( 5 / 6 )

Thelypteris phegopteris Slosson in Rydb., Fl. Rocky Mts. 1043 (1917); Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 277 (1936). ——— Polypodium phegopteris L.; Clarke (1880) 544; Mope, 15: 79 (1903). ——— Phegopteris vulgaris Mett.; Bedd. (1883) 290.
Phegopteris connectilis (Michx.) Watt, Canad. Nat. 29 (1870); Holtt., Blumea 17: 10 (1969).
Tabata et al. 24211.
On humus-rich, floors of mountain, forests at about 3400 m alt.
N India, Tibet, Bhutan, and temperate and boreal regions throughout the world.

Thelypteris aurita (Hook.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 266 (1936); K. Iwats. (1966) 482, (1971) 213, (1975) 192. ——— Gymnogramma aurita Hook., Icon. Pl. t. 974, 989 (1854); Clarke (1880) 568. ——— Leptogramma aurita (Hook.) Bedd. (1883) 377, f. 216. ——— Pseudophegopteris aurita (Hook.) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 314 (1963); Holtt., Blumea 17: 13 (1969).
TI 63-Oct.-22, 23, 63-Nov-l, 2, 27, 30, 7251639, 8580875.
Along paths on humus-rich floors of mountain forests at 1600-2100 m alt.
N India, W China, Upper Burma, Tonkin, N Borneo, and New Guinea.

Thelypteris yunkweiensis Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 274 (1936); K. Iwats. (1966) 486. ——— Pseudophegopteris yunkweiensis (Ching) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 315 (1963); Holtt., Blumea 17: 17 (1969).
TI 63-Nov.-17, Suehiro 721.
Along paths at edges of forests at 2500-3000 m alt.
N India, SW China, and SW Tonkin.

Thelypteris pyrrhorhachis (Kunze) Nayer et Kaur, Comp. Bedd. 72 (1974). ——— Polypodium pyrrhorhachis Kunze, Linnaea 24: 257 (1851). ——— Pseudophego pteris pyrrhorhachis (Kunze) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 315 (1963); Holtt., Blumea 17: 24 (1969).
Polypodium distans D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 2 (1825), non Kaulf. (1824); Clarke (1880) 544, p.p.; Hope, 15: 79 (1903). ——— Phegopteris distans (D. Don) Mett; Bedd, (1883) 292.
Polypodium paludosum Bedd., Ferns S. Ind. t. 168 (1863), non Blume (1829). ——— Thelypteris paludosa K. Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 19: 11 (1961), p.p., (1966) 485, (1975) 192.
Polypodium distans var. adnatum Clarke (1880) 544.
? Polypodium laete-repens Troft. ex Hope, 12: 628, pl. 14 (1899).
Thelypteris brunnea Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 269 (1936).
TI 63-0ct.-27, 63-Nov.-10, 725059, 725090, 725314, 725467, 725506, 725547, 8580748, 8581479, Kanai 674972, Tabata et al. 19098, 20990, 21060, 23829.
Along paths usually on sandy slopes in open places or in semi-shade at 1500-2800 m alt.
Ceylon, India, W China, and Tonkin.

Thelypteris auriculata (J. Sm.) K. Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 19: 11 (1961), (1966) 482, (1971) 213, (1975) 191. ——— Polypodium auriculatum Wall. ex Hook., Sp, Fil. 5: 237 (1862), non L. (1753), nec Raddi (1819), nec Presi (1822); Clarke (1880) 543; Hope, 15: 78 (1903). ——— Phegopteris auriculata. J. Sm., Hist, Fil. 233 (1875); Bedd. (1883) 290, f. 149. ——— Cyclogramma auriculata (J. Sm.) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 317 (1963).
TI 63-0ct.-24, 26, 63-Nov.-8, 20, 63-Dec.-4, 725336, 725509, 725897, 774795, 8580017, Suehiro 912, 924.
Along paths on humus-rich floors of dense mountain forests at 1500-2400 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, Burma, and Taiwan.

Thelypteris erubescens (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 293; K. Iwats. (1966) 483, (1971) 213, (1975) 192. ——— Polypodium erubescens Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 236 (1862); Clarke (1880) 543; Hope, 15: 78 (1903). ——— Phegopteris erubescens (Wall. ex Hook.) J. Sm., Hist. Fil. 233 (1875); Bedd. (1883) 289. ——— Glaphyropteridopsis erubescens (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 320 (1963).
TI 63-Nov.-8, 725389, 725908, 8330017, 8331836, 8580779, Tabata et al. 16977, 21807.
Terrestrial on wet ground along streams in dense mountain forests or in semishade at 1300-2500 m alt.
N India, SW China, Thailand, Indochina, Taiwan, S Japan, and Malesia.

Thelypteris ciliata (Wall. ex Benth.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem, Inst. Biol. 6: 289 (1936); K. Iwats. (1966) 482. ——— Aspidium ciliatum Wall, ex Benth., Fl. Hongk. 455 (1861). ——— Nephrodium ciliatum (Wall. ex Benth.) Clarke (1880) 514. ——— Lastrea calcarata (Bl.) Moore var. ciliata Bedd. (1883) 235, f. 121, p.p. ——— Trigonospora ciliata (Wall. ex Benth.) Holtt., Blumea 19: 29 (1971), Reinwardtia 8: 507 (1974).
TI 63-Dec.-9.
On muddy rocks along streamlets in dense forests at about 500 m alt.
N India, S China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, and W Malesia.

Thelypteris tylodes (Kunze) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 296 (1936); K. Iwats. (1966) 486, (1971) 213, (1975) 193. ——— Aspidium tyiodes Kunze, Linnaea 24: 244, 283 (1851). ——— Lastrea ochthodes (Kunze) Moore var. tylodes (Kunze) Bedd. (1883) 240. ——— Nephrodium tylodes (Kunze) Hope, 14: 724 (1903). ——— Pseudocyclosorus tylodes (Kunze) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 324 (1963); Holtt. et Grimes, Kew Bull. 34: 503 (1979).
? Nephrodium prolixum Hook. et Baker; Clarke (1880) 516.
TI 63-0ct.-13, 67-30118, 725418, 771693, Tabata et al. 21873, 30046.
Along paths in deep shade at 1000-1900 m alt.
Ceylon, India, S and SW China, Burma, N Thailand, Indochina, N Luzon, and Timor.

Thelypteris falciloba (Hook.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 298 (1936); K. Iwats. (1975) 192. ——— Lastrea falciloba Hook., J. Bot. Kew Misc. 9: 337 (1857). ——— Nephrodium falcilobum (Hook.) Hook.; Clarke (1880) 515. ——— Lastrea calcarata (Bl.) Moore var. falciloba (Hook.) Bedd. (1883) 237. ——— Pneumatopteris falciloba (Hook.) Ching, Acta Phytotax, Sin. 8: 324 (1963); Holtt. et Grimes, Kew Bull. 34:506(1979).
Nephrodium falcilobum (Hook.) Hook. var. puberula Wall. ex Clarke (1880) 515.
TI 725064A, 725086.
On wet ground in marshy places in open places or in semi-shade at 1300-2100 m alt.
N India, SW China, Burma, N Thailand, and Indochina.

Thelypteris repens (Hope) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 304(1936); K. Iwats. (1971) 213, (1975) 193. ——— Nephrodium repens Hope, 12: 535, pl. 8 (1899).
Nephrodium canum Baker, Syn. Fil. 267 (1867); Clarke (1880) 515, not Thelypteris cana (J. Sm.) Ching (1936). ——— Pseitdocyclosorus canus (Baker) Holtt. et Grimes, Kew Bull. 34: 509 (1979).
TI 725064B, 725546, Kanai 674888, Suehiro 719, 728, 2305~06.

On wet ground or along paths in open marshy places or in semi-shade at 1300-1600 m alt.
N India, SW China, and Tonkin.

Thelypteris esquirolii (Christ) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 301 (1936); K. Iwats. (1966) 483. ——— Dryopteris esquirolii Christ, Bull. Acad. G é ogr. Bot. 17: 144 (1907). ——— Pseudocyclosorus esquirolii (Christ) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 324 (1963); Holtt. et Grimes, Kew Bull. 34: 514 (1979).
Dryopteris duclouxii Christ, Bull. Acad. G é ogr. Bot. 17: 139 (1907). ——— Thelypteris duclouxii (Christ) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 303 (1936); K, Iwats. (1966) 483.
TI 63-0ct.-13, 23, 24, 63-Nov.-3, 8, 30, Kanai 16693, Tabata et al. 30231.
Along paths in light shade on edges of dense forests at 1100-1800 m alt.
N India, SW China, Burma, Thailand, and Indochina.

Thelypteris ornata (Wall. ex Bedd.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 346 (1936); K. Iwats. (1966) 485, (1975) 192. ——— Polypodium ornatum Wall. ex Bedd., Ferns S. Ind. t.171 (1864); Clarke (1880) 545; Hope, 15: 81 (1903). ——— Phegopteris ornata (Wall. ex Bedd.) J. Sm.; Bedd. (1883) 294, f. 152. ——— Macrothelypteris ornata (Wall. ex Bedd.) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 309 (1963); Holtt., Blumea 17: 30 (1969).
TI 63-Dec.-8, 9, 725028, 8330082, Kanai 16692, Suehiro 45, Tabata et al. 18554, 30243.
On mountain slopes on edges of forests or in semi-shade at lower elevations up to 1200 m alt.
India, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, and Taiwan.

Thelypteris torresiana (Gaud.) Alston, Lilloa 30: 111 (1960); K. Iwats. (1966) 486, (1975) 193. ——— Polysticlium torresianum Gaud. in Freyc., Voy. Bot. 333 (1828). ——— Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaud.) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 310 (1963); Holtt., Blumea 17: 27 (1969).
Nephrodium tenericaule Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 142 (1862); Clarke (1880) 528. ——— Lastrea tenericaulis (Hook.) Moore, Ind. Fil. 99 (1858); Bedd. (1883) 266.
Nephrodium setigerum Baker; Hope, 14: 744 (1903).
TI 63-0ct.-16, 725043.
On clayey ground along streams in open places or in semi-shade at 500-1600m alt.
N India, Bhutan, SW China, Japan, and SE Asia generally to Australia.

Thelypteris flaccida (Bl.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 6: 336 (1936). ——— Aspidium flaccidum Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 16 (1828). ——— Lastrea flaccida (Bl.) Moore; Bedd. (1883) 244, f. 125. ——— Metathelypteris flaccida (Bl.) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 306 (1963); Holtt., Gard. Bull. Sing. 29: 147 (1977).
Nephrodium gracilescens (Bl.) Hook.; Clarke (1880) 513, p.p. ——— Lastrea gracilescens (Bl.) Moore; Bedd. (1883) 234.
Reported from Nepal, on damp ground near streams in forests at about 1000m alt.
Ceylon, India, China (Yunnan and Kweichow), N Thailand, N Vietnam, and Java.

Thelypteris lakhimpurensis (Ros.) K. Iwats., Mem. Coll. Sci, Univ. Kyoto B 31: 194 (1965), (1966) 484. ——— Dryopteris lakhimpurensis Ros., Med. Rijksh. 31: 7 (1917). ——— Pronephrium lakhimpurensis (Ros.) Holtt., Blumea 20: 110 (1972).
TI 63-Nov.-26.
On humus-rich floors of mountain forests at about 1100 m alt.
N India, SW China, N Thailand, and Tonkin.

Thelypteris nudata (Roxb.) Morton, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 38: 352 (1974). ——— Polypodium nudatum Roxb., Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 4: 491 (1844). ——— Pronephrium nudatum (Roxb.) Holtt., Blumea 20: 111 (1972).
Polypodium multilineatum Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil, 5:11 (1863); Clarke (1880) 547; Hope, 14: 83 (1903). ——— Nephrodium multilineatum (Wall. ex Hook.) Bedd. (1892) 80. ——— Thelypteris multilineata (Wall. ex Hook.) Morton, Amer. Fern J. 49: 113 (1959); K. Iwats. (1966) 485, (1971) 213, (1975) 192.
Nephrodium moulmeinense Bedd. (1883) 275, f. 141, (1892) 73.
TI 63-0ct-20, 21, 63-Dec.-9, 10, 67-26288, 67-26291, 725017, 725417, 8331561, Tabata et al. 18536, 30242.
Terrestrial on humus-rich mountain slopes in dense forests usually up to 1500 m alt., or rarely up to 2300 m alt.
N India, China, Burma, Thailand, and Tonkin.

Thelypteris penangiana (Hook.) Reed, Phytologia 17: 303 (1968); K. Iwats. (1971) 213. ——— Polypodium penangianum Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 13 (1863). ——— Polypodium lineatum Colebr. var. penangianum (Hook.) Clarke (1880) 548. ——— Pronephrium penangianum (Hook.) Holtt., Blumea 20: 110 (1972).
Polypodium lineatum Wall. ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 5: 12 (1863); Clarke (1880) 548; Hope, 14: 83 (1903).
Nephrodium costatum (Wall. ex Hook.) Bedd.; Bedel. (1883) 275.
No specimen from Nepal has been examined.
On moist ground along rivers in forests.
N India and SW China.

Thelypteris articulata (Houlst. et Moore) Tagawa et K. Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 26: 169 (1975). ——— Nephrodium articulatum Houlst. et Moore, Gard. Mag. Bot. 3: 293 (1851), based on Aspidium articulatum Lowe, Ferns Br. Exot. 6: t. 49 (1857), non Sw. (1801). ——— Pronephrium articulatum (Houlst. et Moore) Holtt., Blumea 20: 116(1972).
Nephrodium glandulosum var. laete-strigosum Clarke (1880) 532, pl. 74, f. 2. ——— Cyclosorus laete-strigosus (Clarke) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 227 (1938). ——— Thelypteris laete-strigosa (Clarke) K. Iwats. (1966) 484.
Nephrodium pennigerum Baker; Clarke (1880) 532; Bedd. (1883) 277, (1892) 73.
TI 63.-0ct.-8.
Along paths on edges of forests at about 700 m alt.
Ceylon, India, W China, Burma, and N Thailand.

Thelypteris crinipes (Hook.) K. Iwats., J. Jap. Bot. 38: 315 (1963). ——— Nephrodium crinipes Hook., Sp. Fil. 4: 71 (1862); Clarke (1880) 533; Bedd. (1883) 279. ——— Christella crinipes (Hook.) Holtt. in Nayar et Kaur, Comp. Bedd. 208 (1974), Kew Bull.31: 326(1976).
Recorded from Nepal; on mountain slopes in forests at middle elevations.
N India, Yunnan, Upper Burma, N Thailand, and Hainan.

Thelypteris parasitica (L.) Tard., Not. Syst. 7: 75 (1938). ——— Polypodium parasiticum L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1090 (1753). ——— Nephrodium parasiticum (L.) Desv.; Clarke (1880) 533, p.p. ——— Cyclosorus parasiticus (L.) Farw., Amer. Midl. Nat. 12: 259 (1931); Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 201 (1938). ——— Christella parasitica (L.) Lév., Fl. Kouy.-Tcheou 475 (1915); Holtt., Kew Bull. 31: 309 (1976).
Kanai 674982.
Along paths in semi-shade on edges of forests at 600-1000 m alt.
Tropics of the Old World.

Thelypteris dentata (Forsk.) St. John, Amer. Fern J. 26: 44 (1936); K. Iwats. (1966) 483. ——— Polypodium dentatum Forsk., Fl. Aeg.-Arab. 185 (1775). ——— Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey et Jenny, Brit. Fern Gaz, 10: 338 (1973); Holtt., Kew Bull. 31: 314(1976).
Nephrodium procurrens (Mett.) Baker in Hook., Syn. Fil. 290 (1867), p.p.; Clarke (1880)530; Bedd. (1883)278.
TI 63-0ct.-13, 19, 63-Nov.-21, 63-0ct.-7, 771802, Tabata et al. 14159, 14204, 24399, 30235.
Along paths among fields in cultivated areas or on edges of forests lower than 1200 m alt.
Tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World.

Thelypteris papilio (Hope) K. Iwats., Mem. Coll. Sci. Univ. Kyoto B, 31: 175 (1965). ——— Nephrodium. papilio Hope, 12: 625, pl. 12 (1899). ——— Christella papilio (Hope) Holtt. in Nayar et Kaur, Comp. Bedd. 208 (1974), Kew Bull. 31: 321 (1976).
Tabata et al. 12316.
Humus-rich floors of forests at middle elevations.
Ceylon, India, N Thailand, Taiwan, and Malaya.

Thelypteris subpubescens (Bl.) K. Iwats., Mem. Coll. Sci. Univ. Kyoto B 31: 173 (1965), (1966) 485. ——— Aspidium subpubescens Blumc, Enum. Pl. Jav. 149 (1828). ——— Christella subpubescens (Bl.) Holtt., Wcbbia 30: 193 (1976), Kew Bull. 31: 323 (1976).
TI 63-Dec.-8, Kanai 16694.
On humus-rich slopes along paths on edges of forests at 500-1000 m alt.
N India, S China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, S Japan to Taiwan, Malesia to Polynesia and Queensland.

Thelypteris appendiculata (Presl) Reed, Phytologia 17: 260 (1968). ——— Nephrodium appendiculaium Presl, Epim. Bot. 47 (1851). ——— Polypodium appendiculatum (Presl) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 256 (1868), non Poir. (1804); Clarke (1880) 543. ——— Christella appendiculata (Presl) Holtt., Kew Bull. 31: 311 (1976).
? Nephrodium pubescens D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 6 (1825).
Nephrodium extensum (Bl.) Moore var. microsorum Clarke (1880) 530. ——— Nephrodium microsorum (Clarke) Bedd, (1883) 270, non Hook, (1862).
Nephrodium molliusculum Bedd. (1892) 68; Hope, 14: 744, pl. 34 (1903). ——— Thelypteris molliuscula (Bedd.) K. Iwats. (1966) 484, (1971) 192.
TI 63-.Oct.-17, 63-Nov.-l, 24, 29, 63-.Dec.-9, 725039, 725419, 725420, 725544, 725886.
Along paths in open fields in cultivated areas at lower elevations lower than 1500 m alt.
N India and Kweichow.

Thelypteris cylindrothrix (Ros.) K. Iwats, (1966) 482. ——— Dryopteris cylindrothrix Ros., Rep. Sp. Nov. 12: 246 (1913). ——— Cyclosorus cylindrothrix (Ros.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 199 (1938). ——— Christella cylindrothrix (Ros.) Holtt. in Nayar et Kaur, Cornp. Bedd. 208 (1974), Kew Bull. 31: 308 (1976).
Nephrodium parasiticum (L.) Desv, var. aureum. Clarke (1880) 533. ——— Nephrodium molle (Sw.) R. Br. var. aureum (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 279.
TI 63-Nov.-5, 20, Tabata et al. 30236.
Along paths on dry slopes at edges of forests at about 1500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Upper Burma, and Thailand.

Thelypteris papyracea (Bedd.) Reed, Phytologia 17: 301 (1968). ——— Nephrodium papyraceum Bedd. (1892) 69. ——— Christella papyracea (Bedd.) Holtt. in Nayar et Kaur, Comp. Bedd. 206 (1974), Kew Bull. 31: 319 (1976).
N India and Upper Burma; also recorded from Nepal.

Thelypteris arida (D. Don) Morton, Amer. Fern J. 49: 113 (1959); K. Iwats. (1966) 482, (1975) 191. ——— Aspidium aridum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 4 (1825). ——— Nephrodium aridum (D. Don) J. Sm., J. Bot. 4: 188 (1841); Clarke (1880) 531; Bedd. (1883) 272, f. 139; Hope, 14: 746 (1903). ——— Christella arida (D. Don) Holtt. in Nayar et Kaur, Comp. Bedd. 206 (1974), Kew Bull. 31: 320 (1976).
TI 63-Oct.-18, 63-Nov.-8, 725409.
Along paths in open fields in cultivated areas at 1400-1700 m alt.
N India, SW China, Thailand, Indochina, Taiwan, and W Malesia.


Ching, R.-C. 1964. On some confused genera of the family Athyriaceae. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 9: 41-84.

Kato, M. 1977. Classification of Athyrium and allied genera of Japan. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 90: 23-40.

Key to the Genera

Cornopteris Nakai
Kato, M. 1979. Taxonomic study of the genus Cornopteris (Athyriaceae). Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30: 101-118.

Key to the Species

Cornopteris opaca (D. Don) Tagawa, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 8: 92 (1939), (1966) 473; K. Iwats. (1975) 184. ——— Hemionitis opaca D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 13 (1825). ——— Gymnogramma opaca (D. Don) Spr., Syst. Veg. 4: 39 (1827); Clarke (1880) 568. ——— Leptogramma opaca (D. Don) Bedd. (1883) 379, f. 217.
Fleming 1908.
On humus-rich slopes or on wet ground in shade at 1500-2500 in alt.
N India, SW China, Burma, N Thailand, Indochina, S Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Borneo, Java, Sulawesi, and Bali.

Cornopteris quadripinnatifida Kato, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30: 114, f. 9, 11 (1979).
Cornopteris sp.; K. Iwats. (1975) 184.
TI 725368, 771741.
On wet ground along streamlets in semi-shade at 2000-2500 m alt.
N India.

Cystopteris Bernh.

Key to the Species

Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh., Schrad. N. J. Bot. 1 (2): 26 (1806); Clarke (1880) 450; Bedd. (1883) 70; Hope, 13: 35 (1900); K. Iwats. (1975) 185. ——— Polypodium fragile L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1091 (1753).
TI 725203, 725208, 725210, 725252, 725276, 725296, 8531077, 8581167, 8581189, Suehiro 1351, Tabata et al. 17713.
Along paths in forests higher than 3300 m alt.
Cold temperate regions of N Hemisphere.

Cystopteris sudetica A. Br. et Milde, 33 Jahresb. Schles. Ges. 1855: 92 (1855); Bcdd. (1892) 16. var. moupinensis (Franch.) Blasdell, Mem. Torrey Bot. Cl. 21: 45 (1963); K. Iwats. (1975) 185. ——— Cystopteris moupinensis Franch., Nouv. Arch. Mus. II 10: 111 (1887).
Cystopteris montana Link sens. Hope, 13: 36 (1900).
TI 725293, 8530619, Suehiro 2401, 2412, 2462, 2469, Tabata et al. 15598, 17448.
On humus-rich slopes along paths in not too dense forests at 3100-4800 m alt.
N India, SW China, and Taiwan.

Cystopteris tenuisecta (Bl.) Mett., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 1: 241 (1864); H. Ito (1966) 473; K. Iwats. (1975) 185. ——— Aspidium tenuisectum Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 170 (1828).
Cystopteris setosa Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 312 (1862), (1883) 70, f. 35; Clarke (1880) 450.
TI 6305230, 725141, 725331, 771675, 771958, Fleming 2678.
On humus-rich floors of mountain forests at 2000-2800 m alt.
N India, Yunnan, Thailand, Tonkin, S Japan, Taiwan, and throughout Malesia.

Athyrium Roth

Key to the Species

Athyrium cuspidatum (Bedd.) Kato, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 90: 27 (1977). ——— Lastrea cuspidata Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Corr. (1870), based on Aspidium cuspidatum Mett., Pheg. Aspid. 92 (1858), non Desv. (1827); Bedd. (1883) 232, f. 119. ——— Nepkrodium cuspidatum Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 260 (1874); Clarke (1880) 512.
TI 6305303~05, Fleming 2130.
On moderate mountain slopes on edges of forests or in semi-shade at 1000-2400 m alt.
N India, SW China, Burma, and N Thailand.

Athyrium atkinsonii Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 11, pl. 359 (1876); Tagawa (1955) 80, (1966) 471; K. Iwats. (1975) 181. ——— Asplenium atkinsonii (Bedd.) Clarke (1880) 487, pl. 57.
TI 63-0ct.-26, 28, 63-Nov.-11, 17, 772234, 8331775, Polunin 1659, Polunin et al. 100, 5429, Fleming 1427, Kanai 851282, Suehiro 1119, 1195, 2374, 2424, Tabata et al. 15168, 17551, 19504, 20863, 21100, 21203, 21348, 21417, 22728.
On mountain slopes in forests at 2000-3500 m alt.
N India, China, Japan, and Taiwan.

Athyrium subtriangulare (Hook. ex Hook. et Bak.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. t. 242 (1868); Tagawa (1971) 209; K. Iwats. (1975) 184. ——— Asplenium subtriangulare Hook. in Hook, et Baker, Syn. Fil. 225 (1867). ——— Asplenium spinulosum (Maxim.) Baker var. subtriangulare (Hook.) Clarke (1880) 487.
Tabata et al. 9250, Nishioka 48.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in dense forests at 3200-3500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and W China.

Athyrium schizochlamys (Ching) comb. nov. ——— Pseudocystopteris schizochlamys Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 9: 79 (1964).
Athyrium pectinatum Bedd. sens. Alston et Bonner, l.c. 215 (1956).
Zimmermann 1665.
On humus rich mountain slopes in dense forests at about 3200 m alt.
SW China.

Athyrium wallichianum Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 8: 497 (1938); K. Iwats. (1975) 184.
Aspidium brunonianum Wall. ex Mett., Pheg. Aspid. 54 (1858). ——— Lastrea brunoniana (Wall. ex Mett.) Presl ex Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 37 (1865), (1883) 246, (1892) 55; Clarke (1880) 522; Hope, 14: 731 (1903).
TI 772295, 8331986, 8580208, 8581163, Polunin 1147,1761.
On mountain slopes in or on edges of forests at 3600-4800 m alt.
N India and Yunnan.

Athyrium duthiei Bedd. (1892) 34; K. Iwats. (1975) 182. ——— Asplenium duthiei Bedd., J. Bot. 1889: 72 (1889); Hope, 14: 126, pl. 25 (1902).
TI 831990, 8580238, 8580355, 8580357, 8580408, 8581265, 8581409, Zimmermann 646, Polunin 1194, 1727, Polunin et al. 296, Tabata et al. 15526bis, 15530, 17949.
On rocky ground in light shade or on edges of forests at 3400-4300 m alt.
N India.

Athyrium dissitifolium (Bak.) C. Chr., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 26: 296, pl. 18 (1931); Tagawa (1971) 208. ——— Polypodium dissitifolium Baker, Kew Bull. Misc. 1895: 54 (1895).
TI 63.-Nov.-18, 8350006, Shiraiwa 4455.
On rather dry clayey ground on edges of or in forests at 1500-2500 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, Yunnan, and N Thailand.

Athyrium anisopterum Christ, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 6: 962 (1898); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 289 (1962); K. Iwats. (1975) 181.
Asplenium macrocarpon Blume var. atkinsonii Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 2nd ed. 489 (1874); Clarke (1880) 489.
TI 63-0ct.-27, 28, 63-Nov.-0l, 08, 18, 725163, 725364, 725480, 725929, 772101, 772150, 8580104, 8580108, 8580138, 8580717, 8581033, 8581344, 8581365, Zimmermann 1988, Suehiro 159.
On clayey slopes often, near streamlets in dense forests at 1100-3000 m alt.
Ceylon, India, S and SW China, Burma, N Thailand, Indochina, Malaya, Luzon, and Borneo.

Athyrium fimbriatum (Wall. ex Hook.) Moore, Ind. Fil. 185 (1860); Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 295 (1967), (1883) 172, f. 83, (1892) 37. ——— Asplenium fimbriatum Wall, ex Hook., Sp. Fil. 3: 234 (1860); Clarke (1880) 494; Hope, 14: 254 (1902).
Athyrium foliolosum Moore apud Bedd. (1892) 37; Tagawa (1966) 471; K. Iwats. (1975) 182. ——— Asplenium fimbriatum var. foliolosa Clarke (1880) 495, pl. 62, f.2 (ut var. foliosa); Bedd. (1883) 172. ——— Asplenium foliolosum Wall. ex Hope, 14: 255 (1902).
TI 63.-0ct.-26, 28, 29, 63-Nov.-08, 11, 13, 771487, 771725, 771962, 771992, 772043, 773006, 773008, 8330045, 8330266, 8331327, 8331675, 8350205, 8580061, 8580750, 8580822, 8581322, 8581450, 8581452, Fleming 1089, 1924, Polunin et al. 5656, Zimmermann 1980, 1982, Kanai 851282, Nishioka 821, Suehior 986, Tabata et al. 10742, 14283, 19127, 21226, 21702, 21707, 24300.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in dense forests at 2000-3300 m alt.
N India and Yunnan.

Athyrium drepanopterum (Kunze) A. Br. et Milde, Fil. Eur. Atl. 49 (1867); Tagawa (1966) 471; K. Iwats. (1975) 182. ——— Polypodium drepanopterum Kunze, Linnaea 23: 278, 318 (1850).
Asplenium oxyphyllum (Bedd.) Hook., Sp. Fil. 3: 221 (1860); Clarke (1880) 493; Hope, 14: 254 (1902).
Athyrium falcatum Bedd.; Bedd. (1883) 164, p.p.
TI 63-0ct.-19, 28, 63-Nov.-02, 04, 13, 18, 26, 725080, 725366~67, 725947, 8331595, 8581026, 8541490, 8580775, 8580807, Kanai 16695, 67610, Nishioka 926, Yoda s.n., Tabata ct al. 12998, 18027.
On moist rocks or on mossy cliffs in dense forests at 1100-2800 m alt.
N India, Yunnan, Burma, Taiwan, and Luzon.

Athyrium puncticaule (Bl.) Moore, Ind. Fil. 186 (1860); K. Iwats. (1975) 183. ——— Asplenium puncticaule Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 159 (1828).
Athyrium macrocarpum (Bl.) Bedd., Ferns S. Ind. 51, pl. 153 (1864); Hope, 14: 118 (1902): Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 288 (1962); Tagawa (1966) 471. ——— Aspidium macrocarpum Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 2: 162 (1828).
TI 6305450, 63-0ct.-23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 63-Nov.-0l, 02, 04, 08, 18, 20, 21, 26, 28, 63-Dec.-03, 04, 725495, 725502, 725891, 771552bis, 771719, 8580730, 8581534, Nishioka 466, Shiraiwa 4442, 4445.
On humus-rich floors of dense forests at 1200-2400 m alt.
N India to Malesia.

Athyrium attenuatum (Clarke) Tagawa, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 16: 177 (1956); K. Iwata. (1975) 181. ——— Asplenium filix-femina (L.) Bernh. var. attenuatum Clarke (1880) 492, pl. 59, f. 1. ——— Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth var. attenuatum (Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 169.
TI 725143, 8581369bis, 8581370~71.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in dense forests at 2500-3000 m alt.
N India and Sikiang.

Athyrium dentigerum (Wall. ex Clarke) Mehra et Bir, Amer. Fern J. 50: 279 (I960). ——— Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth var. dentigerum (Wall. ex Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 169; K. Iwats. (1975) 182. ——— Asplenium filix-femina (L.) Bernh. var. dentigerum Clarke (1880) 491.
TI 725207, 725242, 725259, 725265A, 725299B, 771022, 771552, Polunin 1197, 1211, Polunin et al. 101, 3009, Fleming 1582, Suehiro 1364, 2433, Tabata et al. 13349, 15392, 19115, 19602, 20771, 20795, 20861, 21163, 21418, 23149, 23345, 23376, 23392, 24198, 24200, 24210, 24219, 24299.
On moist mountain slopes in dense forests at 1500-3600 m alt.
N India and Bhutan.

Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth, Tent. Fl. Germ. 3: 65 (1799); Bedd. (1883) 168. ——— Asplenium filix-femina (L.) Bernh.; Clarke (1880) 491; Hope, 14: 124 (1902).
TI 8331822, 8580375~76, 8581259, Tabata et al. 15092, 15425, 17080, 17730, 19441, 19506~08, 20719, 20723, 20862, 21104, 22727, 22998, 23080, 23317, 23321, 23432, 24301, 24329.

On clayey ground near streamlets or on muddy rocks in dense forests at 2000-4100 m alt.
Temperate zones throughout the world.

var. retusa (Decne.) Bedd. (1883) 170; K. Iwats. (1975) 182. ———Cystopteris retusa Decne. in Jacq., Voy. Bot. 176, t. 177 (1884). ——— Asplenium filix-femina (L.) Bernh. var. retusa (Decne.) Clarke (1880) 492, pl. 59, f. 2.
TI 725237A, B, 725266C, 725297, 725298A, 725299A.
On humus-rich floor of forests usually along paths at 3000-3600 m alt.
N India and Bhutan.

Athyrium schimperi (A. Br.) Moug. ex Fée, Gen. Fil. 187 (1852); K. Iwats. (1975) 183. ——— Aspknium schimperi K. Br., Schweinf. Beitr. 1: 224 (1867); Hope, 14: 252 (1902).
TI 725266B, 8580400, 8581266, Nishioka 658.
On muddy rocks in dense forests at 2900-4100 m alt.
S Africa, Abyssinia, and N India.

Athyrium strigillosum Moore in Lowe, Ferns Br. Exot. 5: pl. 36 (1858); Tagawa (1866) 472; Nishida, Ann. Rep. For. St. Coll. Chiba U. 3: 43 (1968); K. Iwats. (1975) 184.
Athyrium clarkei Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 11, pl. 360 (1876). ——— Aspknium clarkei (Bedd.) Atkins. ex Clarke (1880) 489
Aspknium tenuifrons Wall. ex Hope, 14: 120, pl. 22 (1902).
TI 63-Dec.-4, Kanai 851282.
On muddy rocks in dense forests at 1500-3500 m alt.
N India, Yunnan, and Upper Burma.

Athyrium pectinatum (Wall. ex Mett.) Bedd., Ferns 8. India t. 155 (1863), (1892) 36; Tagawa (1966) 402; K. Iwats. (1975) 183. ——— Aspknium pectinatum Wall. ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges. 3: 241 (1860); Hope, 14: 253 (1902). ——— Aspknium filix-foemina (L.) Bernh, var, pectinatum Clarke (1880) 492, pl. 58.

TI 63-Oct.-13, 16, 23, 63-Nov.-5, 6, 8, 771561, 8580076, 8580794, 8581266, 8581492, Kanai 674446, Suehiro 208, 2036, Fleming 1303, Polunin et al. 593, 5740, Nishioka 652, Kondo 758510, Tabata et al. 12319, 21877, 21947, 30003, 30238.
On moist mountain slopes often near streamlets at 800-2000 m alt.
N India.

Athyrium nigripes (Bl.) Moore, Ind. Fil. xlix (1856), 98 (1858); Sledge, Ann. Mag. Mat. Hist. Ser. 12, 9: 454 (1956); Tagawa (1966) 472; K. Iwats. (1975) 183. ——— Aspknium nigripes Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 2: 162 (1828); Clarke (1880) 490; Hope, 14: 119 (1902).
? Asplenium gracile D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 8 (1825).
Asplenium tenellum Hope, 12: 529, pl. 4 (1899), non Roxb. (1816), nec Fée (1852). ——— Athyrium setiferum C. Chr., Ind. Fil, 146 (1905); K. Iwats. (1975) 183. Asplenium tenuifrons Wall. ex Blanford; Hope, 14: 120, pl. 22 (1902).
TI 725087~88, 725118~19, 725182, 725298B, 725363, 725475, 725508, 8330198, 8330201, 8330332, 8330365, 8350170, 8350242, 8580766, 8581302, 8581315, 8581328, 63-Oct.-23, 63-Nov.-9, 63-Dec.-4, Kanai 674635, Fleming 2491, Tabata et al. 21595, 21762, 21771~72, 21822, 21826.
On mountain slopes in dense forests at 1500-3500 m alt., most common at 2000-2500 m alt.
N India to Java.

Athyrium mackinnoni (Hope) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 143 (1905); Alston & Bonner, Candollea 15: 213 (1956). ——— Aspknium mackinnoni Hope, 14: 122, pl. 23 (1902).
Zimmermann 1682.
On humus-rich floors or on steep slopes in semi-shade at 3000 m alt, N India to N Thailand.

Athyrium rupicola (Hope) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 145 (1905); Alston & Bonner, Candollea 15: 213 (1956). ——— Asplmium rupicola Hope, 12: 531 (1899).
TI 8580407.
At foot of cliffs in forests at about 4000 m alt.
N India and SW China (Yunnan and Sichuan).

Athyrium falcatum Bedd., Ferns S. Ind. t.151 (1863), (1883) 164, f. 80; K. Iwats. (1975) 182.
Asplenium drepanophyllum Baker in Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 2nd ed. 226 (1874), non Kunze (1834); Clarke (1880) 487. ——— Athyrium drepanophyllum Bedd. (1892) 32.
TI 8580411, 8581015, 8581050, 8581270, 8581433.
On humus-rich floors of dense mountain forests at 3200-4200 m alt.
N India.

Diplazium Sw.

Allantodia R. Br. emend, Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 9: 42 (1964).

Key to the Species

Diplazium lobulosum (Wall. ex Mett.) Presl, Tent. Pterid. 114 (1836). ——— Asplenium lobulosum Wall. ex Mett., Aspl. 163, n. 170 (1859).
Asplenium longifolium D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 7 (1825), non Schrad. (1824); Clarke (1880) 478; Hope, 14: 256 (1902). ——— Diplasium longifolium (D. Don) Bedd. (1883) 179, f. 87.
TI 8580876, Tabata et al. 21825, 30012.
On mountain slopes in dense forests at 1800-2500 m alt.
N India, SW China, and Burma.

Diplazium subsinuatum (Wall. ex Hook. et Grev.) Tagawa, Col. Ill. Jap. Pterid. 203, f. 298 (1959). ——— Asplenium subsinuatum Wall. ex Hook. et Grev., Ic. Fil. 1: t. 27 (1827).
Asplenium lanceum Thunb., Fl. Jap. 333 (1784); Clarke (1880) 496. ——— Diplasium lanceum (Thunb.) Presi, Tent. Pterid. 113 (1836), non Bory (1833).
Scolopendrium dubium D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 9 (1825).
On clayey ground along streamlets in deep shade up to 1500 m alt.
Ceylon, India to China, Thailand, Indochina, Taiwan to Japan, south to Luzon.

Diplazium heterophlebium (Mett. ex Hook. et Bak.) Diels in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pfl.-fam. 1 (4): 228 (1899); Tagawa (1966) 474. ——— Asplenium heterophlebium Mett. ex Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil. 243 (1867); Clarke (1880)503. ——— Anisogonium heterophlebium (Mett. ex Hook. et Bak.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 329 (1869), (1883) 191, f. 93. ——— Dictyodroma heterophlebia (Mett. ex Hook. et Bak.) Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 9: 59 (1964).
Recorded in Nepal by Clarke (1880). On mountain slopes in, dense forests at 1200-1800 m alt.
N India, SW China, and continental SE Asia to Malaya.

Diplazium stoliczkae Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 13, pl. 361 (1876), (1883) 182; Clarke (1880) 500; Tagawa (1966) 475; K. Iwats. (1975) 186.

TI 6305454-59, 725066, 725369-70, 725481, 725944, 771730, 771993, 8330157, 8350179, Suehiro 986, 1197.
On humus-rich mountain slopes in dense forests at 1900-2600 m alt.
N India.

Diplazium spectabile (Wall. ex Mett.) Ching, Lingn. Sci. J. 15: 278 (1936); Tagawa (1966) 475; K. Iwats. (1975) 186. ——— Asplenium spectabile Wall. ex Mett., Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges. 3: 196 (1859).
Diplazium. umbrosum (J. Sm.) Bedd. var. multicaudatum (Wall. ex Clarke) Bedd. (1883) 190, f. 91. ——— Asplenium multicaudatum Wall. ex Clarke (1880) 502; Hope, 14: 263 (1902).
TI 771703, Polunin et al. 5197, 5583.
On mountain slopes in dense forests near streams at 1000-1600 m alt.
N India and Yunnan.

Diplazium bellum (Clarke) Tagawa (1966) 474; K. Iwats. (1975) 186. ——— Asplenium bellum Clarke (1880) 496, pl. 63, f. 2.
TI 63-Dec.-8, Fleming 2658.
On humus-rich floors of mountain forests at 500-2000 in alt.
N India and Tibet.

Diplazium viridissimum Christ, Not. Syst. 1: 45 (1909); K. Iwats. (1975) 186.
TI 72-July-02.
On mountain slopes near streams in forests at 800-1000 m alt. in Yunnan.

Diplazium muricatum (Mett.) v.A.v.Ros., Mal. Ferns 829 (1909); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 312 (1962); Tagawa (1966) 474; K. Iwats. (1975) 186. ——— As plenium muricatum Mett., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 2: 239 (1866).
TI 8580755.
On humus-rich ground along streams in dense forests at 1700-2700 m alt.
Ceylon, N India, SW China, Taiwan, and W Malesia.

Diplazium dilatatum Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 194 (1824).
Asplenium latifolium D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 8 (1825), non Cav. (1803); Clarke (1880) 502. ——— Diplasium latifolium (D. Don) Moore; Bedd. (1883) 187.
Asplenium maximum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 8 (1825). ——— Diplazium maximum (D. Don) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 235 (1905).
Recorded from Nepal.
On humus-rich ground usually in moist dense forests at 600-2500 m alt.


Diplazium giganteum (Bak.) Ching in C. Chr., Ind. Fil. Suppl. 3: 73 (1934). ——— Gymnogramma giganteum Baker, J. Bot. 27: 177 (1889).
TI 771674, 771709.
On humua-rich floors of dense mountain forests at 2000-2400 m alt.
N India to C China.
Diplazium polypodioides Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav, 194 (1828); Bedd. (1883) 184, f. 89; K. Iwats, (1975) 186. ——— Asplenium polypodioides (Bl.) Mett.; Clarke (1880) 501; Hope, 14: 258 (1902).

Diplasium asperum Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 195 (1828); Bedd. (1883) 184, f. 88.
TI 63-Oct.-22, 23, 30, 63-Nov.-5, 6, 8, 13, 20, 23, 28, 30, 63-Dec.-8, 10, 771701, 8331599, 8331610, 8332094, 8332144, 8350176, 8580795, 8580799, 8580857, 8580874, Tabata ct al. 14175, 16929, 17288, 20989, 21821, 21854, 21948, 23781, 23828, 23856, 30013, 30034, 30234.
On wet gound in forests or on mountain slopes or in cultivated areas usually at lower elevations or up to 2300 m alt.
Ceylon, India, Bhutan, S China, SE Asia generally, and Malesia throughout.

var. vestita (Clarke) comb. nov. ——— Asplenium polypodioides (Bl.) Mett. var, vestitum Clarke (1880) 501.
TI 60-May-5, 63-Nov.-19, 28, 30.
N India.

Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw., Schrad. J. Bot. 1801 (2): 312 (1803); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 310 (1962); Tagawa (1966) 474; K. Iwats. (1975) 186. ——— Hemionitis esculenta Retz., Obs. Bot. 6: 38 (1791). ——— Anisogonium esculentum (Retz.) Presl, Tent. Pterid. 116 (1836); Bedd. (1883) 192, f. 94. ——— Asplenium esculentum (Retz.) Presl; Clarke (1880) 503; Hope, 14: 265 (1902).

TI 63030161~66, 771869, 8330446, 8331568, 8580895, Suehiro 482~83, 583~84, 642~43, 651~52, Fleming 1864, Tabata et al. 30665, 30669.
On wet ground in open places or in semi-shade often near cultivated areas at lower elevations or sometimes up to 1800 m alt.
Tropics and subtropics in the Old World.

Diplaziopsis C. Chr.

Diplaziopsis javanica (Bl.) C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 227 (1905); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 317 (1962); Tagawa (1966) 473; K. Iwats. (1975) 185. ——— Asplenium java-nicum Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 175 (1828). ——— Allantodia javanica (Bl.) Trev., Nuov. Giorn. Bot, Ital. 7: 159 (1895); Clarke (1880) 505; Bedd. (1883) 195, f. 97.
TI 63-5464, 63-5466, 725834, 771688.
On wet ground near streamlets in dense forests at 1000-2200 m alt.
Ceylon, N India, S China, Taiwan, throughout Malesia to S Pacific Islands.

Deparia Hook. et Grev.

Kato, M. 1984. A taxonomic study of the athyrioid fern genus Deparia with main reference to the Pacific species. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo III Bot. 13: 375-430.

Key to the Species

Deparia boryana (Willd.) Kato, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 90: 36 (1977), J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo III Bot. 13: 386, f. 9 (1984). ——— Aspidium boryanum Willd., Sp. Pl. 5: 285 (1810). ——— Lastrea boryana (Willd.) Moore, Ind. Fil. 86 (1856); Bedd. (1883) 266. ——— Nephrodium boryanum (Willd.) Baker; Clarke (1880) 527; Hope, 14: 744 (1903). ——— Dryoathyrium boryanum (Willd.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 11: 81 (1941); Sledge, Bull. Brit. Mus. Bot. 2: 282 (1962); Tagawa (1966) 475; K. Iwats. (1971) 209, (1975) 186.

TI 63-Nov.-8, 19, 26, 8330143, 8330256, 8331566, 8332143, 8350228, 8580044. 8580732, Bista & Kanai 67447, 674458, Namba et al. 478.
On moist ground in dense forests at 1000-2600 m alt.
Tropics of the Old World.

Deparia subfluvialis (Hayata) Kato, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo III 13: 289, f. 11 (1984). ——— Dryopteris subfluvialis Hayata, Ic. Pl. Formos. 5: 288, f. 113 (1915).
Not actually collected from Nepal.
On moist ground near streamlets in dense forests at middle elevations.
S and SW China, Thailand, Taiwan, and Luzon.

Deparia allantodioides (Bedd.) Kato, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo III 13: 393, f. 15 (1984). ——— Athyrium allantodioides Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. pl. 221 (1867); K. Iwats. (1975)181.
Asplenium thelypteroides Michx. sens. Clarke (1880) 488; Hope, 13: 668 (1901).
Diplazium stoliczkae Bedd. var. hirsutipes Bedd. (1883) 182.
TI 772320, 772651, 773046, 773782, 8580186, 8580381, 8580387-88, 8580417, 8580698, 8580702, 8580706, 8581051, 8581261, 8581267, 8581337, 8581392, 8581473, Polunin 1212, Polunin et al. 285, Suehiro 984, 1128, 1156, 1402, Tabata et al. 1530, 2069, 2079, 2110, 2428, 3001, 3031, 3242, 9134, 10702, 10717, 13356, 15467, 17552, 19116,20232-33,20770, 20772, 21043, 21049, 21162, 21346, 22820, 22945, 23318, 23393, 24119, 24330.
Terrestrial on humus-rich floors of dense forests at 1900-4000 m alt.
N India, SW China, Burma, Taiwan, and New Guinea.

Deparia japonica (Thunb.) Kato, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 90: 37 (1977), J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo III Bot. 13: 418, f. 37 (1984). ——— Asplenium japonicun Thunb., Fl. Jap. 334 (1784); Clarke (1880) 499; Hope, 14: 257 (1902). ——— Diplazium japonicum (Thunb.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 12 (1876), (1883) 180; Tagawa (1966) 474. ——— Lunathyrium japonicum (Thunb.) Kurata, J. Geobot. 9: 99 (1961); K. Iwats. (1975) 189.
Tabata et al. 4072.
Along paths usually near streams in forests or in semi-shade in cultivated areas at 600-2200 m alt.
N India, C and SW China, S Korea, and Japan.

Deparia petersenii (Kunze) Kato, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 90: 37 (1977), J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo III Bot. 13: 420, f. 38 (1984). ——— Asplenium petersenii Kunze, Anal. Pterid. 24 (1837).
TI 6305413~15,67-7263,725058, 725447, 725870, 771533, 771580, 771587, 771592, 771836, 771888, 771934, 772787, 772827, 772851, 772884, 8330020, 8330141, 8331392~93, 8580901, 8581494.
On moist ground near streams in forests or in semi-shade near cultivated areas at 600-2000 m alt.
Ceylon, India, S and SW China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Japan, Taiwan, Malesia, Polynesia, E Australia, and New Zealand.

Gymnocarpium Newm.

Key to the Species

Gymnocarpium jessoense (Koidz.) Koidz., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 5: 40 (1936); Sarvela, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 15: 103 (1978). ——— Dryopteris jessoensis Koidz., Bot. Mag. Tokyo 30: 104 (1924).
TI 8331148, Namba et al. 1296, Tabata 15421.
On rocky slopes in semi-shade often in calcareous areas.
Afghanistan, N India, China, Korea, and Japan, and widely in temperate zone of N Hemisphere.

Gymnocarpium oyamense (Bak.) Ching, Contr. Biol. Lab. Sci. Soc. China 9: 40 (1933). ——— Polypodium oyamense Baker, J. Bot. 15: 366 (1877). ——— Currania oyamense (Bak.) Copel., Gen. Fil. 140 (1947); Alston & Bonner, Candollea 15: 212 (1956).
Recorded in Nepal by Alston & Bonner (1956).
'Under rocks, exposed at 2885 m.'
China, Japan, and New Guinea.

Woodsia R. Br.

Brown, D. F. M. 1964. A monographic study of the fern genus Woodsia. Nova Hedw., Heft 16, 154 p.p.

Key to the Species

Woodsia andersonii (Bedd.) Christ, Mém. Soc. Bot. France 1: 45 (1905); Tagawa (1955) 79; D. Brown, Nova Hedw., Heft 16: 102, pl. 29 (1964); K. Iwats. (1975) 193. ——— Gymnogramma andersonii Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. 2: pl. 190 (1868), (1883) 382, f. 219; Clarke (1880) 568; Hope, 15: 100 (1903).
? Woodsia hyperborea R. Br., Prodr. 158 (1810); Clarke (1880) 434; Bedd. (1883) 20, (1892) 5; Hope, 13: 27 (1900).
TI 8330734~35, 8581073, 8581118, Nakao s.n., Tabata et al. 18965.
On muddy rocks in dense forests at 3500-4000 m alt.
N India and SW China.

Woodsia cycloloba Hand.-Mzt, Symb. Sin. 6: 19, t. 1, f.5 (1929); Ching, Sinen-sia 3: 149 (1932); D. Brown, Nova Hedw., Heft 16: 99, pl. 27 (1964); H. Ito (1966) 486 ;K. Iwats. (1975) 193.
TI 725199, 770775, 8331198, 8342036, 8581092, 8581231, Tabata et al. 15016, 24116.
On muddy rocks usually along streams in forests at 3800-4400 m alt.
N India and W China.

Woodsia elongata Hook., Sp. Fil. 1: 62 (1844); Clarke (1880) 435; Bedd. (1883) 22, f. 10; Hope, 13: 28 (1900); Tagawa (1955) 79; D. Brown, Nova Hedw., Heft 16: 80, pl. 14 (1964); K. Iwats. (1975) 193. ——— Cheilanthopsis elongata Copel, U. Cal. Publ. Bot. 12: 395 (1931).
TI 725239, 725255, 725913, 8331721, 8331778, 8331969, 8580661, 8580985, 8581330, Nakao s.n., Kanai 853282, Zimmermann 1751, 1809, Polunin et al. 205, 3146, Lowndes 1463, Fleming 1827, Tabata et al. 17553, 19650, 23305, 24261.
On muddy rocks in. dense forests at 2500-4200 m alt.
N India, Bhutan, and SW China.

Hypodematium Kunze

Iwatsuki, K. 1964. On Hypodematium Kunze. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 21: 43-54.

Hypodematium crenatum (Forsk.) Kuhn in Deck., Reis. Bot. 3: 37 (1879). ——— Polypodium crenatum Forsk., Fl. Aeg.-Arab. 185 (1775). ——— Lastrea crenata (Forsk.) Bedd., Ferns Br. Ind. Suppl. 18 (1876); (1883) 258. ——— Nephrodium crenatum (Forsk.) Baker; Clarke (1880) 524; Hope, 14: 743 (1903).
Nephrodium hirsutum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 6 (1825).
TI 8330483, Suehiro 54, 88, Fleming 1263, Tabata et al. 13638, 16943, 19044, 22804, 22821, 23565, 23589, 24785.
In muddy crevices of limestone cliffs in semi-shade at 1000-2600 m alt., rather common in West.
Tropics and subtropics in the Old World.

Matteuccia Todaro

Matteuccia orientalis (Hook.) Trev., Atti 1st Veneto III 14: 586 (1869); Nayar & Kazumi, Bull. Nat. Bot. Gard, Luckn. 82: 11, f. 20-26, 38-39 (1963); Lloyd, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 61: 70 (1971). ——— Struithiopteris orientalis Hook., 2nd Cent. Ferns pl. 4 (I860); Bedd. (1883) 20, f. 9 ——— Onoclea orientalis (Hook.) Hook.; Clarke (1880) 434; Hope, 13: 27 (1900).
Suehiro 1019.
Terrestrial on humus-rich floors of mountain forests at about 3000 m alt.
N India, China, Korea, and Japan.


Key to the Genera

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