Gerard Thijsse
In 1959 in total 139 collections of Japanese lichens and mosses, collected by Von Siebold, Textor and one lichen collected by the Dutch army physician J.L.C. Pompe van Meerdervoort (1829-1908) were sent on loan to Japan for study by Y. Asahina. Permission was given to remove material from a number of the specimens lent. These should now still be present in the herbarium of the National Science Museum in Tokyo.
The moss collection of the Dutch bryologist C.M. van der Sande Lacoste (1815-1887) and the herbarium of the German botanist J.K.Hasskarl (1811-1894) also contained Japanese duplicates which originated from the Rijksherbarium. In the course of time these collections came to Leiden again. After the closing down of the herbarium in Groningen in 1984, part of the vascular plant collections went to Leiden, together with the Japanese duplicates once sent to that institution by Miquel. Many of these duplicates from Groningen have now been sent to the University Museum of the University of Tokyo in Japan.
For the occasion of 400 years Japanese-Dutch relationships a selection of duplicate herbarium sheets, containing several syntypes of Miquel's taxa, most of which once belonged to the Groningen herbarium, but also from the collections of Hasskarl, have been donated to the University Museum of the University of Tokyo in 2000. Until now several hundreds have been sent.