 0326116). Buerger s.n. [905. 105-86] (L 0326115); [905. 105-88] (L 0326117).
Micromeria? perforata Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 106 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 38 (1865).
Mosla perforata (Miq.) Koidz., Fl. Symb. Orient.-Asiat: 15 (1930).
Present treatment. Orthodon japonicum Benth. ex Oliv.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 216 (1949).
Type materials. Buerger s.n. [905. 105-149] (L 0003727), lectotype (chosen by Koidzumi in 1925). Siebold s.n. [905. 105-150] (L 0003726), syntype.
Plectranthus buergeri Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 101 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 33 (1865).
Plectranthus japonicus (Burm.) Koidz.: Koidz., Fl. Symb. Orient.-Asiat: 14 (1930).
Present treatment. Isodon japonicus (Burm. f.) H. Hara: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 310 (1993).
Type material. Prope Nangasaki [In montibus cereum Nagasaki alique], Siebold s.n. [905. 109-86] (L 0327749), holotype.
Plectranthus inconspicuus Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 101 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 33 (1865).
Present treatment. Isodon trichocarpus (Maxim.) Kudo: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 310 (1993).
Type materials. Buerger s.n. [905. 109-102] (L 0326163), lectotype (here chosen). Textor s.n. [905. 109-103] (L 0327753), syntype.
Plectranthus longitubus Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 102 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 34 (1865).
Isodon lanceus (Nakai) Kudo: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 207 (1949).
Present treatment. Isodon longitubus (Miq.) Kudo: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 313 (1993).
Type materials. Buerger s.n. [905. 109-132] (L 0326153), lectotype (here chosen); [905. 109-131] (L 0326155), syntype; [905. 109-134] (L 0326154), syntype. Siebold s.n. [905. 109-133] (L 0326151), syntype. In locis depressis prope oppidum Ookfbu ins. Nippon, Pierot [no. 701] (905. 109-135] (L 0326152), syntype.
Other material. Keiske no. 523 [in herbario Ito Keiskei X, no. 513].
Plectranthus maximowiczii Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 101 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 33 (1865).
Plectranthus japonicus (Burm.) Koidz.: Koidz., Fl. Symb. Orient.-Asiat: 14 (1930).
Present treatment. Isodon japonicus (Burm.) H. Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 206 (1949).
Type materials. Buerger s.n. [905. 109-76] (L 0327746), lectotype (here chosen); [905. 109-78] (L 0327744), syntype; [905. 109-80] (L 0327752), syntype; [905. 109-82] (L 0327751), syntype; [905. 109-83] (L 0327742), syntype. Siebold s.n. [905. 109-79] (L 0327743), syntype; [905. 109-81] (L 0327741), syntype; [905. 109-84] (L 0327740), syntype; [905. 109-85] (L 0327750), syntype. Pierot s.n. [905. 109-77] (L 0327745), syntype. Textor, syntype [not found].
Other materials. Keiske s.n. [905. 109-84] (L 0327740). Mohnike s.n. [905. 109-100] (L 0327758); [905. 109-101] (L 0327757).
Salvia diversifolia Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 108 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 40 (1865).
Present treatment. Salvia japonica Thunb.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 222 (1949).
Type material. Siebold s.n. [905. 118-332] (L 0003798), holotype.
Salvia nipponica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 107 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 39 (1865).
Present treatment. Salvia nipponica Miq.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 223 (1949). Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 303 (1993).
Type materials. Siebold s.n. [905. 118-122] (L 0326167), lectotype (here chosen); [905. 118-119] (L 0326171), syntype; [905. 118-119] (L 0326176), syntype; [905. 118-120] (L 0326168), syntype; [905. 118-121] (L 0326169), syntype. Buerger s.n. [905. 118-114] (L 0326174), syntype; [905. 118-115] (L 0326173), syntype; [905. 118-116] (L 0326172), syntype; [905. 118-117] (L 0326175), syntype. In regionibus argillosis inter [oppida] Osacca & Jedo ins. Nippon, Pierot [no. 678] [905. 118-123] (L 0326170), syntype.
Other material. Keiske no. 137 (in herbario Ito Keiskei IV, p. 137).
Scutellaria lanceolaria Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 110 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 42 (1865).
Present treatment. Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 226 (1949).
Type materials. Locis [In locis] arenosis prope pagum Kawo[a]saki insulae[ins.] Nippon, Pierot [no. 681] [905. 121-482] (L 0327720), lectotype (here chosen). Textor s.n. [905. 121-479] (L 0327721), syntype; [905. 121-480] (L 0327725), syntype. In hort. bot. Desimae, Siebold s.n. [905. 121-476] (L 0327727), syntype; [905. 121-477] (L 0327722), syntype; [905. 121-478] (L 0327724), syntype.
Other materials. Buerger s.n. [905. 121-481] (L 0327726). Unknown collector (Siebold) s.n. [905. 121-475] (L 0327723).
Scutellaria oldbamii Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 197 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 361 (1867).
Present treatment. Scutellaria dependens Maxim.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 226 (1949). Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 315 (1993).
Type material. In Archipelago Coreano, Oldham no. 601 [905. 123-167] (L 0003819), holotype.
Scutellaria scordifolia Fisch. var. pubescens Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 110 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 42 (1865).
Present treatment. Scutellaria strigillosa Hemsl.: Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 315 (1993).
Type material. Loco non indicato, Siebold s.n. [905. 123-251] (L 0327719), holotype.
Stachys japonica Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 111 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 43 (1865).
Present treatment. Stachys riederi Cham. var. japonica (Miq.) H. Hara: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 231 (1949). Murata & Yamazaki in Fl. Jap. 3a: 297 (1993).
Type materials. Siebold [Majo 1824][905. 126-25] (L 0327712), lectotype (here chosen). Buerger s.n. [905. 126-21] (L 0327715), syntype; [905. 126-23] (L 0327716), syntype; [905. 126-24] (L 0327714), syntype. In sylvis depressis udis prope pagum Suso Katogi [Susokatogi] insulae[ins.] Nippon, Pierot [no. 693] [905. 126-26] (L 0327713), syntype.
Other materials. Textor s.n. [905. 126-20] (L 0327718); [905. 126-22] (L 0327717).
Stachys japonica Miq. forma angustifolia Miq., Anm. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 197 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 361 (1867).
Stachys riederi Cham. var. hispidula (Regel) H. Hara forma angustifolia (Honda) H. Hara: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 231 (1949), with a question mark.
Present treatment. Stachys riederi Chamisso var. hispidula (Regel) H. Hara forma harana H. Ohba & S. Akiyama*
Type materials. Mohnike s.n. [905. 126-28] (L 0327711), holotype; [905. 126-27] (L 0327710), isotype.
Stachys japonica Miq. [var.] β minor Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 112 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 44 (1865).
Present treatment. Stachys riederi Cham. var. hispidula (Regel) H. Hara
Type material. Textor s.n. [905. 126-29] (L 0327709), holotype.
Stachys sieboldi Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 112 (1865); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 44 (1865).
Present treatment. Stachys sieboldii Miq.: Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 231 (1949).
Type materials. Collecta in hort. hot. Desimae, probabiliter in Iaponia indigena, [Siebold s.n.] [905. 126-237] (L 0003830), holotype; [905. 126-238] (L 0003829), isotype.

 Munro labeled “lectotype” on the sheet [905. 126-237] (L 0003830) and “isolectotype” [905. 126-238] (L 0003829). But we could find only these specimens in L as type materials, so we treate them holotype and isotype.

Other material. Buerger s.n. [905. 126-236] (L 0327708).


Capsicum cordiforme Mill. var. truncata Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 117 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 281 (1867).
Present treatment. Capsicum annuum L.
Type materials. In ripa fl.[fluvii] Matsi[Matsia] Gawa prope [oppidum] Kuane ins. Nippon, Pierot [no. 834] [908. 245-1023] (L 0424520), lectotype (here chosen). Prope Nangasaki, Oldham no. 330, syntype [not found]. Siebold s.n. [908. 245-1022] (L 0424522), syntype. Buerger, syntype [not found]. Mohnike s.n. [908. 245-1029] (L 0424521), syntype.

 The specimen collected by Mohnike is consiting of two plants; the left one with round fruits and the right with elongated fruits.

Physalis alkekengi L. forma monstrosa Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 118 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 282 (1867).
Present treatment. Physalis franchetii Masters f. monstrosa (Miq.) H. Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 240 (1949).
Type materials. [In fruticalis prope Hama Mati ins Nippon], Pierot [no. 811] [908. 245-216] (L 0170442), lectotype (here chosen). Buerger s.n. [908. 245-236] (L 0170444), syntype; [908. 245-246] (L 0170445), syntype. Keiske s.n. [908. 245-221] (L 0171066), syntype. Siebold s.n.[908. 245-226] (L 0170443), syntype; [908. 245-241] (L 0170441), syntype. In Archipelago Coreana, Oldham no. 580, syntype [not found].
Other material. Keiske [908. 245-221] (L 0171066).
Solanum nigrum L. var.? parvifolia Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 117 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 281 (1867).
Present treatment. Solanum liratum Thunb.
Type material. Buerger s.n. [908. 245-1194] (L 0423479), holotype.
Other material. Siebold s.n. [908. 245-1103] (L 0423478).

* Stachys riederi Chamisso var. hispidula (Regel) H. Hara forma harana H. Ohba & S. Akiyama, nom. nov.

Stachys japonica Miq. forma angustifolia Miq., Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 197 (1867); Prolus. Fl. Jap.: 361(1867). Back