Order PALAEOCOPIDA Henningsmoen, 1953
Suborder PALAEOCOPINA Henningsmoen, 1953
Superfamily BEYRICHIACEA Matthew, 1886
Family BEYRICHIIDAE Matthew, 1886
Genus BEYRICHIA M'Coy, 1846
Beyrichia sp. Krishnan, 1960
Beyrichia sp. Krishnan, 1960, p. 256
Known occurrence. —Silurian Panghsa-pye Graptolite Beds, white shale, near Hsipaw, Namtu valley; Loi-lem range, E of Lashio, Northern Shan States, Burma (Krishnan, 1960).
Superfamily DREPANELLACEA Ulrich and Bassler, 1923
Family BOLLIIDAE Boucek, 1936
Genus BOLLIA Jones and Holl, 1886
Bollia alexandri Reed, 1915
Bollia Alexandri Reed, 1915, p. 84, 85, 87, 93, pl. 12, figs. 23-25; Pascoe, 1959, p. 619.
Types. —Illustrated syntypes, an impression and casts or right valves.
Type loclaity. —Syntype locality, Panghsa-pye (approximately Lat. 22°N, Long. 98°E), saddle 0.25 miles, SE of village on path to Man-peklu, Northern Shan States, Burma (Lower Silurian, Panghsa-pye bed, loc. Panghsa-pye (1)).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality (samples, K11, 85, K11. 94, K11. 103, K11. 107) (Reed, 1915).
Family KIRKBYELLIDAE Sohn, 1961
Kirkbyellidae? gen, and sp. indet.
Representative of Kirkbyellidae?, Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 40, pl, 2, fig. 16.
Illustrated specimen.-A right valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Superfamily HOLLINACEA Swartz, 1936
Family CTENOLOCULINIDAE Jaanuisson and Martinsson, 1956
Ctenoloculinidae gen. and sp. indet.
Representative of Ctenoloculinidae, Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2.
Illustrated specimen. —A damaged left valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3924).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Family EURYCHILINIDAE Ulrich and Bassler, 1923
Genus EURYCHILINA Ulrich, 1889
Eurychilina shanensis Reed, 1936
Eurychilina shanensis Reed, 1936, p. 64, pl 5. fig. 13.
Types.—Holotype, impression of valve, GSI-collection type no. 15697 (pl. 5, fig. 13).
Type locality. —Loc, F. 82, (Lat. 21°11'45"N, Long. 96°43'30"E), road cutting, about 3 furlongs WSW of bridge over Nam Wabya, Southern Shan States, Burma (Ordovician, Naungkangyi series, sheet 93 C/16D.1).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Remarks.—Species is based on a single specimen.
Superfamily KIRKBYACEA Ulrich and Bassler, 1906
Family AMPHISSITIDAE Knight, 1928
Amphissitidae gen. and sp. indet.
Representative of Amphissitidae, Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 40, pl. 1, fig. 3.
Illustrated specimen. —A broken valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3925).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Family SCROBICULIDAE Posner, 1951
Genus ROUNDYELLA Bradfield, 1935
Roundyella? sp. Gründel and Kozur, 1975
Roundyella? sp. 1 Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 40, pl. 2, figs. 12a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve(?).
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Superfamily LEPERDITELLACEA Ulrich and Bassler, 1906
Family LEPERDITELLIDAE Ulrich and Bassler, 1906
Genus PRIMITIA Jones and Holl, 1865
Primitia aff. mundula Jones, 1855
Primitia aff. mundula: Reed, 1915, p. 57, 58, 63; Pascoe, 1959, p. 613.
Known occurrence. —Lower Ordovician, upper Naungkangyi beds, Lilu, (approximately Lat.
22°51 'N, Long. 97°21 'E), right bank of Nam Tu above Lilu (N of Hsipaw) on path to Manping, Northern Shan States, Burma (loc. Lilu (1), sample no. Kll. 38) (Reed, 1915).
Primitia sp. Reed, 1932
Primitia sp. Reed, 1932, p. 191, 200; Reed, 1936, p. 3, 63; Pascoe, 1959, p. 619.
Known occurrence. —Ordovician, Naungkangyi series (so-called Pindaya beds), loc. Fl, 0.5 miles W of Ye-o-sin (Lat. 20°53'N, Long. 96°40'30"E) on the western slope of the pine hill with a pagoda, Southern Shan States, Burma (Sheet 93 D/9, samples K. 26/983,994,999, col-lected by C. Brown) (Reed, 1932, 1936).
Genus PRIMITIELLA Ulrich, 1894
Primitiella? orientalis Reed, 1915
Primitiella? orientalis Reed, 1915, p. 85, 86, 88, 93, pl. 12, fig. 27; Pascoe, 1959, p. 644.
Types.—Illustrated syntype, a right valve.
Type locality. —Panghsa-pye (approximately Lat. 22°N, Long. 98°E), saddle 0.25 miles, SE of village on path to Manpeklu, Northern Shan States, Burma (Lower Silu-rian, Panghsapye bed, loc. Panghsa-pye (1)).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality (samples K11. 85, K11. 107) (Reed, 1915).
Superfamily OEPIKELLACEA Jaanusson, 1957
Family APARCHITIDAE Jones, 1901
Genus APARCHITES Jones, 1889
Aparchites? sp. Reed, 1915
Afarchites? sp. Reed, 1915, p. 56, 58, 63.
Known occurrence. —Lower Ordovician, upper Naungkangyi beds, Lilu (approximately Lat.22°51'N, Long. 97°21'E), right bank of Nam Tu above Lilu (N of Hsipaw) on path to Man-ping, Northern Shan States, Burma (loc. Lilu (1), sample no. K11. 38) (Reed, 1915).
Superfamily uncertain
Palaeocopina gen. and sp. indet.
Ostracode 1, Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 40, pl. 2, fig. 17.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.