Order Podocopida
Suborder Podocopina
Superfamily uncertain

Superfamily uncertain

Podocopida gen. and sp. unknown
Podocopida n. gen. 1, sp. 1 Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 42, pl. 1, figs. 13, 14.
Illustrated specimen.—A left and a right valves.
Locality.—Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence.—Known only from the above locality.

Podocopida gen. and sp. unknown
Podocopida n. gen. 2(?), sp. 1 Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 42, text-figs, 1a, b.
Illustrated specimen.—A right valve.
Locality.—Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence,—Known only from the above locality.

Podocopida gen. and sp. unknown
Podocopida n. gen. 3(?), sp. 1 Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 42, pl. 2, figs. 15a, b.
Illustrated specimen.—A right valve,
Locality.—Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3924) [an unfigured specimen occurs in sample B 3935].
Known occurrence.—Known only from the above locality.

Class uncertain

Thaumatocypris sp.: Poulsen, 1969, p. 12-14, fig. 2.
Crustacea?: Kornicker and Sohn, 1976a, p. 121, figs. 14 a, b.
Known occurrence.—Living at Dana St. 3686-10 (Lat. 8°4'N, Long. 119°5'E), [W of Zamboanga], Sulu Sea (wire-length 1000 m, open stramin-net, April 6, 1929) (Poulsen, 1969).
Remarks.—Not an ostracod according to Kornicker and Sohn (1976a).

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