Subclass PTERIOMORPHIA Beurlen, 1944 |
![]() Explanation of Plate 1 Fig. 1. Trigonucula sakawana Ichikawa: type-species of genus Trigonucula. Holotype (UMUT MM 5242), rubber cast from left external mould, ×2. Loc. Umenokidani, Sakawa (Carnian, Kochigatani group). Fig. 2. Solemya suprajurensis Hayami. Holotype (UMUT MM3138), internal mould of right valve, ×1. Loc. Mitarai, Makito (Callovian, Tetori group). Fig. 3, Parallelodon (Palaeocucullaea) monobensis Nakazawa: type-species of subgenus Palaeocucullaea. Rubber cast from left internal mould (UMUT MM4571), ×1. Loc. Hirabarazaka, Mine (Carnian, Mine group). Fig. 4. Parallelodon (Torinosucatella) kobayashii (Tamura): type-species of subgenus Torinosucatella. Rubber cast from left external mould (UMUT MM3207), ×1.5. Loc. Tatenosawa, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). Fig. 5. The same species. Left valve (UMUT MM3206), ×1.5. Loc. ditto. Fig. 6. Matsumotoa japonica Okada: type-species of genus Matsumotoa. Holotype (GK H6027), rubber cast from right internal mould, ×1. Loc. Tsuzumugi, Mifune (Cenomanian-Turonian, Mifune group). Fig. 7. The same species. Paratype (GK H6026), left valve, ×1.5. Loc. Kanayama, Masuki (Cenomanian-Turonian, Mifune group). Fig. 8. Glycymeris (Pseudoveletuceta) mifunensis Tashiro: type-species of subgenus Pseudoveletuceta. Holotype (KE 1774), rubber cast from right internal mould, ×1.5. Loc. Asanoyabu, Mifune (Cenomanian-Turonian, Mifune group). Fig. 9. Glycymeris (Hanaia) densilineata Nagao: type-species of subgenus Hanaia. Left valve (GK H6219), ×1.5. Loc. Haipe, Tanohata (Aptian, Miyako group). Fig. 10. The same species. Topotype (GK H6352), right valve, ×1.5. Loc. Hiraiga, Tanohata (Aptian, Miyako group). Fig. 11. Inoperna plicata (Sowerby). Right valve (UMUT MM3264), ×1. Loc. Yamashita, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). Fig. 12. Modiolus bakevelloides (Hayami). Holotype (UMUT MM2719), right valve, ×1. Loc. Niranohama, Shizukawa (Hettangian, Shizukawa group). Fig. 13. Pinna (Plesiopinna) airiniformis (Amano): type-species of subgenus Plesiopinna. Holotype (KU not registered), right valve, ×1. Loc. Shishijima (Albian?-Cenomanian, Gosyonoura group). Fig. 14. Pteria masatanii Tamura. Holotype (UMUT MM3236), left valve, ×1. Loc. Tatenosawa, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). Fig. 15. Pteroperna pauciradiata Tamura. Holotype (UMUT MM3246), left valve, ×1. Loc. Tatenosawa, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). Fig. 16. Somapteria koikensis Tamura: type-species of genus Somapteria. Holotype (UMUT MM3242), right valve, ×1.5. Loc. Koike, Soma (Kimmeridgian, Soma group). |
Parallelodon (Palaeocucullaea?) subnavicellus Hayami
1959h. Parallelodon (?) subnavicellus Hayami, p. 44, pl. 5, fig. 8.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM3360) from Higashinagano, Toyoda, Yamaguchi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Sinemurian. Toyora group (Higashinagano formation) in Toyoda area.
Parallelodon (Torinosucatella) kobayashii (Tamura) [Pl. 1, Figs. 4, 5]
1959d. Catella (Torinosucatella) kobayashii Tamura, p. 55, text-fig0. 1, pl. 6, figs. 11-16.-1959f. Catella (Torinosucatella) kobayashii Tamura: Tamura, p. 173, pl. 19, figs. 7, 8. -1960d. Catella (Torinosucatella) kobayashii Tamura: Tamura, p. 232.-1960. Parallelodon (Torinosucatella) kobayashii (Tamura): Hayami, Sugita and Nagumo, p. 90, pl. 8, fig. 5.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM3024) from Tsurubami, Sakamoto, Kumamoto Pref.
Age and. distribution.-Upper Jurassic (especially Kimmeridgian and Tithonian). Torinosu group in Sakamoto and Sakuradani areas, Soma group (Nakanosawa formation) in Soma area, and Shishiori group (Kogoshio formation) in Oshima area.
Parallelodon? infrequens Kobayashi and Ichikawa
1950c. "Parallelodon" infrequens Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 239, pl. 4, fig. 12.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM5164) from Shimoyama, Sakawa, Kochi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Kochigatani group (lower part) in Sakawa area.
Grammatodon (Grammatodon) toyorensis Hayami
1959h. Grammatodon toyorensis Hayami, p. 45, pl. 5, figs. 9-12.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM3361) from Higashinagano, Toyoda, Yamaguchi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Sinemurian. Toyora group (Higashinagano formation) in Toyoda area.
Grammatodon (Grammatodon) takiensis Kimura
1956. Grammatodon takiensis Kimura, p. 84, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6.-1959d. Grammatodon takiensis Kimura:Tamura, p. 54, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2.-1959f. Grammatodon takiensis Kimura: Tamura, p. 172, pl. 19, figs. 4-6.-1969d. Grammatodon takiensis Kimura: Tamura, p. 232.-1960. Grammatodon (s. s.) takiensis Kimura: Hayami, Sugita and Nagumo, p. 91, pl. 8, figs. 6, 7.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM7158) from Nioigatald, Sakawa, Kochi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic-Berriasian. Torinosu group in Sakawa, Sakamoto and Sakuradani areas, Soma group (Nakanosawa and Koyamada formations) in Soma area, and Isokusa formation in Oshima area.
Grammatodon (Indogrammatodon) nakanoi Hayami
1958c. Grammatodon (Indogrammatodon?) nakanoi Hayami, p. 104, pl, 7, figs. 5, 6.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM2878) from Hosoura, Shizukawa, Miyagi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Hettangian. Shizukawa group (Niranohama formation) in Shizukawa area.
Grammatodon (Indogrammatodon) densistriatus Tamura
1959f. Grammatodon (Indogrammatodon) densistriatus Tamura, p. 173, pl. 19, figs. 4-6.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM3202) from Yamashita, Kashima, Fukushima Pref.
Age and distribution. —Kimmeridgian. Soma group (Nakanosawa formation) in Soma. area.
Grammatodon (Indogrammatodon) awajianus (Ichikawa and Maeda)
1958a. Indogrammatodon awajianus Ichikawa and Maeda, p. 71, pl. 2, figs. 3, 4.-1958b. Indogrammatodon awajianus Ichikawa and Maeda: Ichikawa and Maeda, p. 90.
Type. —Holotype (OCU MM156) from Kuroiwa, Nandan (Awaji), Hyogo Pref.
Age and distribution. —Maestrichtian. Izumi group (Shimonada siltstone) in Awaji island.
Grammatodon (Nanonavis) yokoyamai Yabe and Nagao
1890. Cwcullaea cf. striatella Michelin: Yokoyama, p. 199, pl. 25, fig. 13.-1926. Gram-matodon yokoyamai Yabe and Nagao, in Yabe, Nagao and Shimizu, p. 44, pl. 12, fig. 12, 13, 25.-1963. Nanonavis yokoyamai (Yabe and Nagao): Matsumoto, Hayami and Asano, p. 32, pl. 51, fig. 13.-1965a. Nanonavis (Nanonavis) yokoyamai (Yabe and Nagao): Hayami, p. 238, pl. 27, figs. 8-13.-1965a. Nanonavis (Nanonavis) sp. cf. N. (N.) yoko-yamai (Yabe and Nagao): Hayami, p. 241, pl. 27, fig, 14.-1972. Nanonavis (Nanonavis)yokoyamai (Yabe and Nagao): Shikama and Suzuki, pl. 4, fig. 7.
Type. —Lectotype designated by Hayami (1965a, p. 238) (IGPS no. 22555) from Ishido, Ohinata, Nagano Pref.
Age and distribution. —Upper Neocomian-Albian. Ishido formation in Sanchu area, Yatsushiro formation in Yatsushiro area, Hanoura formation in Katsuuragawa area, Oshima formation in Oshima area, Arita formation in Yuasa area, Miyako group (Hiraiga formation) in Tanohata area, Ofunato group in Ofunato area, and Choshi formation in Choshi area.
Grammatodon (Nanonavis) sachalinensis sachalinensis (Schmidt)
1873. Cucullaea sachalinensis Schmidt, p. 24, pl. 5, fig. 5, pl. 8, figs. 6, 7.-1890. Cucullaea cf. sachalinensis Schmidt: Yokoyama, p. 176, pl. 18, fig. 8.-1927. Grammatodon sac-halinensis (Schmidt): Yabe, pl. 7, fig. 3.-1932a. Grammatodon sachalinensis (Schmidt):Nagao, p. 31, pl. 6, figs. 1-5.-1938. Parallelodon (Nanonavis) sachalinensis (Schmidt):Nagao and Otatume, p. 38, pl. 2, fig. 2.-1957a. Grammatodon sachalinensis Schmidt:Amano, p. 56, pl. 2, figs. 9-11.-1962. Nanonavis sachalinensis (Schmidt): Saito, p. 61, pl. 1, fig. 16.-1963. Nanonavis sachalinensis (Schmidt): Matsumoto, Hayami and Asano, p. 29, pl. 44, fig. 8.
Type. —Lectotype designated by Ichikawa and Maeda (1958a, p. 67) (depository un- known) from Saghalin.
Age and distribution. —Coniacian-Maestrichtian. Upper Yezo group and Hakobuchi group in various areas of north and central Hokkaido, comparable strata in Saghalin, Himenoura group in Shimokoshiki island, and Futaba group (Ashizawa formation) in Futaba area.
Grammatodon (Nanonavis) sachalinensis brevis (Ichikawa and Maeda)
1958a. Nanonavis sachalinensis brevis Ichikawa and Maeda, p. 67, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2.-1958b. Nanonavis sachalinensis brevis Ichikawa and Maeda: Ichikawa and Maeda, p. 90.
Type. —Holotype (OCU MM150) from Hansanji, Seidan (Awaji), Hyogo Pref.
Age and distribution. —Campanian. Izumi group (Minato shale, Shichi shale and Azenotani shale) in Awaji island and Izumi mountains.
Pleurogrammatodon splendens Ichikawa and Maeda [Pl. 9, Figs. 7a, b]
1958a. Pleurogrammatodon splendens Ichikawa and Maeda, p. 64, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2.-1958b. Pleurogrammatodon splendens Ichikawa and Maeda: Ichikawa and Maeda, p. 89.
Type. —Holotype (OCU MM145) from Yamamoto, Nandan (Awaji), Hyogo Pref.
Age and distribution. —Campanian-Maestrichtian. Izumi group (Shimonada siltstone and Azenotani shale) in Awaji island and Izumi mountains.
![]() Explanation of Plate 9 Fig. 1. Jupiteria (Ezonuculana) mactraeformis (Nagao): type-species of subgenus Ezonuculana. Left internal mould (OCU MM191), × 3. Loc. Kamatani, Izumi mountains (Campanian, Izumi group). Reproduced from Ichikawa and Maeda, 1958b, pl, 5, fig. 2a. Fig. 2. Bakevellia (Yoshimopsis) nagatoensis (Ohta): type-species of sugenus Yoshimopsis. Holotype (GF Y423), left internal mould, ×1. Loc. Yoshimo, Shimonoseki (Neocomian, Yoshimo formation). Reproduced from Ohta, 1974, pl. 1, fig. 11. Fig. 3. Micronectes bellaturus Ichikawa and Maeda: type-species of genus Micronectes. Holotype (OCU MM237), left external mould, × 7. Loc. Kamatani, Izumi mountains (Campanian, Izumi group). Reproduced from Ichikawa and Maeda, 1958b, pl. 5, fig. 15b. Fig. 4. Plicatounio (Plicatounio) naktongensis naktongensis Kobayashi and Suzuki: nominal subspecies of the type-species of genus Plicatounio. Holotype (to be preserved in the Geol. Survey of Korea), left valve of a bivalved specimen, ×1. Loc. Ryohori, Keisyo-nan-do (Low. Cretaceous, Naktong group). Reproduced from Kobayashi and Suzuki, 1936, pl. 28, fig. 1b. Fig. 5. The same species. Right valve of the same specimen. Reproduced from Kobyashi and Suzuki, 1936, pl. 28, fig. 1a. Fig. 6. Paranodonta otai Kobayashi and Suzuki: type-species of genus Paranodonta. Holotype (UMUT MM7921), right valve of a bivalved specimen, ×1. Loc. Rikimaru, Kurate (Kwanmon group). Reproduced from Kobayashi and Suzuki, 1936, pl. 17, fig. 7. Fig. 7. Pleurogrammatodon splendens Ichikawa and Maeda: type-species of genus Pleurogram matodon. Holotype (OCU MM145), side view (7a) and upper view (7b) of a left valve, ×1. Loc. Nada, Awaji (Maestrichtian, Izumi group). Reproduced from Ichikawa and Maeda, 1958a, pl. 1, figs. 1c, 2. Fig. 8. Microtrigonia amanoi Nakano: type-species of genus Microtrigonia. Holotype (KUMA0000la), clay cast of bivalved external mould, × 2. Loc. Ukimizu, Shimokoshiki (Santonian or Campanian, Himenoura group). Reproduced from Nakano, 1957a, pl. 9, fig. 21. |
Pleurogrammatodon elongatus (Nagao and Otatume)
1938. Parallelodon (Nanonavis) elongatus Nagao and Otatume, p. 39, pl. 2, fig. 1. (erroneously spelled "elongatsu" in p. 39)
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (GMH not registered) from Kiusu, Shimohobetsu, Iburi Prov., Hokkaido.
Age and distribution. —Campanian or Maestrichtian. Hakobuchi group in Hobetsu area.
Cucullaea (Idonearca) mabuchii Hayami
1958c. Cucullaea (s. 1.) mabuchii Hayami, p. 102, text-fig. 2, pl. 7, figs. 7-10.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM2874) from Hosoura, Shizukawa, Miyagi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Hettangian. Shizukawa group (Niranohama formation) in Shizukawa area.
Cucullaea (Idonearca) sp. aff. C. (I.) aalensis Qenstedt
1959c. Cucullaea (s. 1.) sp. ex gr. aalensis Quenstedt: Hayami, p. 55, pl. 5, fig. 1.
Age and distribution. —Bajocian. Hashiura group (Aratozaki formation) in Shizukawa area.
Cucullaea (Idonearca) acuticarinata Nagao
1934. Cucullaea acuticarinata Nagao, p. 192, pl. 24, figs. 10-14, pl. 30, fig. 5.-1965a. Cucullaea acuticarinata Nagao: Hayami, p. 242, pl. 27, fig. 15, pl. 28, figs. 1-10.-compare 1965. Cucullaea sp. aff. C. acuticarinata Nagao: Matsumoto, Hayami and Hashimoto, p. 8, pl. 1, fig. 9.
Type. —Holotype (GMH no. 6756) from Hiraiga, Tanohata, Iwate Pref.
Age and distribution. —Aptian-Albian. Miyako group (Hiraiga and Aketo formations) in Tanohata area.
Cucullaea (Idonearca) fujii Hayami
compare 1957b. Cucullaea aff. acuticarinata Nagao: Amano, p. 81, pl. 1, figs. 4, 5.-1965a. Cucullaea fujii Hayami, p. 246, pl. 28, figs. 14, 15.
Type. —Holotype (GK H6216) from Tamarimizu, Nozu, Oita Pref.
Age and distribution. —Aptian-Albian. Haidateyama formation in Nozu area.
Cucullaea (Idonearca) transversa Nagao
1934. Cucullaea transversa Nagao, p. 193, pl. 25, figs. 1, 3-6.-1965a. Cucullaea transversa Nagao: Hayami, p. 245, pl. 28, figs. 11-13,-1972. Cucullaea transversa Nagao: Shikama and Suzuki, pl. 4, fig. 8.
Type. —Holotype (GMH no. 6797) from Hiraiga, Tanohata, Iwate Pref.
Age and distribution. —Aptian-Albian. Miyako group (Hiraiga and Aketo formations) in Tanohata area, and Choshi formation in Choshi area.
Cucullaea (Idonearca) ezoensis ezoensis Yabe and Nagao
1928. Cucullaea ezoensis Yabe and Nagao, p. 81, pl. 16, figs. 1-3.
Type. —Holotype (IGPS no. 22611) from Futamatanosawa, Miruto, Ishikari Prov., Hokkaido.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Middle Yezo group (Mikasa sandstone) in Miruto and Ikushumbetsu areas.
Cucullaea (Idonearca) ezoensis amaxensis Matsumoto
1938. Cucullaea ezoensis Yabe and Nagao var. amaxensis Matsumoto, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 1.-1956. Cucullaea ezoensis var. amaxensis Matsumoto: Amano, p. 68.
Type. —Lectotype here designated (Matsumoto, 1938, pl. 1, fig. 1. UMUT MM7745) from Kobunenosako, Gosyonoura, Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian. Gosyonoura group in Gosyonoura and Shishijima islands.
Cucullaea (Idonearca) sp. aff. C. (I.) truncata Gabb
1928. Cucullaea aff. truncata Gabb: Yabe and Nagao, p. 82, pl. 17, figs. 1, 2.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Middle Yezo group (Mikasa sandstone) in Ikushumbetsu area.
Cucullaea (Idonearca) delicatostriata Yabe and Nagao
1925. Cucullaea delicatostriata Yabe and Nagao, p. 113, pl. 28, fig. 1.
Type. —Lectotype here designated (Yabe and Nagao, 1925, pl. 28, fig. 1. IGPS no. 8555) from south of Cape Khoi, near Alexandrovsk, north Saghalin.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Werblud group ("Cape Khoi beds") in Alexandrovsk area.
Arca (Eonavicula) shinanoensis Yabe and Nagao
1926. Arca shinanoensis Yabe and Nagao, in Yabe, Nagao and Shimizu, p. 42, pl. 13, figs. 33-35.
Type. —Syntype (IGPS no. 22521) from Bomekizawa, Ohinata, Nagano Pref. and from Shiroi, Ueno, Gumma Pref.
Age and distribution. —Neocomian. Shiroi formation in Sanchu area.
Arca (Eonavicula) prolata Amano
1957b. Arca prolata Amano, p. 80, pl. 1, figs. 1-3.-1965a. Eonavicula prolata (Amano): Hayami, p. 249.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT KML0017) from Hagino, Kahoku, Kochi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Aptian. Hagino formation in Monobegawa area.
Matsumotoa unisulcata unisulcata (Amano)
1938. Navicula sp.: Matsumoto, p. 14, pl. 1, figs. 2, 3.-1956. Breviarca unisulcata Amano, p. 66, pl. 1, figs. 6-8.-1968. Matsumotoa unisulcata (Amano): Tamura,Tashiro and Motojima, p. 36, text-fig. 1, p1. 1, figs. 1-5.
Type. —Holotype (KU not registered) from Shishijima, Azuma, Kagoshima Pref.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian. Gosyonoura group in Shishijima and Gosyonoura islands.
Matsumotoa unisulcata densestriata Tamura and Tashiro
1968. Matsumotoa unisulcata densestriata Tamura and Tashiro, in Tamura, Tashiro and Motojima, p. 36, text-fig. 1, pl. 1, figs. 6-9.
Type. —Holotype (KE 1727) from Itoishi, Mifune, Kumainoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Mifune group in Mifune area.
Matsumotoa japonica Okada [Pl. 1, Figs. 6, 7]
1958. Matsumotoa japonica Okada, p. 42, text-figs. 2-5, p1. 10, figs. 1-5, pl. 11, figs. 6-12. -1968. Matsumotoa japonica (Okada): Tamura, Tashiro and Motojima, p. 36, text-fig. 1, pl. 1, figs. 10-18.
Type. —Holotype (GK H6027) from Tsuzumugi, Mifune, Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Mifune group in Mifune area, and Gosyonoura group in Gosyonoura island.
Limopsis kogata (Ichikawa and Maeda)
1958b. Glycymeris kogata Ichikawa and Maeda, p. 90, pl. 5, figs. 4-7, 10.-1971. Limopsis kogata (Ichikawa and Maeda): Tashiro, p. 237, pl. 28, figs. 31-34.
Type. —Holotype (OCU MM206) from Kamikunugidani, Nandan (Awaji), Hyogo Pref.
Age and distribution. —Campanian-Maestrichtian. Izumi group (Shimonada siltstone and Kitaama sandstone and shale) in Awaji island, and Himenoura group in Amakusa islands.
Limopsis shimonadensis (Ichikawa and Maeda)
1958b. Glycymeris shimonadensis Ichikawa and Maeda, p. 92, pl. 5, figs. 8, 9.
Type. —Holotype (OCU MM225) from Kamikunugidani, Nandan (Awaji), Hyogo Pref.
Age and distribution. —Maestrichtian. Izumi group (Shimonada siltstone) in Awaji island.
Remarks. —This is possibly conspecific with Limopsis kogata (Ichikawa and Maeda).
Glycymeris (Hanaia) densilineata Nagao [Pl. 1, Figs. 9, 10]
1934. Glycymeris densilineata Nagao, p. 195, p1. 32, figs. 8, 9.-1965a. Glycymeris (Hanaia) densilineata Nagao: Hayami, p. 251, pl. 29, figs. 1-15.-1971. Glycymeris (Hanaia) densilineata Nagao: Tashiro, p. 234, text-fig. 5c, pl. 28, figs. 22, 23.
Type. —Holotype (GMH no. 6759) from Hiraiga, Tanohata, Iwate Pref.
Age and distribution. —Aptian-Albian. Miyako group (Tanohata, Hiraiga and Aketo formations) in Tanohata, Omoto and Miyako areas.
Glycymeris (Glycymerita) hokkaidoensis (Yabe and Nagao)
1928. Pectunculus hokkaidoensis Yabe and Nagao, p. 82, pl. 17, fig. 22.-1971. Glycymeris (Hanaia) hokkaidoensis (Yabe and Nagao): Tashiro, p. 235, pl. 28, fig. 16.
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (IGPS no. 22613) from Ponhorokabetsu, Yubari, Ishi-kari Prov., Hokkaido.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Middle Yezo group (Mikasa sandstone) in Yubari area, and Saku formation in Abeshinai area.
Glycymeris (Glycymerita) multicostata Nagao
1932a. Glycymeris hokkaidoensis var. multicostata Nagao, p. 34, pl. 5, figs. 10, 11.-1971. Glycymeris (Glycymerita) multicostata Nagao: Tashiro, p. 232, pl. 27, figs. 28-32.
Type. —Syntype (GMH not registered) from the junction of the River Abeshinai and its tributary Sakai-gawa, Nakagawa, Teshio Prov., Hokkaido.
Age and distribution. —Coniacian-Campanian. Upper Yezo group in Abeshinai area.
Glycymeris (Glycymerita) amakusensis Nagao
1930. Glycimeris amakusensis Nagao [sic], p. 15, p1. 2, figs. 4-7.-compare 1956. Glycymeris
aff. amdkusensis Nagao: Amano, p. 68, pl. 1, figs. 22-25.-1962. Glycymeris multicostata Nagao: Saito, p. 62, pl. 1, figs. 2, 3, 11.-1971. Glycymeris (Glycymerita) amakusensis Nagao: Tashiro, p. 226, text-fig. 2, pl. 27, figs. 1-16.
Type. —Syntype (GMH not registered) from Wadanohana, Pyugatake (Amakusa-kami-shima), Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Coniacian-Santonian. Himenoura group in Amakusa islands, Gosyonoura island and Uto area, and Futaba group (Ashizawa formation) in Futaba area.
Glycymeris (Glycymerita) solida Nagao
1930. Glycimeris amakusensis var. solida Nagao, p. 16, pl. 3, figs. 13, 14 [sic].-1971. Glycymeris (Hanaia) solida Nagao: Tashiro, p. 233, text-fig. 5, pl. 28, figs. 1-8.
Type. —Syntype (GMH not registered) from Gosyonoura, Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Albian (?)-Cenomanian. Gosyonoura group in Gosyonoura and Shishijima islands.
Glycymeris (Glycymerita) sachalinensis (Yabe and Nagao)
1925. Pectunculus sachalinensis Yabe and Nagao, p. 112, pl. 29, figs. 7, 8.-1927. Pectunculus sachalinensis Yabe and Nagao: Yabe, pl. 5, fig. 8.
Type. —Syntype (IGPS no. 8554) from south of Cape Khoi, near Alexandrovsk, north Saghalin.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Werblud group ("Cape Khoi beds") in Alexandrovsk area.
Glycymeris (Glycymerita) japonica Tashiro
1971. Glycymeris (Glycymerita) japonica Tashiro, p. 228, text-fig. 3, pl. 27, figs. 17-22.
Type. —Holotype (KE 1786) from Hongo, Kawaura (Amakusa-shimoshima), Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Campanian (or thereabout). Himenoura group (upper part) in Amakusa islands.
Glycymeris(Glycymerita) himenourensis Tashiro
1971. Glycymeris (Glycymerita) himenourensis Tashiro, p. 229, text-fig. 4, pl. 27, figs. 23-27.
Type. —Holotype (KE 1779) from Kugushima, Ryugatake (Amakusa-kamishima), Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Santonian. Himenoura group in Amakusa islands.
Glycymeris (Glycymerita) matsumotoi Tashiro
1971. Glycymeris (Hanaia) matsumotoi Tashiro, p. 233, pl. 28, text-fig. 5D, figs, 17-21.
Type. —Holotype (KE 1870) from Tani, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian. Miyaji formation in Yatsushiro area.
Glycymeris (Glycymerita) katsurazawensis Tashiro
1971. Glycymeris (Hanaia) katsurazawensis Tashiro, p. 235, text-fig. 5E, pl. 25, figs. 9-15.
Type. —Holotype (KE 1854) from south of Katsurazawa dam, Mikasa, Ishikari Prov., Hokkaido.
Age and distribution. —Turonian. Middle Yezo group (Mikasa sandstone) in Ikushum-betsu area.
Glycymeris (Glycymerita?) haipensis Hayami
1965a. Glycymeris (Glycymerita?) haipensis Hayami, p. 254, pl. 29, figs. 16, 17.-1971. Glycymeris (Hanaia) haipensis Hayami: Tashiro, p. 234, text-fig. 5A.
Type. —Holotype (GK H6226) from Haipe, Tanohata, Iwate Pref.
Age and distribution. —Aptian. Miyako group (Hiraiga formation) in Tanohata and Omoto areas.
Glycymeris (Pseudoveletuceta) mifunensis Tashiro [Pl. 1, Fig. 8]
1971. Glycymeris (Pseudoveletuceta) mifunensis Tashiro, p. 236, text-fig. 6, pl. 28, figs. 24-30.
Type. —Holotype (KE 1774) from Asanoyabu, Mifune, Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Mifune group in Mifune area.
Trigonarca? sp.
1925. Trigonarca sp. cf. T. tumida Whiteaves: Yabe and Nagao, p. 114, p1. 28, figs. 2, 3.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian-Turonian. Werblud group ("Cape Khoi beds") in Alexandrovsk area, and (?) Middle Yezo group in Ikushumbetsu area.
Trigonarca ? obsoleta Yabe and Nagao
1926. Trigonarca (?) obsoleta Yabe and Nagao, in Yabe, Nagao and Shimizu, p. 43, pl. 12, fig. 24.-1965a. Trigonarca obsoleta Yabe and Nagao: Hayami, p. 247.
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (IGPS no. 22538) from Ishido, Ohinata, Nagano Pref.
Age and distribution. —Upper Neocomian or Aptian. Ishido formation in Sanchu area.
Trigonarca ? obliquata Amano
1957b. Trigonarca (?) obliquata Amano, p. 82, pl. 1, figs. 6-8.-compare 1965a. Trigonarca sp. cf. T. obliquata Amano: Hayami, p. 248, pl. 28, fig. 17.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT KML0019) from Hagino, Kahoku, Kochi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Aptian. Monobegawa group (Hagino formation) in Monobegawa area.