Pyrrosia Mirbel
Hovenkamp, P. H. 1986. A monograph of the fern genus Pyrrosia. Leid. Bot. Ser. 9: 1-281.
Key to the Species
Pyrrosia adnascens (Sw.) Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1: 45 (1935); Tagawa (1966) 497; K. Iwats. (1975) 203. ——— Polypodium adnascens Sw., Syn. Fil. 25, 222 (1806); Clarke (1880) 552; Hope, 15: 87 (1903). ——— Niphobolus adnascens (Sw.) Kaulf., Enum. 124 (1824); Bedd. (1883) 325, f. 176, p.p.
Pyrrosia lanceolata (L.) Farw.; Hovenk., Leid. Bot. Ser. 9: 191, f. 25 (1986).
TI 6302046, 725020, 725431, 771534bis, 771805, 773379, 771585, 774617.
On tree-trunks or on rocks in open places or in semi-shade lower than 1300 m alt.
India, Bhutan, S China, Taiwan, SE Asia and Malesia to Polynesia.
Pyrrosia flocculosa (D. Don) Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1: 66 (1935); Tagawa (1966) 498, (1971) 219; K. Iwats. (1975) 203; Hovenk., l.e. 9: 179, f. 19 (1988). ——— Polypodium flocculosum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 1 (1825); Clarke (1880) 554; Hope, 15: 88 (1903). ——— Niphobolus flocculosus (D. Don) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. t. 162 (1866), (1833) 331, f. 180.
TI 6302036~40, 725396, 773272, 8311183, 8350195, 8350454, Suehiro 1496, Tabata et al. 19159.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy rocks in dense forests at 900-2000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Burma, N Thailand, and Indochina.
Pyrrosia costata (Presi ex Bedd.) Tagawa et K. Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 22: 100 (1967); Tagawa (1971) 219; K. Iwats. (1975) 203; Hovenk., l.c. 9: 171, f. 17 (1986). ——— Niphobolus costatus Presl ex Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. t. 120 (1868).
Niphobolus beddomeana Gies., Farng. Niphob. 101 (1901). ——— Pyrrosia beddo-meana (Gies.) Ching, l.c. 68 (1935); Tagawa (1966) 498.
Niphobolus stigmosus Bedd. (1883) 328, f. 329, p.p. ——— Polypodium stigmosum Sw.; Clarke (1880) 553; Hope, 15: 88 (1903).
TI 63-0ct.-16, 17, 63-Nov.-25, 26, 29, 67-26061, 725033, 725050, 725430, 774594, 774653, 8350085, Suehiro 40, 44, Tabata et al. 18586.
On mossy rocks or on tree-trunks in forests in lowlands up to 1500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, Upper Burma, N Thailand, and Vietnam.
Pyrrosia heteractis (Mett. ex Kuhn) Ching, l.e. 57 (1935); Tagawa (1966) 498, (1971) 219; K. Iwats. (1975) 203. ——— Polypodium heteractis Mett. ex Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 140 (1869); Clarke (1880) 553. ——— Niphobolus heteractis (Mett. ex Kuhn) J. Sm., Ferns Br. For. 2nd ed. 296 (1877); Bedd. (1883) 327. ——— Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farw. var. heteractis (Mett. ex Kuhn) Hovenk., Blumea 30: 208 (1984), Leid. Bot. Ser. 9: 206 (1986).
TI 6302041~44.
On mossy cliffs in rather dry mountain forests or exposed on ridges at 1500-1800 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, China, Burma, Thailand, and Indochina.
Pyrrosia nuda (Gies.) Ching, l.c. 70 (1935); Tagawa (1966) 499; K. Iwats. (1975) 203. ——— Niphobolus nudus Giea., Farng. Niphob. 149 (1901).
Pyrrosia lanceolata (L.) Farw. s.l.; Hovenk., Leid. Bot. Ser. 9: 191, f. 25 (1986).
TI 63-Oct.-30, 63-Nov.-l, 25, 725455.
On tree-trunks or on cliffs in semi-shade lower than 1300 m alt.
N India, SW and S China, and N Thailand.
Pyrrosia lanceolata (L.) Farw., Amer. Midl, Nat. 12: 245 (1931); Tagawa (1971) 219; Hovenk., l.c. 9: 191, f. 25 (1986) p.p.
TI 67-26039.
On mossy cliffs in semi-shade at about 1000 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Yunnan, and Polynesia.
Pyrrosia mannii (Gies.) Ching, l.c. 55 (1935); Tagawa (1966) 498, (1971) 219; K. Iwats. (1975) 203; Hovenk., l.c. 9: 212, f. 18 (1986). ——— Niphobolus mannii Gies., Farng. Niphob. 107 (1901).
Niphobolus fissus Blume, sens. Bedd. (1883) 330, f. 179, p.p. ——— Polypodium
fissum Baker; Clarke (1880) 554; Hope, 15: 88 (1903).
TI 6304949~56,67-25059, 67-25080,67-26056,67-30146,725006,725051, 725065, 725394, 725454, 725890, 771534,771726,772116,773479,8350070,8350084,8330089, 8310059, 8580019, 8580768, 8581510, Kanai 12059, Namba et al. 41, 154, Suehiro 38, 92,177, 188, 230,2025, 2308, Tabata et al.16885, 17006, 17125,23764.
On tree-trunks or on mossy cliffs in forests up to 2300 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, Burma, and N Thailand.
Pyrrosia mollis (Kunze) Ching, l.c. 53 (1935); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 134 (1960); Tagawa (1966) 498, (1971) 220. ——— Niphobolus mollis Kunze, Bot. Zeit. 6: 121 (1848).
Niphobolus fissus Blume, sens. Bedd. (1883) 330, f. 179, p.p.
Pyrrosia penangiana (Hook.) Holtt.; Hovenk., l.c. 9: 218, f. 18 (1986) p.p.
TI 6302045.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy cliffs in forests at 1200-2300 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, SW China, and Thailand.
Polypodium L.
Key to the Species
Polypodium microrhizoma Clarke ex Baker in Hook. et Bak., Syn. Fil. 2nd ed. 511 (1874); Clarke (1880) 551; Hope, 15: 86 (1903); Tagawa (1966) 497; K. Iwats. (1975) 203. ——— Goniophlebium microrhizoma (Clarke ex Baker) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. pl. 384 (1876), (1883) 322.
TI 725111, 725397B, 725520, 725930, 771717, 772165, 8331596, Tabata et al. 24939.
On mossy tree-trunks or rarely on rocks at 1600-2500 m alt.
N India, SW China, Upper Burma, and N Thailand.
Polypodium lachnopus Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 32 (1863); Clarke (1880) 551; Hope, 15: 86 (1903); Tagawa (1966) 497, (1971) 219; K. Iwats. (1975) 203. ——— Goniophlebium lachnopus (Wall. ex Hook.) Bedd. (1883) 319.
TI 63-Oct.-16, 25, 63-Nov.-l, 3, 67-30144, 725060, 725397A, 725398, 771569, 771739, 773294~95, 8330123bis, 8330153, 8330173, 8330227, 8330242, 8330286, 8331352, 8331492, 8337143, 8331997, 8350043, 8350048, 8350099, 8580010, 8580021, 8580106, 8580743~44, Kanai et al. 670028, Namba et al. 377, 432, 590, Suehiro 242, 264, 266~67, 444, 452, 2020, 2159, 2275, 2283, 2564, Tabata et al. 18024, 18648.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy cliffs in forests at 1300-2500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and SW China.
Polypodium atkinsonii C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 511 (1906), based on Polypodium hender-sonii Atkins. apud Baker in Hook., Syn. Fil. 511 (1874), non Lowe (1858); Clarke (1880) 550; K. Iwats. (1975) 202. ——— Goniophlebium hendersonii Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 21, pl. 384 (1876), (1883) 320.
TI 725219, 725303A, 725917, 8580163, 8580184, 8580418, 8580987, 8581339, 8581461, 8581480.
On mossy rocks or on mossy tree-trunks at 2800-3600 m alt.
N India and Tibet.
Polypodium subamoenum Clarke (1880) 550, pl. 82, f. 2; Tagawa (1966) 497; K. Iwata. (1975) 203. ——— Goniophlebium subamoenum (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 317.
TI 63-Oct.-29.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy cliffs at 2800-3500 m alt.
N India and SW China (Tibet and Yunnan).
Polypodium amoenum Wall. ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges. 2: 80 (1857); Clarke (1880) 550; Tagawa (1966) 496, (1971) 219; K. Iwats. (1975) 202. ——— Goniophlebium amoenum (Wall. ex Mett.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. t. 5 (1865), (1883) 317, f. 170; Hope, 14: 85 (1903).
Polypodium amoenum Wall. ex Mett. f. pilosum Clarke (1880) 417; Tagawa (1971) 219.
TI 63-Oct.-16, 24, 30, 63-Nov.-3, 5, 16, 19, 67-25609, 725012, 725026, 725093, 725116, 725343, 725399~400, 725501, 725878, 725926, 725938A, B, 771702, 8330158, 8330200, 8332098, 8332103, 8580059, 8580742, 8581438, Kanai 673330, Suehiro 691, 706, 711, 735, 1095, Tabata et al. 18065, 19099, 21520, 23930.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy cliffs in or on edges of forests at 1500-2700 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, S and SW China, Burma, N Thailand, Indochina, and Taiwan.
Polypodium argutum Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 32 (1863); Clarke (1880) 551; Hope, 15: 87 (1903); Tagawa (1966) 497, (1971) 219; K. Iwats. (1975) 202. ——— Goniophlebium argutum (Wall. ex Hook.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 6 (1865), (1883) 323, f. 174.
TI 63-Oct.-23, 28, 30, 63-Nov.-l0, 725092, 725122, 725161, 725469, 725935, 725956, 725962, 773036, 773480, 8330174, 8343001, 8351163, 8580012, 8580774, Kanai 673340, Suehiro 522~25, 940, 950, Tabata et al. 18066, 18504.
On mossy tree-trunks usually in dense forests at 1500-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, S and SW China, Thailand, Indochina, Taiwan, and the Philip pines.
Arthromeris J. Sm.
Key to the Species
Arthromeris wallichiana (Spr.) Ching, Contr. Inst. Bot. Nat. Acad. Peiping 2: 92 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 490, (1971) 216; K. Iwats. (1975) 196. ——— Polypodium juglandifolium D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 3 (1825), non Humb. et Bonpl. ex Willd. (1810); Clarke (1880) 566; Hope, 15; 96 (1903). ——— Polypodium wallichianum Spr., Syst. Veg. 4: 53 (1827), based on P. juglandifolium D. Don. ——— Pleopeltis juglandifolia (D. Don) Moore, Ind. Fil. Ixxviii (1857); Bedd. (1883) 370, f. 210.
TI 6300775, 6302022~25, 6302027, 725068, 725346, 725488, 725521, 725894, 725957, 771716, 771742, 771975, 8331525, 8580039, 8580769, Kanai & Shakya 670026, Suehiro 252~53, 338~39, 679, 686, 732, 829, 863, Tabata et al. 9280.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy rocks on dense forests at 1300-2800 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China (Yunnan and Kweichow), Burma, Thailand, and Tonkin.
Arthromeris tatsiensis (Fr. et Bureau ex Christ) Ching, l.c. 93 (1933); K. Iwats. (1975) 196. ——— Polypodium tatsiense Fr. et Bureau ex Christ, Bull. Soc. Fr. 52 Mém. 1: 19 (1905).
TI 63-Oct.-19.
Terrestrial on mountain slopes on edges of forests at 700-1200 m alt.
SW China and N Thailand.
Arthromeris wardii (Clarke) Ching, l.c. 94 (1933); Tagawa (1971) 216; K. Iwats. (1975) 196. ——— Polypodium wardii Clarke, J. Linn. Soc. 25: 99, t. 43 (1889).
TI 725433.
On rather dry slopes along paths in semi-shade at 1400-2300 in alt.
N India, Bhutan, Tibet, Yunnan, and Burma.
Arthromeris himalayensis (Hook.) Ching, l.c. 99 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 489, (1971) 215; K. Iwats. (1975) 195. ——— Polypodium himalayense Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 91 (1863). ——— Pleopeltis himalayensis (Hook.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 318 (1869), (1883) 370, f. 212.
Polypodium venustum Wall. ex Clarke (1880) 566.
TI 6300777, 630218~20, 725300, 725345, 771989.
On mossy tree-trunks or terrestrial on mountain slopes at 1600-2600 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, and Upper Burma.
Arthromeris lehmannii (Mett.) Ching,l.c. 96 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 490, (1971) 215; K. Iwats. (1975) 196. ——— Polypodium lehmannii Mett., Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges. 2: 109 (1857); Clarke (1880) 566; Hope, 15: 97 (1903). ——— Pleopeltis lehmannii (Mett.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 260 (1868), (1883) 370, f. 211.
Arthromeris lungtauensis Ching, l.c. 98 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 490.
TI 63-Nov.-3, 6300776, 6302021, 725108, 725323, 8331668, 8580097, 8580725, 8580905, 8581342, Nicolson 3194.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy cliffs in dense forests at 1300-2800 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, Upper Burma, N Thailand, and Taiwan.
Crypsinus Presl
Nakaike, T. 1987. An enumeration of the ferns of Nepal III. Crypsinus Presl, Bull.
Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo B 13: 89-105.
Key to the Species
Crypsinus griffithianus (Hook.) Copel., Gen. Fil. 206 (1947); Tagawa (1966) 491, (1971) 216; K. Iwats. (1975) 197. ——— Polypodium griffithianum Hook., Ic. Pl. t. 951 (1854); Clarke (1880) 560. ——— Pleopeltis griffithiana (Hook.) Moore, Ind. Fil. Ixxviii (1857); Bedd. (1883) 354, f. 199. ——— Phymatodes griffithiana (Hook.) Ching, Contr. Inst. Bot. Inst. Acad. Peiping 2: 71 (1933).
Crypsinus integerrimus (Ching) Nakaike, Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo B 13: 92(1987).
TI 6304941~44, 725321.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy cliffs in deep shade at 1500-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, and SW Asia generally to W Malesia.
Nakaike (1987) described C. nepalensis based on his collection.
Crypsinus erythrocarpus (Mett. ex Kuhn) Tagawa (1966) 491; K. Iwats. (1975) 196 ——— Polypodium erythrocarpum Mett. ex Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 135 (1869); Clarke (1880) 565 ——— Goniophlehium erythrocarpum (Mett. ex Kuhn) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 21, pl. 392 (1876), (1883) 319, f. 171. ——— Phymatodes erythrocarpa (Mett. ex Kuhn) Ching, l.c. 80 (1933).
TI 6304945, 725302, Suehiro 2432.
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 2500-3000 m alt.
N India and Tibet.
Crypsinus nigrovenius (Christ) K. Iwats. (1975) 197. ——— Polypodium shensiense Christ var. nigrovenium Christ, Bull. Acad. Géogr. Bot. 15: 106 (1906). ——— Polypodium nigrovenium (Christ) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 1: 150 (1930). ——— Phymatodes nigrovenia (Christ) Ching, l.c. 79 (1933).
TI 725187.
On mossy tree-trunks or rarely on mossy rocks in dense forests at ca 3500 m alt.
SW China (Sichuan and Hupeh) and Tonkin, also in N India (?).
Crypsinus stewardtii (Bedd.) Copel., Gen. Fil. 206 (1947); Tagawa (1966) 492, (1971) 217; K. Iwats. (1975) 197. ——— Pleopeltis stewardtii Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 204 (1867). ——— Polypodium stewardtii (Bedd.) Clarke (1880) 563; Hope, 15: 96 (1903). ——— Phymatodes stewardtii (Bedd.) Ching, l.c. 81 (1933).
Pleopeltis malacodon (Hook.) Bedd. var. majus (Hook.) Bedd. (1883) 363.
Polypodium cyrtolobum J. Sm. ex Clarke (1880) 563, pl. 83; Hope, 15: 95 (1903).
TI 6304947, 725125, 725136, 725322, 725484, 725525, 725936, 8440400, 8580065, 8580073, 8580139, 8580828, 8581372, Tabata et al. 18505.
On mossy cliffs or on mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 2100-3200 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and Yunnan.
Crypsinus quasidivaricatus (Hayata) Copel., Gen. Fil. 206 (1947); Tagawa (1966) 492; K. Iwats. (1975) 197. ——— Polypodium quasidivaricatum Hayata, Mat. Fl. Formos. 446 (1911), based on Polypodium divaricatum Hayata, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 23: 78 (1909), non Fourn. (1872) ——— Phymatodes quasidivaricata (Hayata) Ching, l.c. 87 (1933).
TI 63-0ct,-28, 29, 725152, 725344, 725482, 725524, Tabata et al. 19223bis.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy rocks in shade at 2200-3000 m alt.
N India, SW China, and Taiwan.
Crypsinus malacodon (Hook.) Copel., Gen. Fil. 206 (1947); Tagawa (1955) 81, (1966) 491, (1971) 216; K. Iwats. (1975) 197. ——— Polypodium malacodon Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 87 (1863); Clarke (1883) 564; Hope, 15: 94 (1903). ——— Pleopeltis malacodon (Hook.) Bedd. (1883) 363 ——— Phymatodes malacodon (Hook.) Ching, l.c. 83 (1933).
TI 6304948, 725150, 725217, 725230, 725267, 725911, 725921, 772251, 773781, 8351230, 8331715, 8331741, 8331996, Kanai 1663, Suehiro 2465, Tabata et al. 15437, 20398, 23081.
On mossy rocks or on tree-trunks in dense forests at 2800-4000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, and Sichuan.
Crypsinus ebenipes (Hook.) Copel., Gen. Fil. 206 (1947); Tagawa (1966) 491; K. Iwats. (1975) 196. ——— Polypodium ebenipes Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 88 (1863); Clarke (1880) 564; Hope, 15: 96 (1903). ——— Pleopeltis ebenipes (Hook.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 138 (1866), (1883) 363. ——— Phymatodes ebenipes (Hook.) Ching, l.c. 86 (1933).
TI 6304946, 63-Oct.-24, 27, 28, 725085, 725120, 725130, 725135, 725240, 725279, 725342, 725472, 725483, 725522, 8330000, 8330175, 8331706, 8332077, 8580066, 8581338, Suehiro 1037, Tabata 23252.
On mossy rocks or on tree-trunks in or on edges of forests at 2100-3400 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, and N Thailand.
Crypsinus oxylobus (Wall. ex Kunze) Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 145 (1960); Tagawa (1966) 492; K. Iwats. (1975) 197. ——— Polypodium oxylobum Wall. ex Kunze, Linnaea 24: 255 (1851); Hope, 15: 94 (1903). ——— Polypodium hastatum Thunb. var. oxylobum (Wall. ex Kunze) Clarke (1880) 563. ——— Phymatodes oxyloba (Wall. ex Kunze) Presi ex Ching, l.c. 67 (1933).
Polypodium trifidum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 3 (1825), non Hoffm. (1790).
TI 725395, 725429, 725955, 771731, 771866, 8580028, 8580047, 8580767, Suehiro 336~37, Tabata et al. 16884, 18097, 19233, 23906.
On mossy tree-trunks or rarely on mossy rocks in dense forests at 1400-2400 m alt.
N India, SW China, and N Thailand.
Lepisorus (J. Sm.) Ching
Key to the Species
Lepisorus bicolor (Takcda) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 66 (1933); Tagawa (1971) 217; K. Iwats, (1975) 198. ——— Polypodium excavatum Bory ex Willd. var. bicolor Takeda, Notes Bot. Gard. Edinb. 8: 280 (1915). ——— Pleopeltis bicolor (Takeda) Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 138 (1960).
TI 725231, 725466, 725516A, 772995,8331716, 8350049,8580085,8580653, 8580676, 8580906, 8581306, 8581378, 8581437, 8581483, Polunin et al. 4894, Suehiro 248, 730, Tabata et al. 17411, 17586,18011.
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 2200-3400 m alt.
N India to Yunnan and N Thailand.
Lepisorus scolopendrium (Ham. in D. Don) Tagawa (1966) 494, (1971) 218; K. Iwats. (1975) 200. ——— Polypodium scolopendrium Hamilt. in D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 1 (1825). ——— Lepisorus excavatus (Bory ex Willd.) Ching var. scolopendrius (D. Don) Ching, l.c. 69 (1933); Tagawa (1955) 80. ——— Pleopeltis scolopendria (D. Don) Alston et Bonner, Candollea 15: 207 (1956).
Polypodium lineare Thunb. sens. Clarke (1880) 558.
TI 6304957~58, 6305451, 63-Sept.-24, 725063, 725096, 725127, 725516B, 725892, 725934, 770197, 771606, 771684,771738,771978,773321,8330000, 8330171, 8331509, 8331649, 8350141, 8350161, 8350200, 858001, 858045, 858136, 858749, 858784, Kanai 673329, Namba et al. 494, 596, 674, Suehiro 251, 384~85, 692, 727, 739, 2228, Tabata et al. 18708, 19131, 20368.
On mossy tree-trunks, on mossy rocks, or on humus-rich slopes in or on edges of forests at 1500-2600 m alt.
N India to SW China (Tibet and Yunnan) and N Thailand.
Lepisorus clathratus (Clarke) Ching, l.c. 71 (1933) ——— Polypodium clathratum Clarke (1880) 559, pl. 82, f. 1. ——— Pleopeltis clathrata (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 348; Hope, 15:91 (1903).
Lepisorus nepalensis K. Iwats. (1975) 198, f. 23.
TI 725186, 725220, 725227, 725235, 725248, 725270, 772246, 772609, 8331161, 8331255, 8331751, 8331957, 8580172, 8580399, 8581074, 8581422, 8581482, Tabata et al. 14724, 20154, 23082, 123341.
On moist cliffs or on mossy rocks often along paths in light shade or in dense forests at (2800-) 3500-4300 m alt.
Turkistan, Afghanistan, N India, W and SW China, Burma, N Thailand and Indochina.
Lepisorus suboligolepidus Ching, l.c. 77 (1933); K. Iwats. (1975) 201.
Suehiro 241, Tabata et al. 23511.
On mossy tree-trunks or on moist rocks in dense forests at 2000-2600 m alt.
Bhutan, Yunnan, N Thailand, and Taiwan.
Lepisorus sublinearis (Baker ex Takeda) Ching, l.c. 78 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 494, (1971) 218; K. Iwats. (1975) 201. ——— Polypodium submlineare Baker ex Takeda, Notes Bot. Gard. Edinb. 8: 276 (1915).
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 800-2200 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Burma, Yunnan, N Thailand, and Indochina.
Lepisorus loriformis (Wall. ex Mett.) Ching, l.c. 81 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 494, (1971) 217; K. Iwats. (1975) 198. ——— Polypodium loriforme Wall. ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges. 2: 92 (1857). ——— Pleopeltis loriformis (Wall. ex Mett.) Alston et Bonner, Candollea 15: 208 (1956).
TI 6304963, 6304965~75, 725010, 725105, 725138, 725277~78, 725436, 725463, 725527, 772171, 772687, 8330100, 8330179, 8580058, 8581332, Kanai s.n., Tabata et al.13041, 21584.
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 1700-3000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Tibet, Yunnan, and Upper Burma.
Lepisorus nudus (Hook.) Ching, l.c. 83 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 494, (1971) 217; K. Iwats. (1975) 200. ——— Pleopeltis nuda Hook., Exot. Fl. pl. 63 (1823); D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 3 (1825).
TI 63-Oct.-24, 25, 63-Nov.-02, 20, 22, 26, 27, 67-1160, 69-June-6, 771872, 8330090, Namba et al. 438, 837, Tabata et al. 17060, 19148.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy rocks in semi-shade to dense forests at 1000-2400 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, and N Thailand.
Lepisorus subconfluens Ching, l.c. 85 (1933); K. Iwats. (1975) 201.
TI 771804, 773478, 774586, Tabata et al. 12544, 17377, 21166.
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 2200-3000 m alt.
Bhutan, Yunnan, and N Thailand.
Lepisorus contortus (Christ) Ching, l.c. 90 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 493; K. Iwats. (1975) 198. ——— Polypodium lineare Thunb. var. contortum Christ, Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Soc. Ital. N.S. 4: 98 (1897). ——— Polypodium contortum Christ, Bot. Gaz. 51: 347(1911).
TI 63-Oct.-25, 63-Nov.-02, 03, 05, 18, 19, 28, 63-Dec.-02, 67-25023, 69-May-29, 725121, 725139, 725347, Namba et al. 1287, Suehiro 103, 2267, 2611.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy rocks in dense forests at 1500-2400 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and W and SW China.
Lemmaphyllum Presl
Key to the Species
Lemmaphyllum rostratum (Bedd.) Tagawa (1966) 493, (1971) 217; K. Iwats. (1975) 198. ——— Pleopeltis rostrata Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 159 (1867), (1883) 345, f. 193, based on Polypodium rostratum Hook., Icon. Pl. pl. 953 (1854), non Burm. f. (1768), Clarke (1880) 557. ——— Polypodium subrostratum C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 567 (1906). ——— Lemmaphyllum subrostratum (C. Chr.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 97 (1933). ——— Lepidogrammitis subrostrata (C. Chr.) Ching, Sunyatsenia 5:258(1940).
TI 63-Nov.-09, 13, 771720.
On mossy cliffs or on tree-trunks in dense forests at 1600-2500 in alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, and Indochina.
Lemmaphyllum carnosum (J. Sm.) Presl, Epim. Bot. 158 (1849); Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 103 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 493. ——— Drymoglossum carnosum J. Sm. in Hook., Gen. Fil. pl. 78A (1841); Clarke (1880) 575; Bedd. (1883) 411, f. 243.
TI 63-Nov.-06.
On moist rocks in dense forests at 1500 m alt.
N India, SW China, N Thailand, and Indochina.
Belvisia Mirbel
Belvisia henryi (Hieron. ex C. Chr.) Tagawa (1966) 490. ——— Hymenolepis henryi Hieron. ex C. Chr., Dansk Bot. Ark. 6 (3): 67 (1929).
Acrostichum spicatum L. f. sens. Clarke (1880) 582. ——— Gymnopteris spicata (L. f.) Presl sens. Bedd. (1883) 432, p.p.
TI 6300781, 6304934, 771806, 774583, 774619.
On mossy tree-trunks in forests at 1000-2000 m alt.
N India, Yunnan, Upper Burma, and N Thailand.
Neocheiropteris Christ
Neocheiropteris normalis (D. Don) Tagawa, J. Jap. Bot. 27: 217 (1952), (1971) 218; K. Iwats. (1975) 202. ——— Polypodium normale D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 1 (1825); Clarke (1880) 558. ——— Pleopeltis normalis (D. Don) Moore, Ind. Fil. 347 (1862); Bedd. (1883) 353. ——— Microsorium normale (D. Don) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 299 (1933). ——— Neolepisorus normalis (D. Don) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 10: 13 (1940).
TI 6300799, 6302048, 67-3111.
On moist cliffs or on mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 1000-2600 m alt.
N India, Yunnan, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Malaya, and Sumatra.
Microsorium Link
Key to the Species
Microsorium membranaceum (D. Don) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 309 (1933); Tagawa (1955) 80, (1966) 496; K. Iwats. (1975) 201. ——— Polypodium membranaceum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 2 (1892). ——— Pleopeltis membranacea (D. Don) Moore, Ind. Fil. 191 (1860); Bedd. (1883) 355.
TI 6300773, 6304930~33, 6305446, 725042, 725381, 725517, 725877, 771591, 773251, 773326; 8330556, 8580810, Kanai 16680, 673359, Namba et al. 109, 218, 451, Suehiro 27, 39, 832~34, 2323, Tabata et al. 18640, 23874.
On mosay tree-trunks or on muddy cliffs in or on edges of forests at 1000-2500m alt.
Ceylon, India, S China, N Thailand, Indochina, Taiwan, and Philippines.
Microsorium hymenodes (Kunze) Ching, l.c. 301 (1933); Tagawa (1971) 218; K. Iwats. (1975) 202. ——— Polypodium hymenodes Kunze, Linnaea 23; 279, 391 (1850).
TI 67-30124, 725523, 771682.
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 1500-2500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, Burma, and Tonkin.
Microsorium fortuni (Moore) Ching, l.c. 304 (1933); Tagawa (1971) 218. ——— Drynaria fortuni Moore, Gard. Chron. 1855: 708 (1855).
Collected in Bhutan, on mossy tree-trunks in forests.
Bhutan, S China, Burma, and Taiwan.
Microsorium punctatum (L.) Copel., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 16: 111 (1929); Ching, l.c. 307 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 496. ——— Acrostichum punctatum L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1524 (1753). ——— Polypodium punctatum (L.) Sw., Schrad. J. Bot. 1800 (2): 21 (1801); Clarke (1880) 561. ——— Pleopeltis punctata (L.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 22 (1876), (1883) 357, f. 201.
Kanai & Bista 12034.
On muddy rocks on edges of forests at about 600 m alt.
Throughout the Palaeotropics.
Microsorium dilatatum (Bedd.) Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 143 (1960); Tagawa (1966) 495. ——— Polypodium dilatatum Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 85 (1863), non Hoffm. (1796) nec Liebm. (1849); Clarke (1880) 565. ——— Pleopeltis dilatata Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 122 (1866), (1883) 367, f. 209.
Microsorium hancockii (Baker) Ching, l.c. (1933) p.p.
Collected in Darjeeling but not in Nepal.
Ceylon, India, SW China, Burma, Thailand, and Malaya.
Microsorium cuspidatum (D. Don) Tagawa (1966) 495, (1971) 218; K. Iwats. (1975) 201. ——— Polypodium cuspidatum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 2 (1825). ——— Phymatodes cuspidata (D. Don) J. Sm., Cat. Cult. Ferns 10 (1857).
Polypodium Iucidum Roxb., Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 4: 486 (1844), ——— Phymatodes lucida (Roxb.) Ching, Contr. Inst. Bot. Acad. Peiping 2: 61 (1933). ——— Microsorium lucidum (Roxb.) Copel., Gen. Fil. 196 (1947).
Polypodium leiorhizum Wall. ex Mett., Fil. Lips. 37 (1856). ——— Pleopeltis leiorhiza (Wall. ex Mett.) Moore, Ind. Fil. 346 (1862); Bedd, (1883) 372.
TI 6300130~31, 6300774, 6302054~59, 7215030, 725432, 725513, Tabata et al. 9281.
On muddy cliffs in dense forests at 600-1900 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, and Indochina.
Colysis Presl
Key to the Species
Colysis hemionitidea Presl, Epim. Bot. 147 (1849); Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 320 (1933); Tagawa (1966) 490, (1971) 216. ——— Polypodium hemionitideum (Presl) Mett.; Clarke (1880) 561. ——— Pleopeltis hemionitidea (Presl) Moore, Ind. Fil. 346 (1862); Bedd. (1883) 358, f. 202.
No specimens from Nepal were examined; on wet sandy ground in dense forests at about 1500 m alt. in N India.
N India, Bhutan, S and SW China, S Japan to Taiwan, Thailand, Indochina,and Philippines.
Colysis pedunculata (Hook. et Grev.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 321 (1933). ——— Ceterach pedunculatum Hook. et Grev., Ic. Fil. t. 5 (1827).
Gymnogramma hamiltoniana Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 160 (1864); Clarke (1880) 570. ——— Selliguea hamiltoniana (Hook.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. t. 239 (1867), (1883) 390, f. 226.
Reported in Nepal on moist muddy rocks often along streams in dense forests at lower elevations.
N India, Yunnan, and continental SE Asia generally to Malaya.
Colysis pothifolia (D. Don) Presl, Epim. Bot. 148 (1849); Tagawa (1966) 491, (1971) 216. ——— Hemionitis pothifolia D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 13 (1825). ——— Colysis elliptica (Thunb.) Ching var. pothifolia (D. Don) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 334 (1933).
Selliguea elliptica (Thunb.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Index (1870), (1883) 392, f.227; Hope, 15: 102 (1903). ——— Gymnogramma elliptica (Thunb.) Hook. et Bak., Syn. Fil. 389 (1868); Clarke (1880) 570.
No specimens from Nepal have been examined; on humus-rich slopes in dense forests at about 1500 m alt. in N India.
N India, Bhutan, S and SW China, S Japan, Thailand, Indochina, and Philippines.
Drynaria (Bory) J. Sm.
Key to the Species
Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Sm., J. Bot. 3: 398 (1841); Bedd. (1883) 341; Tagawa (1966) 493; K. Iwats. (1975) 198. ——— Polypodium quercifolium L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1087 (1753); Clarke (1880) 555.
TI 6300772, 725018.
On tree-trunks in not so dense forests at less than 800 m alt.
Tropics of Asia and Oceania.
Drynaria propinqua (Wall. ex Mett.) J. Sm. apud Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 160 (1866), (1883) 339, f. 189; Tagawa (1966) 493, (1971) 217; K. Iwats. (1975) 198. ——— Polypodium. propinquum Wall. ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges. 2: 120, t. 3, f. 50 (1857); Clarke (1880) 556; Hope, 15: 89 (1903).
TI 6300780, 6302028~35, 67-25101, 67-26069, 725045, 725380, 725410, 771577, 771803, 8331355, 8331508, 8331617, 8350028, 8350083, 8580024, 8580845, Nishioka 900, Namba et al. 155, 225, 421, 588, Suehiro 104~06, 143~44, 210, 2161, Tabata et al. 18022, 18037, 18483, 18630, 30154.
On mossy tree-trunks or rarely on mossy rocks in forests at 900-2000 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, S China, Burma, N Thailand, and Indochina.
Drynaria mollis Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 216 (1867), (1883) 341, f. 190; Tagawa (1955) 81, (1971) 217; K. Iwats. (1975) 198.
Polypodium rivale Mett. ex Baker, Syn. Fil. 2nd ed. 368 (1867); Clarke (1880) 556.
TI 725084, 725153, 725485, 725515, 725961, 8330399, 8350035, 8580040, Tabata et al. 17420, 20153, 21052, 23222.
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 2000-3000 m alt.
N India and Bhutan.
Aglaomorpha Schott
Aglaomorpha coronans (Wall. ex Mett.) Copel., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 16: 117 (1929); Tagawa (1966) 489, (1971) 215; K. Iwats. (1975) 195. ——— Polypodium coronans Wall. ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges. 2: 121, t. 3, f. 40, 41 (1857). ——— Drynaria coronans (Wall. ex Mett.) J. Sm. apud Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 13 (1865), (1883) 338. ——— Pseudodrynaria coronans (Wall. ex Mett.) Ching, Sunyatsenia 5: 357 (1940).
TI 6302049, 67-26071, 725453, 771595.
On mossy tree-trunks or on mossy cliffs in dense forests at 800-1200 m alt.
N India, S China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Ryukyu, and Taiwan.
Loxogramme (Bl.) Presl
Key to the Species
Loxogramme involuta (D. Don) Presl, Tent. Pterid. 215 (1836); Bedd. (1883) 393, f. 228; Tagawa (1966) 495, (1971) 218; K. Iwats. (1975) 201. ——— Grammitis involuta D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 14 (1825). ——— Gymnogramma involuta (D. Don) Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 155 (1864); Clarke (1880) 570; Hope, 15: 102 (1903).
TI 6300778, 69-30128, 725905, 771858, 771861, 772751, 774616, 8310155, 8350130, 8580011, 8580752, 8580890, Namba et al. 433, Suehiro 115,186~87, 854, 2024,2536, Tabata et al. 18085.
On mossy tree-trunks or on muddy cliffs in dense forests at 600-2200 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, and Indochina.
Loxogramme duclouxii Christ, Bull. Acad. Géogr. Bot. 17: 140 (1907); Tagawa (1971) 218; K. Iwats. (1975) 201.
Gymnogramma lanceolata Hook. sens. Clarke (1880) 570.
TI 775720.
On mossy tree-trunks or on muddy cliffs in dense forests at 900-2600 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, Thailand, and Japan.
Loxogramme chinensis Ching, Sinensia 1: 13 (1929); Tagawa (1971) 218; K. Iwats. (1975) 201.
Loxogramme salicifolia Makino sens. Tagawa (1966) 495.
Not actually collected in Nepal; on mossy tree-trunks in dense forests at 1600-2500 m alt. in N India.
N India, Bhutan, Kwangsi, Burma, N Thailand, and Tonkin.
Key to the Genera and Species
Ctenopteris Blume
Ctenopteris subfalcata (Bl.) Kunze, Bot. Zeit. 6: 120 (1848); Tagawa (1966) 492, (1971) 217; K. Iwats. (1975) 197. ——— Polypodium subfalcatum Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 2: 130 (1828); Clarke (1880) 549; Bedd. (1883) 314, f. 168; Hope, 14: 85 (1903).
TI 63-Oct.-30, 63-Nov.-13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 28, 63-Dec-01, 02, 725134, 725155, 725168, 725284, 725332, 725377. 725948,772091, 774710,8330263,8332096, 8581368, 8581516, Kanai 11148.
On mossy tree-trunks in dense forests in mist zone at 1600-3000 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, S China, N Thailand, and Taiwan. Probably different from Malesian form; in this case Polypodium tenuissimum Hayata stands as a correct basionym for our form.
Xiphopteris Kaulf.
Xiphopteris sikkhnensis (Hieron.) Copel., Gen. Fil. 215 (1947); Tagawa (1966) 499, (1971) 220; K. Iwats. (1975) 204. ——— Polypodium sikkimense Hieron., Hed-wigia 44: 97 (1905).
Polypodium trichomanoides Sw. sens. Bedd. (1883) 308.
TI 6302050~53, 725169, 725283.
On mossy tree-trunks in dense humid forests in mist zone at 2500-3500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, and Tonkin.
Marsilea L.
Marsilea crenata Presl, Rel. Haenck. 1: 84 (1825); H. Ito (1966) 500.
? Marsilea quadrifolia L. sens. D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 19 (1825).
TI 6305410~11, 63-Dec.-8, 8331459, 8350988, Namba et al. 64.
In paddy fields in open cultivated areas at lower elevations.
Tropics of Asia.
Salvlnia Adans.
Salvinia natans (L.) All., Fl. Pedem. 2: 289 (1785); Reed, Bol. Soc. Broter. 28: 42 (1954); H. Ito (1966) 500. ——— Marsilea natans L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1099 (1753).
TI 6305412.
In ponds in shade at lower elevations.
Widely distributed in the warm regions of Europe to Asia.
Azolla Lam.
Azolla imbricata (Roxb.) Nakai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 39: 185 (1925); H. Ito (1966) 500; K. Iwats. (1975) 205.
TI 6305408-09, 6305413, 63-Nov.-01, 725422, 771574, Kanai 670593, Tabata et al. 13464.
Floating on the surface of ponds in open places at 1200-1500 m alt.
India, China, S Korea, S Japan, Ryukyu, and Taiwan.
- Alston, A. H. G. and C. E. B. Bonner. 1956.
- Pteridophyta, in Résultats des expéditions scientifiques genevoises au Népal en 1952 et 1954 (partie botanique). Candollea 15: 193220.
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- A collection of ferns from eastern Nepal. Candollea 27: 265-281.
- Beddome, R. H. 1883.
- Handbook to the ferns of British India, Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula. Calcutta.
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- Ching, R.-C. and S.-K. Wu. 1983.
- Pteridophyta, in Wu, C.-Y. (ed.): Flora Xizangica 1: 1-355.
- Clarke, C, B. 1880.
- A revision of the ferns of northern India. Tr. Linn. Soc. II. Bot. 1: 425- 611.
- Hara, H., W. T. Stearn, and L. H. J. Williams. 1978-1981.
- An enumeration of the flowering plants of Nepal. Vols. 1-3. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London.
- Hope, C. W. 1899-1904.
- The ferns of north-western India. J. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. 12: 315-325, 527-538, 621-633, 13: 25-36, 236-251, 443-461, 657-671, 14: 118-127, 252-266, 458-480, 720-749, 15: 78-111, 415-429.
- Ito, H., M. Tagawa, and K. Iwatsuki. 1971.
- Pteridophyta, in Hara, H. (ed.): The flora of eastern Himalaya, second report. Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo Bull. 2: 197-220.
- ———, ———, M. Nishida, and K. Iwatsuki. 1966.
- Pteridophyta, in Hara, H. (ed.): The flora of eastern Himalaya 453-500.
- Iwatsuki, K. 1975.
- Pteridophyta, in Ohashi, H. (ed.): The flora of eastern Himalaya, third report. Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo Bull. 8: 166-205.
- ———, S.-g. Wu, X. Cheng, H. Ohba, and M. Wakabayashi. 1988.
- A Record of the Sino-Japanese Botanical Study in Lijiang County, Yunnani 1987. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo III Bot. 14: 201-217.
- ——— and M. Zan. 1986.
- Sino-Japanese botanical expedition to Diancangshan, Yunnan, 1984—Objective, itinerary and results —. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo III Bot. 14: 1-9.
- Nayar, B. K. 1961-1964.
- Ferns of India 1-14. Bull. Nat. Bot. Gard. Lucknow.
- ——— and S. Kaur. 1974.
- Companion to Beddome's Handbook to the ferns of British India. Pama Primlane, New Delhi.
- Nishida, M. 1966.
- Pteridophyta collected by Dr. M. Numata and Dr. K. Yoda, Chiba University scientific expedition to the Nepal Himalaya, 1963. J. Coll. Arts Sci. Chiba Univ. Nat. Sci. 4: 571-581.
- ———. 1969.
- A supplementary note of Himalayan pteridophytes. Ann. Rep. For. St. Coll. Chiba Univ. 4: 43-45.
- Tagawa, M. 1955.
- Pteridophyta, in Kitamura, S.: Flowering plants and ferns. Kihara, H. (ed.): Fauna and Flora of Nepal Himalaya 78-81.
- ——— and K. Iwatsuki. 1972.
- Families and genera of the pteridophytes known from Thai-land. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ. Biol. 5: 67-88.
- Tardieu-Blot, L. and C. Christensen. 1939-51.
- Cryptogames vasculaires, in Lecomte, H. (ed.): Flore Générale de l'Indo-Chine 7(2): 1-596.