Gerard Thijsse
In 1871 Japanese duplicates (160 specimens) were sent to Mater, the gardener of Von Siebold's nursery. Smaller and larger numbers of duplicates were sent that same year to Oerstedt in Copenhagen and C.Koch in Berlin. The next year in 1872 J. Poisson in Paris and W.O. Focke in Bremen received Japanese plants and also A. Kanitz of the newly founded University of Klausenburg in Hungary (now Cluj Rumania) was given a large number of Japanese plants. In 1875 a certain Mitchell in The Hague was furnished with Japanese plants (150 specimens). This is the last time the distribution of Japanese duplicates are mentioned in our archival records (all collection management archive).
Not only the Rijksherbarium distributed duplicates of Japanese collections, also Von Siebold himself has done so (10). In exchange for plants collected by K.H. Mertens (1796-1830) and Bunge, Von Siebold had sent 100 Japanese plants to St. Petersburg. He also gave R. Brown, Lambert, Von Martius, Schrader, Reichenbach en Reinwardt dried plants as some sort of souvenir (MacLean, 1978: 52).