Suborder PLATYCOPINA Sars, 1866
Family KLOEDENELLIDAE Ulrich and Bassler, 1908
Genus KLOEDENELLA Ulrich and Bassler, 1908
Kloedenella? birmanica Reed, 1915
Kloedenella? birmanica Reed, 1915, p. 85, 87, 93, pl, 12, fig. 26; Pascoe, 1959, p. 644.
Types.—Syntypes, a right valve (pl. 12, fig. 26) and a left valve.
Type locality. —Panghsa-pye (approximately Lat. 22°N, Long. 98°E), saddle 0.25
miles, SE of village on path to Manpeklu, Northern Shan States, Burma (Lower Silurian, Panghsapye bed, loc. Panghsa-pye (1)).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality (samples Kll. 95, Kll. 107) (Reed, 1915).
Family CYTHERELLIDAE Sars, 1866
Genus CYTHERELLA Jones, 1849
Cytherella cribrosa Brady, 1880
Cytherella cribrosa: Kingma, 1948, p. 62, pl. 6, figs. la, b.
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene (early Poetjangan age) Ngronan Formation, sandy marl, Kloemprit, S. Kendeng area, E Java; Lower Pliocene Seuroela horizon, (1) upper horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang-anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (loc. 1, sample no. SUU 399-1932), (2) middle horizon, grey marl, Blang Koem-bang River, Beureugang-anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (loc. 2, sample no. SUU 382-1932), (3) lower horizon, dark grey Mollusca marl, Tjoetjoer River, 500m from the con-fluence with Peutoë River, Peutoë district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (loc. 5, sample no. SUU 395-1932) (Kingma, 1948).
Cytherella lata Brady, 1880
Cytherella lata Brady, 1880, p. 173, pl. 44, figs. 5a-e; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 396; Bate, 1963, p. 81; Benson, 1964, p. 401; Puri, 1971, p. 168; Puri and Hulings, 1976, p. 313.
Known occurrence. —Recent mud (depth 580 fathoms), Challenger St. 191a (Lat. 5°26'S, Long. 133°19'E), off Ki (Kai) Islands (Sept. 24, 1874) (Brady, 1880; Puri and Hulings, 1976).
Recent deeper shelf, Southern Indonesia (identification dubious) (Benson, 1964).
Remarks.—Puri and Hulings (1976) designated lectotype of this species, selecting a right valve (BMNH-collection 80.38.172) from Challenger St. 75 (Lat. 38°38'00"N, Long. 28°28'30"W), off Azores, Atlantic Ocean.
Cytherella leroyi Kingma, 1948
Cytherella truncata LeRoy, 1939 p. 274, 275. pl. 12, figs. 1-12.
Cytherella leroyi Kingma, 1948, p. 62, pl. 6, figs, 2a, b.
Types.—Syatypes, and , GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1095a.
Type locality. —Syntype locality. Ho-537, 7 km N33°E from Kampong Aliantan, Ta-poeng Kiri area, central Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad 18/XVII) (Miocene, stage f, Transitional Zone, Auger hole sample, depth 4.5 m).
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene (early Poetjangan age) Ngronan Formation, sandy marl, Kloemprit, S Kendeng area, E Java; Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone, San-giran, S Kendeng area about 12km. N of Soerakarta, E Java; Lower Pliocene, lower Seuroela horizon, dark grey Mollusca marl, Tjoetjoer River, 500m from the confluence with Peutoe River, Peutoë district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Iocs. 5 and 6, sample no. SUU 395-1932 and 390-1932) (Kingma, 1948). Miocene sediment from the aboee type locality (LeRoy, 1939).
Remarks. —Cytherella truncata LeRoy (1939, p. 274, 275, pl. 12, figs. 1-12) was a secondary homonym of Cythere truncata Bosquet (1847, p. 7, pl. 1, figs. 2a-c) and a primary homonym of Cytherella truncata Brady (1868, p. 154, pl. 19, figs. 3, 4). For further reference see Howe (1969, p. 7).
Cytherella obtusata G. W. Müller, 1912
Cytherella truncata Brady, 1868, Kingma, 1948, p. 63, pl. 6, figs. 7a, b; Benson, 1964, p. 401; Howe, 1969, p. 7.
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene, Poetjangan beds (316-335, 414-427 m), Pliocene lower Kalibeng beds (885-903 m), Miocene Rembang beds (1555, 1656 m) of drilling, Bodjonegoro, E Java (Kingma, 1948).
Remarks.—Cythere truncata Bosquet (1847, p. 7, pl. 1, figs. 2a-c) is a well-recognized Cytherella from the Maestrichitian of Maestricht (Howe, 1969, p. 7). Therefore, the name Cytherella truncata Brady, 1868, a secondary homonym of Cytherella truncata (Bosquet, 1847), was replaced by a new name Cytherella obtusata G. W. Müller (1912, p. 391). Further, Cytherella truncata Brady (1868, p. 154, pl. 19, figs. 3, 4) from Panama may not be the same species as Cytherella truncata Brady (1880, p. 174, pl. 36, figs. 3a-d) from Torres Strait (Benson, 1964, p. 401; Howe, 1969, p. 7). The fossil species from Pleistocene to Miocene of E Java may be closer to the species from Torres Strait than to the species from Panama.
Cytherella posterotuberculata Kingma, 1948
Cytherella posterotuberculata Kingma, 1948, p. 62, pl. 6, figs. 3a, b.
Types.—Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31896.
Type locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, the following horizons of drilling: 266-285, 292-296, 316-335, 339-355 m (Pleistocene Poetjangan beds); 620-630 m (Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds); 950-956, 973-985 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above horizones of the type locality.
Cytherella pulchra Brady, 1866
Cytherella pulchra: Brady, 1880, p. 23, 174, pl. 44, figs. 3a, b; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 390, 391; Bate, 1963, p. 83.
Known occurrence. —Recent sediment, depth 15 to 20 fathoms, Amboyna (Ambon) (Oct. 6, 1874)(Brady,1880).
Cytherella punctata Brady, 1866
Cytherella punctata: Brady, 1880, p. 174, 175, pl. 36, figs. 6a-b, pl. 44, figs. 4a-g; G.W. Müller, 1912, p. 394; van den Bold, 1950, p. 901; Bate, 1963, p. 83; Puri, 1971, p. 168.
Cytherella punctata var.: Kingma, 1948, p. 63, pl. 6, figs. 4a, b.
Known occurrence. —Recent mud (depth 580 fathoms), Challenger St. 191a (Lat. 5°26'S, Long. 133°19'E'), off Ki (Kai) Islands (Sept. 24, 1874) (Brady, 1880). Subrecent S. Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (Sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950). Pleistocene, Poet-jangan beds (266-285, 316-335, 414-427 m), Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds (534-547, 557-577 m), Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds (950-556 m) of drilling, Bodjonegoro, E Java (Kingma,1948).
Cytherella sangiranensis Kingma, 1948
Cytherella sangiranensis Kingma, 1948, p. 63, pl. 6, figs. 5a, b.
Types.—Syatypes, and , SUU-collection, D. 31898.
Type locality. —Syntype-locality, Sangiran, S Kendeng area about 12 km north of Soerakarta, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone).
Known occurrecne.-Known from the above type locality.
Cytherella semitalis Brady, 1868
Cytherella semitalis Brady, 1868, p. 72, pl. 8, figs. 23, 24; Brady, 1880, p. 175, 176, pl. 44, figs.
2a-e; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 395; Fyan, 1916, p. 1184, 1185, figs. 15, 16; Kingma, 1948, p. 63, pl. 6 figs. 6a, b; Bate, 1963, p. 83; Benson, 1964, p. 401.
Types.—Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —The vicinity of North-Watcher Is., N. Java (Recent, fine shell sand with clay and organic material).
Known occurrence. —Recent sand from the above type locality (Brady, 1868). Recent mud (depth 28 fathoms), Challenger St. 189 (Lat. 9°59'S, Long. 137°50'E), [N of Cape Wessel, Arafura Sea] (Sept. 2, 1874) (Brady, 1880). Recent terrigenous mud (depth 81 m), Snellius St.
26 (Lat. 6°28'00"S, Long. 113°57'00"E), [40 km off the northern coast of Madura Is.], eastern part of Java Sea (Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 28, 1929) (Kingma, 1948). Pliocene clay (youngest part), left bank of Mota Talau near Atamboea (Atambua), Timor (collected by G.A.F.
Molengraaff and F.A.H. Weckherlin, 1910-1912) (Fyan, 1916). Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, Tjoetjoer River, at the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoë district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (loc. 7, sample no. SUU 402-1932) (Kingma, 1948).
Cytherella telisaensis LeRoy, 1939
Cytherella telisaensis LeRoy, 1939, p. 274, pl. 11, figs. 5-8.
Types.—Holotype, a complete carapace, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1094a (pl. 11, figs. 5-8; length 0.50 mm, height 0.30 mm, width 0.25 mm).
Type locality. —Ho-1512, 200 m S70°E from locality Ho-1514 (800 m S40°W of Kam-pong Kassikan), Tapoeng Kiri area, central Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad 18/ XVII) (Miocene, Telisa shales and marls, Auger hole sample, depth 4.5 m).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Genus CYTHERELLOIDEA Alexander, 1929
Cytherelloidea ambigua Hu, 1977
Cytherelloidea ambigua Hu, 1977a, p. 103, 104, pl. 4, figs. 10-13, 19, text-figs. 19A-D.
Types.—Holotype, one valve, CKUM 3648 (pl. 4, figs. 13, 19); paratypes, CKUM 3647, 3649.
Type locality. —One of Iocs. 1, 6, or 8, left bank of Houlung River, S of Kueishan, 2 km S of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Pleistocene, Toukoshan Formation, coarse to fine sand).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Cytherelloidea atmai Kingma, 1948
Cytherelloidea atmai Kingma, 1948, p. 64, pl. 6, figs. 8a, b; van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Types.—Syatypes, and , SUU-collection, D. 31902-31904.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Sangiran, S Kendeng area about 12 km N of Soe-rakarta, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone); Pentoek, S Kendeng area, E Java (Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng age, Klitik Formation, sandstone); loc.
1, Blang Oeno River, Beureugang-anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene Seuroela horizon, upper horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, sample no. SUU 399-1932); loc. 5, Tjoetjoer River, 500 m from the confluence with Peutoe River, Peutoë district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Lower Pliocene Seuroela horizon, lower horizon, dark grey Mollusca marl, sample no. SUU 395-1932); loc. 12, Djoewa River, western part of the Peuloë-Idi anticline, Simpang Olin district, Atjeh (Upper Miocene, middle Keutapang horizon, dark grey marl, sample no. SUU 418-1932).
Known occurrence. —Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T.163) (van den Bold, 1950). Upper Pliocene to Upper Miocene sediments from the above type localities (Kingma, 1948).
Cytherelloidea baganensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea baganensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 194, 195, pl. 1, figs. 28, 29; LeRoy, 1941, p. 620, 621, pl. 83, figs. 28, 29.
Types.—Holotype, GMB-collection, no. P.S.1113, (pl. 1, fig. 28, left valve, length 0.43 mm, height 0.27 mm; pl. 1, fig. 29, right valve, length 0.45 mm, height 0.30 mm); paratypes. LSU-collection and CSM-collection.
Type locality. —WA-376, 25 km N of Teloek Poelau, on E bank of the Rokan River, 4 km upstream from the confluence of Bangko River, E coast of Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad 19/XIII, Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality (LeRoy, 1940, 1941).
Cytherelloidea bangkoensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea bangkoensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 185, 186, pl. 1, figs. 9, 10; LeRoy, 1941, p. 615, 616, pl. 83, figs. 9, 10; Kingma, 1948, p. 64, pl. 6, figs. 9a, b.
Types.—Holotype, GMB-collection, no. P. S.1114 (pl. 1, fig. 9, left valve, length 0.40 mm, height 0.25 mm; pl. 1, fig. 10, right valve, length 0.40 mm, height 0.27 mm); para-types, CSM-collection no. 1501 and LSU-collection.
Type locality. —WA-376, 25 km N of Teloek Poelau, on E bank of Rokan River, 4 km upstream from the confluence of Bongko River, E coast of Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad 19/XIII, Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Upper Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds (534-547 m), Pliocene lower Kalibeng beds (950-956, 973-985, 1009 m) of drilling, Bodjonegoro, E Java; Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, loc. 7, Tjoetjoer River, at the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoë district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (sample no. SUU 409-1932) (Kingma, 1948). Miocene sediment from the above type locality (LeRoy, 1940, 1941).
Cytherelloidea bantamensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea bantamensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 188, 189, pl. 1, fig. 15; LeRoy, 1941, p. 617, 618, pl. 83, fig. 15; Keij, 1964, p. 418, pl. 3, fig. 5.
Types.—Syntypes, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1115.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, L-3, road cut, 3.5 km S of Kampong Bodjong, between kilometer posts 31 and 32 on Pandaglang-Malingping road, Bantan Residency, W Java (Pliocene, Bantamien).
Known occurrence. —Pliocene sediment from the above type locality (LeRoy, 1940, 1941).
Late Miocene inner neritic sediment, 400-1000 ft. in Cochrare well no. 1, [E of Cape Bungai, South China Sea], offshore Sarawak, NW Borneo (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea bodjonegoroensis Kingma, 1948
Cytherelloidea bodjonegoroensis Kingma, 1948, p. 65, pl. 6, figs. lla, b.
Types.—Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31896.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, Bodjonegoro, E Java, the following horizons of drilling: 950-956, 973-985, 1009 m (Pliocene lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above horizones of the type locality.
Cytherelloidea bodjongensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea bodjongensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 191, 192, pl. 1, fig. 21; LeRoy, 1941, p. 619, pl. 83, fig. 21.
Types.—Syntypes, GMB-collection, no. P.S.1117.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, L-3, road cut, 3.5 km S of Kampong Bodjong, between kilometer posts 31 and 32 on Pandaglang-Malingping road, Bantan Residency, W Java (Pliocene, Bantamien).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Cytherelloidea bonanzaensis Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea bonanzaensis Keij, 1964, p. 418, 419, pl. 1, figs. 9-11, text-fig. 4.
Type.-Holotype, , a right valve, SUU-collection, no. S 15960 (pl. 1, fig. 9; length 0.48 mm, height 0.30 mm); paratypes, 57 detached valves including 21 adult right valves and 5 adult left valves (SUU-collection and LSU-collection).
Type locality. —A station (Lat. 7°05'10"N, Long. 116°17'58"E), near the western end of Big Bonanza Shoal, Sabah, NW Borneo (Recent, light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments, depth 67 m, sample no. Ms 8550).
Known occurrence. —Recent clay from the above type locality; grey-green silty clay (depth 49m), off Brunei (Lat. 5°05'30"N, Long. 114°26'25"E), sample no. Ms 7678; grey-green very silty clay (depth 69 m), off Brunei (Lat. 5°13'40"N, Long. 114°28'55"E), sample no. Ms 7708; light grey-green clay with shell fragments (depth 70 m), off Brunei (Lat. 5°19'05"N, Long. 114°34'40"E), sample no. Ms 7718; (depth 71 m), off Brunei (Lat. 5°24'30"N, Long. 114°37'25"E), sample no. Ms 7719; (depth42m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°36'20"N, Long. 115°10'05"E), sample no. Ms 7829; (depth 52m), off boundary area between Brunei and Sabah (Lat. 5?8'30"N, Long. 114°56'40"E), sample no. Ms 7841; grey-green silty clay with shell fragments (depth 91 m), off Sabah (Lat. 5?2'20"N, Long. 114°56'40"E), sample no. Ms 7926; (depth 68 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°00'15"N, Long. 115°12'55"E), sample no. Ms 7933; (depth 52m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°55'00"N, Long. 115°20'55"E), sample no. Ms 7947; (depth 57m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°57'35"N, Long. 115°20'55"E), sample no. Ms 7948; (depth 48 m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°52'10"N, Long. 115°20'55"E), sample no. Ms 7965; (depth 57m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°57'35"N, Long. 115°40'00"E), sample no. Ms 7974; (depth 52 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°05'40"N, Long. 115°34' 30"E), sample no. Ms 8224; fine shelly sand with coral fragments (depth 56 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°16'25"N, Long. 115°37/10'/E), sample no. Ms 8290; grey-green silt with shell fragments (depth 66 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°21'55"N, Long. 115°37'15"E), sample no. Ms 8292; light grey-green very silty clay (depth 64 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°19'20"N, Long. 115°53'25"E), sample no. Ms 8352; light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments (depth 79 m), off Sabah (Lat.6°19'10"N, Long. 115°40'00"E), sample no. Ms 8373; (depth 90 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°16'25"N, Long. 115°40'00"E), sample no. Ms 8374; light grey-brown very silty clay (depth 68 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°19'10"N, Long, 115°31'50"E), sample no. Ms 8418; grey-green silty clay with shell frag-ments (depth 52m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°46'00"N, Long. 116°26'00"E), sample no. Ms 8485; (depth 75 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°56'55"N, Long. 116°18'00"E), sample no. Ms 8524; (depth 69m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°57'00"N, Long. 116°20'40"E), sample no. Ms 8530; (depth 54m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°51'35"N, Long. 116°23'20"E), sample no. Ms 8533; (depth 54m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°51'40"N, Long. 116°28'40"E), sample no. Ms 8537; light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments (depth 69 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°54'10"N, Long. 116°15'30"E), sample no. Ms 8546; (depth 74m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°57'05"N, Long. 116°15'20"E), sample no. Ms 8547; (depth 57 m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°00'10"N, Long. 116°15'10"E), sample no. Ms 8548; (depth 75 m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'30"N, Long. 116°15'15"E), sample no. Ms 8549; (depth 87 m), W of Bonanzan Shoals, off Sabah (Lat. 7°05'40"N, Long. 116°15'40"E), sample no. Ms 8558;(depth 85 m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'35"N, Long. 116°12'35"E), sample no. Ms 8559; (depth 60 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°40'50"N, Long. 116°10'00"E), sample no. Ms 8568; light grey-green very silty clay without shells (depth 94m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'35"N, Long. 116°10'00"E), sample no. Ms 8591; light grey-green very silty clay with shells (depth 113 m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'20"N, Long. 116°04'30"E), sample no. Ms 8597; (depth 96 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°59'00"N, Long. 116°02'00"E), sample no. Ms 8598; (depth 71 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°49'00"N, Long. 116°01'40"E), sample no. Ms 8602; (depth 65 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°49'05"N, Long. 116° 04'30"E), sample no. Ms 8603 (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea borneensis Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea borneensis Keij, 1964, p. 419, text-figs. 5a, b, 6.
Types.—Holotype, , a left valve, SUU-collection, S 15997 (text-fig. 5b; length 0.63 mm, height 0.38 mm); paratypes, some 300 detached valves (SUU-collection and LSU-collection).
Type locality. —A station (Lat. 6°59'00"N, Long. 116°02'00"E), N frank of Emerald Bank, Sabah, NW Borneo (Recent, light grey-green very silty clay with shells, depth 96 m, sample no. Ms 8598).
Known occurrence. —Recent clay from the above type locality; grey-green silty clay with shell fragments (depth 101 m), off Brunei (Lat. 5°44'10"N, Long. 114°43'00"E), sample no.
Ms 7895; (depth 88 m), off boundary area between Brunei and Sabah (Lat. 5°57'40"N, Long.
115°02'00"E), sample no. Ms 7924; (depth 94 m), off boundary area between Brunei and Sabah (Lat. 5°55'00"N, Long. 114°59'30"E), sample no. Ms 7925; (depth 91 m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°52'20"N, Long. 114° 56'40"E), sample no. Ms 7926; (depth 83 m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°52'10"N, Long. 114°59'30"E), sample no. Ms 7927; (depth 74m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°52'25"N, Long. 115°02'00"E), sample no. Ms 7928; grey-green silty clay (depth 97m), off Sabah (Lat. 6° 11'00"N, Long. 115°15'20"E), sample no. MS 8204; grey-green very silty clay (depth 72 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°30'00"N, Long. 115°50'50"E), sample no. Ms 8300; light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments (depth 87 m), W of Bananzan Shoals, off Sabah (Lat. 7°05'40" N, Long. 116°15'40"E), sample no. Ms 8558; light grey-green very silty clay without shells (depth 94 m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'35"N, Long. 116°10'00"E), sample no. Ms 8591; (depth 104 m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'35"N, Long. 116°07'00"E), sample no. Ms 8592 (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea cavernosa (Brady, 1868)
Cytherella cavernosa Brady, 1868, p. 65, 66, pl. 8, figs. 13, 14; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 393; Percier, 1970, p. 7.
Cytherelloidea cavernosa: Key [Keij], 1954, p. 352, pl. 1, fig. 1.
Types.—Holotype not designated, CERS-collection.
Type locality. —Pamalang, [Java] (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Recent sediment from the above type locality (Brady, 1868). Recent, heap of sand with dark volcanic material, harbour of Manila, or just outside it, Bay of Manila, [Philippines] (collected by G.H.R. von Koenigswald) (Key [Keij], 1954).
Cytherelloidea cingulata (Brady, 1869)
Cytherella cingulata Brady, 1869, p. 159, pl. 16, figs. 24, 25; Brady, 1880, p. 177, 178, pl. 43, figs. 1a-g, 2a-d; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 392, 393; Percier, 1970, p. 7.
Cytherelloidea cingulata: Kingma. 1948, p. 65, pl. 6, figs. 10a, b; Bate, 1963, p. 83; Keij, 1964, p. 419, 420, pl. 1, figs. 4-8; Benson, 1964, p. 402; Guha, 1968. p. 58, pl. 4, fig. 1.
Types. —Holotype not designated, CERS-collection.
Type locality. —Hong Kong (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Recent sediment from the above type locality (Brady, 1868). Recent, mud (depth 28 fathoms), Challenger St. 189 (Lat. 9°59'S, Long. 137°50'E), [S of Kolepom Is., Arafura Sea] (Sept. 11,1874); Recent, anchor mud (depth 7 fathoms), Hong Kong Harbour (Brady, 1880). Recent terregenous mud (depth 61 m), Snellius St. 25 (Lat. 6°22'30"S, Long. 112°48'30"E), 60 km off northern coast [of Madur Is., between Bewean Is. and Madura Is.], eastern part of Java Sea (Ekman-Pratje sampler, July 27, 1929) (Kingma, 1948). Recent, inner and middle neritic bottom (dominate in depths less than 50 m), off shore of Brunei and Sabah, Borneo (Keij, 1964). Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).
Remarks.—The result of a survey of the original material used by Brady (1868, p. 159, pl. 16, figs. 24, 25) to describe this species and deposited in the Hancock Museum, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England is given in Keij (1964, p. 419, 420, pl. 1, fig. 4). The specimen illustrated by Brady (1868) is a right valve from Hong Kong, whereas the speci-men found by Keij (1964) in a Brady slide marked "Hong Kong" is a single left valve.
Cytherelloidea emarginata Hu, 1976
Cytherelloidea emarginata Hu, 1976, p. 48, 49, pl. 1, figs. 9, 10, text-fig. 19.
Type. —Holotype, a right valve, CKUM-2054 (pl. 1, figs. 9, 10, text-fig. 19A, B; length 0.35 mm, width 0.20 mm).
Type locality. —Loc. 6, 7 km SE of Tsao-chiao station, Chin-shui county, approxi-mately 8 km NE of Miaoli city, Taiwan (Upper Pliocene, Cholan Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.
Cytherelloidea indica LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea indica LeRoy, 1940, p. 189, 190, pl. 1, figs. 16, 17; LeRoy, 1941, p. 618, pl. 83, figs. 16, 17; Keij, 1964, p. 420, pl. 1, figs. 1-3.
Types.—Holotype, a complete carapace, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1111 (pl. 1, Fig. 16, left valve, length 0.55 mm, height 0.32 mm; pl. 1, fig. 17, right valve, length 0.55 mm, height 0.35 mm); paratype, CSM-collection, no. 1504.
Type locality. —E-13, W shore of P. Singkoewang, 1.5 km NW of Sangkoelirang, Sangkoelirang Bay, E coast of Borneo (Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Late Miocene-Pliocene (Tertiary g) Miri Formation of Brunei and N Sarawak, grey silty clay, road cut along Brunei-Tutong road, 12.5 miles from Brunei, Brunei (Sample Ky 70); Seria oilfield; Jerudong area; Bakam well 1, N Sarawak (Keij, 1964). Miocene sediment from the above type locality (LeRoy, 1940, 1941).
Cytherelloidea javana LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea javana LeRoy, 1940, p. 184, 185, pl. 1, figs. 7, 8; LeRoy, 1941, p. 614, pl. 83, figs, 7, 8; Kingma, 1948, p. 65, pl. 6, figs. 12a, b.
Types.—Holotype, a complete carapace, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1112 (pl. 1, figs. 7, 8; length 0.50 mm, height 0.30 mm, thickness 0.23 mm).
Type locality. —L-24, exposure along the S bank of the Tjidoerian River, just E of Djasinga, Bantam Residency, W Java (Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Pliocene sediment of W Java (LeRoy, 1940, 1941). Lower Pliocene Seu-roela horision, (1) upper horizon, dark grey arenaceous marl, loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beu-reugang-anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (sample no. SUU 300-1932), (2) lower horizon, dark grey Mollusca marl, loc. 5, Tjoetjoer River, 500m from the confluence with Peutoë River, Peutoe district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (sample no. SUU 395-1932): Upper Pliocene upper Kalibeng beds, sandstone, Sangiran, about 12 km N of Soerakarta, S Kendeng area, E Java (Kingma, 1948). Miocene sediment from the above type locality (LeRoy, 1940, 1941).
Cytherelloidea leroyi Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea leroyi Keij, 1964, p. 421, pl. 2, figs. 1-4.
Types.—Holotype, right valve, SUU-collection, no. S 16025 (pl. 2, fig. 1; length 0.57 mm, height 0.34 mm); paratypes, approximately 100 detached valves and 5 cara-paces.
Type locality. —A station (Lat. 5°05'25"N, Long. 114°31'50"E), off Brunei, NW Borneo, [South China Sea] (Recent, grey-green clay, depth 43 m, sample Ms 7701).
Known occurrence. —Recent clay from the above type locality, ubiquitous in offshore areas of Brunei and Sabah (depth 4-100 m) (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea malaccaensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea malaccaensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 183, 184, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6; LeRoy, 1941, p. 614, pl. 83, figs. 5, 6.
Types.—Lectotype, a right valve, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1119 (pl. 1, fig. 5; length 0.40 mm, height 0.27 mm); paratypes, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1119, CSM-collection, no. 1509, and LSU-collection.
Type locality. —WA-376, 25 km N of Teloek Poelau, E bank of the Rokan River, 4 km upstream from confluence of Bangko River, E coast of Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad 19/XIII) (Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Remarks.—LeRoy (1940, p. 183) illustrated and designated two right valves, one (pl. 1, fig. 5) as "cotype" and the other (pl. 1, fig. 6) as "paratype", both of which are deposited in GMB-collection no. P.S. 1119. One year later, however, LeRoy (1941, p. 614) again published the same description of this species, but changed the "cotype" into "holotype". This procedure is here construed as a valid lectotype designation.
Cytherelloidea malayaensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea malayaensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 181, 182, pl, 1, figs. 1, 2; LeRoy, 1941, p. 612, 613, pl. 83, figs. 1, 2.
Types.—Holotype, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1120 (pl. 1, fig. 1, left valve, length 0.45 mm, height 0.28 mm; pl. 1, fig. 2, right valve, length 0.45 mm, height 0.30 mm); para-types CSM-collection, no. 1500, and LSU-collection.
Type locality. —N-5500, 11 km S20°W from Kampong Doemai, Sultanate of Siak, E coast of Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad 20/XIV) (Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Cytherelloidea nabaraensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea nabaraensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 182, 183, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4; LeRoy, 1941, p. 613, 614, pl. 83, figs. 3, 4.
Types.—Holotype, a complete carapace, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1118 (pl. 1, figs. 3, 4; length 0.50 mm, height 0.35 mm, thickness 0.27 mm).
Type locality. —BR (VB)-67, 8.6 km S32°E of Tr. St. 1460 or 20 km S52°E of Rantau Prapat, E coast of Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad 41, 1:100,000) (Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Cytherelloidea nomlandi LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea nomlandi LeRoy, 1940, p. 192, 193, pl. 1, figs. 22, 23; LeRoy, 1941, p. 619, pl. 83, figs. 22, 23.
Types.—Lectotype designated herein, a right valve, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1122 (pl. 1, figs. 22, 23); paratypes, CSM-collection, no. 1505, and LSU-collection.
Type locality. —N-5500, 11 km S20°W from Kampoeng Doemai, Sultanate of Siak, E coast of Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad 20/XIV) (Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locaility.
Remarks.—LeRoy (1940, p. 192) designated a specimen deposited in GMB-collection (no. P.S. 1122) as cotype and remaining specimens in CSM-collection (no. 1501) and in LSU-collection as paratypes. In the following year, however, LeRoy (1941, p. 619) changed the cotype into a syntype and a part of his paratypes (CSM-collection no. 1501) into topotypes. A right valve, which is only an illustrated valve in the original description, should be chosen as the lectotype.
Cytherelloidea orientalis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea orientalis LeRoy, 1940, p. 193, 194, pl. 1, figs. 24, 25; LeRoy, 1941, p. 620, pl. 83, figs. 24, 25.
Types.— Lectotype, a right valve, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1109 (pl. 1, fig. 24; length 0.52 mm, height 0.32 mm); paratype, CSM-collection, no. 1506.
Type locality. —E-13, W shore of P. Singkoewang, 1.5 km NW of Sangkoelirang, Sangkoelirang Bay,.E coast of Borneo (Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Remarks.—The status of type designation of this species is the same as that of Cytherelloidea malaccaensis. LeRoy (1941, p. 620)'s change of cotype into holotype is here construed as lectotype designation.
Cytherelloidea panagaensis Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea panagaensis Keij, 1964, p. 421, pl. 2, figs. 10-13.
Types.—Holotype, , a complete carapace, SUU-collection, no. S 16038 (pl. 2, figs. 10, 11; length 0.57 mm, height 0.29 mm, width 0.25 mm); paratypes, 22 detached valves and 14 carapaces.
Type locality. —Beach near mouth of Panga rivulet, Seria, Brunei, (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Recent, widely scattered samples in Seria, Brunei including the above type locality; grey-green silty clay with shell fragments (depth 4 m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°34'50"N, Long. 115°37'20"E), sample no. Ms 8010; grey-green silt with shell fragments (depth 40 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°35'16"N, Long. 116°01'40"E), sample no. Ms 8317; light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments (depth 72 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°24'10"N, Long. 115°40'00"E), sample no, Ms 8365; light grey-green very silty clay with shells (depth 96 m), N frank of Emerald Bank, off Sabah (Lat. 6°59'00"N, Long. 116°02'00"E), sample no. Ms 8598 (Keij, 1964).
Remarks.—Sample no. Ms 8363 in the original description (Keij, 1964, p. 421) may actually be Ms 8365, as seen in the list of samples (Keij, 1964, p. 417) or vice versa.
Cytherelloidea rara Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea rara Keij, 1964, p. 421, 422, pl. 3, figs. 10-13.
Types.—Holotype, a left valve, SUU-collection, no. S 16045 (pl. 3, fig. 10; length 0.71 mm, height 0.41 mm); paratypes, 2 adult and 22 juvenile valves.
Type locality. —A station (Lat. 7°02'30"N, Long. 116°15'15"E), E of Bonanza shoals, Sabah, NW Borneo (Recent, light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments, depth 75 m, sample no. Ms 8549).
Known occurrence. —Recent clay from the above type locality; grey-green silty clay with shell fragments (depth 59 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°11'00"N, Long. 115°42'50"E), sample no. Ms 8160; grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments (depth 79 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°19'10"N, Long. 115°40'00"E), sample no, Ms 8373; grey-green silty clay with shell fragments (depth 64 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°54'15"N, Long. 116°18'00"E), sample no. Ms 8525; (depth 54 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°51'40"N, Long. 116°18'00"E), sample no. Ms 8526; (depth 63 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°54'10"N, Long. 116°23'20"E), sample no. Ms 8532; light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments (depth 69m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°54'10"N, Long. 116°15'30"E), sample no. Ms 8546; (depth 57m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°00'10"N, Long. 116°15'10"E), sample no. Ms 8548; (depth 67 m), near the western end of Big Bonanza shoal, off Sabah (Lat. 7°05'10"N, Long. 116°17'58"E), sample no. Ms 8550; light grey-green very silty clay with shells (depth 113 m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'20"N, Long. 116°04'30"E), sample no. Ms 8597; (depth 96m), N frank of Emerald Bank, off Sabah (Lat. 6°59'00"N, Long. 116°02'00"E), sample no. Ms 8598 (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea rimbai Kingma, 1948
Cytherelloidea rimbai Kingma, 1948, p. 66, pl. 6, figs. 13a, b.
Types.—Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31913.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, Bodjonegoro, E Java, the following horizons of drilling: 339-355 m (Pleistocene, Poetjangan beds); 909-915, 973-985, 1009, 1051 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above horizones of the type locality.
Cytherelloidea rokanensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea javana var. rokanensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 194, pl. 1, figs. 26, 27; LeRoy, 1941, p. 615, pl. 83, figs. 26, 27.
Cytherelloidea rokanensis: Keij, 1964, p. 422, 423, pl. 2, figs. 6, 7.
Types.—Holotype, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1116 (pl. 1, fig. 26, left valve, length 0.45 mm, height 0.27 mm; pl. 1, fig. 27, right valve, length 0.45 mm, height 0.30 mm); paratype, CSM-collection no. 1507.
Type locality. —WA-376, 25 km N of Teloek Poelau, E bank of Rokan River, 4 km upstream from confluence of Bangko River, E coast of Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad la/XIII) (Miocene).
Known occurrence. —Miocene sediments of region of central Sumatra including type locality (LeRoy, 1940, 1941). Late Miocene-Pliocene (Tertiary g) Miri Formation of Brunei and N Sarawak, grey silty clay, road cut along Brunei-Tutong road, 12.5 miles from Brunei, Brunei (sample Ky 70) (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea sabahensis Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea sabahensis Keij, 1964, p. 423, 424, pl. 3, figs. 6-9, text-fig. 7.
Types.—Holotype, , a right valve, SUU-collection, S 16063 (pl. 3, fig. 6; length 0.62 mm, height 0.40 mm); paratypes 120 detached valves.
Type locality. —A station (Lat. 6°59'00"N, Long. 116°02'00"E), N slope of Emerald Bank, off Sabah, NW Borneo (light grey-green very silty clay with shells, depth 96 m, sample no. Ms 8598).
Known occurrence. —Recent clay from the above type locality; light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments (depth 79 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°19'10"N, Long. 115°40'00"E), sample no. Ms 8373; (depth 90m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°16'25"N, Long. 115°40'00"E), sample no. Ms 8374; grey-green silty clay with shell fragments (depth 64m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°54'15"N, Long. 116°18'00"E), sample no. Ms 8525; (depth 69 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°57'00"N, Long. 116°20'40"E), sample no. Ms 8530; (depth 54m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°51'35"N, Long. 116°23'20"E), sample no. Ms 8533; light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments (depth 74 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°57'05"N, Long. 116°15'20"E), sample no. Ms 8547; (depth 75 m), E of Bonanza shoals, off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'30"N, Long. 116°15'15"E), sample no. Ms 8549; (depth 67 m), near the western end of Big Bonanza shoal, off Sabah (Lat. 7°05'10"N, Long. 116°17'58"E), sample no. Ms 8550; light grey-green very silty clay with shells (depth 113 m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'20"N, Long. 116°04'30"E), sample no. Ms 8597; (depth 65 m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°49'05"N, Long. 116°04'30"E), sample no. Ms 8603 (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea sangkoelirangensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea sangkoelirangensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 187, 188, pl. 1, figs. 13, 14; LeRoy, 1941, p. 616, 617, pl. 83, figs. 13, 14; Kingma, 1948, p. 66, pl. 6, fig. 14.
Types.—Holotype, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1108 (pl. 1, fig. 13, left valve, length 0.60 mm, height 0.35 mm; pl. 1, fig. 14, right valve, length 0.60 mm, height 0.40 mm); paratypes, CSM-collection, no. 1503, and LSU-collection.
Type locality. —E-13, W shore of P. Singkoewang, 1.5 km NW of Sangkoelirang, Sangkoelirang Bay, E coast of Borneo (Miocene upper Sangkoelirang marls).
Known occurrence. —Pleistocene Poetjangan beds, 316-335, 363-386 m of drilling, Bodjonegoro, E Java (Kingma, 1948). Miocene marls from the above type locality (LeRoy, 1940, 1941).
Cytherelloidea sarawakensis Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea sarawakensis Keij, 1964, p. 424-426, text-figs. 8a-c.
Types.—Holotype, , a right valve, SUU-collection, no. S 16076 (text-fig. 8a; length 0.85 mm, height 0.53 mm); paratypes, 8 carapaces and 23 detached valve.
Type locality. —Between Sibuti and Niah Rivers, at 15 km NE of Pankalan Lobang on Niah River and 19 km SSW of Tanjong Bungai, 4th Division, Sarawak (Early Tertiary e5, probably Aquitanian, Setap Formation, marl, sample Ls335).
Known occurrence. —Early Tertiary e5 probably Aquitanian (samples Ls301, 331, 338, 339, 344, 358, 360, 361, 363, 372-374, 379, 386, 401, 405, 406, 407) and middle Tertiary e5 (sample Ls128) dark grey slightly sandy marl in area in Setap Formation between Pankalan Lobang on Niah River and Bulak Setap area, 4th Division, Sarawak (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea soendaensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea soendaensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 186, 187, pl. 1, figs. 11, 12; LeRoy, 1941, p. 616, pl. 83, figs, 11, 12; Keij, 1964, p. 426, pl. 2, fig. 5.
Types.—Holotype, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1121 (pl. 1, fig, 11, left valve, length 0.50 mm, height 0.30 mm; pl. 1, fig. 12, right valve, length 0.50mm, height 0.35 mm); paratype, CSM-collection, no. 1502.
Type locality. —Sakelat no. 1 well (N.P.P.M.), depth 860 ft., near Djasinga, W Java (unspecified Tertiary age, probably Mio-Pliocene by Keij, 1964).
Known occurrence. —A well sample from the above locality (LeRoy, 1940, 1941). Late Miocene beds, 700-900 ft. in Cochrane well no. 1, [E of Cape Bungai, South China Sea] Sarawak, NW Borneo (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea subreticulata Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea subreticulata Keij, 1964, p. 426-428, pl. 2, figs. 8, 9.
Types.—Holotype, , a left valve, SUU-collection, no. S 16097 (pl. 2, fig. 8; length 0.59 mm, height 0.33 mm); paratypes, 52 detached valves.
Type locality. —A station (Lat. 7°05'40"N, Long. 116°15'40"E), W of Bonanza Shoals, off Sabah, NW Borneo (Recent, light grey-green very silty clay with shell fragments, depth 87 m, sample no. Ms 8558).
Known occurrence. —Recent clay from the above locality; grey-brown clay with shell fragments (depth 84m), off Brunei (Lat. 5°36'20"N, Long. 114°39'44"E), sample no. Ms 7856; greygreen silty clay with shell fragments (depth 88 m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°57'40"N, Long. 115°02'00"E), sample no. Ms 7924; (depth 94 m), off Sabah (Lat. 5°55'00"N, Long. 114°59'30"E), sample no. Ms 7925; grey-green silty clay (depth 94m), off Sabah (Lat. 6°11'00"N, Long. 115°15'20"E), sample no. Ms 8204; light grey-green very silty clay without shells (depth 94m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'35"N, Long. 116°10'00"E), sample no. Ms 8591; light grey-green very silty clay with shells (depth 113m), off Sabah (Lat. 7°02'20"N, Long. 116°04'30"E), sample no. Ms 8597; (depth 96 m), N slope of Emerald Bank, off Sabah (Lat. 6°59'00"N, Long. 116°02'00"E), sample no. Ms 8598 (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea sulcata Hu and Cheng, 1977
Cytherelloidea sulcata Hu and Cheng, 1977, p. 192, 193, pl. 2, figs. 11, 12, text-figs. 2A, B.
Types.— Holotype, a left valve, CKUM-3095 (pl. 2, fig. 11); paratypes, CKUM-3096-3100.
Type locality. —NE side of the mouth of Wumei River, 1.2 km SW of Lungkang, Houlung, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Late Pleistocene Lungkang Formation, bluish grey semi-consolidated clayey sandstone with abundant molluscs and echinoids).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Cytherelloidea sumatrensis LeRoy, 1940
Cytherelloidea sumatrensis LeRoy, 1940, p. 190, 191, pl. 1, figs. 18-20; LeRoy, 1941, p. 618, 619, pl. 83, figs. 18-20.
Types.—Holotype, a complete carapace, GMB-collection, no. P.S. 1110 (pl. 1, figs. 18, 19; length 0.50 mm, height 0.30 mm, thickness 0.25 mm); paratype, CSM-collection, no,1508.
Type locality. —Br (VB)-104, 8.6 km S30°E of Tr. St. 1460, or 20.5 km S50°E of Rantau Prapart, E coast of Sumatra (Neth. Gov. Topog. Blad 41, 1:100,000) (Miocene).
Known occurrence-Known from the above type locality.
Cytherelloidea sutensis Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea sutensis Keij, 1964, p. 428, 430, pl. 3, figs. 1-4.
Types.—Holotype, , a right valve, SUU-collection, no. S 16107 (pl. 3, fig. 1; length 0.60 mm, height 0.36 mm); paratypes, some 18 carapaces and 34 detached valves.
Type locality. —Sungei Sut, right-hand tributary of Sungei Plieran, S of Usun Apau Plateau, 3rd Division, Sarawak (about Lat. 2°41'N, Long. 114°41'E) (Early Tertiary e5, probably Aquitanian, Nyalau Formation, very grey sandy shale, sample Ca54, Oxford Expedition, 1955-1956).
Known occurrence. —Early Tertiary e5, porbably Aquitanian Nyalau Formation, very grey sandy shale, at the above type locality (sample Ca53); grey sandy shale, along Sungei Begian,
right-hand tributary of Sungei Perihas, 4th Division (sample R860, 861); Temburong Formation, grey-black slightly silty marl, Tubau Member, approximately 19 km, S of Tabau village along Sungei Tabau, (sample dB1100), all in Sarawak (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea telongensis Keij, 1964
Cytherelloidea telongensis Keij, 1964, p. 430, pl. 1, figs. 12-14.
Types.—Holotype, , a right valve (pl. 1, fig. 12; length 0.51 mm, height 0.34 mm), SUU-collection, no. S16114; paratypes, 17 carapaces and 59 detached valves.
Type locality. —Telong boring 102, 1.9 km N40°E of Tanjong (=Cape) Payong, 4th Division, Sarawak (depth 259-265 ft.) (Late Tertiary e5 or f1 Lambir Formation, grey sandy shale).
Known occurrence. —Very probably Tertiary f Simengaris Formation, dark grey silty marl, along left-hand tributaries of Sungei Silimpopon, E Coast Residency, Sabah (samples NB 139, 143, 145); late Tertiary e5 or f1 Lambir Formation in above boring; Tanjong Formation, dark grey shale, at Sungei Penungah, E Coast Residency, Sabah (sample NB 4719, Lat. 4°48'N, Long. 116°44'E; sample NB 4721, Lat. 4°50'20"N, Long. 116°45'00"E) (Keij, 1964).
Cytherelloidea sp. Kingma, 1948
Cytherelloidea sp. Kingma, 1948, p. 66, 67, pl. 6, figs. 15a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A complete carapace, SUU-collection, D. 31915.
Locality. —Loc. 11, Peutoë River, 1 km from the confluence with Beudari River, Peutoe district, Atjeh (sample no. SUU 429-1932) (Middle Miocene, lower Border clay, marly clay).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Cytherelloidea? sp. Key [Keij], 1953
Cytherelloidea? sp., Key [Keij], 1953, p. 156, 157, pl. 1, figs. la, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve, SUU-collection.
Locality. —Snellius St. 186 (Lat. 6°16'48"S, Long. 120°33'30"-120°34'18"E), [2 km off Kabia Is.], Saleyer trough, [Banda Sea] (Recent, terrigenous mud, depth 1401 m, snapper, Feb. 14, 1930).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Remarks.—A strong smooth tooth on the dorsal edge throws doubt upon generic identification.
Cytherelloidea sp. van den Bold, 1950
Cytherelloidea sp. van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E) (sample T.160) (van den Bold, 1950).