Order MYTILOIDA Ferussac, 1822 |
![]() Explanation of Plate 1 Fig. 1. Trigonucula sakawana Ichikawa: type-species of genus Trigonucula. Holotype (UMUT MM 5242), rubber cast from left external mould, ×2. Loc. Umenokidani, Sakawa (Carnian, Kochigatani group). Fig. 2. Solemya suprajurensis Hayami. Holotype (UMUT MM3138), internal mould of right valve, ×1. Loc. Mitarai, Makito (Callovian, Tetori group). Fig. 3, Parallelodon (Palaeocucullaea) monobensis Nakazawa: type-species of subgenus Palaeocucullaea. Rubber cast from left internal mould (UMUT MM4571), ×1. Loc. Hirabarazaka, Mine (Carnian, Mine group). Fig. 4. Parallelodon (Torinosucatella) kobayashii (Tamura): type-species of subgenus Torinosucatella. Rubber cast from left external mould (UMUT MM3207), ×1.5. Loc. Tatenosawa, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). Fig. 5. The same species. Left valve (UMUT MM3206), ×1.5. Loc. ditto. Fig. 6. Matsumotoa japonica Okada: type-species of genus Matsumotoa. Holotype (GK H6027), rubber cast from right internal mould, ×1. Loc. Tsuzumugi, Mifune (Cenomanian-Turonian, Mifune group). Fig. 7. The same species. Paratype (GK H6026), left valve, ×1.5. Loc. Kanayama, Masuki (Cenomanian-Turonian, Mifune group). Fig. 8. Glycymeris (Pseudoveletuceta) mifunensis Tashiro: type-species of subgenus Pseudoveletuceta. Holotype (KE 1774), rubber cast from right internal mould, ×1.5. Loc. Asanoyabu, Mifune (Cenomanian-Turonian, Mifune group). Fig. 9. Glycymeris (Hanaia) densilineata Nagao: type-species of subgenus Hanaia. Left valve (GK H6219), ×1.5. Loc. Haipe, Tanohata (Aptian, Miyako group). Fig. 10. The same species. Topotype (GK H6352), right valve, ×1.5. Loc. Hiraiga, Tanohata (Aptian, Miyako group). Fig. 11. Inoperna plicata (Sowerby). Right valve (UMUT MM3264), ×1. Loc. Yamashita, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). Fig. 12. Modiolus bakevelloides (Hayami). Holotype (UMUT MM2719), right valve, ×1. Loc. Niranohama, Shizukawa (Hettangian, Shizukawa group). Fig. 13. Pinna (Plesiopinna) airiniformis (Amano): type-species of subgenus Plesiopinna. Holotype (KU not registered), right valve, ×1. Loc. Shishijima (Albian?-Cenomanian, Gosyonoura group). Fig. 14. Pteria masatanii Tamura. Holotype (UMUT MM3236), left valve, ×1. Loc. Tatenosawa, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). Fig. 15. Pteroperna pauciradiata Tamura. Holotype (UMUT MM3246), left valve, ×1. Loc. Tatenosawa, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). Fig. 16. Somapteria koikensis Tamura: type-species of genus Somapteria. Holotype (UMUT MM3242), right valve, ×1.5. Loc. Koike, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). |
Modiolus magatama Hayami
1959h. Modiolus magatama Hayami, p. 46, pl. 5, fig. 13.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM3366) from Higashinagano, Toyoda, Yamaguchi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Sinemurian. Toyoda group (Higashinagano formation) in Toyoda area.
Modiolus sp. cf. M. bipartitus Sowerby
1960b. Modiolus cf. bipartitus J. Sowerby: Tamura, p. 276, pl. 32, figs. 19, 20.
Age and distribution. —Kimmeridgian. Soma group (Nakanosawa formation) in Soma area.
Modiolus maedae Hayami
1959f. Modiolus maedae Hayami, p. 145, pl. 12, figs. 8-10.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM3145) from Mitarai, Shokawa, Gifu Pref.
Age and distribution. —Callovian. Tetori group (Mitarai formation) in Makito area.
Modiolus falcatus Amano
1957b. Modiolus falcatus Amano, p. 91, pl. 2, figs. 3-8.-1965a. Modiolus falcatus Amano: Hayami, p. 255, pl. 30, figs. 1, 2.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT KML0058) from Hagino, Kahoku, Kochi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Upper Neocomian-Aptian. Monobegawa group (Hagino forma-tion) in Monobegawa area, Arita formation in Yuasa area, and Miyako group (Hiraiga formation) in Tonohata area.
Modiolus sp. aff. M. subsimplex d'Orbigny
1965a. Modiolus sp. aff. M. subsimplex d'Orbigny: Hayami, p. 256, pl. 30, fig. 3.
Age and distribution. —Upper Neocomian-Aptian. Arita formation in Yuasa area.
Modiolus ezoensis Yabe and Nagao
1928. Modiolus esoensis Yabe and Nagao, p. 89, pl. 17, fig. 11.
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (IGPS no. 22627) from Washinosawa, Horomui, Ishi-kari Prov., Hokkaido.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian(?). Middle Yezo group (?) in Horomui area.
Modiolus shimonadensis Ichikawa and Maeda
1958b. Modiolus shimonadensis Ichikawa and Maeda, p. 93, pl. 6, fig. 2.
Type. —Holotype (OCU MM231) from Haraikawa, Nandan (Awaji), Hyogo Pref.
Age and distribution. —Maestrichtian. Izumi group (Shimonada siltstone) in Awaji island.
Inoperna plicata (Sowerby) [Pl. 1, Fig. 11]
1960b. Modiolus (Inoperna) plicatus ]. Sowerby: Tamura, p. 276, pl. 32, figs. 5-8.
Age and distribution. —Kimmeridgian. Soma group (Nakanosawa formation) in Soma area. This species has been reported from the Middle and Upper Jurassic of various areas in European and Tethyan regions.
Amygdalum ishidoense (Yabe and Nagao)
1926. Modiola (?) ishidoensis Yabe and Nagao, in Yabe, Nagao and Shimizu, p. 63, pl. 13, fig. 42.-1934. Gervillia? sp.: Nagao, p. 201, pl. 24, fig. 2.-1965a. Amygdalum ishidoense (Yabe and Nagao): Hayami, p. 257, pl. 30, figs. 4-10.-compare 1965. Amygdalum sp. aff. A. ishidoense (Yabe and Nagao): Matsumoto, Hayami and Hashimoto, p. 9, pl. 1, fig. 12.
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (IGPS no. 8750) from Ishido, Ohinata, Nagano Pref.
Age and distribution. —Upper Neocomian-Aptian. Ishido formation in Sanchu area, and Miyako group (Hiraiga formation) in Tanohata area.
Lecompteus sp. cf. L. guerangeri (d'Orbigny)
1965a. Lecompteus sp. cf. L. guerangeri (d'Orbigny): Hayami, p. 259, pl. 30, figs. 11, 12.
Age and distribution. —Aptian. Miyako group (Hiraiga formation) in Omoto area.
Crenella gyliakina Matsumoto
1938. Crenella gyliakina Matsumoto, p. 16, pl. 1, figs. 9-11.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM 7747) from Ikushumbetsu, Mikasa, Ishikari Prov., Hokkaido.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Middle Yezo group (Mikasa sandstone) in Ikushumbetsu area, and Gosyonoura group in Gosyonoura island.
Pinna (Pinna) muikadaniensis Nakazawa
1961. Pinna muikadaniensis Nakazawa, p. 267, pl. 13, figs, 14-17.
Type. —Syntype (UK JM10711-10714) from Muikadani, Oe, and Kamiochi, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Skytian. Yakuno group (Oro formation) in Maizuru zone.
Pinna (Pinna) sp.
1955. Pinna sp. cf. P. aff. lima Böhm in Reed: Nakazawa, p. 252, pl. 14, figs. 8-10.
Age and distribution. —Carman. Nabae group (N2 and N3 formation) and Heki formation in Maizuru zone.
Pinna (Pinna) sp. cf. P. (P.) mitis Philips
1960b. Pinna cf. mitis Philips: Tamura, p. 278, pl. 32, figs. 12-14.
Age and distribution. —Kimmeridgian. Soma group (Nakanosawa formation) in Soma area.
Pinna (Pinna) sp. aff. P. (P.) sandsfootensis Arkell
1959f. Pinna sp. ex gr. sandsfootensis Arkell: Hayami, p. 147, pl. 12, figs. 12, 13.
Age and distribution. —Callovian. Tetori group (Mitarai formation) in Makito area.
Pinna (Pinna) sp. cf. P. (P.) robinaldina d'Oribgny
1957b. Pinna sp.: Amano, p. 85, pl. 1, figs. 10-13.-1965a. Pinna sp. cf, P. robinaldina d'Orbigny: Hayami, p. 281, pl. 39, figs. 2, 3.-compare 1972. Pinna sp. cf. P. robinaldina d'Orbigny: Shikama and Suzuki, pl. 4, fig. 11.
Age and distribution. —Upper Neocomian-Aptian. Monobegawa group (Hagino forma-tion) in Monobegawa area, Ishido formation in Sanchu area, and Hinagu formation in Sakamoto area.
Pinna (Pinna) saitoi Nagao
1932a. Pinna aff. breveri Gabb: Nagao, p. 35, pl. 5, fig. 1.-1938. Pinna saitoi Nagao, p. 125, pl. 15, figs. 9, 10.
Type. —Lectotype here designated (Nagao, 1938, pl. 15, fig. 9. GMH no. 8230) from Ponhorokabetsu, Yubari, Ishikari Prov., Hokkaido.
Age and distribution. —Middle Yezo group (Mikasa sandstone) in Yubari area, and Upper Yezo group in Abeshinai area.
Pinna (Plesiopinna) atrmiformis (Amano) [Pl. 1, Fig. 13]
1956. Plesiopinna atriniformis Amano, p. 71, pl. 1, figs. 1-5.
Type. —Holotype (KU not registered) from Shishijima, Azuma, Kagoshima Pref.
Age and distribution. —Albian ( ?)-Cenomanian. Gosyonoura group in Shishijima island.
Atrina heiensis Hayami
1965a. Atrina heiensis Hayami, p. 283, pl. 40, fig. 7.
Type. —Holotype (GK H6262) from Raga, Tanohata, Iwate Pref.
Age and distribution. —Aptian (or lower Albian). Miyako group (Hiraiga formation) in Tanohata area.