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Chûjirô Sasaki and Associated Researchers Insect Collection. Part XIV (Odonata)

Specimen List

1130matching. Displaying :1101 - 1130 |<< First< Previous  
UMUT No. Family name Species (subspecies) name Sex (including larva and exuvia) Date Locality
(original data)
Locality (current data) Country Collector(s) Caption(s) of specimen box Note Image
SE-24-Odn021 Aeschnidae Anax parthenope julius Brauer, 1865 Female 1934 Fusuma. Meguro. Tokyo Yakumo, Meguro-ku, Tokyo Japan H. Ishikura
SE-24-Odn022 Aeschnidae Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915 Male 29. v. 1932 府下西荻窪 Zenpukuji River, Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo Japan H. Ishikura
SE-24-Odn023 Petaluridae Tanypteryx pryeri (Selys, 1889) Male Japan (H. Ishikura) No label. The collecter is probably "石倉秀次 (Hidetsugu Ishikara)".
SE-26-Odn001 Calopterygidae Atrocalopteryx atrata (Selys, 1853) Male 朝鮮 Korea Korea
WF-02-Odn001 Libellulidae Orthetrum melania (Selys, 1883) Male Borneo Borneo Indonesia/ Malaysia/ Brunei ボルネオ産 Locality error. This species is not distributed in Borneo.
WF-02-Odn002 Libellulidae Orthetrum melania (Selys, 1883) Male Borneo Borneo Indonesia/ Malaysia/ Brunei ボルネオ産 Locality error. This species is not distributed in Borneo.
WF-09-Odn001 Libellulidae Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) Male xi. 1902 Siam Siam Thailand シャム産
WF-09-Odn002 Libellulidae Orthetrum sabina sabina (Drury, 1770) Female xi. 1902 Siam Siam Thailand シャム産
WF-09-Odn003 Libellulidae Neurothemis fluctuans Fabricius, 1793 Male xi. 1902 Siam Siam Thailand シャム産
WF-09-Odn004 Libellulidae Crocothemis servilia servilia (Drury, 1770) Male xi. 1902 Siam Siam Thailand シャム産
WF-09-Odn005 Libellulidae Crocothemis servilia servilia (Drury, 1770) Male xi. 1902 Siam Siam Thailand シャム産
WF-19-Odn001 Lestidae Lestes barbarus (Fabricius,1798) Female Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Lestes nympha Selys." and "1.".
WF-19-Odn002 Lestidae Lestes dryas Kirby, 1890 Female Europe Neuroptera No label.
WF-19-Odn003 Coenagrionidae Enallagma cyathigerum (Charpentier, 1840) Male Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Agrion cyathigerum Charp." and "2.".
WF-19-Odn004 Coenagrionidae Enallagma cyathigerum (Charpentier, 1840) Male Europe Neuroptera No label.
WF-19-Odn005 Platycnemidae Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas, 1771) Female Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Platycnemis pennipes Pall." and "3.".
WF-19-Odn006 Calopterygidae Calopteryx splendens Harris, 1780 Male Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Calopteryx splendens Harr." and "5.".
WF-19-Odn007 Calopterygidae Calopteryx splendens Harris, 1780 Female Europe Neuroptera No label.
WF-19-Odn008 Calopterygidae Calopteryx virgo (Linnaeus, 1758) Male Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Calopteryx virgo Linn." and "6.".
WF-19-Odn009 Calopterygidae Calopteryx virgo (Linnaeus, 1758) Female Europe Neuroptera No label.
WF-19-Odn010 Libellulidae Libellula depressa (Linnaeus, 1758) Female Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Libellula depressa Linn." and "8.".
WF-19-Odn011 Aeschnidae Aeschna cyanea (Muller, 1764) Female Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Aeschna cyanea Ladr." and "11.".
WF-19-Odn012 Corduliidae Cordulia aenea aenea (Linnaeus, 1758) Female Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Cordulia aenea Linn." and "9.".
WF-19-Odn013 Gomphidae Gomphus vulgatissimus (Linnaeus, 1758) Female Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Gomphus vulgatissimus Linn." and "12.".
WF-19-Odn014 Corduliidae Epitheca bimaculata (Charpentier, 1825) Male Europe Neuroptera Labelled as "Epitheca bimaculata Charp. Linn." and "13.".
WG-11-Odn001 Lestidae Lestes temporalis Selys, 1883 Female 30. vii. 1914 Kiso-obara Kiso-obara, Nagano Japan Y. Yamada
WG-11-Odn002 Lestidae Indolestes peregrinus (Ris, 1916) Male 22. vii. 1914 Kiso-fukushima Fukushima, Kiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Japan Y. Yamada
WG-11-Odn003 Libellulidae Sympetrum pedemontanum elatum (Selys, 1872) Female 22. vii. 1914 Kiso-fukushima Fukushima, Kiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Japan Y. Yamada
WG-11-Odn004 Libellulidae Sympetrum eroticum eroticum (Selys, 1883) Female 20. vii. 1914 Kiso-fukushima Fukushima, Kiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Japan Y. Yamada
WG-11-Odn005 Libellulidae Sympetrum eroticum eroticum (Selys, 1883) Female 20. vii. 1914 Kiso-fukushima Fukushima, Kiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Japan Y. Yamada
1130matching. Displaying :1101 - 1130 |<< First< Previous