Order PALAEOCOPIDA Henningsmoen, 1953
Suborder PALAEOCOPINA Henningsmoen, 1953
Family HOLLINELLIDAE Bless and Jordan, 1971
Genus HOLLINELLA Coryell, 1928
Subgenus HOLLINELLA Coryell, 1928
Hollinella (Hollinella) elliptica Ishizaki, 1964
Hollinella elliptica Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 142, 143, Pl. 16, figs. 1, 2; Bless, Jordan and Michel, 1969, p. 22.
Hollinella (Hollinella) elliptica: Bless and Jordan, 1972, p. 37.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85770; paratype, IGPS-85771.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Hollinella (Hollinella) paraemaciata Ishizaki, 1964
Hollinella paraemaciata Ishizaki, 1964b, p. 31, 32, Pl. 1, fig. 2, text-fig. 1.
Hollinella (Hollinella) paraemaciata: Bless and Jordan, 1972, p. 41.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-78042 (a left valve).
Type locality. —Nagaiwa, Hikoroichi-machi, Ofunato-shi, Iwate Pref. (Lower Penn sylvanian limestone of Nagaiwa Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Remarks. —Generic assignment is tentative by Bless and Jordan, 1972.
Hollinella (Hollinella) tingi (Patte, 1935)
Hollinella tingi: Ishizaki, 1964b, p. 30, 31, Pl. 1, fig. 1.
Known occurrence. —Nagaiwa Formation (Lower Pennsylvanian limestone), Nagaiwa, Hikoroichi-machi, Ofunato-shi, Iwate Pref. (Ishizaki, 1964b).
Remarks. —Hollinella (Hollinella) tingi occurs commonly in China and ranges from Lower Permian to Lower Triassic. Specific identification of Lower Pennsylvanian specimen from Japan needs further examination.
Family KIRKBYIDAE Ulrich and Bassler, 1906
Genus KIRKBYA Jones, 1859
Kirkbya atolla Ishizaki, 1964
Kirkbya atolla Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 145, 146, Pl. 16, figs. 7, 8a, b.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85777 (a right valve); paratype, IGP8-85776.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Kirkbya centrotumida Ishizaki, 1964
Kirkbya centrotumida Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 146, 147, Pl. 16, figs. 9a-c, text-fig. 4.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85778 (a left valve); paratype, IGPS-85779.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Kirkbya kitakamiensis Ishizaki, 1964
Kirkbya kitakamiensis Ishizaki, 1964b, p. 33, Pl. 1, figs. 4a, b.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-78395 (a right valve).
Type locality. —Nagaiwa, Hikoroichi-machi, Ofunato-shi, Iwate Pref. (Lower Penn sylvanian limestone of Nagaiwa Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Kirkbya magniforma Ishizaki, 1964
Kirkbya magniforma Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 147, Pl. 17, figs. 1a-c.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85783 (a right valve).
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Kirkbya multicresta Ishizaki, 1964
Kirkbya multicresta Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 147, 148, Pl. 17, figs. 6, 7.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85786 (a left valve); paratype, IGPS-85787.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref, (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Kirkbya nagaiwensis Ishizaki, 1964
Kirkbya nagaiwensis Ishizaki, 1964b, p. 33, 34, Pl. 1, figs. 5a, b.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-78400 (a complete carapace).
Type locality. —Nagaiwa, Hikoroichi-machi, Ofunato-shi, Iwate Pref. (Lower Penn sylvanian limestone of Nagaiwa Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Kirkbya? nanatsumoriensis Ishizaki, 1968
Kirkbya nanatsumoriensis Ishizaki, 1968b, p. 13, Pl. 1, figs. 5, 6.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-78408 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-78409.
Type locality. —A cliff of the valley of a tributary of the Sarusawa River, W. of Nanatsumori and 1 km N. of Sarusawa, Daito-machi, Higashiiwai-gun, Iwate Pref. (Mississippian Takezawa Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Remarks. —Generic placement is in doubt, because this species has a vertical ridge.
Kirkbya? nipponica Ishizaki, 1964
Kirkbya nipponica Ishizaki, 1964b, p. 32, 33, Pl. 1, figs. 3a, b.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-78392 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-78398.
Type locality. —Nagaiwa, Hikoroichi-machi, Ofunato-shi, Iwate Pref. (Lower Penn sylvanian limestone of Nagaiwa Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Remarks. —Preservation is too poor to warrant generic identification.
Kirkbya sarusawensis Ishizaki, 1968
Kirkbya sarusawensis Ishizaki, 1968b, p. 13, 14, Pl. 1, fig. 7.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-78410 (a right valve).
Type locality. —A cliff of the valley of a tributary of the Sarusawa River, W. of Nanatsumori and 1 km N. of Sarusawa, Daito-machi, Higashiiwai-gun, Iwate Pref. (Mississippian Takezawa Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Kirkbya? subnipponica Ishizaki, 1964
Kirkbya subnipponica Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 148, 149, Pl. 17, figs. 2a, b, 3.
Kirkbya cf. subnipponica Ishizaki, 1967, p. 50, Pl. 1, fig. 12.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85784 (a left valve); paratype, IGPS-85785.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Permian Iwaizaki Limestone at the above type locality (Ishizaki, 1964a). Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone, 1200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama-machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Ishizaki, 1967).
Remarks. —Generic placement is in doubt, because Kirkbyan pit is obscure.
Kirkbya subquadriforma Ishizaki, 1964
Kirkbya subquadriforma Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 149, Pl. 16, fig. 11, Pl. 17, figs. 8a, b.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85781 (a left valve); paratype, IGPS-85780.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Kirkbya sp. Ishizaki, 1967
Kirkbya sp. Ishizaki, 1967, p. 50, 51, Pl. 1, fig. 11.
Illustrated specimen. —IGPS-87063.
Locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Genus AURIKIRKBYA Sohn, 1950
Aurikirkbya? brevis Ishizaki, 1967
Aurikirkbya? brevis Ishizaki, 1967, p. 51, 52, Pl. 1, figs. 5, 6.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87064 (a left valve); paratype, IGPS-87065.
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Aurikirkbya formula Ishizaki, 1964
Aurikirkbya formula Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 143, 144, Pl. 16, figs. 3, 4, text-fig. 2.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85772 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-85773.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Aurikirkbya? hinomataensis Ishizaki, 1967
Aurikirkya? hinomataensis Ishizaki, 1967, p. 52, Pl. 1, figs. 14, 15.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87066 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-87067.
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Aurikirkbya? lata Ishizaki, 1967
Aurikirkbya? lata Ishizaki, 1967, p. 52, 53, Pl. 1, fig. 9.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87068 (a left valve).
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Aurikirkbya? subkellettae Ishizaki, 1964
Aurikirkbya subkellettae Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 144, 145, Pl. 16, figs. 5, 6, text-fig. 3.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85774 (a left valve); paratype, IGPS-85775.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Remarks. —Generic placement needs further study.
Aurikirkbya? tenuise Ishizaki, 1967
Aurikirkbya? tenuise Ishizaki, 1967, p. 53, 54, Pl. 1, fig. 13.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87069 (a right valve).
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Genus CORONAKIRKBYA Sohn, 1954
Coronakirkbya hataii Ishizaki, 1967
Coronakirkbya hataii Ishizaki, 1967, p. 54, Pl. 1, fig. 4.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87070 (a right valve).
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Coronakirkbya ohazamensis Ishizaki, 1967
Coronakirkbya ohazamensis Ishizaki, 1967, p. 54, 55, Pl. 1, figs. 1-3.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87071 (a right valve); paratypes, IGPS-87072, 87073.
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Genus KNIGHTINA Kellett, 1933
Knightina hinomataensis Ishizaki, 1967
Knightina hinomataensis Ishizaki, 1967, p. 55, 56, Pl. 1, fig. 10.
Types. —Kolotype, IGPS-87084 (a left valve).
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Family AMPHISSITIDAE Knight, 1928
Genus AMPHISSITES Girty, 1910
Amphissites centronotus (Ulrich and Bassler, 1906)
Amphissites centronotus: Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 149, 150, Pl. 17, figs. 4, 5, text-fig. 5.
Known occurrence. —Permian Iwaizaki Limestone (Unit G, black limestone), Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Ishizaki, 1964a).
Amphissites kitakamiensis Ishizaki, 1967
Amphissites kitakamiensis Ishizaki, 1967, p. 56, Pl. 1, figs. 7, 8.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87076 (a left valve); paratype, IGPS-87075.
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Amphissites similaris Morey, 1936
Amphissites similaris: Ishizaki, 1968b, p. 14, Pl. 1, figs. 1-4.
Known occurrence. —Carboniferous Takazawa Formation (limestone), Higashiyama machi, Higashiiwai-gun, Iwate Pref. (Ishizaki, 1968b).
Genus ECTODEMITES Cooper, 1941
Ectodemites globosa Ishizaki, 1964
Ectodemites globosa Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 150, 151, Pl. 18, figs. 1a, b, 2.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85793 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-85794.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Genus POLYTYLITES Cooper, 1941
Polytylites kitanipponicus Ishizaki, 1964
Polytylites kitanipponica [sic] Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 151, Pl. 18, figs. 3-6, text-figs. 6, 7.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85795 (a left valve ); paratypes, IGPS-85796, 85797, 85798.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Family KELLETTINIDAE Sohn, 1954
Genus KELLETTINA Swartz, 1936
Kellettina? japonica Ishizaki, 1967
Kellettina? japonica Ishizaki, 1967, p. 56, 57, Pl. 2, fig. 1.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87077 (a right valve).
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Genus KHATAIELLA Ishizaki, 1973
[The generic name Hataiella Ishizaki, 1967 has been replaced with Khataiella Ishizaki (1973, p. 405), because it is a junior homonym of aubgenus Hataiella Kotaka, 1959 of gastropod genus Turritella]
Khataiella ohaizamensis (Ishizaki, 1967) [Pl. 1, figs. 1, 2]
Hataiella ohazamensis Ishizaki, 1967, p. 59, 60, Pl. 2, figs. 9, 10.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87080 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-87081.
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama-machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
 Explanation of Plate 1 Figs. 1, 2. Khataiella ohazamensis (Ishizaki, 1967)
1. Lateral view of right valve. Holotype (IGPS-87080). ×80
2. Interior view of right valve. Holotype. ×80
Figs. 3-7. Parakrithella pseudadonta (Hanai, 1959)
3. Lateral view of right valve. Holotype (UMUT-CA-2901, female). ×88
4. Interior view of right valve. Holotype. × 88
5. Interior view of left valve. Holotype. ×88
6. Normal pore canal opening on exterior surface, located close to the postero-dorsal margin of right valve. Illustrated specimen (UMUT-RA-8404) from the Recent beach sand along the shore in front of the Imperial villa at Hayama-machi, Kanagawa Pref. × 5200
7. Normal pore canal opening on exterior surface, located close to the anterior margin of left valve. Illustrated specimen (UMUT-RA-8405) from the same locality as fig. 6 specimen. ×3280 |
Khataiella longa (Ishizaki, 1967)
Hataiella longa Ishizaki, 1967, p. 60, Pl. 2, figs. 11, 12.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87082 (a left valve); paratype, IGPS-87083.
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama-machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Khataiella minima (Ishizaki, 1967)
Hataiella minima Ishizaki, 1967, p. 60, 61, Pl. 2, figs. 4-6.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87084 (a left valve); paratypes, IGPS-87085, 87086.
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama-machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Genus KINDLELLA Sohn, 1954
Kindlella kitanipponica Ishizaki, 1967
Kindlella kitanipponica Ishizaki, 1967, p. 57, 58, Pl. 2, figs. 2, 3.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-87078 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-87079.
Type locality. —1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Lower Permian Tassobe Formation, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Family SCROBICULIDAE Posner, 1951
Genus ROUNDYELLA Bradfield, 1935
Roundyella dorsopapillosa Sohn, 1954
Roundyella dorsopapillosa: Ishizaki, 1967, p. 61, Pl. 2, figs. 13, 14.
Known occurrence. —Lower Permian Tassobe Formation (black limestone), 1,200 m N. of Hinomata, a tributary of the Hinomata River, Ohazama-machi, Hinuki-gun, Iwate Pref. (Ishizaki, 1967).
Roundyella neopapillosa Ishizaki, 1964
Roundyella neopapillosa Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 152, Pl. 18, figs. 7, 8, text-fig. 8.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85799 (a left? valve ); paratype, IGPS-85800.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unite G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Family PUNCIIDAE Hornibrook, 1949
Genus MANAWA Hornibrook, 1949
Manawa sp. Ishizaki, 1973
Manawa sp. Ishizaki, 1973, p. 404, 405, Pl. 47, figs. 1, 4-6, Pl. 48, figs. 1-7, text-fig. 1.
Illustrated specimen. —IGPS-91720.
Locality. —S. of Shinzato, Sashiki-mura, Okinawa-jima, Okinawa Pref. (Pliocene Shinzato Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Suborder PLATYCOPINA Sars, 1866
Family KLOEDENELLIDAE Ulrich and Bassler, 1908
Genus OLIGANISUS Geis, 1932
Oliganisus muratai Ishizaki, 1964
Oliganisus muratai Ishizaki, 1964b, p. 36, Pl. 1, figs. 8a-c.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-78401 (a right valve); paratypes, IGPS-78397, 78399.
Type locality. —Nagaiwa, Hikoroichi-machi, Ofunato-shi, Iwate Pref. (Lower Pennsylvanian limestone of Nagaiwa Fromation).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Family GLYPTOPLEURIDAE Girty, 1910
Genus GLYPTOPLEURINA Coryell, 1928
Glyptopleurina tomokoae Ishizaki, 1964
Glyptopleurina tomokoae Ishizaki, 1964b, p. 34, 35, Pl. 1, figs. 6a, b, text-fig. 2.
Glyptopleurina cf. tomokoae: Ishizaki, 1968b, p. 15, Pl. 1, fig. 8.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-78393 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-78403.
Type locality. —Nagaiwa, Hikoroichi-machi, Ofunato-shi, Iwate Pref. (Lower Pennsylvanian limestone of Nagaiwa Formation).
Known occurrence. —Lower Pennsylvanian limestone of Nagaiwa Formation at the above type locality (Ishizaki, 1964b). Mississippian Takezawa Formation, a cliff of the valley of a tributary of the Sarusawa River, W. of Nanatsumori and 1 km N. of Sarusawa, Daito-machi, Higashiiwai-gun, Iwate Pref. (Ishizaki, 1968b).
Glyptopleurina tumida Ishizaki, 1964
Glyptopleurina tumida Ishizaki, 1964b, p. 35, 36, Pl. 1, figs. 7a, b, text-fig. 3.
Types. —Holotypes, IGPS-78394 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-78396.
Type locality. —Nagaiwa, Hikoroichi-machi, Ofunato-shi, Iwate Pref. (Lower Pennsylvanian limestone of Nagaiwa Formation).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Family CAVELLINIDAE Egorov, 1950
Genus CAVELLINA Coryell, 1928
Cavellina? nipponica Ishizaki, 1964
Cavellina? nipponica Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 157, 158, Pl. 17, figs. 9a, b, 10, 11, text-figs. 10, 11.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-85790 (a complete carapace); paratypes, IGPS-85791, 85792.
Type locality. —Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the type locality.
Family PACHYDOMELLIDAE Berdan and Sohn, 1961
Genus TUBULIBAIRDIA Swartz, 1936
Tubulibairdia venusta (Chen, 1958)
Tubulibairdia venusta: Ishizaki, 1964a, p. 158, 159, Pl. 18, figs. 11a, b, 12a, b, text-figs. 12, 13.
Known occurrence. —Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Unit G, black limestone, Iwaizaki, Hashikami-machi, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Ishizaki, 1964a).
Family CYTHERELLIDAE Sars, 1866
Genus CYTHERELLA Jones, 1849
Cytherella sp. Nasu and Saito, 1958
Cytherella sp. a Nasu and Saito, 1958, p. 209.
Locality. —St. 2 (Lat. 33°54.7'N, Long. 136°16.2'E), Kumanonada (Recent silty sand, depth 153 m).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Cytherella sp. Nasu and Saito, 1958
Cytherella sp. β Nasu and Saito, 1958, p. 209.
Locality. —St. 4 (Lat. 34°03.4'N, Long. 136°22.0'E), Kumanonada (Recent silty sand, depth 156 m).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Genus CYTHERELLOIDEA Alexander 1929
Cytherelloidea munechikai Ishizaki, 1968
Cytherelloidea munechikai Ishizaki, 1968a, p. 43, Pl. 8, figs. 1-3.
Types. —Holotype, IGPS-90324 (a right valve); paratype, IGPS-90325, 90327.
Type locality. —St. 146 (Lat. 33°26'17"N, Long. 133°27'15"E), Uranouchi Bay, Kochi Pref. (Recent medium sand, depth 3 m).
Known occurrence. —Recent mud to coarse sand (depth 3-20 m), Uranouchi Bay, Kochi Pref. (Ishizaki, 1968a).