Order Podocopida
Suborder Podocopina
Superfamily Cytheracea

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Pterygocythereis velivola (Brady, 1880)
Cythere velivola Brady, 1880, p. 111, pl. 23, figs. 4a-c; Bate, 1963, p. 81; Puri and Hulings, 1976, p. 293, 294, pl. 15, figs. 9-16, text-fig. 13.
Cythereis velivola: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 353.
Types. —Lectotype, a left valve (moult), BMNH-collection, BM80.38.122, designated by Puri and Hulings (1976, p. 293, 294, pl. 15, figs. 9-16, text-fig. 13; length 0.71 mm, height 0.37 mm).
Type locality. —Challenger St. 189 (Lat. 9°36'00''S, Long. 137°50'00"E), Arafura Sea (Recent, trawled mud, depth 8 fathoms, Sept. 11, 1874).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Genus BICORNUCYTHERE Shornikov and Shaitarov, 1979

Bicornucythere adunca (Brady, 1880)
Cythere cerebralis Brady, 1868, p. 63, 70, pl. 7, figs. 12-14; Brady, 1869, p. 155.
Cythere adunca Brady, 1880, p. 97, pl. 25, figs. 6a-d; Bate, 1963, p. 83; Benson, 1964, p. 400.
Cythereis adunca: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 342.
Types. —Syntypes.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Batavia, Pamalang and Pamanoekan, Java (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Recent sediment from the above type localities; North-Watcher Is., N Java; Hong Kong (Brady, 1868; Benson, 1964). Recent mud (depth 28 fathoms), Challenger St. 189 (Lat. 9°59'S, Long. 137°50'E), [Arafura Sea] (Sept. 11, 1974); mud (depth 580 fathoms), St. 191a (Lat. 5°26'S, Long. 133°19'E), off Ki (Kai) Islands (Sept. 24, 1874) (Brady, 1880).
Remarks.—Cythere cerebralis Brady, 1868 had been preoccupied by Cythere cerebralis Bosquet, 1854.

Bicornucythere aequata (Herrig, 1977)
Ruggieria (Ruggieria) aequata Herrig, 1977a, p. 203-205, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2a-c, text-fig. 1.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, SGWG 51/9, Probe 201/L12 (pl. 1, fig. 1, text-fig. 1; length 0.588 mm, height 0.336 mm); paratype, a carapace, SGWG 51/10, Probe 201/L12.
Type locality. —Shore of the Tonquin Bay, N Vietnam (Pliocene to Pleistocene).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.

Bicornucythere bisanensis (Okubo, 1975)
Cythere Hodgii Brady, 1866, Brady, 1868, p. 61, 63, 64; Brady, 1869, p. 155.
Cythere hodgii: Brady, 1880, p. 95.
Cythereis hodgei [sic]: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 344.
Trachyleberis hodgii: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent sediment from N coast of Java, Batavia (Brady, 1868) and Hong Kong (Brady, 1869). Recent, various parts of the Malayan Archipelago (Brady, 1880).
Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (sample T. 160); Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (Van den Bold, 1950).

Bicornucythere darwinii (Brady, 1868)
Cythere Darwinii Brady, 1868, p. 71, pl. 8, figs. 17, 18; Brady, 1869, p. 155.
Cythere darwinii: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 373.
Ruggieria? darwini [sic]: Gramann, 1975, p. 22, 23, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —North-Watcher Is., N Java (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Recent sediments from the above type locality (Brady, 1868) and Hong Kong (Brady, 1869), Recent, Iron Is. (Lat. 12°15'N, Long. 98°21'06"E), W of Lampi Is., Tenasserim coast of Burma (sample no. 13) (Gramann, 1975).

Bicornucythere elongata (Hu, 1977)
Leguminocytherels elongatus [sic] Hu, 1977b, p. 196, figs. 14A-C; 24-(18, 24, 26).
Types. —Holotype, a carapace, CKUM-3522 (figs, 24-(24,26)); paratype,'CKUM 3521.
Type locality. —Loc. 3 or 6, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above two localities.

Bicornucythere euplectella (Brady, 1869)
Cythere euplectella Brady, 1869, p. 157, pl. 16, figs. 6, 7, (not) 8; Brady, 1880, p. 96, pl. 25, figs. 3a-d; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 374; Bate, 1963, p. 83; Percier, 1970, p. 6.
"Cythere" euplectella-darwini group Benson, 1974, pl. 1, fig. 9.
Types. —Holotype not designated, CERS-collection.
Type locality. —Hong Kong (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality (Brady, 1869). Recent mud (depth 28 fathoms), Challenger St. 189 (Lat. 9°59'S, Long. 137°50'E), [Arafura Sea] (Sept. 11, 1874) (Brady, 1880). Recent, Philippine Islands (Benson, 1974).

Bicornucythere goujoni (Brady, 1868)
Cythere Goujoni Brady, 1868, p. 78, 79, pl. 10, figs. 9, 10.
Cythere goujoni: Brady, 1880, p. 96, 97, pl. 25, figs. 7a-g; Bate, 1963, p. 83; Percier, 1970, p. 7.
Cythereis goujoni: G.W. Müller, 1912, p. 342; Fyan, 1916, p. 1182-1184, figs. 10, 11.
Trachyleberis goujoni: Key [Keij], 1954, p. 356, pl. 2, figs. 3-6.
Types. —Holotype not designated, CERS-collection.
Type locality. —40 miles W of Carimata, between Billiton Is. and Poulo-Condre (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Recent sediment from the above type locality (Brady, 1868). Recent, anchor mud (depth 7 fathoms), Hong Kong Harbour (Brady, 1880). Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954). Pliocene clay (youngest part), left bank of Mota Talau near Atamboea (Atambua), Timor (collected by G.A.F. Molengraaff and F.A.H. Weckherlin, 1910-1912) (Fyan, 1916).

Bicornucythere kloempritensis (Kingma, 1948)
Cythere kloempritensis Kingma, 1948, p. 69, 70, pl. 7, figs. 5a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31927.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Kloemprit, S Kendeng area, E Java (Pleistocene, Ngronan, Formation, sandy marl); Sangiran, about 12 km N of Soerakarta, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone).
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene and Upper Pliocene sediments from the above type localitities.
Remarks.—The species may represent young instar of Bicornucythere Usanensis (Okubo, 1975).

Bicornucythere ovalis (Hu and Cheng, 1977)
Leguminocythereis ovalis Hu and Cheng, 1977, p. 199, 200, pl. 2, fig. 10, pl. 3, figs. 8-11, text figs. 10A-D.
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, , CKUM-3085 (pl. 3, fig. 8); paratypes, CKUM-3081-3084, 3086-3094.
Type locality. —NE side of the mouth of Wumei River, 1.2 km SW of Lungkang, Houlung, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Late Pleistocene, Lungkang Formation, bluish grey semi-consolidated clayey sandstone with abundant molluscs and echinoids).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.

Bicornucythere papuensis (Brady, 1880)
Cythereis papuensis: Kingma, 1948, p. 81, 82, pl. 10, figs. 2a, b.
Known occurrence. —Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone, Sangiran, about 12 km N of Soerakarta; upper Kalibeng age, Klitik Formation, sandstone, Pentoek, S Kendeng area, E Java. Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district (sample no. SUU 399-1932); loc. 7, Tjoet joer River, at the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoë district (sample no. SUU 402-1932), Atjeh, N Sumatra (Kingma, 1948).

Bicornucythere taiwanensis (Hu, 1977)
Leguminocythereis taiwanensis Hu, 1977a, p. 97, 98, pl. 1, figs. 1-4, 9, 22, text-figs. 15A-D.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, CKUM-3716 (pl. 1, fig. 1); paratypes, CKUM-3717-3725.
Type locality. —One of locs. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, or 8, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above six localities.

Bicornucythere tshelcovi (Schneider, 1971)
Cytheretta tshelcovi Schneider, 1971a, p. 129, 130, figs. lg, h; Schneider, 1971b, p. 262, figs. g, h.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, NILZ 4-4 (figs. lg, h; length 0.73 mm, height at anterior cardinal angle, 0.37 mm, height at posterior cardinal angle, 0.27 mm); para types, 3 separate valves.
Type locality. —Bore 11, SW of Haiphong, Hanoi depression, N Vietnam (Quaternary deposits, depth 23-27 m).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Subfamily BUNTONIINAE Apostolescu, 1961
Genus BUNTONIA H.V. Howe in H.V. Howe and Chambers, 1935

Buntonia triangulata Hu, 1976
Buntonia triangulata Hu, 1976, p. 46, 47, pl. 3, figs. 8-10, tex-fig. 17; Hu, 1977b, p. 205, figs. 22A-C; 26-(18, 19).
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, CKUM-2036 in the text p. 47 and CKUM-2035 in the explanation of plate (pl. 3, figs. 8, 9); paratypes, CKUM-2036 in the text p. 47 and CKUM-2035 in the explanation of plate, and CKUM-2037.
Type locality. —Loc. 14, 2.5 km SE of Tsaochiao station, Chinshui county, approxi mately 8 km NE of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation).
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Hu, 1977b). Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation from the above type locality (Hu, 1976).

Genus ASYMMETRICYTHERE Bassiouni, 1971

Asymmetricythere lobatula Gramann, 1975
Asymmetricythere lobatula Gramann, 1975, p. 21, 22, pl. 2, fig. 7.
Types. —Holotype, , a carapace, BB-collection, type no. 9484 (pl. 2, fig. 7; length 0.75 mm, height 0.41 mm).
Type locality. —Sakangyi well no. 1, depth 2390-2400 ft., Burma (Upper Oligocene, Okhmintaung Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Asymmetricythere sp.
Asymmetricythere mutata (Lubimova and Guha, 1960), Gramann, 1975, p. 21, pl. 2, fig. 4.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace, BB-collection, type no. 9483.
Locality. —Thayetmyo area, Burma (Lower Miocene, Pyawbwe Formation, sample no. 277, field party 2, 1969).
Known occurrence. —Lower Miocene, Pyawbwe Formation of the above locality and "local zone no. 4" of Kyangyin Tondaung, Prome embayment, Burma (Gramann, 1975).

Genus QUASIBUNTONIA Ruggieri, 1958

Quasibuntonia? triquetra Herrig, 1976
Quasibuntonia triquetra Herrig, 1976, p. 1420-1422, pl. 1, figs. 4a-c, text-fig. 4.
Types. —Holotype, a carapace, SGWG 49/14, Probe 198/K (pl. 1, figs. 4a-c, text-figs. 4a-c; length 0.782 mm, height 0.378 mm, thickness 0.357 mm); paratypes, 2 carapaces.
Type locality. —Shore of the Tonquin Bay, N Vietnam (Pliocene to Pleistocene).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.
Remarks,-Holotype was illustrated also in Herrig (1975, pl. 1, figs. 2a-c).

Subfamily CYTHERETTINAE Triebel, 1952
Genus NEOCYTHERETTA van Morkhoven, 1963

Neocytheretta snellii (Kingma, 1948)
Paracytheretta snellii Kingma, 1948, p. 77, pl. 7, figs. 14a-c.
Paracytheretta snelli [sic]: Benson, 1964, p. 403.
Neocytheretta snellii: van Morkhoven, 1963, p. 236-239, figs. 356-359.
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, SUU-collection, D. 31947 (pl. 7, figs. 14a-c).
Type locality. —Snellius St. 25 (Lat. 6°22'30"S, Long.112°48'30"E), [60 km N of Madura Is., between Bewean Is. and Madura Is.], Java Sea (Recent, terrigenous mud, depth 61 m, Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 27, 1929).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Neocytheretta? aculeata Hu and Yang, 1975
Neocytheretta aculeata. Hu and Yang, 1975, p. 111, 112, pl. 2, figs. 7, 12.
Types. —Holotype, a complete carapace, CKUM-1042 (pl. 2, figs. 7, 12); paratypes, CKUM-1043.
Type locality. —Mc-1, S side of the Houlung River, about 2 km W of Fuchi county, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Pliocene or Pleistocene, Chinshui Shale).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Neocytheretta branchia Hu and Cheng, 1977
Neocytheretta branchia Hu, 1977a, p. 101-103, pl. 1, figs. 19, 21, 25, 29, text-figs. 18A-D [nomen nudum].
Neocytheretta bronchia Hu and Cheng, 1977, p. 200, 201, pl. 3, figs. 12-15, text-figs. 11A-C.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, CKUM-3101 (pl. 3, fig. 12); paratypes, CKUM-3102-3115.
Type locality. —NE side of the mouth of Wumei River, 1.2 km SW of Lungkang, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Late Pleistocene, Lungkang Formation, bluish grey semiconsolidated clayey sandstone with abundant molluscs and echinoids).
Known occurrence. —Late Pleistocene, Lungkang Formation from the above type locality (Hu and Cheng, 1977). Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand, locs. 1, 2, 6, 9, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Hu, 1977a).
Remarks.—Hu (1977a, April) was published earlier than Hu and Cheng (1977, Oct.). However, we consider the Neocytheretta branchia in Hu (1977a) in the status of nomen nudum.

Neocytheretta sp. Sylvester-Bradley and Benson, 1971
Neocytheretta sp. Sylvester-Bradley and Benson, 1971, text-fig. 30.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve, USNM 16943.
Locality. —ALB 5311, Hong Kong (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Genus ATJEHELLA Kingma, 1948

Atjehella semiplicata Kingma, 1948
Atjehella semiplicata Kingma, 1948, p. 76, 77, pl. 8, figs. la-e; Key [Keij], 1954, p. 354, pl. 2, figs. 9a, b, 10; Benson, 1964, p. 399.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31948-31950.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Sangiran, about 12 km N of Soerakarta, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone); Pentoek, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng age, Klitik Formation, sandstone); loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, sample no. SUU 399-1932); loc. 2, Blang Koembang River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, middle Seuroela horizon, grey marl, sample no. SUU 382-1932); loc. 5, Tjoetjoer River, 500 m from the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoë district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, lower Seuroela horizon, dark grey Mollusca marl, sample no. SUU 395-1932).
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954). Recent, Java Sea (Benson, 1964). Upper Pliocene, Kalibeng beds, Klitik Formation and Lower Pliocene, Seuroela horizon from the above type localities (Kingma, 1948).

Genus HEMIKRITHE van den Bold, 1950

Hemikrithe orientalis van den Bold, 1950
Hemikrithe orientalis van den Bold, 1950, p. 901, 903, 904, text-figs, la-d.
Types. —Holotype, BMNH-1950.5.22.1; paratypes, 5 specimens, BMNH-1950.5.22.2.
Type locality. —[N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (Recent, grey mud, depth 43 fathoms, sample T. 160).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality, and Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).

Hemikrithe? sp. Hu, 1977
Cuneocythere sp. Hu, 1977a, p. 87, 88, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6, text-figs. 6A, B, D.
Illustrated specimen. —Two complete carapaces, CKUM-3726, 3727 (pl. 1, figs. 5, 6).
Locality. —Locs. 2, 8, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above localities.

Subfamily uncertain
Genus BASSLERITES H. V. Howe in Coryell and Fields, 1937

Basslerites? sp.
Basslerites obai? Ishizaki, 1971, Herrig, 1977c, p. 1255, 1256, pl. 1, figs. 8a, b.
Known occurrence. —Plio-Pleistocene sediment, Bac-bo bay coast, (Tonquin Bay), N Vietnam (Herrig, 1977c).

Genus THALMANNIA LeRoy, 1939

Thalmannia sumatrensis LeRoy, 1939
Thalmannia sumatrensis LeRoy, 1939, p. 272, 273, pl. 10, figs. 9-16; Sohn, 1967, p.5.
Types. —Holotype, a carapace, GMB-collection, P. S. 1093a (pl. 10, figs. 9-16; length 0.70 mm, height 0.40 mm, thickness 0.40 mm).
Type locality. —Ho-574, 14.6 km N35°E from kampong Aliantan, central Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Geogr. Blad 19/XVII, "Miocene", Transitional Zone, Auger hole, depth 4m).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Thalmannia manca Herrig, 1977
Thalmannia manca Herrig, 1977a, p. 205-208, pl. 1, figs. 3a, b, 4, text-figs. 2-6.
Types. —Holotype, one carapace, SGWG 51/11, Probe 201/L (pl. 1, figs. 3a, b, text-figs, 2a, b; length 0.560 mm, height 0.336 mm, thickness 0.280 mm); paratypes, 2 and 2 carapaces, SGWG 51/12-15.
Type locality. —Shore of the Tonquin Bay, N Vietnam (Pliocene to Pleistocene).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.

Thalmannia vietnamica Herrig, 1977
Thalmannia vietnamica Herrig, 1977a, p. 208, 209, pl. 1, figs. 5a, b, text-figs. 5-7.
Types. —Holotype, a carapace, SGWG 51/18, Probe 201/L12 (pl. 1, figs. 5a, b, text figs. 7a-c; length 0.644 mm, height 0.350 mm, thickness 0.322 mm); paratypes, 2 carapaces, SGWG 51/19, 20.
Type locality. —Shore of the Tonquin Bay, N Vietnam (Pliocene to Pleistocene).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.

Thalmannia? sp.
Thalmannia? sp. cf. sumatrensis LeRoy, 1939, Gramann, 1975, p. 24, pl. 2, fig. 6.
Illustrated specimen. —A complete carapace, BB-collection, type no. 9489.
Locality. —Sakangyi Well No. 1, Thayetmyo district, Burma (Upper Oligocene Okhmintaung Formation, depth. 2570-2580 ft.).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Thalmannia? sp.
Thalmannia? cf. fusa van den Bold, 1966, Gramann, 1975, p. 24, pl. 2, figs. 3, 5a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace from Tagaing area, BB-collection, type no. 9487; a carapace from Mann Well No. 2, BB-collection, type no. 9488.
Locality. —Tagaing area, Thayetmyo district, Burma (Middle Miocene, Kyaukkok Formation, sample no. 62, field party 2, 1970); Mann Well No. 2, Burma (Middle Miocene, Kyaukkok Formation, depth 600 ft.).
Known occurrence. —Middle Miocene, Kyaukkok Formation from the above localities and Ondwe Well No. 5, Burma (Gramann, 1975).

Genus BYTHOCYTHERE Sars, 1866

Bythocythere kueneni Key [Keij], 1953
Bythocythere kueneni Key [Keij], 1953, p. 163, 164, pl. 2, figs. la-c, 2a, b; Benson, 1964, p. 100; Guha, 1968, p. 63, pl. 5, fig. 2.
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, SUU-collection (pl. 2, figs. la, b; length 0.68 mm, height 0.46 mm); paratypes, 8 detached valves, SUU-collection.
Type locality. —Snellius St. 136 (Lat. 10°07'36''-10°06'12''S, Long. 121°02'12"-121°01'42"E), [20 km off Sumba Is.], Sawoe Strait (Recent Globigerina ooze, depth 367 m, snapper, Nov. 13, 1929).
Known occurrence. —Recent Globigerina ooze from the above type locality (Key [Keij], 1953; Benson, 1964). Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Bythocythere? sp.
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. J Kingma, 1948, p. 92, pl. 11, figs. 10a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve, SUU-collection, D. 32005.
Locality. —Snellius St. 26 (Lat. 6°28'00"S, Long. 113°57'00"E), [40 km off the northern coast of Madura Is.], eastern part of Java Sea (Recent, terrigenous mud, depth 81 m, Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 28, 1929).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Bythocythere sp. van den Bold, 1950
Bythocythere sp. van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (sample T. 160); Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).

Genus BOHEMINA Šnajdr, 1951
Subgenus POKORNINA Gründel, 1963

Bohemina (Pokornina)? sp. Gründel and Kozur, 1975
Bohemina (Pokornina)? sp. 1 Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 41, pl. 1, fig. 10.
Illustrated specimen. —A broken right valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.

Genus BYTHOCERATINA Hornibrook, 1952

Bythoceratina bella Hu, 1977
Bythoceratina bella Hu, 1977a, p. 95-97, pl. 4, figs. 9, 14-16, 20, 23-27, text-figs. 14A-D.
Types. —Holotype designated in the text (p. 97), a left valve, CKUM-3659, or designated in the explanation of plate (pl. 4, fig. 27), a left valve, CKUM-3672; paratypes, CKUM-3653-3658, 3670, 3671, 3673-3678.
Type locality. —One of three locs. 6, 7 or 9, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above three localities.

Bythoceratina dipleura (Hu and Cheng, 1977)
Monoceratina dipleura Hu and Cheng, 1977, p. 201, 202, pl. 3, figs. 4-7, text-figs. 12A-D.
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, CKUM-3121 (pl. 3, figs. 4, 5); paratypes, CKUM-3122-3130.
Type locality. —NE side of Wumei River, 1.2 km SW of Lungkang, Houlung, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Late Pleistocene, Lungkang Formation, bluish grey semi-consolidated clayey sandstone with abundant molluscs and echinoids).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.

Bythoceratina mediterranea (Sissingh, 1972)
Bythoceratina sp. aff. mediterranea: Herrig, 1977b, p. 1156, 1157, pl. 1, figs. 4a, b.
Known occurrence. —Plio-Pleistocene sediment, Bac-bo bay coast, (Tonquin Bay), N Vietnam (Herrig, 1977b).

Bythoceratina orientalis (Brady, 1869)
Bythocythere orientalis Brady, 1869, p. 159, pl. 16, figs. 21-23; Brady, 1880, p. 141, 142, pl. 6, figs. 6a-d; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 258; Bate, 1963, p. 83.
?Cytheropteron orientalis: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Hong Kong (Recent).
Known occrrence. —Recent sediment from the above type lcality (Brady, 1869). Recent anchor mud (depth 7 fathoms), Hong Kong Harbour (Brady, 1880). Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).

Bythoceratina utilezea Hornibrook, 1952
Monoceratina sp. B Key [Keij], 1953, p. 165, 166, pl. 2, figs. 5a-c.
Known occurrence. —Recent coral mud (depth 1975 m), Snellius St. 67 (Lat. 6°05'00"-6°11'00"N, Long. 119°56'00"-119°52'30"E), [30 km W of Pangutaran Is.], Sulu Sea (Ekman Pratje sampler, Sept. 8, 1929); terrigenous mud (depth 847 m), St. 293 (Lat. 4°38'24"-4°37'54"N, Long. 126°46'00"-126°46'12"E), [10 km off Gemeh, Karakelong Is.], N of Kepulauan Talaud, [Celebes Sea] (snapper, June 16, 1930) (Key [Keij], 1953).
Remarks.—This species is very closely related to or identical with Bythoceratina utilezea Hornibrook, 1952 by Key [Keij] (handwriting in his reprint).

Bythoceratina sp.
Monoceratina sp. A Key [Keij], 1953, p. 165, pl. 2, figs. 4a-c.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve, SUU-collection.
Locality. — Snellius St. 73 (Lat. 4°40'48"-4°40'42"N, Long. 119°41'42"-119°42'00"E), [30 km SW of Tawitawi Is.], Celebes Sea (Globigerina ooze and coral mud, depth 1299 m, Ekman-Pratje sampler, Sept. 17, 1929).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.
Remarks.—This species probably belongs to Bythoceratina sp. by Key [Keij] (hand writing in his reprint).

Genus HANAICERATINA McKenzie, 1974

Hanaiceratina sp.
Bythocythere? sp. Key [Keij], 1953, p. 164, 165, pl. 2, figs. 3a-e.
Illustrated specimen. —A left and a right valves, SUU-collection.
Locality. —Snellius St. 85 (Lat. 1°45'30"S, Long. 129°10'06''-129°08'54''E), [W of Misool Is.], E of Batjan, [Ceram Sea] (Recent Globigerina ooze, depth 679 m, snapper, Oct. 2, 1929).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Genus MONOCERATINA Roth, 1928

Monoceratina sp. Gramann, Lain and Stoppel, 1972
Monoceratina sp. Gramann, Lain and Stoppel, 1972, p. 13.
Known occurrence. —Triassic [to Permian?] Thigaungaung Limestone, loc. 4, 6.3 miles S of Hsa Hmong Hkam (Lat. 20°35'30"N, Long. 96°43'E) and loc. 10, 7.7 miles SSE of Hsa Hmong Hkam (Lat. 20°35'30"N, Long. 96°45'E), Burma (Gramann, Lain and Stoppel, 1972).

Genus NEMOCERATINA Gr°ndel and Kozur, 1971

Nemoceratina sp.
Nemoceratina (Nemoceratina)? sp. 1 Gr°ndel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 41, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3925).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.

Genus PSEUDOCYTHERE Sars, 1866

Pseudocythere caudata Sars, 1866
Pseudocythere aff. caudata: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (sample T. 160) (van den Bold, 1950).

Pseudocythere? tonkingiensis Herrig, 1976
Pseudocythere tonkingiensis Herrig, 1976, p. 1413, 1414, pl. 1, figs. 1a, b.
Types. —Holotype, a carapace, SGWG 51/1, Probe 201/L12 (pl. 1, figs, 1a, b; length 0.546 mm, height 0.238 mm, thickness 0.182 mm).
Type locality. —Shore of the Tonquin Bay, N Vietnam (Pliocene to Pleistocene).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.

Genus uncertain

Bythocytheridae gen. and sp. indet. Gründel and Kozur, 1975
Representative of Bythocytherinae Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 41,42, pl. 1, figs. 11, 12.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.

Family CYTHERURIDAE G. W. Müller, 1894
Subfamily CYTHERURINAE G. W. Müller, 1894
Genus EUCYTHERURA G. W. Müller, 1894

Eucytherura complexa (Brady, 1867)
Eucytherura complexa: Guha, 1968, p. 62, pl. 5, fig. 8.
Known occurrence. —Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Eucytherura orientalis (Kingma, 1948)
Orthonotacythere orientalis Kingma, 1948, p. 93, pl. 8, figs. 14a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 32009.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, Bodjonegoro, E Java, one of the follwing horizons. of the drilling: 557-577 m (Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds); 950-956, 973-985 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Genus HEMICYTHERURA Elofson, 1941

Hemicytherura apta Hu, 1976
Hemicytherura apta Hu, 1976, p. 30, 31, pl. 3, figs. 11, 15, 19, text-fig. 4; Hu, 1977b, p. 187, 188, figs. 6A-D; 26-(1, 3-11).
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, CKUM-2003 (pl. 3, figs. 11, 15); paratype, CKUM-2004.
Type locality. —Loc. 13 (2.5 km SE of Tsaochiao station) or loc. 15 (1 km SE of Tsaochiao station), Chinshui county, approximately 8 km NE of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation).
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand, locs. 1, 3, 4, 6-9, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Hu, 1977b). Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation from the above type localities (Hu, 1976).

Hemicytherura bodjonegoroensis (Kingma, 1948).
Cytherura bodjonegoroensis Kingma, 1948, p. 96, pl. 11, figs. 20a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 32010.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, Bodjonegoro, E Java, the following horizons of the drilling: 950-956, 973-985 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds); 1355-1361 m (Miocene, Rembang beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Hemicytherura scutellata (Brady, 1890)
Hemicytherura scutellata: Key [Keij], 1954, p. 358, pl. 3, fig. 7; Guha, 1968, p. 62, pl. 4, fig. 5.
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954). Probable Pliocene, Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Hemicytherura trinerva Hu, 1977
Hemicytherura trinerva Hu, 1977b, p. 188, 189, figs. 7A-C; 26-(2, 12).
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, CKUM-3600 (fig. 26-2); paratypes, CKUM-3601, 3602.
Type locality. —Loc. 4, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Know only from the above type locality.

Hemicytherura videns (G. W. Müller, 1894)
Cytherura cf. scutellata Brady, 1890, Kingma, 1948, p. 97, pl. 11, fig. 18.
Known occurrence. —Pliocene lower Kalibeng beds (950-956, 973-985 m), Miocene Rembang beds (1355-1361 m) of Bodjonegoro drilling, E Java (Kingma, 1948).

Hemicytherura sp. Hu, 1976
Cf. Hemicytherura sp. Hu, 1976, pl. 2, figs. 7, 11.
Illustrated specimen. —An incomplete left valve, CKUM-2056.
Locality. —Loc. 14, 2.5 km SE of Tsaochiao station, Chinshui county, approximately 8 km NE of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Hemicytherura sp.
Cytherura sp. Hu, 1977b, fig. 26-21.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve (fig. 26-21), CKUM-3603.
Locality. —Left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Genus SEMICYTHERURA Wagner, 1957

Semicytherura? compresa (Hu, 1977)
Cytherura compresa Hu, 1977a, p. 91, 92, pl. 1, figs. 15-17, text-figs. 10A-C.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, CKUM-3733 (pl. 1, fig. 16); paratypes, CKUM-3732, 3734.
Type locality. —One of locs. 8 or 9, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above two localities.

Semicytherura cryptifera (Brady, 1880)
Cytherura cryptifera: Key [Keij], 1954, p. 358, pl. 3, fig. 5; Benson, 1964, p. 402.
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954; Benson, 1964).

Semicytherura javana (Kingma, 1948)
Cytherura javana Kingma, 1948, p. 96, 97, pl. 11, figs. 19a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 32011.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, Bodjonegoro, E Java, the following horizons of the drilling: 950-956, 973-985 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Semicytherura marcida (Brady, 1890)
Cytherura murcida [sic]: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).

Semicytherura sumatrensis (Kingma, 1948)
Cytherura sumatrensis Kingma, 1948, p. 97, 98, pl, 11, figs. 16a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 32014.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Sangiran, about 12 km N of Soerakarta, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds); loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, sample no. SUU 399-1932).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above localities.

Semicytherura sp.
Cytherura sp. Key [Keij], 1954, p. 358, pl. 3, fig. 6.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve, SUU-collection.
Locality. —Harbour of Manila, or just outside it, Bay of Manila (Recent sand with dark volcanic material, collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Subfamily CYTHEROPTERINAE Hanai, 1957
Genus CYTHEROPTERON Sars, 1866

Cytheropteron assimile Brady, 1880
?Cytheropteron simile [sic] Brady, van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Cytheropteron assimile: Guha, 1968, p. 62, pl. 5, fig. 5.
Known occurrence. —Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950). Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).
Remarks.—We failed to confirm the existence of a nominal species Cytheropteron simile Brady which appeared in the list given by van den Bold (1950, p. 901). The species name may be now. nud. It is highly possible that the species trivial name simile is a typographical error for assimile.

Cytheropteron? gibbosum Brady, 1868
Cytheropteron gibtosum Brady, 1868, p. 79, pl. 10, figs. 11-13; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 276.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Billiton (Belitung Is.) to Poulo-Condore, South China Sea (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cytheropteron patagoniense Brady, 1880
Cytheropteron patagoniense?: Guha, 1968, p. 62, pl. 4, fig. 7, pl. 5, fig. 6.
Known occurrence. —Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E); Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E) Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Cytheropteron punctatum Brady, 1868
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) punctatum: Kingma, 1948, p. 91, pl. 11, fig. 14.
Cytheropteron punctatum: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950). Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds (598-606, 620-630 m), Pliocene lower Kalibeng beds (973-985 m) of drilling, Bodjonegoro, E Java (Kingma, 1948).

Cytheropteron rhombea Hu, 1976
Cytheropteron rhombea Hu, 1976, p. 42, pl. 2, figs. 23-26, text-fig. 13; Hu, 1977a, p. 93, 94, pl. 4, figs. 1-3, 5, 8, text-figs. 11A-C.
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, CKUM-2031 (pl. 2, figs. 25, 26); paratypes, CKUM-2033, 2034.
Type locality. —Loc. 8, 4.5 km NE of Erhping station, or loc. 14, 2.5 km SE of Tsaochiao station, Chinshui county, approximately 8 km NE of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation).
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand, Iocs. 4, 6-9, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Hu, 1977a). Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation from the above type localities (Hu, 1976).

Cytheropteron sumatrensis Doeglas, 1931
Cytheropteron sumatrensis Doeglas, 1931, p. 47, 48, pl. 5, figs. 15a, b.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Loc. L 622, Patoeng, patok 9, Joesoef, Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam-area), NE Borneo (transition Tertiary e-f, Sumatrensis limestone, a light blue grey clay with many corals, collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. A Kingma, 1948, p. 91, pl. 11, figs. 5a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A complete carapace, SUU-collection, D. 31995.
Locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, the follwoing horizon of the drilling: 316-335 m (Pleistocene, Poetjangan beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. B Kingma, 1948, p. 91, pl. 11, figs. 6a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A complete carapace, SUU-collection, D. 31996.
Locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, the following horizon of the drilling: 620-630 m (Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. C Kingma, 1948, p. 91, pl. 11, figs. 7a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A complete carapace, SUU-collection, D. 31997.
Locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, the following horizon of the drilling: 909-915 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. D Kingma, 1948, p. 91, pl. 11, figs, 12a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve, SUU-collection, D. 31998.
Locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, the following horizon of the drilling: 973-985 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. E Kingma, 1948, p. 91, pl. 11, figs. 11a, b.
Illustrated specimen-A left valve, SUU-collection, D. 31999.
Locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, the following horizon of the drilling: 973-985 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. F Kingma, 1948, p. 92, pl. 11, figs. 13a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve, SUU-collection, D. 32000.
Locality. —Loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, sample no. SUU 399-1932).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. G Kingma, 1948, p. 92, pl, 11, figs. 17a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve, SUU-collection, D. 32001 or 32002.
Locality-Snellms St. 29 (Lat. 4°55'00"S, Long. 117°18'00"E), [SE of Laut Is.], Makassar Strait (Recent, Globigerina ooze, depth 683 m, Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 29, 1929), Loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, sample no. SUU 399-1932).
Known occurrence. —Recent Globigerina ooze of Snellius St. 29 and Lower Pliocene marl of Atjeh. loc. 1 (Kingma, 1948).

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. H Kingma, 1948, p. 92, pl. 11, figs. 8a, b; van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve, SUU-collection, D. 32003.
Locality. —Loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, sample no. SUU 399-1932).
Known occurrence. —Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (sample T. 160); Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950). Lower Pliocene marl of Atjeh loc. 1 (Kingma, 1948).

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) sp. I Kingma, 1948, p. 92, pl. 11, figs. 9a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A. left valve, SUU-collection, D. 32004.
Locality. —Loc. 9, Reudeuep River, at the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoë district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Upper Miocene, middle Keutapang horizon, dark grey marl, sample no. SUU 392-1932).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Eocytheropteron) sp. 1 Kingma, 1948, p. 92, pl. 10, figs. 12a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve, SUU-collection, D. 32006.
Locality. —Sangiran, about 12 km N of Soerakarta, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheropteron sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytheropteron (Eocytheropteron) sp. 2 Kingma, 1948, p. 92, pl. 10, figs. 11a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve, SUU-collection, D. 32007.
Locality. —Snellius St. 29 (Lat. 4°55'00"S, Long.117°18'00"E), [SE of Laut Is.], Makassar Strait (Recent, Globigerina ooze, depth 683 m, Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 29, 1929).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheropteron sp. van den Bold, 1950
Cytheropteron sp. van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak], (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (sample T. 160); Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).

Cytheropteron sp. Key [Keij], 1954
Cytheropteron sp. Key [Keij], 1954, p. 358.
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954).

Genus KANGARINA Coryell and Fields, 1937

Kangarina abyssicola (G. W. Müller, 1894)
Kangarian sp. Kingma, 1948, p. 92, 93, pl. 8, figs. 15a, b; van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Kangarina abyssicola: Guha, 1968, p. 62, pl. 4, fig. 12.
Known occurrence. —Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950). Pleistocene Poetjangan beds (368-386 m) of drilling, Bodjonegoro, E Java (Kingma, 1948). Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E) and/or Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12?1'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).
Remarks. —No information on the occurrence of this species has been given by Guha (1968, p. 62). The species, however, should occur in either Guitar Formation or Round chalk and silt Formation, or both of them.

Kangarian cava Hu, 1977
Kangarina cava Hu, 1977b, p. 189, 190, figs. 8A-C; 26-(13, 15, 16).
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, CKUM-3609 (fig. 26-16); paratypes, CKUM-3607, 3608.
Type locality. —Loc, 4, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Genus KOBAYASHIINA Hanai, 1957

Kobayashiina sp.
Cf. Kobayashiina sp. Hu, 1977a, pl. 1, figs. 7, 8.
Illustrated specimen. —Two right valves (pl, 1, figs. 7, 8), CKUM-3735, 3736.
Locality. —Left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Genus PARACYTHERIDEA G. W. Müller, 1894

?Paracytheridea andamanensis Guha, 1968
Paracytheridea and andamanensis [sic] Guha, 1968, p. 59, 60, pl. 4, figs, 4, 15.
Types. —Holotype, ONGC-collection, no. III/4 (length 0.45mm, height 0.17mm).
Type locality. —Southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E), (probable Pliocene Guitar Formation) or southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12° 51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), (Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation) Andaman Islands.
Known occurrence. —Known from the above two localities.

Paracytheridea longicaudata (Brady, 1890)
Paracytheridea longicaudata: Key [Keij], 1954, p. 354, pl. 1, fig. 5; Benson, 1964, p. 403; Guha, 1968, p. 60, pl. 4, fig. 8.
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954; Benson, 1964). Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E); Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Paracytheridea polyspinosa Hu and Cheng, 1977
Paracytheridea polys pinosa Hu and Cheng, 1977, p. 202, 203, pl. 1, figs. 15-17, text-figs. 13A, B.
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, CKUM-3028 (pl. 1, fig. 15); paratypes, CKUM-3029-3033.
Type locality. —NE side of the mouth of Wumei River, 1.2 km SW of Lungkang, Houlung, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Late Pleistocene, Lungkang Formation, bluish grey semi-consolidated clayey sandstone with abundant molluscs and echinoids).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.

Paracytheridea tschoppi van den Bold, 1946
Paracytheridea tschoppi: Kingma, 1948, p. 74, pl. 7, figs. 12a, b.
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene, Poetjangan Beds (390-412, 414-427 m), Pliocene, upper Kalibeng Beds (534-547 m) of Bodjonegoro drilling, E Java (Kingma, 1948).

Paracytheridea sp. Kingma, 1948
Paracytheridea sp. Kingma, 1948, p. 73, pl. 7, figs. 11a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve, SUU-collection, D. 31941.
Locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, horizons 973-985 m of drilling (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Paracytheridea sp. van den Bold, 1950
Paracytheridea sp. van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).

Family LOXOCONCHIDAE Sars, 1925
Subfamily LOXOCONCHINAE Sars, 1925
Genus LOXOCONCHA Sars, 1866

Loxoconcha australis Brady, 1880
Loxoconcha australis: Fyan 1916, p. 1178, 1179, figs. 12, 13; Key [Keij], 1954, p. 358.
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954). Uppermost part of Pliocene clay, from left bank of Mota Talau near Atamboea (Atambua), Timor (collected by G.A.F. Molengraaff and F.A.H. Weckherlin, 1910-1912) (Fyan, 1916).

Loxoconcha avellana Brady, 1880
Loxoconcha cf. avellana: Kingma, 1948, p. 90, pl. 11, fig. 3.
Known occurrence. —Miocene Rembang beds, 1355-1361 m of Bodjonegoro drilling, E Java (Kingma, 1948).

Loxoconcha brevis Brady, 1868
Loxoconcha brevis Brady, 1868, p. 64, pl. 7, figs. 15, 16; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 312.
Types. —Holotype, not designated.
Type locality. —Pamalang, Pamanoekan and Bataviam (Batavia) (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type localities.

Loxoconcha convexa Hu, 1976
Loxoconcha convexa Hu, 1976, p. 41, 42, pl, 2, figs. 1-6, text-fig. 12.
Types. —Holotype, CKUM-2038 (pl. 2, figs. 1, 4); paratypes, CKUM-2039, 2040 (figured), CKUM-2041, 2042 (unfigured).
Type locality. —Loc. 13 or 14, 2.5 km SE of Tsaochiao station, Chinshui county, approximately 8 km NE of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Upper Pliocene Cholan Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above two localities.

Loxoconcha dorsotuberculata (Brady, 1866)
Loxoconcha dorsotuberculata: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T.163) (van den Bold, 1950).

Loxoconcha forda van den Bold, 1968
Loxoconcha forda: Hcrrig, 1977c, p. 1260, pl. 2, fig. 5.
Known occurrence. —Plio-Pleistocene sediment, Bac-bo bay coast, (Tonquin Bay), N Vietnam (Herrig, 1977c).

Loxoconcha? gibbera Brady, 1886
Loxoconcha gibbera: Key [Keij], 1954, p. 358.
Loxoconcha? gibbera: Benson, 1964, p. 403.
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954; Benson, 1964).

Loxoconcha hastata Brady, 1869
Loxoconcha hastata Brady, 1869, p. 159, pl. 16, figs. 19, 20; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 309.
Types. —Holotype, not designated.
Type locality. —Hong Kong (Recent).
Known occurrence,-Known only from the above type locality.

Loxoconcha lilljeborchi Brady, 1868
Loxoconcha lilljeborchi: Key [Keij], 1954, p. 358, pl. 3, fig. 4; Guha, 1968, p. 61, pl. 4, fig. 20.
Loxoconcha cf. lilljeborchi: Gramann, 1975, p. 29, pl, 5, figs. 6-8.
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954). Recent rocky tidal pool near saltern, Ngapali, Sandoway district, Arakan coast, Burma (Gramann, 1975). Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92° 55'28"E); Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is., Andaman Islands (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E) (Guha, 1968).

Loxoconcha lineata Hu and Yang, 1975
Loxoconcha lineata Hu and Yang, 1975, p. 106, 107, pl. 2, fig. 23.
Types. —Holotype, CKUM-1009 (pl. 2, fig. 23); paratypes, CKUM-1010, 1012.
Type locality. —Mc-1, S side of Houlung River, about 2 km, W of Fuchi county, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Pliocene or Pleistocene, Chinshui Shale).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Loxoconcha? nitida Brady, 1868
Loxoconcha? nitida Brady, 1868, p. 64, pl. 8, figs. 1, 2; G. W. Muller, 1912, p. 379.
Types. —Holotype, not designated.
Type locality. —Batavia (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from. the above type locality.

Loxoconcha pentoekensis Kingma, 1948
Loxoconcha pentoekensis Kingma, 1948, p. 90, pl. 11, fig. 1; van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Types. —Holotype, SUU-collection, D. 31991.
Type locality. —Pentoek, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng age, Klitik Formation, sandstone).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality (Kingma, 1948). Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).

Loxoconcha semistriata Kingma, 1948
Loxoconcha semistriata Kingma, 1948, p. 90, pl. 11, fig. 4; Benson, 1964, p. 403.
Types. —Holotype, SUU-collection, D. 31992.
Type locality. —Snellius St. 29 (Lat. 4°55'00"S, Long. 117°18'00"E), [SE of Laut Is.], Makassar Strait (Recent Globigerina ooze, depth 683 m, Ekman-Pratje sampler, July, 29, 1929).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Loxoconcha sinensis Brady, 1869
Loxoconcha sinensis Brady, 1869, p. 158, pl. 16, figs. 17, 18; Brady, 1880, p. 120, pl. 29, figs.
2a-d; G. W. Muller, 1912, p. 309; Kingma, 1948, p. 91, pl. 11, fig. 2; Bate, 1963, p. 84.
Types. —Holotype, not designated.
Type locality. —Hong Kong (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality (Brady, 1868). Recent anchor mud (depth 7 fathoms), Hong Kong Harbour (Brady, 1880). Pleistocene (early Poetjangang age) Ngronan Formation, sandy marl, Kloemprit, S Kendeng area, E Java; Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone, Sangiran, about 12 km N of Soerakarta, S Kendeng area, E Java (Kingma, 1948).

Loxoconcha uranouchiensis Ishizaki, 1968
Loxoconcha uranouchiensis: Herrig, 1977, p. 1260, 1261, pl. 2, figs. 3a, b, 4.
Known occurrence. —Plio-Pleistocene sediment, Bac-bo bay coast, (Tonquin Bay), N Vietnam (Herrig, 1977c).

Loxoconcha sp. Gramann, 1975
Loxoconcha? sp. Gramann, 1975, p. 29, pl. 5, fig. 5.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve, BB-collection, type no. 9500 (pl. 5, fig. 5; length 0.54 mm, height 0.31 mm).
Locality. —Sanpalet Chaung, Burma (Middle Oligocene, Padaung Formation, sample no. 98, field party 1, 1970).
Known occurrence. —Middle Oligocene Padaung Formation at the above locality; Upper Oligocene Okhmintaung Formation, Burma (Gramann, 1975).

Loxoconcha sp. Gramann, 1975
Loxoconcha sp. Gramann, 1975, p. 29, pl. 4, figs. 6a-c.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace, BB-collection, type no. 9501 (pl. 4, figs. 6a-c; length 0.58 mm, height 0.38 mm).
Locality. —Kyunnyogyi well no. 1, 8990-9000 ft., Delta region, Burma (Miocene, local zone no. 4).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Loxoconcha sp. Gramann, 1975
Loxoconcha sp. Gramann, 1975, p. 29.
Known occurrence. —Miocene Pyawbwe Formation, local zone no, 4, Kyangyin-Tondaung, Burma (Gramann, 1975).

Genus LOXOCONCHELLA Triebel, 1954

Loxoconchella honoluliensis (Brady, 1880)
Loxoconchella honoluliensis: Guha, 1968, p. 61, pl. 4, fig. 21, pl. 5, fig. 12
Known occurrence. —Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Genus LOXOCORNICULUM Benson and Coelman, 1963

Loxocorniculum alata (Brady, 1868)
Loxoconcha alata: Fyan, 1916, p. 1179, 1180, fig. 14; Key [Keij], 1953, p. 163; Guha, 1968, p. 61, pl. 4, figs. 5, 13.
Loxocoriculum alata: Benson, 1964, p. 403.
Known occurrence. —Recent Globigerina ooze, (depth 569 m) Snellius St. 283 (Lat. 2° 21'18"-2°21'24"N, Long. 127°46'00"-127°46'12"E), Morotai trough [N of Supu, Halmahera Is., Molucca Sea] (Snapper, May 30, 1930) (Key [Keij], 1953). Uppermost part of Pliocene clay, from left bank of Mota Talau near Atamboea (Atambua), Timor (collected by G.A.F.
Molengraaff and F.A.H. Weckherlin, 1910-1912) (Fyan, 1916). Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E); Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Loxocorniculum alata longispina (Key [Keij], 1953)
Loxoconcha alata var. longispina Key [Keij], 1953, p. 160, 163, pl. 1, figs. 10a, b.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, SUU-collection, (pl. 1, figs. 10a, b; length 0.43mm, height 0.26mm, width 0.22mm).
Type locality. —Snellius St. 66 (Lat. 6°35'00"-6°36'06"N, Long. 120°01'00"-120°03' 00"E), [NW of Pangutaran Is.], Sulu Sea (Recent Globigerina ooze, depth 4483 m, Sigsbee-sounding tube, Sept. 7, 8, 1929).
Known occurrence. —Recent sample from the above type locality; Recent Globigerina ooze (depth 1471 m), Snellius St. 34 (Lat. 2°52'12"-2°56'00"S, Long. 118°22'00"E), [E of Kepulauan Balabalangan], Makassar Strait (Ekman-Pratje sampler, Aug. 3,1929); Recent coral mud (depth 364m), St. 124 (Lat. 10°27'00"S, Long. 126°31'00"E), [SE of Timor, Timor Sea] (Ekman-Pratje sampler, Oct. 28, 1929); Recent Globigerina ooze (depth 569 m), St. 283 (Lat. 2°21'18"2°21'24"N, Long. 127°46'00"-127°46'12"E), Morotai trough, [N of Supu, Halmahera Is., Molucca Sea] (snapper, May 30, 1930) (Key [Keij], 1953).

Loxocorniculum sp.
Loxocorniculum cf. antilleanum (van den Bold, 1946), Gramann, 1975, p. 30, pl. 5, fig. 4.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace, BB-collection, type no. 9503 (pl. 5, fig. 4; length 0.46 mm, height 0.27 mm).
Locality. —Thayetmyo, Lime Hill, Burma (Upper Oligocene, Lepidocyclina-limestone, lateral facies of Okhmintaung Formation, sample no, 3).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Subfamily CYTHEROMORPHINAE Mandelstam, 1960
Genus CYTHEROMORPHA Hirschmann, 1909

Cytheromorpha crispata (Brady, 1869)
Cythere crispata: Brady, 1869, p. 155.
Cytheromorpha crispata: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent, Hong Kong (Brady, 1869). Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (Van den Bold, 1950).

Cytheromorpha rostrata Hu, 1977
Cytheromorpha rostrata Hu, 1977a, p. 99-101, pl. 4, figs. 17, 18, 21, 22, text-figs. 17A-D.
Types. —Motype, a right valve, CKUM-3651 (pl. 4, fig. 17); paratypes, CKUM3650, 3652, 3652'.
Type locality. —One of locs. 6, 9, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above two localities.

Genus HEMICYTHERIDEA Kingma, 1948

Hemicytheridea reticulata Kingma, 1948
Hemicytheridea reticulata Kingma, 1948, p. 71, pl. 7, figs. 7a-e.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31930-31935.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Kloemprit (Pleistocene, early Poetjangang age, Ngronan Formation, sandy marl), Sangiran, about 12 km N of Soerakarta (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone), and Pentoek (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng age, Klitik Formation, sandstone) S Kendeng area, E Java; loc. 1, Blang Oeno River (Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, sample no. SUU 399-1932), loc. 2, Blang Koembang River (Lower Pliocene, middle Seuroela horizon, grey marl, sample no. SUU 382-1932) Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra; loc. 5, Tjoetjoer River, 500 m from the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoe district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, lower Seuroela horizon, dark grey Mollusca marl, sample no. SUU 395-1932).
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene and Pliocene marls at the above type localities (Kingma, 1948).

Hemicytheridea crispata Hu, 1977
Hemicytheridea crispata Hu, 1977b, p. 203-205, figs. 21A-D; 24-(13,14, 21).
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, CKUM-3517 (fig. 24-13); paratypes, CKUM3518-3520.
Type locality. —One of Iocs. 6-8, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above three localities.

Hemicytheridea? zonata Hu and Yang, 1975
Hemicytheridea zonata Hu and Yang, 1975, p. 107, 108, pl. 2, figs. 2, 16.
Types. —Holotype, CKUM-1013 (pl. 2, fig. 16); paratypes, CKUM-1014-1016.
Type locality. —Mc-4, S side of the Houlung River, about 2 km W of Fuchi county, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Pliocene or Pleistocene, Chinshui Shale).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Hemicytheridea sp.
Cytheromorpha cancellata (Brady, 1868), Key [Keij], 1954, p. 354, pl. 1, figs. 7-9.
Hemicytheridea? aff. cancellata: van Morkhoven, 1963, p. 400, figs. 665-667.
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954).

Hemicytheridea sp.
Cf. Hemicytheridea sp. Hu, 1977a, pl. 3, fig. 10.
Illustrated specimen. —A single valve, CKUM-3695.
Locality. —Left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli. city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence.—Known from the above locality.

Genus XESTOLEBERIS Sars, 1866

Xestoleberis awantia (Baird, 1838)
Xestoleberis awantia: Brady, 1869, p. 155; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 298, 299.
Known occurrence. —Recent, Hong Kong (Brady, 1869).

Xestoleberis cwta (Brady, 1865)
Xestoleberis cwta: Brady, 1868, p. 79, 80, pl. 10, figs. 16-18; G. W. Muller, 1912, p. 303;
Kingma, 1948, p. 98, pl. 8, fig. 7; Puri, 1971, p. 168.
Known occurrence. —Recent sediment, North Watcher Is., Java (Brady, 1868). Pleistocene, Poetjangan Beds (316-335, 368-386 m); Pliocene, lower Kalibeng Beds (822, 973-985, 1269 m) of drilling, Bodjonegoro, E Java (Kingma, 1948).

Xestoleberis expansa Brady, 1880
Xestoleberis expansa: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence-Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [Nof Sarawak], (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (sample T. 160) (van den Bold, 1950).

Xestoleberis granulosa (Brady, 1880)
Xestoleberis granulosa: Kingma, 1948, p. 98, pl. 8, fig. 8.
Known occurrence. —Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (sample no. SUU 399-1932) (Kingma, 1948).

Xestoleberis intermedia Brady, 1868
Xestoleberis margaritea Brady. 1866, Guha, 1968, p. 64, pl. 5, fig. 10.
Known occurrence. —Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).
Remarks.—Guha (1968, p. 64, pl. 5, fig. 10) identified specimens from Guitar Island with a species reported by Brady (1880, p. 127, pl. 30, figs. 2a-g) in the Challenger Report as Xestoleberis margaritea Brady, 1866. However, the species is not X. margaritea but actually X. intermedia Brady, 1868 by G. W. Müller (1912, p. 303).

Xestoleberis kalibengensis Kingma, 1948
Xestoleberis kalibengensis Kingma, 1948, p. 98, 99, pl. 8, fig. 6.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 32024.
Type locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, horizons 973-985 m of drilling (Pliocene lower Kalibeng Beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above horizons of drilling at the type locality.

Xestoleberis nana Brady, 1880
Xestoleberis nana: Guha, 1968, p. 64, pl. 5, fig. 9.
Known occurrence. —Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E); Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Xestoleberis variegata Brady, 1880
Xestoleberis cf. variegata: Kingma, 1948, p. 99, pl. 8, fig. 9.
Xestoleberis variegata: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901; Key [Keij], 1954, p. 361, 362, pl. 3, fig. 8;
Benson, 1964, p. 405; Guha, 1968, p. 64, pl. 4, fig. 19.
Known occurrence. —Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4?2'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (sample T. 160) (van den Bold, 1950). Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (Key [Keij], 1954). Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone, Sangiran, S Kendeng area about 12 km north of Soerakarta, E Java; Upper Pliocene (upper Kalibeng age), Klitik Formation, sandstone, Pentoek, S Kendeng area, E Java (Kingma, 1948). Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E); Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Xestoleberis sp. Kingma, 1948
Xestoleberis sp. Kingma, 1948, p. 99, pl. 8, fig. 11.
Illustrated specimen. —SUU-collection, D. 32025.
Locality. —Loc. 2, Blang Koembange River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene Seuroela horizon, middle horizon, grey marl, sample no. SUU 382-1932); loc. 5, Tjoetjoer River, 500m from the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoe district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene Seuroela horizon, lower horizon, dark grey Mollusca marl, sample no. SUU 395-1932). Known occurrence. —Known from the above localities.

Genus ORNATOLEBERIS Keij, 1975

Ornatoleberis morkhoveni Keij, 1975
Uroleberis? Umamillata (Brady, 1886), Gramman, 1975, p. 28, 29, pl. 4, fig. 7.
Ornatoleberis morkhoveni Keij, 1975, p. 232-236, pl. 1, figs. 1-7, text-fig. 2.
Known occurrence. —Recent, tidal creek with the village of Zee Pyu Gon and rocky tidal pools near saltern of Ngapali, Sandoway district, Arakan Coast, Burma (Gramann, 1975). Holocene, intertidal zone, Pulau Salu (Lat. 1°13'00"N, Long. 103°42'30"E), and Pulau Hantu (Lat. 1°13'30"N, Long. 103°45'00"E), off Singapore; depth 1.5 m, Pulau Semut Besar (Lat. 5°34' 16"S, Long. 106°33'29"E) and Pulau Putri Kechil (Lat. 5°35'32"S, 106°33'36"E); depth 18 m, 600 m E of Pulau Putri Kechil (Lat. 5°35'29"S, Long. 106°34'29"E); depth 34 m, 1500 m E of Pulau Putri Kechil (Lat. 5°35'35"S, Long. 106°?4'29"E); depth 1.5m, Pulau Belanda (Lat. 5?6'13"S, Long. 106°36'16"E), Pulau Seribu (Thousand Islands), Java Sea; depth 5m, Balikpapan Bay (Lat. 1°22'48"S, Long. 116°47'16"E); depth 6.5m, Balikpapan Bay (Lat. 1°24'25"S, Long. 116°46'37"E), near Tanjong (Cape) Djumalai, Kalimantan (Borneo) (Keij, 1975).
Remarks.—The specific name of Cythere bimamillata Brady (1886, p. 309, pl. 40, figs. 10-12) is an objective homonym of Cythere bimamillata Seguenza (1884, p. 265, pl. 2, fig. 6) (Ascoli, 1961, p. 46; Keij, 1975, p. 231). Therefore, the specific trivial name for the former species was replaced by a new name morkhoveni by Keij (1975, p. 234).

Ornatoleberis pustulatus Keij, 1975
Ornatoleberis pustulatus Keij, 1975, p. 236-238, pl. 1, fig. 8, pl. 2, figs. 1-4, text-fig. 4.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, SUU-collection, T 252 (pl. 2, fig. 2; length 0.531 mm, height 0.291 mm); paratypes, 17 valves and one complete carapace, SUU-collection, T 253-255.
Type locality. —Dampiei St. 8 (Lat. 5°59'N, Long. 112°35'E), on slope of Friendship Shoal, South China Sea (Recent, yellow brown ooze with Mollusca, depth 424 m, Van Veen grab, July 24, 1963).
Known occurrence. —Recent sediment, from the above type locality and olive grey clayey sand with Mollusca and corals (depth 677 m), Dampier St. 54 (Lat. 6°40'N, Long. 109°30'E), [NE of Natuna Besar], South, China Sea (bottom dredge, Aug. 1, 1963) (Keij, 1975).

Genus UROLEBERIS Triebel, 1958

Uroleberis foveolata Brady, 1880
Xestoleberis foveolata: Kingma, 1948, p. 98, pl. 8, fig. 10; van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent terrigenous mud (depth 61 m), Snellius St. 25 (Lat. 6°22'30"S, Long. 112°48'30"E), [60 km off Madura Is., between Bewean Is. and Madura Is.], Java Sea (Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 27, 1929); terrigenous mud (depth 81 m), St. 26 (Lat. 6°28'00"S, Long. 113° 57'00"E), [40 km off northern coast of Madura Is.], eastern part of Java Sea (Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 28, 1929) (Kingma, 1948). Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E), (sample T. 160) (van den Bold, 1950). Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone, Sangiran, S Kendeng area about 12km N of Soerakarta, E Java (Kingma, 1948).
Remarks.—Uroleberis foveolata, a new combination by Triebel (1958, p. 110).

Family PARADOXOSTOMATIDAE Brady and Norman, 1889
Genus JAVANELLA Kingma, 1948

Javanella kendengensis Kingma, 1948
Javanella kendengensis Kingma, 1948, p. 89, 90, pl. 10, figs. 6a-c.
Paradoxostoma sp. Key [Keij], 1954, p. 362, pl. 3, fig. 9.
Types. —Syntypes, one left and one right valves, SUU-collection, D. 31989,
Type locality. —Pentoek, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng age, Klitik Formation, sandstone).
Known occurrence. —Recent sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (collected by G. H. R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954). Upper Pliocene Klitik Formation of the above type locality (Kingma, 1948).
Remarks.—Paradoxostoma sp. of Key [Keij] (1954, p. 362, pl. 3, fig. 9) equals Pellncistoma kendengensis (Kingma, 1948, p. 89, 90, pl. 10, figs. 6a-c) by Key [Keij], 1954 (hand writing in his reprint). Javanella is a synonym of Pellucistoma according to Sylvester-Bradley and Howe (1961, p. Q318).

Genus SCLEROCHILUS Sars, 1868

Sclerochilus? sp. Gramann, Lain and Stoppel, 1972
Sclerochilus? sp. Gramann, Lain and Stoppel, 1972, p. 13, 14, pl. 3, fig. 9.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace, MOCR-collection.
Locality. —3.3 miles E of Hsa Hmong Hkam, 0.3 miles N of Kalaw-Heho road (Lat. 20°41'15"N, Long. 96°44'30"E), Burma (Triassic [to Permian?], Thigaungdaung Limestone, loc. 8, field party 10, 1969).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.

Genus XIPHICHYLUS Brady, 1870

Xiphichylus sp. van den Bold, 1950
Xiphichylus sp. van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (sample T. 160); Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).

Family RECTONARIIDAE Grundel, 1962
Genus ORTHONARIA Blumenstengel, 1965

Orthonaria sp. Gründel and Kozur, 1975
Orthonaria sp. Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 42, pl. 2, fig. 14.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from. the above locality.

Genus TRIPLACERA Gründel, 1961

Triplacera sp. Gründel and Kozur, 1975
Triplacera sp. Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 42, pl. 1, fig. 15.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno Series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.

Family uncertain
Genus KEROCYTHERE Kozur and Nicldas, 1970

Kerocythere? sp. Gramann, Lain and Stoppel, 1972
Kerocyfhere? sp. Gramann, Lain and Stoppel, 1972, p. 13, pl. 3, fig. 12, pl. 4, figs. 25a-c.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace, MOCR-collection.
Locality. —3.3 miles E of Hsa Hmong Hkam, 0.3 miles N of Kalaw-Heho road (Lat. 20°41'15"N, Long. 96°44'30"E), Burma (Triassic [to Permian?], Thigaungdaung Limestone, loc. 8, field party 10, 1969).
Known occurrence. —Triassic [to Permian?] of the above locality; loc. 4, 6.3 miles S of Hsa Hmong Hkam (Lat. 20°35'30"N, Long. 96°43'E); loc. 10, 7.7 miles SSE of Hsa Hmong Hkam (Lat. 20°35'30"N, Long. 96°45'E), Burma (Gramann, Lain and Stoppel, 1972).

Genus SAIDA Hornibrook, 1952

Saida herrigi Keij, 1975
Saida herrigi Keij, 1975, p. 238-240, pl. 2, figs. 5-9.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, SUU-collection, T 256 (pl. 2, figs. 6a, b; length 0.329 mm, height 0.228 mm); paratypes, 2 adult left valves, 8 adult right valves, 3 penultimate instars, 3 last minus 2 instars, SUU-collection, T 257-266.
Type locality. —Dampier St. 43 (Lat. 3°25'45"N, Long. 110°15'30"E), [SE of Natuna Besar], South China Sea (Recent, light grey green clay, depth 110 m, bottom dredge, July 30, 1963).
Known occurrence. —Recent sediments of the above type locality; olive grey clay with Mollusca and echinoids (depth 140 m), Dampler St. 20 (Lat. 5°21'N, Long. 111°14'E),[Wof South Luconia Shoals] (bottom dredge, July 26, 1963); sediment (depth 130m), St. 21 (Lat. 5°15'N, Long. 111°14'E), [W of South Luconia Shoals] (core, July 26, 1963); sediment (depth 169 m), St. 24 (Lat. 5°22'N, Long. 110°45'E), [W of South Luconia Shoals] (Van Veen grab, July 26, 1963); olive grey clayey sand with Mollusca (depth 140 m), St. 28 (Lat. 5°28'30"N, Long. 109°47'E), [NE of Natuna Basar] (Van Veen grab, July 27, 1963); sediment (depth 104m), St. 31 (Lat. 4°16'N, Long. 110°00'E), [E of Natuna Besar] (bottom dredge, July 27,1963); sediment (depth 115 m), St. 33 (Lat. 3°38'N, Long. 110°15'E), [SE of Natuna Besar] (bottom dredge, July 28, 1963); olive grey clayey sand with Mollusca and corals (depth 677 m), St. 54 (Lat. 6°40'N, Long. 109°34'30"E), [SE of Charlotte Bank], South China Sea (bottom dredge, Aug. 1, 1963) (Keij, 1975).

Genus and family uncertain

Archicythereis sp. Hu, 1976
Cf. Archicythereis sp. Hu 1976, pl. 2, figs. 10, 12.
Illustrated specimen. —An incomplete right valve, CKUM-2057.
Locality. —Loc. 13, 2.5 km SE of Tsaochiao station, Chinshui county, approximately 8 km NE of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Atjehella sp, Gramann, 1975
Atjehella sp. 1 Gramann, 1975, p. 26, pl. 3, fig. 10.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve (specimen lost).
Locality. —Tenasserim Coast, NE of Lampi Is. (Lat. 10°57'04"N, Long. 98°14'08"E) (Recent, sample no. 7).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Atjehella sp. Gramann, 1975
Atjehella sp. 2 Gramann, 1975, p. 27, pl. 3, fig. 9.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve (specimen lost).
Locality. —Kyangyin Tondaung area, local zone no. 3 (Miocene, sample no. 176, field party 6, 1969).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality; Middle or Lower Miocene, Kyaukkok or Pyawbwe Formation, Twinie, Thayetmyo area; Lower Miocene, Pyawbwe Formation, Singbaungwe, Burma (Gramann, 1975).

Cythere attrita Brady, 1868
Cythere attrita Brady, 1868, p. 78, pl. 10, figs. 5, 6; Percier, 1970, p. 6.
Cythere attrica [sic]: G. W. Muller, 1912, p. 371.
Types. —Holotype not designated, CERS-collection.
Type locality. —Billiton (Belitung Is.) to Poulo-Condore, South China Sea (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythere cypraeoides Brady, 1868
Cythere cypraeoides Brady, 1868, p. 72, pl. 8, figs. 21, 22.
Cythere cypraeoides: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 373.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —The vicinity of North-Watcher Is., N Java (Recent, calcareous clay with fine sand and organic material).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythere favus Brady, 1868
Cythere favus Brady, 1868, p. 77, pl. 10, figs. 3, 4; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 374; Percier, 1970, p. 6.
Types. —Holotype not designated, CERS-collection.
Type locality. —Billiton (Belitung Is.) to Poulo-Condore, South China Sea (Recent).
Known occurrence. —nown from the above type locality.

Cythere fungoides Brady, 1866
Cythere fungoides: Brady, 1880, p. 93, pl. 19, figs. 7a-d; Bate, 1963, p. 83.
Cythereis fungoides: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 354, 355.
Known occurrence. —Recent mud (depth 28 fathoms), Challenger St. 189 (Lat. 9°59'S, Long. 137°50'E), [Arafura Sea] (Sept. 11, 1874) (Brady, 1880).

Cythere perieri Brady, 1868
Cythere Perieri Brady, 1868, p. 79, pl. 8, figs. 25, 26.
Cythere perieri: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 380.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —40 miles W of Carimata, South China Sea (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythere salebrosa Brady, 1869
Cythere salebrosa Brady, 1869, p: 158, pl. 16, figs. 9, 10; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 381; Percier, 1970, p. 7.
Types. —Holotype not designated, CERS-collection.
Type locality. —Hong Kong (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythere solandi Brady, 1871
Cythere Solandi Brady, 1871, p. 194, 195, pl. 28, figs. 3, 4; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 382.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Entrance of Malacca Strait (Lat. 5°25'N, Long. 98°E), near Poulo-Penang (Recent, mud).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythere spongiosa Brady, 1871
Cythere spongiosa Brady, 1871, p. 194, pl. 28, figs. 1, 2; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 383.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Entrance of Malacca Strait (Lat. 5°25'N, Long. 98°E), near Poulo-Penang (Recent, mud).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythere zenkeri Brady, 1868
Cythere Zenkeri Brady, 1868, p. 71, 72, pl. 8, figs. 19, 20.
Cythereis zenkeri: G. W Müller, 1912, p. 355.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —The vicinity of North-Watcher Is., N Java (Recent, calcareous clay with fine sand and organic material).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythere sp.
Cythere? caudata Brady, 1890, Key [Keij], 1954, p. 362, pl. 3, figs. 1a, b; Howe, 1969, p. 7.
Illustrated specimen,-A right valve, SUU-collection (pl. 3, figs. 1a, b).
Locality. —Harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (Recent sand with volcanic material, collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.
Remarks.—The name Cythere caudata Brady, 1890 is preoccupied by Cythere (Bairdia) plebeia caudata Kirkby (1860, p. 145, pl. 9, figs. 9, 10, 12, 12a) (Howe, 1969, p. 7).

Cythereis antjamensis Doeglas, 1931
Cythereis antjamensis Doeglas, 1931, p. 46, 47, pl. 5, figs. 14a, b.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Loc. no. 1, Gondang, Sangkoelirang (Sangkulirang) Bay, NE Borneo (upper part of Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Menkrawit bed).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythereis bodjonegoroensis Kingma, 1948
Cythereis bodjonegoroensis Kingma, 1948, p. 78, pl. 10, figs. 4a, b.
Trachyleberis bodjonegoroensis: Guha, 1968, p. 65, pl. 4, fig. 17.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31953.
Type locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, one of the following horizons of drilling, 244-264, 266-285, 292-296, 316-335, 368-386 m (Pleistocene, Poetjangan beds).
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene, Poetjangan beds of the above type locality (Kingma, 1948). Probable Pliocene, Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°0'03"N, Long. 92°5'28"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).

Cythereis cruysi Kingma, 1948
Cythereis cruysi Kingma, 1948, p. 79, pl. 9, figs. 10a-c.
Types. —SUU-collection, D. 31956.
Type locality. —Loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, sample no. SUU 399-1932).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythereis dekrooni Kingma, 1948
Cythereis dekrooni Kingma, 1948, p. 79, 80, pl. 9, figs. 15a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31958.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Kloemprit, S Kendeng area, E Java (Pleistocene, early Poetjangan age, Ngronan Formation, sandy marl); Sangiran, about 12km N of Soerakarta, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone).
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene and Upper Pliocene sediments of the above type localities.

Cythereis keutapangensis Kingma, 1948
Cythereis keutapangensis Kingma, 1948, p. 81, pl. 10, figs. 1a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31963, 31964.
Type locality-Syntype localities, Snellius St. 26 (Lat. 6°8'00"S, Long. 113°7'00"E), [40 km off the northern coast of Madura Is.], eastern part of Java Sea (Recent, terrigenous mud, depth 81m, Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 28, 1929) ;loc. 12, Djoewa River, western part of Peulaloe-Idi anticline, Simpang Olim district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Upper Miocene, middle Keutapang horizon, dark grey marl, sample no. SUU 418-1932); loc. 3, Pale Teungkoe River, 2.4 km from the confluence with Pira River, Pira district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Upper Miocene, lower Keutapang horizon, dark grey clay, sample no. SUU 442-1932).
Known occurrence. —Recent terrigenous mud, and Upper Miocene Keutapang marl and cley of the above type localities (Kingma, 1948).

Cythereis keyi Kingma, 1948
Cythereis keyi Kingma, 1948, p. 81, pl. 9, figs. 9a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31965.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, Bodjonegoro, E Java, one of the following horizons of the drilling, 390-412 m (Pleistocene, Poetjangan beds); 858-867, 909-915 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Cythereis reticulineata Kingma, 1948
Cythereis reticulineata Kingma, 1948, p. 82, pl. 9, figs, 2a, b.
Types. — Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31968, 31969.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Pentoek, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng age, Klitik Formation, sandstone); loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district (sample no. SUU 399-1932); loc. 7, Tjoetjoer River, at the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoë district (sample no. SUU 402-1932) (Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl); loc. 2, Blang Koembang River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district (Lower Pliocene, middle Seuroela horizon, grey marl, sample no. SUU 382-1932); loc. 5, Tjoetjoer River, 500m from the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoe district (Lower Pliocene, lower Seuroela horizon, dark grey Mollusca marl, sample no. SUU 395-1932), Atjeh, N Sumatra.
Known occurrence. —Upper Pliocene Klitik Formation and Lower Pliocene Seuroela horizons of the above type localities (Kingma, 1948).

Cythereis rosemani Kingma, 1948
Cythereis roesmani Kingma, 1948, p. 82, 83, pl. 9, figs. 1a, b.
Cythereis roesmani Var. rugosa Kingma, 1948, p. 83, pl. 10, figs. 3a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31970-31972.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Kloemprit (Pleistocene, early Poetjangang age, Ngronan Formation, sandy marl); Sangiran, about 12 km N of Soerakarta (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone); Pentoek (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng age, Klitik Formation, sandstone), S Kendeng area, E Java.
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene Ngronan Formation, Upper Pliocene upper Kalibeng beds and Klitik Formation, of the above type localities.

Cythereis vandijki Kingma, 1948
Cythereis vandijki Kingma, 1948, p. 83, 84, pl. 9, figs. 13a, b; Benson, 1964, p. 401.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31978-31980.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Snellius St. 25 (Lat. 6°2'30"S, Long. 112°8'30"E), [60 km off Madura Is., between Bewean Is. and Madura Is.], Java Sea (Recent, terrigenous mud, depth 61 m, Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 27, 1929); St. 26 (Lat. 6°28'00"S, Long. 113°7'00"E), [40 km off the northern coast of Madura Is.], eastern part of Java Sea (Recent, terrigenous mud, depth 81 m, Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 28, 1929); Kloemprit, S Kendeng area, E Java (Pleistocene, early Poetjangang age, Ngronan Formation, sandy marl); loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang anticline, Tjoenda district (sample no. SUU 399-1932), loc. 7, Tjoetjoer River, at the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoë district (sample no. SUU 402-1932), Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl).
Known occurrence. —Recent terrigenous muds from the above two localities (Kingma, 1948; Benson, 1964). Pleistocene and Lower Pliocene sediments of the above three localities (Kingma, 1948).

Cytherura? kalibengensis Kingma, 1948
Cytherura? kalibengensis Kingma, 1948, p. 97, pl. 11, figs. 15a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, several closed carapaces and one left and one right valve, SUU-collection, D.32012.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, Bodjonegoro, E Java, following horizon of the drilling, 973-985 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Echinocythereis cf. afreraensis Gramann, 1971
Echinocyfhereis cf. afreraensis: Herrig, 1975, p. 672, text-figs, 1a, b, 3a-c.
Known occurrence. —Neogene, N Vietnam (Herrig, 1975).

Echinocythereis formosana Hu and Yang, 1975
Echinocythereis fomosana Hu and Yang, 1975, p. 104, pl. 1, figs. 18, 21, pl. 2, fig. 5.
Types. —Holotype, a complete carapace, CKUM-1038 (pl. 2, fig. 5); paratypes, CKUM1039, 1040.
Type locality. —Mc-4. S side of the Houlung River, about 2 km W of Fuchi county, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Pliocene or Pleistocene, Chinshui Shale).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Eucyhtere sp. Hu, 1977
Cf. Eucythere Hu, 1977a, pl. 4, fig. 4.
Illustrated specimen. —A single broken valve, CKUM-3646.
Locality. —Left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.

Hemicythere sp. Kingma, 1948
Hemicythere sp. Kingma, 1948, p. 78, pl. 8, figs. 5a-c.
Illustrated specimen. —Left valves, SUU-collection, D. 31952.
Locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, 419 m horizon of the drilling (Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.
Remarks.—The "right valves" in the description of this species (Kingma, 1948, p. 8) seems to be a typographical error.

?Jugosocythereis prava (Baird, 1850)
Cythereis prava?: Kingma, 1948, p. 82, pl. 9, fig. 7.
Trachyleberis prava?: Guha, 1968, p. 65, pl. 5, fig. 16.
Known occurrence. —Recent Globigerina ooze (depth 683 rn), Snellius St. 29 (Lat. 4°5'00"S, Long. 117°8'00"E), [SE of Laut Is.], Makassar Strait (Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 29, 1929) (Kingma, 1948). Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°0'03" N, Long. 92°5'28"E); Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).
Remarks.—Identifications of the Southeast Asian specimens to Jugosocythereis prava (Baird, 1850) made by both Kingma (1948, p. 82) and Guha (1968, p. 65) seem questionable.

Perissocytheridea oblonga Hu, 1976
Perissocytheridea oblonga Hu, 1976, p. 47, 48, pl. 3, figs. 18, 22, 23, 26, 27, text-fig. 18.
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, CKUM-2051 (pl. 3, figs. 18,26); paratypes, CKUM-2052, 2053.
Type locality. —Loc. 13, 2.5 km SE of Tsaochiao station, Chinshui county, approximately 8 km NE of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Quadracythere? subquadrata Hu and Yang, 1975
Quadracythere? subquadrata Hu and Yang, 1975, p. 105, 106, pl. 2, figs. 20, 21.
Types. —Holotype, a complete carapace, CKUM-1007 (pl. 2, figs, 20, 21); paratype CKUM-1008.
Type locality. —Mc-1, S side of the Houlung River, about 2 km W of Fuchi county, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Pliocene or Pleistocene, Chinshui Shale).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.

Quadracythere? sp. Key [Keij], 1954
Quadracythere? sp. Key [Keij], 1954, p. 358, pl. 2, figs. 11a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve, SUU-collection.
Locality. —Harbour of Manila or just outside it, Bay of Manila (Recent sand with dark volcanic material, collected by G.H.R, von Koenigswald).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Reymentia taiwanica Hu, 1977
Reymontia [sic] taiwanica Hu, 1977b, p. 191-193, figs. 10A, B; 27-(13, 14).
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, CKUM-3572 (fig. 27-14); paratype, CKUM-3571.
Type locality. —One of locs. 2, 3, 6 or 7, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above four localities.
Remarks.—Reymontia is a typographical error for Reymentia Omatsola, 1970.

Thalmannia sp. Herrig, 1975
Thalmannia sp. Herrig, 1975, p. 673, text-fig. 2.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace, SGWG 49-28.
Locality. —Tonquin Bay, N Vietnam (Neogene).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheracea gen. and sp. unknown
Gen. et sp. undeterminate A Hu and Yang, 1975, pl. 2, fig. 10.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve, CKUM-1048.
Locality. —One of six localities (locs. Mc-1-6), S side of the Houlung River, about 2 km W of Fuchi county, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Pliocene or Pleistocene, Chinshui Shale).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.

Cytheracea gen. and sp. unknown
Gen. et sp. undeterminate B Hu and Yang, 1975, pl. 2, fig. 11.
Illustrated specimen. — CKUM-1049
Locality. —One of six localities (locs. Mc-1-6), S side of the Houlung River, about 2 km W of Fuchi county, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Pliocene or Pleistocene, Chinshui Shale).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.

Cytheracea gen. and sp. unknown
Gen. et sp. undeterminate (undescribed) Hu, 1976, pl. 3, fig. 5.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve, CKUM-2058.
Locality. —Loc. 14, 2.5 km. SE of Tsaochiao station, Chinshui county, approximately 8 km NE of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

Cytheracea gen. and sp. unknown
Gen. et sp. indet. Hu, 1977b, fig. 26-22.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve.
Locality. —Left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.

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