Subclass PTERIOMORPHIA Beurlen, 1944 |
![]() Explanation of Plate 9 Fig. 1. Ctenodonta nipponica Kobayashi. Holotype (UMUT PM0535). Left internal mould (la) and upper side view of the same specimen (1b), × 1.5. Loc. Makkol. Kangwon-do (Middle Ordovician, Chikunsan beds of the Chosen Group). Fig. 2. Pseudoactinodontophora yabei Murata; type-species of genus Pseudoactinodontophora. Holotype (IGPS no. 86885). Rubber cast of right internal mould (2a) and left internal mould of the same individual (2b), × 1. Reproduced from Murata, 1971, pl. 14, figs. 4, la. Loc. Motoiwazawa, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian, Sakamotozawa Formation). Fig. 3. Cleionychia oviformis Kobayashi. Holotype (UMUT PM0553). Left valve, × 3. Loc. Kochi-ri, Kangwon-do (Middle Ordovician, Tsuibon beds of the Chosen Group). Fig. 4. Modiolopsis kogenensis Kobayashi. Paratype (UMUT PM0557). Left valve, × 3. Loc. S aisho-ri, Kangwon-do (Middle Ordovician, Chikunsan beds of the Chosen Group). Fig. 5. The same species. Holotype (UMUT PM0556). Right valve, × 3. Loc. Makkol, Kangwon-do (Middle Ordovician, Chikunsan beds of the Chosen Group). Fig. 6. Palaeoconcha? samenoha (Kobayashi). Syntype (UMUT PM0544). Right(?) internal mould, × 3. Loc. Makkol, Kangwon-do (Middle Ordovician, Chikunsan beds of the Chosen Group). Fig. 7. Aviculopecten?. onukii Murata. Holotype (IGPS no. 91380). Rubber cast of left externa mould, × 1.2. Loc. Senmatsu, Iwate Pref. (Upper Permian, Toyoma Formation). Fig. 8. Limipecten bandoi Murata. Holotype (IGPS no. 91384). Rubber cast of right external mould, × 1. Loc. Nagahata, Miyagi Pref. (Upper Permian, Toyoma Formation). Fig. 9. Hayasakapecten reticularis (Hayasaka). Holotype (IGPS no. 22227). Left valve, × 1.5. Loc. Kinshozan, Gifu Pref. (Middle Permian, Akasaka Limestone). Fig. 10. Hayasakapecten minoensis (Hayasaka). Lectotype (IGPS no. 8204). Left valve, × 1.2. Loc. Kinshozan, Gifu Pref. (Middle Permian, Akasaka Limestone). Fig. 11. Parallelodon (Parallelodon) obsoleliformis Hayasaka. Lectotype (IGPS no. 22392). External view (11a) and internal view (11b) of left valve, × 1.5. Loc. Kinshozan, Gifu Pref. (Middle Permian, Akasaka Limestone). Fig. 12. Goniophora (Cosmogoniophora) orientalis Kobayashi. Holotype (UMUT PM0562). Left valve, × 3, Loc. Kochi-ri, Kangwon-do (Middle Ordovician, Tsuibon beds of the Chosen Group). |
Parallelodon (Parallelodon) sp. cf. P. (P.) multistiriatus Girty
1968. Parallelodon cf. multistriatus Girty: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 47, pl. 2, fig. 1.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian or thereabout). Kashiwadaira Forma tion of the Takakurayama Group in Yotsukura area of Fukushima Prefecture.
Parallelodon (Parallelodon) cf. P. (P.) tenuistriatus (Meek and Worthen)
1968. Parallelodon cf. tenuistriatus (Meek and Worthen): Nakazawa and Newell, p. 48, pl. 2, fig. 2.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Promytilus maiyensis Nakazawa and Newell
1968. Promytilus maiyensis Nakazawa and Newell, p. 49, pl. 2, figs. 5, 6.-compare 1968. ? Promytilus maiyensis Nakazawa and Newell: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 51, pl. 2, fig. 9.
Type. —Holotype (UK, not registered, Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 2, fig. 5) from the Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group at Tenjinnoki, Towa-cho, Tome-gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian). Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group in Towa area of Miyagi Prefecture. Similar specimens from the Gujo Formation in Oe area of Kyoto Prefecture.
Promytilus sp.
1968. Promytilus sp, a: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 50, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Gujo Formation in Oe area of Kyoto Prefecture.
Promytilus sp.
1968. Promytilus sp. b: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 52, pl. 2, fig. 10.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian). Rodai Formation of the Maiya Group in Towa area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Aviculopinna rectangularis (Hayasaka)
1920. Conularia rectangularis Hayasaka, p. 87, text-figs. 1-3.-1923. Conularia rectangularis Hayasaka: Hayasaka, p. Ill, pl. 15, figs. 9-11.-1942. Neoconularia rectangularis (Haya saka): Sugiyama, p. 391, pl. 15, figs. 2, 2a-c.-1963. Neoconularia rectangularis (Hayasaka): Hayasaka, p. 476, text-figs, la-d.-compare 1968. Aviculopinna cf. rectangularis (Hayasaka): Nakazawa and Newell, p. 54, pl. 3, fig. 2.
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (IGPS, not registered, Hayasaka, 1920, text-figs. 1-3) from the lower part of the Kanokura Formation at Imo, Yahagi-cho, Kesen-gun, Iwate Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Yahagi area of Iwate Prefecture and in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Remarks. —This species was originally regarded as a member of the conulariids but, as treated by Nakazawa and Newell (1968), is referable to Aviculopinna. Neoconularia Sugiyama (1942) is regarded as synonymous with Aviculopinna.
Aviculopinna sp.
1963. Neoconularia sp.: Hayasaka, p. 476, text-figs. 2a-c.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Aviculopinna sp.
1968. Aviculopinna sp.: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 53, pl. 3, fig. 1.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Gujo Formation in Oe area of Kyoto Prefecture.
Cleionychia oviformis Kobayashi [Pl, 9, Fig. 3]
1934a. Clionychia oviformis Kobayashi [error of Cleionychia], p. 352, pl. 3, fig. 14.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT PM0553, Kobayashi, 1934a, pl. 3, fig. 14) from the Tsuibon beds of the Chosen Group at Kochi-ri, Taebaeksan (Taihakusan) area, Kangwon-do (Kogen-do), South Korea.
Age and distribution. —Middle Ordovician (Caradocian). Known only from the type locality.
Myalina (Myalina) sp.
1968. Myalina (Myalina) sp.: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 54, pl. 2, fig. 4.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (Tartarian). Toyoma Formation in Toyoma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Septimyalina sp.
1968. Septimyalina sp.: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 55, pl. 2, fig. 3.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian, (stage unknown). Gujo Formation in Oe area of Kyoto Prefecture.
Anthraconaia sp.
1942. Anthracomya sp. nov.: Kobayashi and Hisakoshi, p. 195, text-fig. 1.
Age and distribution. —Upper Carboniferous (Moscovian or thereabout). Basal shale of the Koten Group in Kokai area of Huanghae-do (Kokai-do), North Korea.
Myalina? sp.
1951. Myalinaf sp.: Ichikawa, p. 331, pl. 1, fig. 10.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Katsura Formation in Sakawa area of Kochi Prefecture.
Pterinea? subasperula Kobayashi
1931. Pterinea (?) subasperula Kobayashi, p. 32, pl. 1, figs. 1a, b.
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (UMUT PM0180, missing, Kobayashi, 1931, pl. 1, figs. 1a, b) from the Shorin beds of the Chosen Group at Shorin-ri near Kenjiho, Koshu gun, Huanghae-do (Kokai-do), North Korea.
Age and distribution. —Lower Ordovician (Arenigian or Llanvirnian). Known only from the type locality.
Leptodesma (Leiopteria) sp.
1968, Leptodesma (Leiopteria) sp.: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 56, pl. 3, figs. 3, 4.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian). Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group in Towa area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Leptodesma sp.
1968. Leptodesma sp.: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 56.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permain (Artinskian). Rodai Formation of the Maiya Group in Towa area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Ensipteria onukii Nakazawa and Newell [Pl. 11, Figs. 1, 2]
1968. Ensipteria onukii Nakazawa and Newell, p. 65, pl. 3, figs. 12a, b, 13, 14.
Type. —Holotype (UK, not registered, Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 3, figs. 12a, b) from the Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group at Tenjinnoki, Towa-cho, Tome gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian). Known only from the type locality.
![]() Explanation of Plate 11 Fig. 1. Ensipteria onukii. Nakazawa and Newell: type-species of genus Ensipteria. Holotype (UK). L atex cast from left internal mould, × 3. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 3, fig. 12b. Loc. Tenjinnoki, Miyagi Pref. (Middle Permian, Tenjinnoki Formation). Fig. 2. The same species. Paratype (UK). Latex cast from right external mould, × 2. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 3, fig. 13. Loc. ditto. Fig. 3. Towapteria nipponica Nakazawa and Newell: type-species of genus Towapteria. Paratype (UK). Left internal mould, × 4. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 3, fig. 7. Loc. Tenjinnoki, Miyagi Pref. (Middle Permian, Tenjinnoki Formation). Fig. 4. The same species. Holotype (UK). Latex cast of left external mould, × 3. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 3, fig. 8. Loc. ditto. Fig. 5. Tambanella gujoensis Nakazawa and Newell: type-species of genus Tambanella. Holotype (UK). Latex cast from right internal mould, × 2. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 4, fig. 8. Loc. Gujo, Kyoto Pref. (Upper Permian, Gujo Formation). Fig. 6. The same species. Paratype (UK). Left internal mould, × 4. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl, 4, fig. 5. Loc. ditto. Fig. 7. Waagenoperna (Permoperna) hayamii Nakazawa and Newell: type-species of subgenus Permoperna. Holotype (UK). Right internal mould, × 3. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 3, fig. 11. Loc. Tenjinnoki, Miyagi Pref. (Middle Permian Tenjinnoki Formation). Fig. 8. Lopha? murakamii Nakazawa and Newell. Holotype (UK). Latex cast from left (?) external mould, × 2. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 7, fig. 8b. Loc. Gujo, Kyoto Pref. (Upper Permian, Gujo Formation). Fig. 9. Permophorus tenuistriatus Nakazawa and Newell. Syntype (UK). Latex cast from left internal mould, × 2. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 9, fig. 8. Loc. Gujo, Kyoto Pref. (Upper Permian, Gujo Formation). Fig. 10. Gujocardia oviformis Nakazawa and Newell: type-species of genus Gujocardia. Holotype (UK). Latex cast from left internal mould, × 5, Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 9, fig. 1. Loc. Gujo, Kyoto Pref. (Upper Permian, Gujo Formation). Fig. 11. The same species. Paratype (UK). Latex cast from right external mould, × 4. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 9, fig. 4a. Loc. ditto. Fig. 12. Astartella toyomensis Nakazawa and Newell. Paratype (UK). Latex cast from left external mould, × 2. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 10, fig. 5. Loc.Kitazawa, Miyagi Pref. (Upper Permian, Toyoma Formation). Fig. 13. The same species. Holotype (UK). Latex cast from left internal mould, × 2. Reproduced from Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 10, fig. 3. Loc. ditto. |
Bakevellia (Bakevellia) gujoensis Nakazawa
1959. Bakevellia (Bakevellia) gujoensis Nakazawa, p. 198, pl. 3, figs. 5a, b, 6-8, text-fig. 3.
Type. —Holotype (UK JP10044, Nakazawa, 1959, pl. 3, figs. 5a, b) from the upper part of the Gujo Formation at Gujo, Oe-cho, Kasa-gun, Kyoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Known only from the type locality.
Bakevellia (Bakevellia) sp.
1959. Bakevellia (Bakevellia) n. sp.: Nakazawa, p. 199, pl. 3, figs. 9a-c.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Upper part of the Gujo For- mation in Oe area of Kyoto Prefecture.
Towapteria nipponica Nakazawa and Newell [Pl. 11, Figs. 3, 4]
1959. Pteria sp.: Nakazawa, p. 196, text-fig. 1.-1968. Towapteria nipponica Nakazawa and Newell, p. 59, pl. 3, figs. 5-8.-1971, Towapteria nipponica Nakazawa and Newell: Murata, p. 109, pl. 14, figs. 5a-c, 6a, b, 7, 8a, b.
Type. —Holotype (UK, not registered, Nakazawa and Newell, pl. 3, fig. 8) from the Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group at Tenjinnoki, Towa-cho, Tome-gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Lower to Upper Permian (Sakmarian-? Tartarian). Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group in Towa area of Miyagi Prefecture, lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture, Gujo Formation in Oe area of Kyoto Prefecture, and upper part of the Sakamotozawa Formation in Sumita area of Iwate Prefecture.
Waagenoperna (Permoperna) hayamii Nakazawa and Newell [Pl. 11, Fig. 7]
1925. Liebea sinensis Frech: Hayasaka, p. 14, pl. 8, figs. 11-13 [non Frech, 1911].-1952.
Liebea sinensis Frech; Shikama, p. 100, pl. 12, fig. 10 [reproduction of Hayasaka's figure]. 1953. Liebea sinensis Frech: Hayasaka and Hayasaka, p. 39.-1960b. "Isognomm" n. sp.:
Hayami, p. 327, text-fig. 6.-967. Waagenoperna hayamii Nakazawa and Newell [nom. nud.]: Nakazawa, p. 168, pl. 6, fig. 2 [reproduction of Hayami's figure], fig. 3.-1968. Waagenoperna (Permoperna) hayamii Nakazawa and Newell, p. 62, pl. 3, figs. 9-11.-1971. Waagenoperna (Permoperna) hayamii Nakazawa and Newell: Murata, p. 109, pl. 14, figs. 9, 11a, b.
Type. —Holotype (UK, not registered, Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 3, fig. 11) from the Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group at Tenjinnoki, Towa-cho, Tome-gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Lower and Middle Permian (Sakmarian-Kazanian). Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group in Towa area of Miyagi Prefecture, "Kuro zone" of the Akasaka Limestone in Akasaka area of Gifu Prefecture, lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Yahagi area of Iwate Prefecture and in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefec ture, and upper part of the Sakamotozawa Formation in Sumita area of Iwate Prefecture.
Tambanella gujoensis Nakazawa and Newell [Pl. 11, Fig. 5]
1968. Tambanella gujoensis Nakazawa and Newell, p. 64, pl. 4, figs. 4-9.
Type. —Holotype (UK, not registered, Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 4, figs. 7, 8) from the Gujo Formation at Gujo, Oe-cho, Kasa-gun, Kyoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Known only from the type locality.
Waagenoperna? sp.
1967. Liebea aff. mapingensis Grabau: Yanagisawa, p. 94, pl. 2, fig. 5.
Age and distribution. —Lower or Middle Permian (Sakmarian or Artinskian). Motomura Formation of the Takakurayama Group in Yotsukura area of Fukushima Prefecture.
Aviculopecten hataii Murata [Pl. 10, Fig, 2]
1964. Aviculopecten hataii Murata, p. 221, pl. 34, figs. 10a-d.-compare 1967. Aviculopecten cf. hataii Murata: Yanagisawa, p. 95, pl. 2, fig. 13.-compare 1968. Aviculopecten cf. hataii Murata: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 68, pl. 5, figs. 1-3.-1976a. Aviculopecten hataii Murata, pl. P-17, figs, 10a, b.
Type. —Holotype (IGPS no. 85732, Murata, 1964, pl. 34, figs. 10a-d) from the Shigeji zawa member of the Kanokura Formation at Toyazawa, Kamishishiori, Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture. Comparable specimens from the Kashiwadaira Formation of the Takakurayama Group in Yotsukura area of Fukushima Prefecture and from the Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group in Towa area of Miyagi Prefecture.
![]() Explanation of Plate 10 Fig. 1. Annuliconcha kitakamiensis Murata. Holotype (IGPS no. 22389). Left external mould, × 1.5. Loc. Imo, Iwate Pref. (Middle Permian, Kanokura Formation). Fig. 2. Aviculopecten hataii Murata. Holotype (IGPS no. 85732). Rubber cast from left external mould, × 1.5. Loc. Toyazawa, Miyagi Pref. (Middle Permian, Kanokura Formation). Fig. 3. Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka. Lectotype (IGPS no. 22378). Rubber cast from left external mould, × 1.5. Loc. Imo, Iwate Pref. (Middle Permian, Kanokura Formation). Fig. 4. Acanthopecten onukii Murata. Holotype (IGPS no. 85745). Rubber cast from left external mould, × 1.5. Loc. Shigejizawa, Miyagi Pref. (Middle Permian, Kanokura Formation). Fig. 5. Enchondria? kesenensis (Hayasaka). Holotype (IGPS no. 22383). Right internal mould, × 1.5. Loc. Imo, Iwate Pref. (Middle Permian, Kanokura Formation). Fig. 6. Guizhoupecten miyamoriensis (Murata). Holotype (IGPS no. 85733). Rubber cast from left external mould, × 1.5. Loc. Mt. Hiryuyama, Iwate Pref. (Middle Permian, Hiryuyama Formation). Fig. 7. Actinodonfophora katsurensis Ichikawa; type-species of genus Actinodontophora. Holotype (UMUT PM5306). Rubber cast from left internal mould, × 1.5. Loc. Katsura, Kochi Pref. (Upper Permian, Katsura Formation). Fig. 8. Schizodus tobai (Hayasaka). Syntype (IGPS no. 8406). Right internal mould, × 1.5. Loc. Imo, Iwate Pref. (Middle Permian, Kanokura Formation). Fig. 9. Schizodus japonicus (Hayasaka). Lectotype (IGPS no. 22422). Right valve, × 1.2. Loc. Kinshozan, Gifu Pref. (Middle Permian, Akasaka Limestone). Fig. 10. Alula elegantissima (Hayasaka). Syntype (IGPS no. 8203). Left valve, × 0.55. Loc. Kinshozan, Gifu Pref. (Middle Permian, Akasaka Limestone). |
Aviculopecten hiemalis Salter
1967a. Aviculopecten (Deltopecten) hiemalis Salter: Hayasaka, p. 378, text-figs, 1a, b.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture. This species was origi nally described from the Permian (Productus shale) of Pakistan.
Aviculopecten? onukii Murata [Pl. 9, Fig. 7]
1969. Aviculopecten? onukii Murata, p. 17, pl. 3, figs. 1a-d, 2a, b, 3a, b, 4, 5.
Type. —Holotype (IGPS no. 91380, pl. 3, Murata, 1969, figs. la-d, 2a, b) from the upper part of the Toyoma Formation at Senmatsu, Fujisawa-cho, Higashiiwai-gun, Iwate Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian. (Tartarian). Known only from the type area.
Aviculopecten shiroshitai Nakazawa and Newell
1968. Aviculopecten shiroshitai Nakazawa and Newell, p. 66, pl. 4, figs. 1-3.
Type. —Holotype (UK, not registered, Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2) from the Gujo Formation at Gujo, Oe-cho, Kasa-gun, Kyoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Known only from the type locality.
Aviculopecten sp.
1968. Aviculopecten sp. a: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 68, pl. 5, fig. 5.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kano kura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Aviculopecten sp.
1968. Aviculopecten sp. b: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 69, pl. 5, fig. 4.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (Tartarian). Toyoma Formation in Toyoma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Aviculopecten sp.
1971. Aviculopecten sp.: Murata, p. 110, pl. 14, figs. 12a, b.
Age and distribution. —Lower Permian (Sakmarian). Upper part of the Sakamotozawa Formation in Sumita area of Iwate Prefecture.
Aviculopecten? sp.
1971. Aviculopecten? sp.: Murata, p. 111, pl. 14, fig. 10.
Age and distribution. —Lower Permian (Sakmarian). Upper part of the Sakamotozawa Formation in Sumita area of Iwate Prefecture.
Hayasakapecten minoensis (Hayasaka) [Pl. 9, Fig. 10]
1925. Aviculopecten minoensis Hayasaka, p. 5, pl, 8, fig. 1.-1952. Aviculopecten minoensis Hayasaka: Shikama, p. 98, pl. 11, fig. 10 [reproduction of original figure].-1967. Hayasaka pecten minoensis (Hayasaka): Nakazawa, p. 167 [without generic diagnosis], pl. 6, fig. 7 [reproduction of original figure].-1970. Aviculopecten minoensis Hayasaka: Shikama, p.122, pl. 38, fig, 29 [reproduction of original figure].
Type. —Lectotype designated by Nakazawa (1967, p. 174) (IGPS no. 8204, Hayasaka, 1925, pl. 8, fig. 1) from the "Upper Dairi zone" of the Akasaka Limestone at Kinshozan, Akasaka-cho, Fuwa-gun, Gifu Prefecture. Nakazawa regarded this specimen as "holotype," but Hayasaka (1925) proposed the present species on the basis of several specimens. Nakazawa's treatment is here regarded as constituting valid lectotype designation.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian). Known only from the type locality.
Hayasakapecten reticularis (Hayasaka) [Pl. 9, Fig. 9]
1925. Aviculopecten reticularis Hayasaka, p. 6, pl. 8, fig. 2.-1967. Hayasakapecten reticularis (Hayasaka): Nakazawa, p. 167 [without generic diagnosis], pl. 6, fig. 6 [reproduction of original figure].
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (IGPS no. 22227, Hayasaka, 1925, pl. 8, fig. 2) from the "Upper Dairi zone" of the Akasaka Limestone at Kinshozan, Akasaka-cho, Fuwa-gun, Gifu Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian). Known only from the type locality.
Hayasakapecten sasakii (Murata)
1964. Aviculopecten sasakii Murata, p. 218, pl. 34, figs. 1a, b, 2a, b.-1967. Hayasakapecten sasahii (Murata): Nakazawa, p. 167 [without generic diagnosis], pl, 6, figs. 4a, b, 5.-1968. Hayasakapecten sasakii (Murata): Nakazawa and Newell, p. 72, pl. 5, figs. 7, 10.-1976a. Hayasakapecten sasakii (Murata): Murata, pl. P-17, fig. 1.
Type. —Holotype (IGPS no. 85730, Murata, 1964, pl. 34, figs. la, b) from the lower part of the Kanokura Formation at the upper course of the Shigejizawa, Kamiyasse,Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Known only from the type area.
Hayasakapecten shimizui Nakazawa and Newell
1968. Hayasakapecten shimizui Nakazawa and Newell, p. 70, pl. 5, figs. 6, 8, 9.-1976a. Hayasakapecten shimisui Nakazawa and Newell: Murata, pl. P-17, figs. 2, 3.
Type. —Holotype (UK, not registered, Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 5, fig. 8) from the Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group at Tenjinnoki, Towa-cho, Tome-gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian). Known only from the type locality.
Acanthopecten onukii Murata [Pl. 10, Fig. 4]
1964. Acanthopecten onukii Murata, p. 222, pl. 35, figs. 1a, b, 2a, b, 3a, b, 4a, b, 5a, b, 6, 7a, b, 8, 9a, b.-1976a. Acanthopecten onukii Murata: Murata, pl. P-17, figs. 7, 8.
Type. —Holotype (IGPS no. 85745, Murata, 1964, pl. 35, figs. la, b) from the lower part of the Kanokura Formation at Shigejizawa, Kamiyasse, Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture and in Yahagi area of Iwate Prefecture.
Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka [Pl. 10, Fig. 3]
1925. Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka, p. 10, pl. 8, fig. 6 [non fig. 7].-1952. Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka: Shikama, p. 100, pl. 12, fig. 11 [reproduction of an original figure].-1964. Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka: Murata, p. 225, pl. 35, figs, 10a, b.-1970. Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka: Shikama, p. 124, pl. 39, fig. 17 [reproduction of an original figure].-1976a. Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka: Murata, pl. P-17, figs. 9a, b.
Type. —Lectotype designated by Murata (1964, p. 232) (IGPS no. 22378, Hayasaka, 1925, pl. 8, fig. 6; Murata, 1964, pl. 35, figs. 10a, b) from the lower part of the Kanokura Formation at Imo, Yahagi-cho, Kesen-gun, Iwate Prefecture. Murata (1964) regarded this specimen as "holotype," but Hayasaka proposed the present species on the basis of two specimens (IGPS nos. 22378, 22408) without any designation of the type. Murata's treatment is here regarded as constituting valid lectotype designation.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Known only from the type area.
Acanthopecten sp. cf, A. coloradoensis (Newberry)
1925. Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka, p. 10 (pars), pl. 8, fig. 7 (non fig. 6).-1964. Acanthopecten cf. coloradoensis (Newberry): Murata, p. 225, pl. 35, figs. 11a, b, 12, 13a, b.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Yahagi area of Iwate Prefecture.
Annuliconcha kitakamiensis Murata [Pl. 10, Fig. 1]
1925. Pleuronectites interlineatus Meek and Worthen: Hayasaka, p. 12, pl. 8, figs. 9, 9a.-1964. Annuliconcha kitakamiensis Murata, p. 227, pl. 34, figs. 11a-c, 12a, b.-1970. Annuliconcha interlineatus (Meek and Worthen) [sic]: Shikama, p. 122, pl. 38, fig. 28 [reproduction of Hayasaka's figure],-1976a. Annuliconcha kitakamiensis Murata: Murata, pl. P-17, fig, 6.
Type. —Holotype (IGPS no. 22389, Murata, 1964, pl. 34, figs. 12a, b) from the lower part of the Kanokura Formation at Imo, Yahagi-cho, Kesen-gun, Iwate Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Yahagi area of Iwate Prefecture and in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Etheripecten? hayasakai (Murata)
1925. Aviculopecten interstitialis Phillips: Hayasaka, p. 7, pl. 8, figs. 3-5.-1964. Aviculopecten hayasakai Murata, p. 219, pl. 34, figs, 3,4a, b, 5,6a, b, 7,8a, b, 9.-1967. "Etheripecten" hayasakai (Murata): Nakazawa, p. 168, pl. 6 fig. 8 [reproduction of Murata's figure].-1968. Etheripecten? hayasakai (Murata): Nakazawa and Newell, p, 72, pl. 6, figs. la-c.-1976a. Etheripecten? hayasakai (Murata): Murata, pl. P-17, figs. 11-14.
Type. —Holotype (IGPS no. 85737, Murata, 1964, pl. 34, figs. 4a, b) from the Shigejizawa member of the Kanokura Formation at the upper course of Toyazawa, Kamishishiori, Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the
Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture and in Yahagi area of Iwate Prefecture.
Guizhoupecten miyamoriensis (Murata) [Pl. 10, Fig. 6]
1964. Streblochondria miyamoriensis Murata, p. 229, pl. 35, figs. 14a, b.-1967. Guizhopecten miyamoriensis (Murata) [typographical error of Guisshoupecten]: Nakazawa, p. 168, pl. 6, fig. 9.-1968. Guishoupecten miyamoriensis (Murata): Nakazawa and Newell, p. 76.-1976a. Guizhoupecten miyamoriensis (Murata): Murata, pl. P-17, fig. 15.
Type. —Holotype (IGPS no. 85733, Murata, 1964, pl. 35, figs. 14a, b) from the Hiryuyama Formation at the southeastern slope of Mt. Hiryuyama, Miyamori-mura, Kamiheigun, Iwate Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Known only from the type locality.
Guizhoupecten sp.
1968. Gidshoupecten sp.: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 77, pl. 6, fig. 9.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (Tartarian). Upper part of the Maizuru Group in Mikata area of Kyoto Prefecture.
Limipecten bandoi Murata [Pl. 9, Fig. 8]
1969. Limipecten bandoi Murata, p. 18, pl. 4, figs. 1a-c.
Type. —Holotype (IGPS no. 91384, Murata, 1969, pl. 4, figs. 1a-c) from the lower part of the Toyoma Formation at Nagahata, Towa-cho, Tome-gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (Tartarian). Known only from the type locality.
Leptochondria? sp.
1968. Leptochondria? sp. a: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 73, pl. 6, figs. 4-7.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Gujo Formation in Oe area of Kyoto Prefecture.
Leptochondria? sp.
1968. Leptocondria? sp. b: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 74, pl. 6, fig. 8.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Gujo Formation in Oe area of Kyoto Prefecture.
Streblopteria sp.
1968. Streblopteria sp. a: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 78, pl. 6, figs. 2, 3.-1976a. Streblopteria sp.; Murata, pl. P-17, figs. 4, 5.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Lower part of the Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Streblopteria? sp.
1968. Streblopteriaf sp. b: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 79, pl. 6, fig. 10.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian). Shigejizawa member of the Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Euchondria sp.
1968, Euchondria sp.: Nakazawa and Newell, p. 80, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian or thereabout). Upper member of the Mizukoshi Formation in Mifune area of Kumamoto Prefecture.
Euchondria? kesenensis (Hayasaka) [Pl. 10, Fig. 5]
1925. Cenipecten kesenensis Hayasaka [typographical error of Crenipecten], p. 11, pl. 8, figs. 8, 8a.
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (IGPS no. 22383, Hayasaka, 1925, pl. 8, figs. 8, 8a) from the lower part of the Kanokura Formation at Imo, Yahagi-cho, Kesen-gun, Iwate Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian or Kazanian). Known only from the type locality.
Cyrtorostra sp. cf. C. lunwalensis (Reed)
1968. Cyrtorostra cf. lunwalensis (Reed): Nakazawa and Newell, p. 79, pl. 5, fig. 11.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Kazanian). Shigejizawa member of the Kanokura Formation in Kesennuma area of Miyagi Prefecture.
Aviculopecten? sp.
1967. Acanthopecten cf. carboniferous Stevens: Yanagisawa, p. 96, pi, 2, fig. 17.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (stage unknown). Kashiwadaira Formation of the Takakurayama Group in Yotsukura area of Fukushima Prefecture.
Aviculopecten? sp.
1967. Limipecten cf. bwrnettensis Maxwell: Yanagisawa, p. 95, pl, 2, figs. 14, 15.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (stage unknown). Kashiwadaira Formation of the Takakurayama Group in Yotsukura area of Fukushima Prefecture.
Aviculopecten? sp.
1967. Streblochondria aff. stantonensis Newell: Yanagisawa, p. 96, pl. 2, fig. 8.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (stage unknown). Kashiwadaira Formation of the Takakurayama Group in Yotsukura area of Fukushima Prefecture.
Lopha? murakamii Nakazawa and Newell [Pl. 11, Fig. 8]
1968. Lapha? murakamii Nakazawa and Newell [typographical error of Lopha], p. 82, pl. 7, figs. 1, 2, 3a, b, 4, 6, 7, 8a, b.
Type. —Holotype (UK, not registered, Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 7, figs. 8a, b) from the Gujo Formation at Gujo, Oe-cho, Kasa-gun, Kyoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Permian (stage unknown). Known only from the type locality.
Lopha? teranosawensis Nakazawa and Newell
1968. Lopha? teranosawensis Nakazawa and Newell, p. 83, pl. 7, figs. 5, 9.
Type. —Holotype (UK, not registered, Nakazawa and Newell, 1968, pl. 7, fig. 9) from the Tenjinnoki Formation of the Maiya Group at Teranosawa, Towa-cho, Tome-gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Middle Permian (Artinskian-Kazanian). Tenjinnoki and Rodai Formations of the Maiya Group in Towa area of Miyagi Prefecture.