21. Lethrinus xanthochilus Klunzinger
Japanese name: Muneaka-kuchibi
(Fig. 30)

Lethrinus xanthochilus Klunzinger, 1870-71: 753, Red Sea; 1884: 39, pl. 6, fig. 3, type; Fowler, 1933: 52, compiled; Sato, 1971: 138, fig. 11, Ishigaki I., Ryukyus; Gushiken, 1972: 39, fig. 190, Okinawa Is.; Masuda et al., 1975: 60, fig. F, 234, southern Japan.
Lethrinella xanthocheilus; Smith, 1959: 292, pl. 22, fig. B, East Africa; Silas & Toor, 1962: 210, fig. 1, pl., Andaman.
Lethrinus xanthocheilus; Shinohara, 1963: 41, fig. 1, Ryukyus.
Lethrinus minatus (misspelled); Kumada (ed.), 1941: pl. 100, Malay.
Lethrinus variegatus (not of Valenciennes); Hiyama, 1943: 56, pl. 9, fig. 24, Marshalls; Randall, 1955: 100, Gilbert Is.
Specimens examined.
Holotype. —ZMHU7984 (248 mm standard length) from Koseir, Red Sea.
SMF3095 (D, 174) from Red Sea.
MNHN9065 (1 of 2 individuals: 99) from Waigiou.
UMUTZ52528 (99), 52483 (105), 52482 (119), 52487 (120), 52486 (125), 52488 (128), 52484 (129), 52485 (133), 52497 (150), 52632 (215), 52633 (220), 52511 (300), 52441 (440) from Ishigaki I., Ryukyus.
BPBM9239 (280) from Palau Is.
BPBM4024 (162) from Guam.
D. X, 9; A. III, 8; P1. 13; P2. I, 5; C. 8 + 7; L. lat. 47 or 48; Ltr. 5 or 6/i/15 or 16.
Proportional measurements of some specimens are shown in Table 21.

Head length more than body depth. End of jaws on the vertical through anterior nostril. Vertical through posterior nostril about midway between snout tip and posterior margin of head in big individuals but distinctly nearer to snout tip in smaller individuals. Interorbital area notably flat or even concave regardless of size through most of lifetime. Third to fifth dorsal spines longest. 5 scale rows between lateral line and median dorsal spines. Inner base of pectoral without scales. Lateral teeth of jaws conical, sometimes with a larger canine among them.
Color. —Yellowish-gray above, paler below. Characteristic bright red marking on upper half of pectoral base. Margin of operculum usually also red. Small black spots scattered here and there, especially dense on cheek. Lips yellow. Dorsal and caudal orange, with brighter margin. Anal and pectoral paler. Pelvic dark.
A fairly big species.
Distribution. —Red Sea, East Africa, India to Ryukyus, Gilbert Is.