20. Lethrinus conchyliatus (Smith)
Japanese name: Kataaka-fuefuki
(Fig. 29)

Lethrinella conchyliatus Smith, 1959: 292, pl. 22, fig. E, Pinda, Mozambique; Silas & Toor, 1963: 243, fig. 1, India, Andaman; Kyushin et al., 1977: 146, Andaman, Nicobar, Laccadive, Chagos.
Lethrinus conchyliatus; Kyushin et al., 1973: 67, Andaman Sea.
Lethrinus floridus Wheeler, 1961: 46, pl. 3, fig. 20, western Indian Ocean.
Lethrinella prox. xanthocheilus; Silas & Toor, 1962: 210, pl., Andaman Sea.
Specimens examined.
UMUTZ53989 (378 mm standard length) from Andaman Sea.
D. X, 9; A. III, 8; P1. 13; P2. I, 5; C. 8 + 7; L. lat. 48; Ltr. 6/i/13.
Data of proportional measurements from the present specimen (UMUTZ53989) and the holotype (after Smith, 1959) are shown in Table 20.

Head length more than body depth. End of jaws on the vertical through anterior nostril. Interorbital area convex. Fourth dorsal spine longest. 5 scale rows between lateral line and median dorsal spines. Inner base of pectoral without scales. Lateral teeth of jaws conical.
Color. —Dark purple above, paler below. A large triangular area of bright red above pectoral base. Pectoral base and posterior rim of operculum also bright red. Fins reddish, spinous dorsal and caudal darker.
Distribution. —East Africa, Seychelles, India. Found only in the Indian Ocean.
Remarks. —This fish seems to have been confused with such species as L. rubriopercu latus or L. xanthochilus until Smith (1959) and Wheeler (1961) found and named it independently,